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Add clojure interface for spot instances
Add clojure template-builder keywords for spot instances introduced for issue #308. Add a builder for spot-options.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
; Copyright (C) 2010 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ -372,50 +372,51 @@ See http://code.google.com/p/jclouds for details."
(define-accessors Hardware processors ram volumes)
(define-accessors NodeMetadata "node" credentials hardware state group)
(defn builder-options [builder]
org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl :options builder)
(defmacro option-option-fn-0arg [key]
`(fn [builder#]
(let [options# (builder-options builder#)]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) options#)
(.options builder# options#))))
(defn- seq-to-array [args]
(if (or (seq? args) (vector? args))
(int-array args)
(defmacro option-option-fn-1arg [key]
`(fn [builder# value#]
(let [options# (builder-options builder#)]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key))))
options# (seq-to-array value#))
(.options builder# options#))))
(def option-1arg-map
(apply array-map
^{:doc "TemplateBuilder functions" :private true}
kw-memfn-0arg [:smallest :fastest :biggest :any])
[:os-family :location-id :architecture :image-id :hardware-id
:os-name-matches :os-version-matches :os-description-matches
:os-64-bit :image-version-matches :image-name-matches
:image-description-matches :min-cores :min-ram])
:image-description-matches :min-cores :min-ram])))
^{:doc "TemplateOptions functions" :private true}
[:destroy-on-error :enable-monitoring :no-placement-group :no-key-pair
[:run-script :install-private-key :authorize-public-key
(def option-0arg-map
(apply hash-map
(make-option-map option-fn-0arg
[:smallest :fastest :biggest :any])
(make-option-map option-option-fn-0arg
;; aws ec2 options
:spot-price :spot-options :placement-group :subnet-id
:block-device-mappings :unmapDeviceNamed :security-groups
:key-pair :user-data])
(make-option-map kw-memfn-varargs [:inbound-ports])
;; aws ec2 options
(kw-memfn-apply :map-ebs-snapshot-to-device-name
device-name snapshot-id size-in-gib delete-on-termination)
(kw-memfn-apply :map-new-volume-to-device-name
device-name size-in-gib delete-on-termination)}))
^{:doc "All receognised options"}
(set (mapcat keys [options-map template-map])))
(defn os-families []
(. OsFamily values))
@ -426,14 +427,8 @@ See http://code.google.com/p/jclouds for details."
(or (-> (filter #(= (name value) (str %)) (kword enum-map)) first)
(defn add-nullary-option [builder option value]
(if-let [f (option-0arg-map option)]
(if value
(f builder)
(defn add-value-option [builder option value]
(if-let [f (option-1arg-map option)]
(defn apply-option [builder option-map option value]
(when-let [f (option-map option)]
(f builder (translate-enum-value option value))))
;; TODO look at clojure-datalog
@ -457,10 +452,31 @@ Options correspond to TemplateBuilder methods."
:as options}]
(let [builder (.. compute (templateBuilder))]
(doseq [[option value] options]
(add-value-option builder option value)
(add-nullary-option builder option value)
(when-not (known-template-options option)
:type :invalid-template-builder-option
:message (format "Invalid template builder option : %s" option))))
(.build builder)))
:message (format "Invalid template builder option : %s" option)))
;; apply template builder options
(apply-option builder template-map option value)
(catch Exception e
:type :invalid-template-builder
:message (format
"Problem applying template builder %s with value %s: %s"
option (pr-str value) (.getMessage e))
:cause e))))
(let [template (.build builder)
template-options (.getOptions template)]
(doseq [[option value] options]
;; apply template option options
(apply-option template-options options-map option value)
(catch Exception e
:type :invalid-template-option
:message (format
"Problem applying template option %s with value %s: %s"
option (pr-str value) (.getMessage e))
:cause e))))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
; Copyright (C) 2010 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ -65,32 +65,130 @@ Ensure the module is on the classpath. You are maybe missing a dependency on
:else %)
;;; Functions and macros to map keywords to java member functions
(defn dashed [a]
(apply str (interpose "-" (map string/lower-case (re-seq #"[A-Z][^A-Z]*" a)))))
str (interpose "-" (map string/lower-case (re-seq #"[A-Z][^A-Z]*" a)))))
(defn camelize [a]
(string/map-str string/capitalize (.split a "-")))
(defn camelize
"Takes a string, or anything named, and converts it to camel case
(capitalised initial component"
(string/map-str string/capitalize (.split (name a) "-")))
(defn camelize-mixed [a]
(let [c (.split a "-")]
(defn camelize-mixed
"Takes a string, or anything named, and converts it to mixed camel case
(lower case initial component)"
(let [c (.split (name a) "-")]
(apply str (string/lower-case (first c)) (map string/capitalize (rest c)))))
(defmacro option-fn-0arg [key]
`(fn [builder#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder#)))
(defn kw-fn-symbol
"Converts a keyword into a camel cased symbol corresponding to a function
(symbol (camelize-mixed kw)))
(defmacro option-fn-1arg [key]
`(fn [builder# value#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder# value#)))
(defmacro kw-memfn
"Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an
object and any args, and calls the instance method corresponding to
the camel cased version of the passed keyword, passing the arguments."
[kw & args]
`(memfn ~(kw-fn-symbol kw) ~@args))
(defmacro make-option-map [f keywords]
`[ ~@(reduce (fn [v# k#] (conj (conj v# k#) `(~f ~k#))) [] keywords)])
(defmacro kw-memfn-apply
"Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an object
and an arg vector containing the args, and calls the instance method
corresponding to the camel cased version of the passed keyword, passing the
[kw & args]
`(fn [target# [~@args]]
((memfn ~(kw-fn-symbol kw) ~@args) target# ~@args)))
(defmacro kw-memfn-0arg
"Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an
object, and calls the instance method corresponding to the camel cased
version of the passed keyword if the argument is non-nil."
`(fn [target# arg#]
(if arg#
((kw-memfn ~kw) target#)
(defmacro kw-memfn-1arg
"Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an object
and an arg, and calls the instance method corresponding to the camel cased
version of the passed keyword, passing the argument."
`(kw-memfn ~kw a#))
(defmacro kw-memfn-2arg
"Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an object
and an arg vector containing 2 args, and calls the instance method
corresponding to the camel cased version of the passed keyword, passing the
`(kw-memfn-apply ~kw a# b#))
;; (defmacro memfn-overloads
;; "Construct a function that applies arguments to the given member function."
;; [name]
;; `(fn [target# args#]
;; (condp = (count args#)
;; 0 (. target# (~name))
;; 1 (. target# (~name (first args#)))
;; 2 (. target# (~name (first args#) (second args#)))
;; 3 (. target# (~name (first args#) (second args#) (nth args# 2)))
;; 4 (. target#
;; (~name (first args#) (second args#) (nth args# 2) (nth args# 3)))
;; 5 (. target#
;; (~name (first args#) (second args#) (nth args# 2) (nth args# 3)
;; (nth args# 4)))
;; (throw
;; (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
;; (str
;; "too many arguments passed. Limit 5, passed " (count args#)))))))
;; (defmacro kw-memfn-overloads
;; "Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an
;; object and an arg vector, and calls the instance method corresponding to
;; the camel cased version of the passed keyword, passing the arguments.
;; The function accepts different arities at runtime."
;; [kw]
;; `(memfn-overloads ~(kw-fn-symbol kw)))
(defmacro memfn-varargs
"Construct a function that applies an argument sequence to the given member
function, which accepts varargs. array-fn should accept a sequence and
return a suitable array for passing as varargs."
[name array-fn]
`(fn [target# args#]
(. target#
(if (or (seq? args#) (vector? args#)) (~array-fn args#) args#)))))
(defmacro kw-memfn-varargs
"Expands into code that creates a function that expects to be passed an
object and an arg vector, and calls the instance method corresponding to
the camel cased version of the passed keyword, passing the arguments.
The function accepts different arities at runtime."
([kw] `(kw-memfn-varargs ~kw int-array))
([kw array-fn] `(memfn-varargs ~(kw-fn-symbol kw) ~array-fn)))
(defmacro make-option-map
"Builds a literal map from keyword, to a call on macro f with the keyword
as an argument."
[f keywords]
~@(reduce (fn [v# k#] (conj (conj v# k#) `(~f ~k#))) [] keywords)))
(defmacro define-accessor
[class property obj-name]
(list 'defn (symbol (str obj-name "-" (name property)))
(vector (with-meta (symbol obj-name) {:tag (.getName class)}))
(list (symbol (str ".get" (camelize (name property)))) (symbol obj-name))))
(symbol (str ".get" (camelize (name property))))
(symbol obj-name))))
(defmacro define-accessors
"Defines read accessors, modelled on class-name-property-name. If the second
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
; Copyright (C) 2010 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
(ns org.jclouds.core-test
(:use [org.jclouds.core] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test))
(defmacro with-private-vars [[ns fns] & tests]
"Refers private fns from ns and runs tests in context. From users mailing
@ -50,3 +51,25 @@ list, Alan Dipert and MeikelBrandmeyer."
(assoc module-lookup
:non-existing 'this.doesnt.Exist)]
(is (.isEmpty (modules :non-existing)))))
(deftest kw-fn-symbol-test
(is (= 'aB (kw-fn-symbol :a-b))))
(deftest kw-memfn-test
(is (= "a" ((kw-memfn :to-lower-case) "A")))
(is (= "Ab" ((kw-memfn :concat s) "A" "b")))
(is (= "Ab" ((kw-memfn-apply :concat s) "A" ["b"])))
(is (= "Ac" ((kw-memfn-apply :replace a b) "Ab" ["b" "c"]))))
(deftest kw-memfn-0arg-test
(is (= "a" ((kw-memfn-0arg :to-lower-case) "A" true)))
(is (= "A" ((kw-memfn-0arg :to-lower-case) "A" nil))))
(deftest kw-memfn-1arg-test
(is (= "Ab" ((kw-memfn-1arg :concat) "A" "b"))))
(deftest kw-memfn-2arg-test
(is (= "Ac" ((kw-memfn-2arg :replace) "Ab" ["b" "c"]))))
(deftest kw-memfn-varargs-test
(is (fn? (kw-memfn-varargs :replace))))
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(ns org.jclouds.aws.ec2
"AWS EC2 specific functionality"
[org.jclouds.core :as core])
^{:doc "TemplateBuilder functions" :private true}
[:valid-from :valid-until :type :launch-group :availability-zone-group]))
(defn spot-types []
(. org.jclouds.aws.ec2.domain.SpotInstanceRequest$Type values))
(def enum-map {:type (spot-types)})
(defn translate-enum-value [kword value]
(or (-> (filter #(= (name value) (str %)) (kword enum-map)) first)
(defn apply-option
[options [option value]]
(when-let [f (spot-option-map option)]
(f options (translate-enum-value option value)))
(defn spot-options
"Build a spot request options object, for passing to the :spot-options
key of the template builder options.
Takes a hash-map of keys and values that correspond to the methods of
Options are:
:valid-from :valid-until :type :launch-group :availability-zone-group
:type takes either :one-time or :persistent"
(RequestSpotInstancesOptions.) request-map))
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
(ns org.jclouds.aws.ec2-test
(deftest translate-enum-value-test
(is (= org.jclouds.aws.ec2.domain.SpotInstanceRequest$Type/ONE_TIME
(org.jclouds.aws.ec2/translate-enum-value :type :one-time))))
(deftest spot-options-est
(is (spot-options {:type :one-time
:valid-from (java.util.Date.)
:valid-until (java.util.Date.)
:launch-group "lg"
:availability-zone-group "ag"})))
Reference in New Issue