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synced 2025-02-08 02:58:58 +00:00
LUCENE-1781: fix various issues with lat/lng bounding box computation for contrib/spatial
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/java/trunk@817456 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ Bug fixes
* LUCENE-1912: Fix fast-vector-highlighter issue when two or more
terms are concatenated (Koji Sekiguchi via Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-1781: Fixed various issues with the lat/lng bounding box
distance filter created for radius search in contrib/spatial.
(Bill Bell via Mike McCandless)
New features
* LUCENE-1531: Added support for BoostingTermQuery to XML query parser. (Karl Wettin)
@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ package org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.shape;
* <p><font color="red"><b>NOTE:</b> This API is still in
* flux and might change in incompatible ways in the next
* release.</font>
* @deprecated This has been replaced with more accurate
* math in {@link LLRect}.
public class DistanceApproximation
@ -74,16 +74,13 @@ public class LLRect {
* @param heightMi
public static LLRect createBox(LatLng center, double widthMi, double heightMi) {
double miplatdeg=DistanceApproximation.getMilesPerLngDeg(center.getLat());
double miplngdeg=DistanceApproximation.getMilesPerLatDeg();
double lngDelta=(widthMi/2)/miplngdeg;
double latDelta=(heightMi/2)/miplatdeg;
// TODO: Prob only works in northern hemisphere?
LatLng ll=new FloatLatLng(center.getLat()-latDelta, center.getLng()-lngDelta);
LatLng ur=new FloatLatLng(center.getLat()+latDelta, center.getLng()+lngDelta);
double d = widthMi;
LatLng ur = boxCorners(center, d, 45.0); // assume right angles
LatLng ll = boxCorners(center, d, 225.0);
//System.err.println("boxCorners: ur " + ur.getLat() + ',' + ur.getLng());
//System.err.println("boxCorners: cnt " + center.getLat() + ',' + center.getLng());
//System.err.println("boxCorners: ll " + ll.getLat() + ',' + ll.getLng());
return new LLRect(ll, ur);
@ -94,6 +91,71 @@ public class LLRect {
return new Rectangle(ll.getLng(), ll.getLat(), ur.getLng(), ur.getLat());
private static LatLng boxCorners(LatLng center, double d, double brngdeg) {
double a = center.getLat();
double b = center.getLng();
double R = 3963.0; // radius of earth in miles
double brng = (Math.PI*brngdeg/180);
double lat1 = (Math.PI*a/180);
double lon1 = (Math.PI*b/180);
// Haversine formula
double lat2 = Math.asin( Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(d/R) +
Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(d/R)*Math.cos(brng) );
double lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(Math.sin(brng)*Math.sin(d/R)*Math.cos(lat1),
lat2 = (lat2*180)/Math.PI;
lon2 = (lon2*180)/Math.PI;
// normalize long first
LatLng ll = normLng(lat2,lon2);
// normalize lat - could flip poles
ll = normLat(ll.getLat(),ll.getLng());
return ll;
* Returns a normalized Lat rectangle shape for the bounding box
* If you go over the poles, you need to flip the lng value too
private static LatLng normLat(double lat, double lng) {
if (lat > 90.0) {
lat = 90.0 - (lat - 90.0);
if (lng < 0) {
lng = lng+180;
} else {
else if (lat < -90.0) {
lat = -90.0 - (lat + 90.0);
if (lng < 0) {
lng = lng+180;
} else {
LatLng ll=new FloatLatLng(lat, lng);
return ll;
* Returns a normalized Lng rectangle shape for the bounding box
private static LatLng normLng(double lat,double lng) {
if (lng > 180.0) {
lng = -1.0*(180.0 - (lng - 180.0));
else if (lng < -180.0) {
lng = (lng + 180.0)+180.0;
LatLng ll=new FloatLatLng(lat, lng);
return ll;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.shape.Rectangle;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.CartesianTierPlotter;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.IProjector;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.SinusoidalProjector;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.LatLng;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.FloatLatLng;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.shape.LLRect;
@ -57,12 +60,27 @@ public class CartesianPolyFilterBuilder {
miles = MILES_FLOOR;
Rectangle box = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getBoundary(latitude, longitude, miles);
double latY = box.getMaxPoint().getY();//box.getY();
double latX = box.getMinPoint().getY() ; //box.getMaxY();
double longY = box.getMaxPoint().getX(); ///box.getX();
double longX = box.getMinPoint().getX();//box.getMaxX();
LLRect box1 = LLRect.createBox( new FloatLatLng( latitude, longitude ), miles, miles );
LatLng ll = box1.getLowerLeft();
LatLng ur = box1.getUpperRight();
double latY = ur.getLat();
double latX = ll.getLat();
double longY = ur.getLng();
double longX = ll.getLng();
double longX2 = 0.0;
if (ur.getLng() < 0.0 && ll.getLng() > 0.0) {
longX2 = ll.getLng();
longX = -180.0;
if (ur.getLng() > 0.0 && ll.getLng() < 0.0) {
longX2 = ll.getLng();
longX = 0.0;
//System.err.println("getBoxShape:"+latY+"," + longY);
//System.err.println("getBoxShape:"+latX+"," + longX);
CartesianTierPlotter ctp = new CartesianTierPlotter(2, projector,tierPrefix);
int bestFit = ctp.bestFit(miles);
@ -74,13 +92,37 @@ public class CartesianPolyFilterBuilder {
// iterate from startX->endX
// iterate from startY -> endY
// shape.add(currentLat.currentLong);
shape = getShapeLoop(shape,ctp,latX,longX,latY,longY);
if (longX2 != 0.0) {
if (longX2 != 0.0) {
if (longX == 0.0) {
longX = longX2;
longY = 0.0;
shape = getShapeLoop(shape,ctp,latX,longX,latY,longY);
} else {
longX = longX2;
longY = -180.0;
shape = getShapeLoop(shape,ctp,latY,longY,latX,longX);
//System.err.println("getBoxShape2:"+latY+"," + longY);
//System.err.println("getBoxShape2:"+latX+"," + longX);
return shape;
public Shape getShapeLoop(Shape shape, CartesianTierPlotter ctp, double latX, double longX, double latY, double longY)
//System.err.println("getShapeLoop:"+latY+"," + longY);
//System.err.println("getShapeLoop:"+latX+"," + longX);
double beginAt = ctp.getTierBoxId(latX, longX);
double endAt = ctp.getTierBoxId(latY, longY);
double tierVert = ctp.getTierVerticalPosDivider();
log.fine(" | "+ beginAt+" | "+ endAt);
//System.err.println(" | "+ beginAt+" | "+ endAt);
double startX = beginAt - (beginAt %1);
double startY = beginAt - startX ; //should give a whole number
@ -97,15 +139,18 @@ public class CartesianPolyFilterBuilder {
double xInc = 1.0d / tierVert;
xInc = new BigDecimal(xInc).setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).doubleValue();
//System.err.println("go from startX:"+startX+" to:" + endX);
for (; startX <= endX; startX++){
double itY = startY;
//System.err.println("go from startY:"+startY+" to:" + endY);
while (itY <= endY){
//create a boxId
// startX.startY
double boxId = startX + itY ;
//System.err.println("----"+startX+" and "+itY);
itY += xInc;
// java keeps 0.0001 as 1.0E-1
@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.IProjector;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.SinusoidalProjector;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMDirectory;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.LatLng;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.FloatLatLng;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geometry.DistanceUnits;
@ -138,10 +140,204 @@ public class TestCartesian extends TestCase{
addPoint(writer,"Iota Club and Cafe",38.8890000,-77.0923000);
addPoint(writer,"Hilton Washington Embassy Row",38.9103000,-77.0451000);
addPoint(writer,"HorseFeathers, Bar & Grill", 39.01220000000001, -77.3942);
addPoint(writer,"Marshall Island Airfield",7.06, 171.2);
addPoint(writer,"Midway Island",25.7, -171.7);
addPoint(writer,"North Pole Way",55.0, 4.0);
public void testDistances() throws IOException, InvalidGeoException {
LatLng p1 = new FloatLatLng( 7.06, 171.2 );
LatLng p2 = new FloatLatLng( 21.6032207, -158.0 );
double miles = p1.arcDistance( p2, DistanceUnits.MILES );
System.out.println("miles:" + miles);
assertEquals(2288.82495932794, miles);
LatLng p3 = new FloatLatLng( 41.6032207, -73.087749);
LatLng p4 = new FloatLatLng( 55.0, 4.0 );
miles = p3.arcDistance( p4, DistanceUnits.MILES );
System.out.println("miles:" + miles);
assertEquals(3474.331719997617, miles);
public void testAntiM() throws IOException, InvalidGeoException {
searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
final double miles = 2800.0;
// Hawaii
// 2300 miles to Marshall Island Airfield
lat = 21.6032207;
lng = -158.0;
// create a distance query
final DistanceQueryBuilder dq = new DistanceQueryBuilder(lat, lng, miles,
latField, lngField, CartesianTierPlotter.DEFALT_FIELD_PREFIX, true);
//create a term query to search against all documents
Query tq = new TermQuery(new Term("metafile", "doc"));
FieldScoreQuery fsQuery = new FieldScoreQuery("geo_distance", Type.FLOAT);
CustomScoreQuery customScore = new CustomScoreQuery(dq.getQuery(tq),fsQuery){
public float customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore, float valSrcScore){
if (dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc) == null)
return 0;
double distance = dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc);
// boost score shouldn't exceed 1
if (distance < 1.0d)
distance = 1.0d;
//boost by distance is invertly proportional to
// to distance from center point to location
float score = new Float((miles - distance) / miles ).floatValue();
return score * subQueryScore;
// Create a distance sort
// As the radius filter has performed the distance calculations
// already, pass in the filter to reuse the results.
DistanceFieldComparatorSource dsort = new DistanceFieldComparatorSource(dq.distanceFilter);
Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField("foo", dsort,false));
// Perform the search, using the term query, the serial chain filter, and the
// distance sort
Hits hits = searcher.search(customScore,null,sort);
int results = hits.length();
// Get a list of distances
Map<Integer,Double> distances = dq.distanceFilter.getDistances();
// distances calculated from filter first pass must be less than total
// docs, from the above test of 20 items, 12 will come from the boundary box
// filter, but only 5 are actually in the radius of the results.
// Note Boundary Box filtering, is not accurate enough for most systems.
System.out.println("Distance Filter filtered: " + distances.size());
System.out.println("Results: " + results);
System.out.println("Distances should be 2 "+ distances.size());
System.out.println("Results should be 2 "+ results);
assertEquals(2, distances.size()); // fixed a store of only needed distances
assertEquals(2, results);
double lastDistance = 0;
for(int i =0 ; i < results; i++){
Document d = hits.doc(i);
String name = d.get("name");
double rsLat = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(latField));
double rsLng = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(lngField));
Double geo_distance = distances.get(hits.id(i));
double distance = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getDistanceMi(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
double llm = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getLLMDistance(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
System.out.println("Name: "+ name +", Distance "+ distance); //(res, ortho, harvesine):"+ distance +" |"+ geo_distance +"|"+ llm +" | score "+ hits.score(i));
assertTrue(Math.abs((distance - llm)) < 1);
assertTrue((distance < miles ));
assertTrue(geo_distance >= lastDistance);
lastDistance = geo_distance;
public void testPoleFlipping() throws IOException, InvalidGeoException {
searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
final double miles = 3500.0;
lat = 41.6032207;
lng = -73.087749;
// create a distance query
final DistanceQueryBuilder dq = new DistanceQueryBuilder(lat, lng, miles,
latField, lngField, CartesianTierPlotter.DEFALT_FIELD_PREFIX, true);
//create a term query to search against all documents
Query tq = new TermQuery(new Term("metafile", "doc"));
FieldScoreQuery fsQuery = new FieldScoreQuery("geo_distance", Type.FLOAT);
CustomScoreQuery customScore = new CustomScoreQuery(dq.getQuery(tq),fsQuery){
public float customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore, float valSrcScore){
if (dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc) == null)
return 0;
double distance = dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc);
// boost score shouldn't exceed 1
if (distance < 1.0d)
distance = 1.0d;
//boost by distance is invertly proportional to
// to distance from center point to location
float score = new Float((miles - distance) / miles ).floatValue();
return score * subQueryScore;
// Create a distance sort
// As the radius filter has performed the distance calculations
// already, pass in the filter to reuse the results.
DistanceFieldComparatorSource dsort = new DistanceFieldComparatorSource(dq.distanceFilter);
Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField("foo", dsort,false));
// Perform the search, using the term query, the serial chain filter, and the
// distance sort
Hits hits = searcher.search(customScore,null,sort);
int results = hits.length();
// Get a list of distances
Map<Integer,Double> distances = dq.distanceFilter.getDistances();
// distances calculated from filter first pass must be less than total
// docs, from the above test of 20 items, 12 will come from the boundary box
// filter, but only 5 are actually in the radius of the results.
// Note Boundary Box filtering, is not accurate enough for most systems.
System.out.println("Distance Filter filtered: " + distances.size());
System.out.println("Results: " + results);
System.out.println("Distances should be 18 "+ distances.size());
System.out.println("Results should be 18 "+ results);
assertEquals(18, distances.size()); // fixed a store of only needed distances
assertEquals(18, results);
double lastDistance = 0;
for(int i =0 ; i < results; i++){
Document d = hits.doc(i);
String name = d.get("name");
double rsLat = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(latField));
double rsLng = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(lngField));
Double geo_distance = distances.get(hits.id(i));
double distance = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getDistanceMi(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
double llm = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getLLMDistance(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
System.out.println("Name: "+ name +", Distance "+ distance); //(res, ortho, harvesine):"+ distance +" |"+ geo_distance +"|"+ llm +" | score "+ hits.score(i));
assertTrue(Math.abs((distance - llm)) < 1);
System.out.println("checking limit "+ distance + " < " + miles);
assertTrue((distance < miles ));
System.out.println("checking sort "+ geo_distance + " >= " + lastDistance);
assertTrue(geo_distance >= lastDistance);
lastDistance = geo_distance;
public void testRange() throws IOException, InvalidGeoException {
searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
@ -207,8 +403,8 @@ public class TestCartesian extends TestCase{
System.out.println("Distance Filter filtered: " + distances.size());
System.out.println("Results: " + results);
System.out.println("Distances should be 7 "+ distances.size());
System.out.println("Results should be 7 "+ results);
System.out.println("Distances should be 7 "+ expected[x] + ":" + distances.size());
System.out.println("Results should be 7 "+ expected[x] + ":" + results);
assertEquals(expected[x], distances.size()); // fixed a store of only needed distances
assertEquals(expected[x], results);
@ -296,8 +492,8 @@ public class TestCartesian extends TestCase{
System.out.println("Distance Filter filtered: " + distances.size());
System.out.println("Results: " + results);
System.out.println("Distances should be 14 "+ distances.size());
System.out.println("Results should be 7 "+ results);
System.out.println("Distances should be 14 "+ expected[x] + ":" + distances.size());
System.out.println("Results should be 7 "+ expected[x] + ":" + results);
assertEquals(expected[x], distances.size());
assertEquals(expected[x], results);
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