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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
// Configure miscellaneous aspects required for supporting the java module system layer.
// Debugging utilities.
apply from: buildscript.sourceFile.toPath().resolveSibling("modules-debugging.gradle")
allprojects {
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
// We won't be using gradle's built-in automatic module finder.
java {
// Configure modular extensions for each source set.
project.sourceSets.all { SourceSet sourceSet ->
// Create and register a source set extension for manipulating classpath/ module-path
ModularPathsExtension modularPaths = new ModularPathsExtension(project, sourceSet)
sourceSet.extensions.add("modularPaths", modularPaths)
// LUCENE-10344: We have to provide a special-case extension for ECJ because it does not
// support all of the module-specific javac options.
ModularPathsExtension modularPathsForEcj = modularPaths
if ( == SourceSet.TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME && project.path in [
]) {
modularPathsForEcj = modularPaths.cloneWithMode(ModularPathsExtension.Mode.CLASSPATH_ONLY)
sourceSet.extensions.add("modularPathsForEcj", modularPathsForEcj)
// TODO: the tests of these projects currently don't compile or work in
// module-path mode. Make the modular paths extension use class path only.
if ( == SourceSet.TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME && project.path in [
// Circular dependency between artifacts or source set outputs,
// causing package split issues at runtime.
]) {
modularPaths.mode = ModularPathsExtension.Mode.CLASSPATH_ONLY
// Configure the JavaCompile task associated with this source set.
tasks.named(sourceSet.getCompileJavaTaskName()).configure({ JavaCompile task ->
task.dependsOn modularPaths.compileModulePathConfiguration
// LUCENE-10327: don't allow gradle to emit an empty sourcepath as it would break
// compilation of modules.
// Add modular dependencies and their transitive dependencies to module path.
// LUCENE-10304: if we modify the classpath here, IntelliJ no longer sees the dependencies as compile-time
// dependencies, don't know why.
if (!rootProject.ext.isIdeaSync) {
task.classpath = modularPaths.compilationClasspath
doFirst {
// For source sets that contain a module descriptor, configure a jar task that combines
// classes and resources into a single module.
if ( != SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME) {
tasks.maybeCreate(sourceSet.getJarTaskName(), org.gradle.jvm.tasks.Jar).configure({
archiveClassifier =
// Connect modular configurations between their "test" and "main" source sets, this reflects
// the conventions set by the Java plugin.
project.configurations {
moduleTestApi.extendsFrom moduleApi
moduleTestImplementation.extendsFrom moduleImplementation
moduleTestRuntimeOnly.extendsFrom moduleRuntimeOnly
moduleTestCompileOnly.extendsFrom moduleCompileOnly
// Gradle's java plugin sets the compile and runtime classpath to be a combination
// of configuration dependencies and source set's outputs. For source sets with modules,
// this leads to split class and resource folders.
// We tweak the default source set path configurations here by assembling jar task outputs
// of the respective source set, instead of their source set output folders. We also attach
// the main source set's jar to the modular test implementation configuration.
SourceSet mainSourceSet = project.sourceSets.getByName(SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME)
boolean mainIsModular = mainSourceSet.modularPaths.hasModuleDescriptor()
boolean mainIsEmpty = mainSourceSet.allJava.isEmpty()
SourceSet testSourceSet = project.sourceSets.getByName(SourceSet.TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME)
boolean testIsModular = testSourceSet.modularPaths.hasModuleDescriptor()
// LUCENE-10304: if we modify the classpath here, IntelliJ no longer sees the dependencies as compile-time
// dependencies, don't know why.
if (!rootProject.ext.isIdeaSync) {
def jarTask = project.tasks.getByName(mainSourceSet.getJarTaskName())
def testJarTask = project.tasks.getByName(testSourceSet.getJarTaskName())
// Consider various combinations of module/classpath configuration between the main and test source set.
if (testIsModular) {
if (mainIsModular || mainIsEmpty) {
// If the main source set is empty, skip the jar task.
def jarTaskOutputs = mainIsEmpty ? [] : jarTask.outputs
// Fully modular tests - must have no split packages, proper access, etc.
// Work around the split classes/resources problem by adjusting classpaths to
// rely on JARs rather than source set output folders.
testSourceSet.compileClasspath = project.objects.fileCollection().from(
testSourceSet.runtimeClasspath = project.objects.fileCollection().from(
project.dependencies {
moduleTestImplementation files(jarTaskOutputs)
moduleTestRuntimeOnly files(testJarTask.outputs)
} else {
// This combination simply does not make any sense (in my opinion).
throw GradleException("Test source set is modular and main source set is class-based, this makes no sense: " + project.path)
} else {
if (mainIsModular) {
// This combination is a potential candidate for patching the main sourceset's module with test classes. I could
// not resolve all the difficulties that arise when you try to do it though:
// - either a separate module descriptor is needed that opens test packages, adds dependencies via requires clauses
// or a series of jvm arguments (--add-reads, --add-opens, etc.) has to be generated and maintained. This is
// very low-level (ECJ doesn't support a full set of these instructions, for example).
// Fall back to classpath mode.
} else {
// This is the 'plain old classpath' mode: neither the main source set nor the test set are modular.
// Configures a Test task associated with the provided source set to use module paths.
// There is no explicit connection between source sets and test tasks so there is no way (?)
// to do this automatically, convention-style.
// This closure can be used to configure a different task, with a different source set, should we
// have the need for it.
Closure<Void> configureTestTaskForSourceSet = { Test task, SourceSet sourceSet ->
task.configure {
def forkProperties = file("${task.temporaryDir}/")
ModularPathsExtension modularPaths = sourceSet.modularPaths
dependsOn modularPaths
// Add modular dependencies and their transitive dependencies to module path.
// Modify the default classpath.
classpath = modularPaths.runtimeClasspath
doFirst {
// Pass all the required properties for tests which fork the JVM. We don't use
// regular system properties here because this could affect task up-to-date checks.
jvmArgumentProviders.add(new CommandLineArgumentProvider() {
Iterable<String> asArguments() {
return ["-Dtests.jvmForkArgsFile=" + forkProperties.absolutePath]
doFirst {
List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(modularPaths.runtimeArguments.asArguments().collect())
def cp = modularPaths.runtimeClasspath.asPath
if (!cp.isBlank()) {
args.addAll(["-cp", cp])
// Sanity check.
args.forEach(s -> {
if (s.contains("\n")) {
throw new RuntimeException("LF in forked jvm property?: " + s)
Files.writeString(forkProperties.toPath(), String.join("\n", args), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
// Configure (tasks.test, sourceSets.test)
tasks.matching { ==~ /test(_[0-9]+)?/ }.all { Test task ->
configureTestTaskForSourceSet(task, task.project.sourceSets.test)
// Configure module versions.
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach { task ->
// TODO: LUCENE-10267: workaround for gradle bug. Remove when the corresponding issue is fixed.
task.options.compilerArgumentProviders.add((CommandLineArgumentProvider) { ->
if (task.getClasspath().isEmpty()) {
return ["--module-version", project.version.toString()]
} else {
return []
task.options.javaModuleVersion.set(provider {
return project.version.toString()
// For a source set, create explicit configurations for declaring modular dependencies.
// These "modular" configurations correspond 1:1 to Gradle's conventions but have a 'module' prefix
// and a capitalized remaining part of the conventional name. For example, an 'api' configuration in
// the main source set would have a corresponding 'moduleApi' configuration for declaring modular
// dependencies.
// Gradle's java plugin "convention" configurations extend from their modular counterparts
// so all dependencies end up on classpath by default for backward compatibility with other
// tasks and gradle infrastructure.
// At the same time, we also know which dependencies (and their transitive graph of dependencies!)
// should be placed on module-path only.
// Note that an explicit configuration of modular dependencies also opens up the possibility of automatically
// validating whether the dependency configuration for a gradle project is consistent with the information in
// the module-info descriptor because there is a (nearly?) direct correspondence between the two:
// moduleApi - 'requires transitive'
// moduleImplementation - 'requires'
// moduleCompileOnly - 'requires static'
class ModularPathsExtension implements Cloneable, Iterable<Object> {
* Determines how paths are split between module path and classpath.
enum Mode {
* Dependencies and source set outputs are placed on classpath, even if declared on modular
* configurations. This would be the 'default' backward-compatible mode.
* Dependencies from modular configurations are placed on module path. Source set outputs
* are placed on classpath.
Project project
SourceSet sourceSet
Configuration compileModulePathConfiguration
Configuration runtimeModulePathConfiguration
Configuration modulePatchOnlyConfiguration
// The mode of splitting paths for this source set.
// More verbose debugging for paths.
private boolean debugPaths
* A list of module name - path provider entries that will be converted
* into {@code --patch-module} options.
private List<Map.Entry<String, Provider<Path>>> modulePatches = new ArrayList<>()
ModularPathsExtension(Project project, SourceSet sourceSet) {
this.project = project
this.sourceSet = sourceSet
debugPaths = Boolean.parseBoolean(project.propertyOrDefault('build.debug.paths', 'false'))
ConfigurationContainer configurations = project.configurations
// Create modular configurations for gradle's java plugin convention configurations.
Configuration moduleApi = createModuleConfigurationForConvention(sourceSet.apiConfigurationName)
Configuration moduleImplementation = createModuleConfigurationForConvention(sourceSet.implementationConfigurationName)
Configuration moduleRuntimeOnly = createModuleConfigurationForConvention(sourceSet.runtimeOnlyConfigurationName)
Configuration moduleCompileOnly = createModuleConfigurationForConvention(sourceSet.compileOnlyConfigurationName)
// Apply hierarchy relationships to modular configurations.
// Patched modules have to end up in the implementation configuration for IDEs, which
// otherwise get terribly confused.
Configuration modulePatchOnly = createModuleConfigurationForConvention(
SourceSet.isMain(sourceSet) ? "patchOnly" : + "PatchOnly")
this.modulePatchOnlyConfiguration = modulePatchOnly
// This part of convention configurations seems like a very esoteric use case, leave out for now.
// sourceSet.compileOnlyApiConfigurationName
// We have to ensure configurations are using assembled resources and classes (jar variant) as a single
// module can't be expanded into multiple folders.
Closure<Void> ensureJarVariant = { Configuration c ->
c.attributes.attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(LibraryElements, LibraryElements.JAR))
// Set up compilation module path configuration combining corresponding convention configurations.
Closure<Configuration> createResolvableModuleConfiguration = { String configurationName ->
Configuration conventionConfiguration = configurations.maybeCreate(configurationName)
Configuration moduleConfiguration = configurations.maybeCreate(moduleConfigurationNameFor(
ensureJarVariant(moduleConfiguration)"Created resolvable module configuration for '${}': ${}")
return moduleConfiguration
this.compileModulePathConfiguration = createResolvableModuleConfiguration(sourceSet.compileClasspathConfigurationName)
compileModulePathConfiguration.extendsFrom(moduleCompileOnly, moduleImplementation)
this.runtimeModulePathConfiguration = createResolvableModuleConfiguration(sourceSet.runtimeClasspathConfigurationName)
runtimeModulePathConfiguration.extendsFrom(moduleRuntimeOnly, moduleImplementation)
* Adds {@code --patch-module} option for the provided module name and the provider of a
* folder or JAR file.
* @param moduleName
* @param pathProvider
void patchModule(String moduleName, Provider<Path> pathProvider) {
modulePatches.add(Map.entry(moduleName, pathProvider));
private FileCollection getCompilationModulePath() {
if (mode == Mode.CLASSPATH_ONLY) {
return project.files()
return compileModulePathConfiguration - modulePatchOnlyConfiguration
private FileCollection getRuntimeModulePath() {
if (mode == Mode.CLASSPATH_ONLY) {
if (hasModuleDescriptor()) {
// The source set is itself a module.
throw new GradleException("Source set contains a module but classpath-only" +
" dependencies requested: ${project.path}, source set '${}'")
return project.files()
return runtimeModulePathConfiguration - modulePatchOnlyConfiguration
FileCollection getCompilationClasspath() {
if (mode == Mode.CLASSPATH_ONLY) {
return sourceSet.compileClasspath
// Modify the default classpath by removing anything already placed on module path.
// Use a lazy provider to delay computation.
project.files({ ->
return sourceSet.compileClasspath - compileModulePathConfiguration - modulePatchOnlyConfiguration
CommandLineArgumentProvider getCompilationArguments() {
return new CommandLineArgumentProvider() {
Iterable<String> asArguments() {
FileCollection modulePath = ModularPathsExtension.this.compilationModulePath
if (modulePath.isEmpty()) {
return []
ArrayList<String> extraArgs = []
extraArgs += ["--module-path", modulePath.join(File.pathSeparator)]
if (!hasModuleDescriptor()) {
// We're compiling what appears to be a non-module source set so we'll
// bring everything on module path in the resolution graph,
// otherwise modular dependencies wouldn't be part of the resolved module graph and this
// would result in class-not-found compilation problems.
extraArgs += ["--add-modules", "ALL-MODULE-PATH"]
// Add module-patching.
extraArgs += getPatchModuleArguments(modulePatches)
return extraArgs
FileCollection getRuntimeClasspath() {
if (mode == Mode.CLASSPATH_ONLY) {
return sourceSet.runtimeClasspath
// Modify the default classpath by removing anything already placed on module path.
// Use a lazy provider to delay computation.
project.files({ ->
return sourceSet.runtimeClasspath - runtimeModulePath - modulePatchOnlyConfiguration
CommandLineArgumentProvider getRuntimeArguments() {
return new CommandLineArgumentProvider() {
Iterable<String> asArguments() {
FileCollection modulePath = ModularPathsExtension.this.runtimeModulePath
if (modulePath.isEmpty()) {
return []
def extraArgs = []
// Add source set outputs to module path.
extraArgs += ["--module-path", modulePath.files.join(File.pathSeparator)]
// Ideally, we should only add the sourceset's module here, everything else would be resolved via the
// module descriptor. But this would require parsing the module descriptor and may cause JVM version conflicts
// so keeping it simple.
extraArgs += ["--add-modules", "ALL-MODULE-PATH"]
// Add module-patching.
extraArgs += getPatchModuleArguments(modulePatches)
return extraArgs
boolean hasModuleDescriptor() {
.map(dir -> new File(dir, ""))
.anyMatch(file -> file.exists())
private List<String> getPatchModuleArguments(List<Map.Entry<String, Provider<Path>>> patches) {
def args = []
patches.each {
args.add(it.key + "=" + it.value.get())
return args
private static String toList(FileCollection files) {
return files.isEmpty() ? " [empty]" : ("\n " + files.sort().join("\n "))
private static String toList(List<Map.Entry<String, Provider<Path>>> patches) {
return patches.isEmpty() ? " [empty]" : ("\n " + patches.collect {"${it.key}=${it.value.get()}"}.join("\n "))
public void logCompilationPaths(Logger logger) {
def value = "Modular extension, compilation paths, source set=${}${hasModuleDescriptor() ? " (module)" : ""}, mode=${mode}:\n" +
" Module path:${toList(compilationModulePath)}\n" +
" Class path: ${toList(compilationClasspath)}\n" +
" Patches: ${toList(modulePatches)}"
if (debugPaths) {
} else {
public void logRuntimePaths(Logger logger) {
def value = "Modular extension, runtime paths, source set=${}${hasModuleDescriptor() ? " (module)" : ""}, mode=${mode}:\n" +
" Module path:${toList(runtimeModulePath)}\n" +
" Class path: ${toList(runtimeClasspath)}\n" +
" Patches : ${toList(modulePatches)}"
if (debugPaths) {
} else {
public ModularPathsExtension clone() {
return (ModularPathsExtension) super.clone()
ModularPathsExtension cloneWithMode(Mode newMode) {
def cloned = this.clone()
cloned.mode = newMode
return cloned
// Map convention configuration names to "modular" corresponding configurations.
static String moduleConfigurationNameFor(String configurationName) {
return "module" + configurationName.capitalize().replace("Classpath", "Path")
// Create module configuration for the corresponding convention configuration.
private Configuration createModuleConfigurationForConvention(String configurationName) {
ConfigurationContainer configurations = project.configurations
Configuration conventionConfiguration = configurations.maybeCreate(configurationName)
Configuration moduleConfiguration = configurations.maybeCreate(moduleConfigurationNameFor(configurationName))
conventionConfiguration.extendsFrom(moduleConfiguration)"Created module configuration for '${}': ${}")
return moduleConfiguration
* Provide internal dependencies for tasks willing to depend on this modular paths object.
Iterator<Object> iterator() {
return [