# Docker as a local cloud provider jclouds-docker is a local cloud provider modelled on [docker](http://www.docker.io). Similar to other jclouds supported providers, it supports the same portable abstractions offered by jclouds. ##Setup Please follow these steps to configure your workstation for jclouds-docker: - install the latest Docker release (please visit https://docs.docker.com/installation/) If you are using `boot2docker`, notice that from version v1.3.0 the Docker daemon is set to use an encrypted TCP socket (--tls, or --tlsverify), then you need to import CA certificate into Trusted Certs: `keytool -import -trustcacerts -file /Users/andrea/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem -alias BOOT2DOCKER -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts` by default the passoword is `changeit` N.B.: From `Docker 1.3.2+` the server doesn't accept sslv3 protocol (https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/8588/files) #How it works --------------- ------------- | Image(s) | | Node(s) | --------------- ------------- --------- docker remote api ---------------------------------------- | jclouds | ---------------------------> | DOCKER_HOST | --------- ---------------------------------------- ##Components - jclouds \- acts as a java client to access to docker features - DOCKER_HOST \- hosts Docker API, NB: jclouds-docker assumes that the latest Docker is installed - Image \- it is a docker image that can be started. - Node \- is a docker container ## Assumptions - jclouds-docker assumes that the images specified using the template are ssh'able. -------------- #Notes: - jclouds-docker is still at alpha stage please report any issues you find at [jclouds issues](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCLOUDS) - jclouds-docker has been tested on Mac OSX, it might work on Linux iff vbox is running and set up correctly. However, it has never been tried on Windows. -------------- #Troubleshooting As jclouds docker support is quite new, issues may occasionally arise. Please follow these steps to get things going again: 1. Remove all containers $ docker rm `docker ps -a` 2. remove all the images $ docker rmi -f `docker images -q`