2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
# This script is called from lucene/build.xml and solr/build.xml, by target
# stage-maven-artifacts, to populate an internal Maven repository created by
# generate-maven-artifacts with Ant build files, one per POM. The
# stage-maven target is then called from each of these Ant build files.
# Command line parameters:
# 1. The directory in which to find Maven distribution POMs,
# jars, wars, and signatures.
# 2. The pathname of the Ant build script to be built.
# 3. The pathname of common-build.xml, which will be imported
# in the Ant build script to be built.
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
# 4. Whether to prompt for credentials, rather than consulting
# settings.xml: boolean, e.g. "true" or "false"
# 5. The ID of the target repository
# 6. The URL to the target repository
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
use Cwd 'abs_path';
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
use File::Path qw(make_path);
my $num_artifacts = 0;
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
my $maven_dist_dir = abs_path($ARGV[0]);
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
my $output_build_xml_file = $ARGV[1];
my $common_build_xml = $ARGV[2];
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
my $m2_credentials_prompt = $ARGV[3];
my $m2_repository_id = $ARGV[4];
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') { # Make sure Cygwin Perl can find the output path
$output_build_xml_file = `cygpath -u "$output_build_xml_file"`;
$output_build_xml_file =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim trailing whitespace
$output_build_xml_file =~ s/^\s+//; # Trim leading whitespace
my ($output_file, $output_dir) = fileparse($output_build_xml_file);
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
my @basepaths = ();
my $grandparent_pom = '';
my @parent_poms = ();
sub find_poms;
File::Find::find({follow => 1, wanted => \&find_poms}, $maven_dist_dir);
my $parent_pom_targets = '';
if (@parent_poms) {
$parent_pom_targets = "<parent-poms>\n";
if ($grandparent_pom) {
$parent_pom_targets .= qq! <artifact:pom id="grandparent" file="$grandparent_pom"/>\n!;
my $n = 0;
for my $parent_pom (@parent_poms) {
$parent_pom_targets .= qq! <artifact:pom id="parent.$n" file="$parent_pom"/>\n!;
$parent_pom_targets .= " </parent-poms>\n";
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
open my $output_build_xml, ">$output_build_xml_file"
or die "ERROR opening '$ARGV[1]' for writing: $!";
print $output_build_xml qq!<?xml version="1.0"?>
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
<project xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant">
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<import file="${common_build_xml}"/>
<target name="stage-maven" depends="install-maven-tasks">
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
my $credentials = '';
if ($m2_credentials_prompt !~ /\A(?s:f(?:alse)?|no?)\z/) {
print $output_build_xml qq!
<input message="Enter $m2_repository_id username: >" addproperty="m2.repository.username"/>
<input message="Enter $m2_repository_id password: >" addproperty="m2.repository.password">
<handler type="secure"/>
$credentials = q!<credentials>
<authentication username="${m2.repository.username}" password="${m2.repository.password}"/>
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
for my $basepath (@basepaths) {
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
print $output_build_xml q!
close $output_build_xml;
print "Wrote '$output_build_xml_file' to stage $num_artifacts Maven artifacts.\n";
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
sub find_poms {
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
/^(.*)\.pom\z/s && do {
my $pom_dir = $File::Find::dir;
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') { # Output windows-style paths on Windows
$pom_dir = `cygpath -w "$pom_dir"`;
$pom_dir =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim trailing whitespace
$pom_dir =~ s/^\s+//; # Trim leading whitespace
my $basefile = $_;
$basefile =~ s/\.pom\z//;
my $basepath = "$pom_dir/$basefile";
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
push @basepaths, $basepath;
if ($basefile =~ /grandparent/) {
$grandparent_pom = "$basepath.pom";
} elsif ($basefile =~ /parent/) {
push @parent_poms, "$basepath.pom";
sub output_deploy_stanza {
my $basepath = shift;
my $pom_file = "$basepath.pom";
my $jar_file = "$basepath.jar";
my $war_file = "$basepath.war";
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
if (-f $war_file) {
print $output_build_xml qq!
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<m2-deploy pom.xml="${pom_file}" jar.file="${war_file}">
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<attach file="${pom_file}.asc" type="pom.asc"/>
<attach file="${war_file}.asc" type="war.asc"/>
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
} elsif (-f $jar_file) {
print $output_build_xml qq!
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<m2-deploy pom.xml="${pom_file}" jar.file="${jar_file}">
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<attach file="${basepath}-sources.jar" classifier="sources"/>
<attach file="${basepath}-javadoc.jar" classifier="javadoc"/>
<attach file="${pom_file}.asc" type="pom.asc"/>
<attach file="${jar_file}.asc" type="jar.asc"/>
<attach file="${basepath}-sources.jar.asc" classifier="sources" type="jar.asc"/>
<attach file="${basepath}-javadoc.jar.asc" classifier="javadoc" type="jar.asc"/>
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
} else {
print $output_build_xml qq!
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<m2-deploy pom.xml="${pom_file}">
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
<attach file="${pom_file}.asc" type="pom.asc"/>
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00
2012-10-26 15:39:31 -04:00
2012-04-08 00:10:49 -04:00