Andrea Turli cd16826dca Refactored Azure ARM to not use Deployments
* Simplified ImageExtension
* Fixed access to deployed VMS
* Made api-version configurable for all apis"
* Fixed all feature live tests
* Fixed the AzureComputeServiceLiveTest
* Fixed the AzureTemplateBuilderLiveTest
* Fixed the AzureComputeImageExtensionLiveTest
2016-10-14 11:43:00 +02:00

jclouds Labs - Azure Compute ARM Provider

Build status for azurecomputearm module: Build Status

Setting Up Test Credentials

Create a Service Principal

Install and configure Azure CLI following these steps.

Using the Azure CLI, run the following commands to create a service principal

# Set mode to ARM
azure config mode arm

# Enter your Microsoft account credentials when prompted
azure login

# Set current subscription to create a service principal
azure account set <Subscription-id>

# Create an AAD application with your information.
azure ad app create --name <name> --password <password> --home-page <home-page> --identifier-uris <identifier-uris>

# For example: azure ad app create --name "jcloudsarm"  --password abcd --home-page "https://jcloudsarm" --identifier-uris "https://jcloudsarm"

# Output will include a value for `Application Id`, which will be used for the live tests

# Create a Service Principal
azure ad sp create <Application-id>

# Output will include a value for `Object Id`, to be used in the next step 

Run the following commands to assign roles to the service principal

# Assign roles for this service principal
azure role assignment create --objectId <Object-id> -o Contributor -c /subscriptions/<Subscription-id>/

Verify service principal

azure login -u <Application-id> -p <password> --service-principal --tenant <Tenant-id>

Run Live Tests

Use the following to run one live test:

mvn -Dtest=<name of the live test> \
    -Dtest.azurecompute-arm.identity="<Application-id>" \
    -Dtest.azurecompute-arm.credential="<password>" \
    -Dtest.azurecompute-arm.endpoint="https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<Subscription-id>" \
    integration-test -Plive

Use the following to run all the live tests:

mvn clean verify -Plive \
    -Dtest.azurecompute-arm.identity="<Application-id>"" \
    -Dtest.azurecompute-arm.credential="<password>"" \
    -Dtest.azurecompute-arm.endpoint="https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<Subscription-id>"" \

How to use it

Azure Compute ARM provider works exactly as any other jclouds provider. Notice that as Azure supports dozens of locations, operations like listImages can be really time-consuming. To limit the scope of such operations there are some additional properties you may want to use:


which is by default Canonical,RedHat



which is by default null. If you want to target only the north europe region, you can use
