2019-12-03 08:40:35 -05:00
// This configures application of forbidden API rules
// via https://github.com/policeman-tools/forbidden-apis
// Only apply forbidden-apis to java projects.
allprojects { prj ->
plugins.withId("java", {
prj.apply plugin: 'de.thetaphi.forbiddenapis'
// This helper method appends signature files based on a set of true
// dependencies from a given configuration.
def dynamicSignatures = { configuration, suffix ->
def deps = configuration.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts
.collect { a -> a.moduleVersion.id }
.collect { id -> [
deps += ["defaults.all.txt", "defaults.${suffix}.txt"]
deps.each { sig ->
def signaturesFile = rootProject.file("gradle/validation/forbidden-apis/${sig}")
if (signaturesFile.exists()) {
logger.info("Signature file applied: ${sig}")
signaturesFiles += files(signaturesFile)
} else {
logger.debug("Signature file omitted (does not exist): ${sig}")
// Configure defaults for sourceSets.main
forbiddenApisMain {
bundledSignatures += [
suppressAnnotations += [
// Configure defaults for sourceSets.test
forbiddenApisTest {
bundledSignatures += [
signaturesFiles = files(
suppressAnnotations += [
// Attach validation to check task.
check.dependsOn forbiddenApisMain
check.dependsOn forbiddenApisTest
// Disable sysout signatures for these projects.
if (prj.path in [
]) {
forbiddenApisMain.bundledSignatures -= [
// Configure lucene-specific rules.
if (prj.path.startsWith(":lucene")) {
forbiddenApisMain {
doFirst dynamicSignatures.curry(configurations.compileClasspath, "lucene")
forbiddenApisTest {
doFirst dynamicSignatures.curry(configurations.testCompileClasspath, "lucene")
// Configure solr-specific rules.
if (prj.path.startsWith(":solr")) {
forbiddenApisMain {
doFirst dynamicSignatures.curry(configurations.compileClasspath, "solr")
forbiddenApisTest {
doFirst dynamicSignatures.curry(configurations.testCompileClasspath, "solr")
2019-12-03 12:41:11 -05:00
// We rely on resolved configurations to compute the relevant set of rule
// files for forbiddenApis. Since we don't want to resolve these configurations until
// the task is executed, we can't really use them as task inputs properly. This is a
// chicken-and-egg problem.
// This is the simplest workaround possible: just point at all the rule files and indicate
// them as inputs. This way if a rule is modified, checks will be reapplied.
configure([forbiddenApisMain, forbiddenApisTest]) { task ->
2019-12-03 08:40:35 -05:00