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< h2 class = "boxed" > System Requirements< / h2 >
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< p >
2009-11-16 15:28:29 +00:00
Lucene Java 3.1 has the following minimum requirements:
2009-11-16 08:29:52 +00:00
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< li > Java 1.5.x or greater.< / li >
< li > ANT 1.7.0 or greater.< / li >
< li > JUnit 3.8.2 if you wish to run the unit tests.< / li >
< li > CPU, Disk and Memory requirements are based on the many choices made in implementing Lucene (document size, number of documents, and number of hits retrieved to name a few.)
The benchmarks page has some information related to performance on particular platforms.< / li >
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< p > Contrib modules may have other requirements, refer to their documentation and build files for information.< / p >
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