The VelocityResponseWriter is an optional plugin available in the `contrib/velocity` directory. It powers the /browse user interfaces when using configurations such as "_default", "techproducts", and "example/files".
The above example shows the optional initialization and custom tool parameters used by VelocityResponseWriter; these are detailed in the following table. These initialization parameters are only specified in the writer registration in solrconfig.xml, not as request-time parameters. See further below for request-time parameters.
If specified and exists as a file system directory, a file resource loader will be added for this directory. Templates in this directory will override "solr" resource loader templates.
``:: Specifies a properties file name which must exist in the Solr `conf/` directory (*not* under a `velocity/` subdirectory) or root of a JAR file in a <lib>.
where `v.template=custom` says to render a template called "custom" and the value of `v.template.custom` is the custom template. This is `false` by default; it'd be a niche, unusual, use case to need this enabled.
The "solr" resource loader is the only template loader registered by default. Templates are served from resources visible to the SolrResourceLoader under a `velocity/` subdirectory. The VelocityResponseWriter itself has some built-in templates (in its JAR file, under `velocity/`) that are available automatically through this loader. These built-in templates can be overridden when the same template name is in conf/velocity/ or by using the `template.base.dir` option.
External "tools" can be specified as list of string name/value (tool name / class name) pairs. Tools, in the Velocity context, are simply Java objects. Tool classes are constructed using a no-arg constructor (or a single-SolrCore-arg constructor if it exists) and added to the Velocity context with the specified name.
A custom registered tool can override the built-in context objects with the same name, except for `$request`, `$response`, `$page`, and `$debug` (these tools are designed to not be overridden).
Specifies a function name to wrap around the response rendered as JSON. If specified, the content type used in the response will be "application/json;charset=UTF-8", unless overridden by `v.contentType`.
Locale to use with the `$resource` tool and other LocaleConfig implementing tools. The default locale is `Locale.ROOT`. Localized resources are loaded from standard Java resource bundles named `resources[_locale-code].properties`.
Resource bundles can be added by providing a JAR file visible by the SolrResourceLoader with resource bundles under a velocity sub-directory. Resource bundles are not loadable under `conf/`, as only the class loader aspect of SolrResourceLoader can be used here.
|`response` |{solr-javadocs}solr-core/org/apache/solr/response/SolrQueryResponse.html[QueryResponse] most of the time, but in some cases where QueryResponse doesn't like the request handler's output ([AnalysisRequestHandler], for example, causes a ClassCastException parsing "response"), the response will be a SolrResponseBase object.
|`page` |An instance of Solr's PageTool (only included if the response is a QueryResponse where paging makes sense)
|`debug` |A shortcut to the debug part of the response, or null if debug is not on. This is handy for having debug-only sections in a template using `#if($debug)...#end`
|`content` |The rendered output of the main template, when rendering the layout (`v.layout.enabled=true` and `v.layout=<template>`).