The project requires at least JDK version 8. The specification to disable the liniting process in the JavaDoc process as of JDK version 8 is thus doubly specified and fulfilled by default; an explicit specification is no longer required. Version 3 of the JavaDoc plugin removes the "additional param" configuration attribute. The "doclint=false" configuration attribute disables the lint operation of the plugin.
- Remove the profile "disable-doclint"
- Bump version of JavaDoc plugin to the latest > 3
- Remove the JavaDoc plugin's declaration from the build plugins used for default builds (building without a profile)
- Bump version of source plugin to latest > 3
- Remove unnecessary profile "doc" from the jclouds pom artifact
Remove distribution profiles from the JClouds parent, main, and core modules. Each profile defines assembly descriptors, but none of those files are provided by the project anymore.
The maven assembly plugin relies on those descriptors to dictate its execution.
The estimation is that individual maven artifacts, one per module, get deployed instead of a compressed deployment unit.
In that case, it is enough to use mavens deploy command in combination with distribution management configuration pushing individual jars to the artifact repositories.
In the last commit (last section of squashed commit), the GSON library was integrated into the JClouds core module using maven-bundle plugins include resource instruction. Building OSGi instruction variables from the respective modules show a weakness when resources such as script builder shell scripts are required to be integrated into the bundle but not provide a dedicated variable declaration for the resource section.
The following commit demonstrates a change in strategy in declaration and integration of OSGi metadata.
- Replace old bundle-plugin with newest bnd-plugin (bundle-plugin uses bnd-plugin internally)
- Move OSGi metadata declarations from a maven variable passing strategy into dedicated bnd.bnd files
+ Cleaner pom files, no bundle packaging
+ Intellisense / Autocomplete support for .bnd files in terms of package exports etc.
For demonstration, the overall OSGi adjustments are limited to project, core, script builder, compute, blob store, and load balancer because most custom OSGi metadata is defined here.
Note: Other modules are currently disabled from build because some feedback is needed first.
Make GSON integration work.
To understand the changes, see the core modules' bnd file. GSON internal packages also define a version. Both already exported and new export declarations are fused. The global JClouds core module exports defined the entire set of GSON packages available.
Some minor modifications were made in the module project; replace maven jar plugin with a minified version of the declaration, outsourced in projects bnd file.
Replace substituted GSON package names with those provided from the vendor.
Reduce OSGi-metadata declaration of core-module because the artificial package org.jclouds.json.gson.internal was removed.
Remove the Gson module its children Gson bundle, and Gson shaded.
Remove duplication conflict and check-style rules due to the removal of the internal Gson module.
Add maven repository where a custom version of the Gson library gets hosted, which exports all packages.
Remove particular repository
Remove the declaration of the repository that serves a custom build GSON version. The build uses GSON in its original form of the vendor, which gets distributed through the standard distribution channel. The identifiers for group, artifact, and version correspond to the latest stable release of GSON.
Integrate GSON library in Clouds Core Bundle
The change contained in the commit puts the GSON library into the classpath of the JClouds core module.
After several tests with Karaf and Karaf JClouds, especially if the Maven identifier matches the original GSON library, there are only a limited number of ways to keep the deployment effort low.
Specifically, Karaf has a set of predefined Maven repositories that can be easily customized. The order in which a particular repository is resolved into the customized GSON library is more difficult. In normal OSGi applications, which do not have such a management function, I imagine this configuration to be more complicated. Sure, a unique identifier would help, but then we are back to step 1.
Although I honestly don't like to see this kind of approach in a codebase I'm working with, there are not many alternatives to the main aspect of deployment mentioned above.
Maybe the approach can still ease the problem in the short term. In a further mid-term step, however, this problem must be addressed in general.
* JCLOUDS-1166: Relocate the gson internal packge to be able to keep using it
* Fixes
* Fix import order and shaded jar
* More fixes
* Proper dependency configuration
* Fix typos
* Bring back duplicate exclusions
This makes a *huge* difference in build time (mvn clean install
-DskipTests takes about 1/3 as long with this in place). It moves
source and javadoc into profiles, so that if you want to build the
source jars and javadoc jars, you specify -Psrc and -Pdoc respectively.