* 'master' of github.com:jclouds/jclouds: (62 commits) modernized cloudwatch always display some error content added tests Follow up to f06d273 that addresses pull request comments. Follow up to e58d91e that addresses pull request comments. Upgrade to Guava 12.0 Do not set member until we completely validate it Prefer unsynchronized StringBuilder Adding links to openstack-keystone admin API documentation Adding openstack-keystone to labs pom Fixing javadocs Renaming the service client (user operations) ServiceClient to better match up to Keystone documentation Fixing javadocs Renaming the service client (user operations) ServiceClient to better match up to Keystone documentation Renaming 'ServiceClient's AuthenticationClients to save confusion with user-accessible ServiceClient in keystone 2.0 Adding unit tests for keystone 2.0 AdminURL supplier Adding openstack-keystone to expose additional methods available on keystone api Adding AdminURL supplier for keystone 2.0 Optimize clearContainer for large folders Extended support to apis/cloudwatch for getting metrics. ...
Have virtualbox 4.1.8 installed.
Have an ssh daemon with passwordless login to localhost (i.e. "ssh [me]@localhost" must work without password).
That's it!
#Running a local cloud
Enjoy local cloud goodness by running:
"mvn clean install clojure:repl"
(use 'org.jclouds.compute2)
(import 'org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.login.AdminAccess)
(def compute (compute-service "virtualbox" "admin" "12345" :sshj :slf4j))
(create-nodes compute "local-cluster" 2 (build-template compute { :run-script (AdminAccess/standard) } ))
#Interacting with jclouds-vbox and connecting to machines
For java guidance look into src/test/java/org/jclouds/virtualbox/compute/VirtualBoxExperimentLiveTest.java.
For now nat+host-only is the only available network configuration, nodes should be accessible from the host by:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no me@192.168.86.X
where X is the node index with regard to creation order starting at 2 (2,3,4, etc...)
It should behave as any other provider, if not please report.
- jclouds-vbox is still at alpha stage please report any issues you find.
- jclouds-vbox has been mostly tested on Mac OSX, it might work on Linux iff vbox is running and correctly set up, but it won't work on windows for the moment.
- cached isos, vm's and most configs are kept at ~/.jclouds-vbox/ by default.
- jclouds-vbox assumes vbox has the default host-only network vboxnet0, that the network is in and that the host has address 1 in this network.
As jclouds vbox support is quite new things might go wrong sometimes. The procedure to make things work again is the following:
- Remove all relevant vm's (named "jclouds-* ") with the vbox GUI. Make sure to select "delete all files".
- Step one should be enough most of the times, but if it fails (by throwing some error):
- kill all vbox processes (VboxHadless, VBoxSVC, VBoxXPCOMIPCD, VirtualBox, vboxwebsrv)
- delete manually the files by executing: "rm -rf ~/.jclouds-vbox/jclouds-*"
- restart the vbox GUI and make sure to delete all remaining machines ignoring all errors.