mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
LUCENE-651: Fixed a race condition in initialization of FieldCache.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/java/trunk@477084 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -185,12 +185,16 @@ Bug fixes
to recognize ordered spans if they overlaped with unordered spans.
(Paul Elschot via Chris Hostetter)
20. LUCENE-706: Updated fileformats.xml|html concerning the docdelta value in the frequency file. (Johan Stuyts, Doron Cohen via Grant Ingersoll)
20. LUCENE-706: Updated fileformats.xml|html concerning the docdelta value
in the frequency file. (Johan Stuyts, Doron Cohen via Grant Ingersoll)
21. LUCENE-715: Fixed private constructor in IndexWriter.java to
properly release the acquired write lock if there is an
IOException after acquiring the write lock but before finishing
instantiation (Matthew Bogosian via Mike McCandless)
instantiation. (Matthew Bogosian via Mike McCandless)
22. LUCENE-651: Fixed a race condition in initialization of FieldCache.
(Oliver Hutchison via Otis Gospodnetic)
@ -41,7 +41,51 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
class FieldCacheImpl
implements FieldCache {
/** Expert: Every key in the internal cache is of this type. */
/** Expert: Internal cache. */
abstract static class Cache {
private final Map readerCache = new WeakHashMap();
protected abstract Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object key)
throws IOException;
public Object get(IndexReader reader, Object key) throws IOException {
Map innerCache;
Object value;
synchronized (readerCache) {
innerCache = (Map) readerCache.get(reader);
if (innerCache == null) {
innerCache = new HashMap();
readerCache.put(reader, innerCache);
value = null;
} else {
value = innerCache.get(key);
if (value == null) {
value = new CreationPlaceholder();
innerCache.put(reader, value);
if (value instanceof CreationPlaceholder) {
synchronized (value) {
CreationPlaceholder progress = (CreationPlaceholder) value;
if (progress.value == null) {
progress.value = createValue(reader, key);
synchronized (readerCache) {
innerCache.put(key, progress.value);
return progress.value;
return value;
static final class CreationPlaceholder {
Object value;
/** Expert: Every composite-key in the internal cache is of this type. */
static class Entry {
final String field; // which Fieldable
final int type; // which SortField type
@ -99,66 +143,24 @@ implements FieldCache {
/** The internal cache. Maps Entry to array of interpreted term values. **/
final Map cache = new WeakHashMap();
/** See if an object is in the cache. */
Object lookup (IndexReader reader, String field, int type, Locale locale) {
Entry entry = new Entry (field, type, locale);
synchronized (this) {
HashMap readerCache = (HashMap)cache.get(reader);
if (readerCache == null) return null;
return readerCache.get (entry);
/** See if a custom object is in the cache. */
Object lookup (IndexReader reader, String field, Object comparer) {
Entry entry = new Entry (field, comparer);
synchronized (this) {
HashMap readerCache = (HashMap)cache.get(reader);
if (readerCache == null) return null;
return readerCache.get (entry);
/** Put an object into the cache. */
Object store (IndexReader reader, String field, int type, Locale locale, Object value) {
Entry entry = new Entry (field, type, locale);
synchronized (this) {
HashMap readerCache = (HashMap)cache.get(reader);
if (readerCache == null) {
readerCache = new HashMap();
return readerCache.put (entry, value);
/** Put a custom object into the cache. */
Object store (IndexReader reader, String field, Object comparer, Object value) {
Entry entry = new Entry (field, comparer);
synchronized (this) {
HashMap readerCache = (HashMap)cache.get(reader);
if (readerCache == null) {
readerCache = new HashMap();
cache.put(reader, readerCache);
return readerCache.put (entry, value);
// inherit javadocs
public int[] getInts (IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException {
return getInts(reader, field, INT_PARSER);
// inherit javadocs
public int[] getInts (IndexReader reader, String field, IntParser parser)
throws IOException {
field = field.intern();
Object ret = lookup (reader, field, parser);
if (ret == null) {
public int[] getInts(IndexReader reader, String field, IntParser parser)
throws IOException {
return (int[]) intsCache.get(reader, new Entry(field, parser));
Cache intsCache = new Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object entryKey)
throws IOException {
Entry entry = (Entry) entryKey;
String field = entry.field;
IntParser parser = (IntParser) entry.custom;
final int[] retArray = new int[reader.maxDoc()];
TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, ""));
@ -176,11 +178,9 @@ implements FieldCache {
store (reader, field, parser, retArray);
return retArray;
return (int[]) ret;
// inherit javadocs
public float[] getFloats (IndexReader reader, String field)
@ -189,11 +189,18 @@ implements FieldCache {
// inherit javadocs
public float[] getFloats (IndexReader reader, String field,
FloatParser parser) throws IOException {
field = field.intern();
Object ret = lookup (reader, field, parser);
if (ret == null) {
public float[] getFloats(IndexReader reader, String field, FloatParser parser)
throws IOException {
return (float[]) floatsCache.get(reader, new Entry(field, parser));
Cache floatsCache = new Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object entryKey)
throws IOException {
Entry entry = (Entry) entryKey;
String field = entry.field;
FloatParser parser = (FloatParser) entry.custom;
final float[] retArray = new float[reader.maxDoc()];
TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, ""));
@ -211,18 +218,21 @@ implements FieldCache {
store (reader, field, parser, retArray);
return retArray;
return (float[]) ret;
// inherit javadocs
public String[] getStrings (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException {
field = field.intern();
Object ret = lookup (reader, field, SortField.STRING, null);
if (ret == null) {
public String[] getStrings(IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException {
return (String[]) stringsCache.get(reader, field);
Cache stringsCache = new Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object fieldKey)
throws IOException {
String field = ((String) fieldKey).intern();
final String[] retArray = new String[reader.maxDoc()];
TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, ""));
@ -240,18 +250,21 @@ implements FieldCache {
store (reader, field, SortField.STRING, null, retArray);
return retArray;
return (String[]) ret;
// inherit javadocs
public StringIndex getStringIndex (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException {
field = field.intern();
Object ret = lookup (reader, field, STRING_INDEX, null);
if (ret == null) {
public StringIndex getStringIndex(IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException {
return (StringIndex) stringsIndexCache.get(reader, field);
Cache stringsIndexCache = new Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object fieldKey)
throws IOException {
String field = ((String) fieldKey).intern();
final int[] retArray = new int[reader.maxDoc()];
String[] mterms = new String[reader.maxDoc()+1];
TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
@ -301,11 +314,9 @@ implements FieldCache {
StringIndex value = new StringIndex (retArray, mterms);
store (reader, field, STRING_INDEX, null, value);
return value;
return (StringIndex) ret;
/** The pattern used to detect integer values in a field */
/** removed for java 1.3 compatibility
@ -318,18 +329,23 @@ implements FieldCache {
* protected static final Object pFloats = Pattern.compile ("[0-9+\\-\\.eEfFdD]+");
// inherit javadocs
public Object getAuto (IndexReader reader, String field)
throws IOException {
field = field.intern();
Object ret = lookup (reader, field, SortField.AUTO, null);
if (ret == null) {
// inherit javadocs
public Object getAuto(IndexReader reader, String field) throws IOException {
return autoCache.get(reader, field);
Cache autoCache = new Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object fieldKey)
throws IOException {
String field = ((String)fieldKey).intern();
TermEnum enumerator = reader.terms (new Term (field, ""));
try {
Term term = enumerator.term();
if (term == null) {
throw new RuntimeException ("no terms in field " + field + " - cannot determine sort type");
Object ret = null;
if (term.field() == field) {
String termtext = term.text().trim();
@ -355,26 +371,29 @@ implements FieldCache {
ret = getStringIndex (reader, field);
if (ret != null) {
store (reader, field, SortField.AUTO, null, ret);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException ("field \"" + field + "\" does not appear to be indexed");
return ret;
} finally {
return ret;
// inherit javadocs
public Comparable[] getCustom (IndexReader reader, String field, SortComparator comparator)
throws IOException {
field = field.intern();
Object ret = lookup (reader, field, comparator);
if (ret == null) {
public Comparable[] getCustom(IndexReader reader, String field,
SortComparator comparator) throws IOException {
return (Comparable[]) customCache.get(reader, new Entry(field, comparator));
Cache customCache = new Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object entryKey)
throws IOException {
Entry entry = (Entry) entryKey;
String field = entry.field;
SortComparator comparator = (SortComparator) entry.custom;
final Comparable[] retArray = new Comparable[reader.maxDoc()];
TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms (new Term (field, ""));
@ -392,11 +411,9 @@ implements FieldCache {
store (reader, field, comparator, retArray);
return retArray;
return (Comparable[]) ret;
@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.Collator;
@ -148,43 +145,28 @@ extends PriorityQueue {
return fields;
/** Internal cache of comparators. Similar to FieldCache, only
* caches comparators instead of term values. */
static final Map Comparators = new WeakHashMap();
/** Returns a comparator if it is in the cache. */
static ScoreDocComparator lookup (IndexReader reader, String field, int type, Locale locale, Object factory) {
FieldCacheImpl.Entry entry = (factory != null)
? new FieldCacheImpl.Entry (field, factory)
: new FieldCacheImpl.Entry (field, type, locale);
synchronized (Comparators) {
HashMap readerCache = (HashMap)Comparators.get(reader);
if (readerCache == null) return null;
return (ScoreDocComparator) readerCache.get (entry);
/** Stores a comparator into the cache. */
static Object store (IndexReader reader, String field, int type, Locale locale, Object factory, Object value) {
FieldCacheImpl.Entry entry = (factory != null)
? new FieldCacheImpl.Entry (field, factory)
: new FieldCacheImpl.Entry (field, type, locale);
synchronized (Comparators) {
HashMap readerCache = (HashMap)Comparators.get(reader);
if (readerCache == null) {
readerCache = new HashMap();
return readerCache.put (entry, value);
static ScoreDocComparator getCachedComparator (IndexReader reader, String fieldname, int type, Locale locale, SortComparatorSource factory)
static ScoreDocComparator getCachedComparator (IndexReader reader, String field, int type, Locale locale, SortComparatorSource factory)
throws IOException {
if (type == SortField.DOC) return ScoreDocComparator.INDEXORDER;
if (type == SortField.SCORE) return ScoreDocComparator.RELEVANCE;
ScoreDocComparator comparator = lookup (reader, fieldname, type, locale, factory);
if (comparator == null) {
FieldCacheImpl.Entry entry = (factory != null)
? new FieldCacheImpl.Entry (field, factory)
: new FieldCacheImpl.Entry (field, type, locale);
return (ScoreDocComparator)Comparators.get(reader, entry);
/** Internal cache of comparators. Similar to FieldCache, only
* caches comparators instead of term values. */
static final FieldCacheImpl.Cache Comparators = new FieldCacheImpl.Cache() {
protected Object createValue(IndexReader reader, Object entryKey)
throws IOException {
FieldCacheImpl.Entry entry = (FieldCacheImpl.Entry) entryKey;
String fieldname = entry.field;
int type = entry.type;
Locale locale = entry.locale;
SortComparatorSource factory = (SortComparatorSource) entry.custom;
ScoreDocComparator comparator;
switch (type) {
case SortField.AUTO:
comparator = comparatorAuto (reader, fieldname);
@ -205,10 +187,9 @@ extends PriorityQueue {
throw new RuntimeException ("unknown field type: "+type);
store (reader, fieldname, type, locale, factory, comparator);
return comparator;
return comparator;
* Returns a comparator for sorting hits according to a field containing integers.
Reference in New Issue