2014-05-30 06:33:55 -04:00
# The /org/name keys in this file must be kept lexically sorted.
# Blank lines, comment lines, and keys that aren't in /org/name format are ignored
# when the lexical sort check is performed by the ant check-lib-versions target.
# The format is:
# /org/name = <version1> [, <version2> [ ... ] ]
# where each <versionX> is an indirect dependency version to ignore (i.e., not
# trigger a conflict) when the ant check-lib-versions target is run.
/com.google.guava/guava = 16.0.1
2019-04-10 06:15:57 -04:00
/org.ow2.asm/asm = 5.0_BETA