# jclouds ProfitBricks ## Terms Like any cloud provider, ProfitBricks has its own set of terms in cloud computing. To abstract this into jclouds' Compute interface, these terms were associated: - Node - composite instance of `Server` and `Storage` - Image - both *user-uploaded* and *provided* `Images`; and `Snapshots` - Location - `DataCenters` and `Region` (Las Vegas, Frankfurt, etc.) - Hardware - number of cores, RAM size and storage size ## Getting Started Assuming that there's **atleast one** datacenter existing in your account, the provider needs only an *identity* (your ProfitBricks email), and *credentials* (password) to provision a `Node`, by using a ProfitBricks-provided ubuntu-12.04 image as a template. ```java ComputeService compute = ContextBuilder.newBuilder( "profitbricks" ) .credentials( "profitbricks email", "password" ) .buildView( ComputeServiceContext.class ) .getComputeService(); ``` This works well; however, we won't be able to use jclouds' ability to execute *scripts* on a remote node. This is because, ProfitBricks' default images require users to change passwords upon first log in. To enable jclouds to execute script, we need to use a custom image. The easiest way to do this is via ProfitBricks snapshot: - Go to your [DCD](https://my.profitbricks.com/dashboard/). - Provision a server + storage, and connect it to the internet. Upon success, you will receive an email containing the credentials needed to login to your server. - Login to your server, and change the password, as requested. ``` ~ ssh root@ ... Changing password for root. (current) UNIX password: Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: ~ root@ubuntu:~# exit ``` - Go back to the DCD, and *make a snapshot* of the storage. Put a descriptive name. - Configure jclouds to use this *snapshot*. ```java Template template = compute.templateBuilder() .imageNameMatches( "" ) .options( compute.templateOptions() .overrideLoginUser( "root" ) // unless you changed the user .overrideLoginPassword( "" )) // more options, as you need .build(); compute.createNodesInGroup( "cluster1", 1, template ); ``` > If no `locationId` is specified in the template, jclouds will look for a `DataCenter` that is of same scope as the `Image`. ## Limitations - There's no direct way of specifying arbitrary number of cores, RAM size, and storage size via the compute interface, at least until after [JCLOUDS-482](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCLOUDS-482) is resolved. The adapter uses a predefined list hardware profiles instead. > Take note that these features are still accessible by *unwraping* the ProfitBricks API, but this'll reduce portability of your code. See [Concepts](https://jclouds.apache.org/start/concepts/).