# googleappengine This example will list the current instances and buckets in your Amazon account, using portable apis. This example runs inside Google AppEngine as a war file. ## Prepare Please unzip http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/appengine-java-sdk-1.4.0.zip and export the system variable APPENGINE_HOME accordingly. ## Build To install your test on your remote appengine application, first prepare locally via the below instructions: mvn -Dappengine.applicationid=YOUR_APPLICATION -Dtest.aws.identity=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID -Dtest.aws.credential=YOUR_SECRET_KEY -Plive install ## Deploy then, you can upload this to google appengine like below: appcfg.sh -e YOUR_EMAIL update target//jclouds-googleappengine-example ## Test finally, you can verify with a web url: http://YOUR_APPLICATION_ID.appspot.com/guice/status.check ## License Copyright (C) 2009-2011 jclouds, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0