mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
LUCENE-3699: simplify dictionary access and reduce tokeninfodictionary 1.5MB
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk@1232120 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
public static final String DICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX = "$buffer.dat";
public static final String TARGETMAP_FILENAME_SUFFIX = "$targetMap.dat";
public static final String POSDICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX = "$posDict.dat";
public static final String INFLDICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX = "$inflDict.dat";
public static final String DICT_HEADER = "kuromoji_dict";
public static final String TARGETMAP_HEADER = "kuromoji_dict_map";
public static final String POSDICT_HEADER = "kuromoji_dict_pos";
public static final String INFLDICT_HEADER = "kuromoji_dict_infl";
public static final int VERSION = 1;
private final ByteBuffer buffer;
@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
private final String[] inflFormDict;
protected BinaryDictionary() throws IOException {
InputStream mapIS = null, dictIS = null, posIS = null, inflIS = null;
InputStream mapIS = null, dictIS = null, posIS = null;
IOException priorE = null;
int[] targetMapOffsets = null, targetMap = null;
String[] posDict = null;
@ -85,25 +83,24 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
posIS = new BufferedInputStream(posIS);
in = new InputStreamDataInput(posIS);
CodecUtil.checkHeader(in, POSDICT_HEADER, VERSION, VERSION);
posDict = new String[in.readVInt()];
for (int j = 0; j < posDict.length; j++) {
int posSize = in.readVInt();
posDict = new String[posSize];
inflTypeDict = new String[posSize];
inflFormDict = new String[posSize];
for (int j = 0; j < posSize; j++) {
posDict[j] = in.readString();
inflTypeDict[j] = in.readString();
inflFormDict[j] = in.readString();
// this is how we encode null inflections
if (inflTypeDict[j].length() == 0) {
inflTypeDict[j] = null;
if (inflFormDict[j].length() == 0) {
inflFormDict[j] = null;
posIS.close(); posIS = null;
inflIS = new BufferedInputStream(inflIS);
in = new InputStreamDataInput(inflIS);
int length = in.readVInt();
inflTypeDict = new String[length];
inflFormDict = new String[length];
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
inflTypeDict[j] = in.readString();
inflFormDict[j] = in.readString();
inflIS.close(); inflIS = null;
dictIS = getResource(DICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
// no buffering here, as we load in one large buffer
in = new InputStreamDataInput(dictIS);
@ -120,7 +117,7 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
priorE = ioe;
} finally {
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(priorE, mapIS, posIS, inflIS, dictIS);
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(priorE, mapIS, posIS, dictIS);
this.targetMap = targetMap;
@ -152,27 +149,27 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
public int getLeftId(int wordId) {
return buffer.getShort(wordId);
return buffer.getShort(wordId) >>> 2;
public int getRightId(int wordId) {
return buffer.getShort(wordId + 2); // Skip left id
return buffer.getShort(wordId) >>> 2;
public int getWordCost(int wordId) {
return buffer.getShort(wordId + 4); // Skip left id and right id
return buffer.getShort(wordId + 2); // Skip id
public String getBaseForm(int wordId) {
int offset = baseFormOffset(wordId);
int length = (buffer.get(offset++) & 0xff) >>> 1;
if (length == 0) {
return null; // same as surface form
} else {
if (hasBaseFormData(wordId)) {
int offset = baseFormOffset(wordId);
int length = buffer.get(offset++) & 0xff;
return readString(offset, length, false);
} else {
return null;
@ -185,8 +182,7 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
public String getPartOfSpeech(int wordId) {
int posIndex = buffer.get(posOffset(wordId)) & 0xff; // read index into posDict
return posDict[posIndex >>> 1];
return posDict[getLeftId(wordId)];
@ -202,28 +198,26 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
public String getInflectionType(int wordId) {
int index = getInflectionIndex(wordId);
return index < 0 ? null : inflTypeDict[index];
return inflTypeDict[getLeftId(wordId)];
public String getInflectionForm(int wordId) {
int index = getInflectionIndex(wordId);
return index < 0 ? null : inflFormDict[index];
private static int posOffset(int wordId) {
return wordId + 6;
return inflFormDict[getLeftId(wordId)];
private static int baseFormOffset(int wordId) {
return wordId + 7;
return wordId + 4;
private int readingOffset(int wordId) {
int offset = baseFormOffset(wordId);
int baseFormLength = buffer.get(offset++) & 0xfe; // mask away pronunciation bit
return offset + baseFormLength;
if (hasBaseFormData(wordId)) {
int baseFormLength = buffer.get(offset++) & 0xff;
return offset + (baseFormLength << 1);
} else {
return offset;
private int pronunciationOffset(int wordId) {
@ -238,41 +232,12 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
return offset + readingLength;
private boolean hasBaseFormData(int wordId) {
return (buffer.getShort(wordId) & HAS_BASEFORM) != 0;
private boolean hasPronunciationData(int wordId) {
int baseFormData = buffer.get(baseFormOffset(wordId)) & 0xff;
return (baseFormData & 1) == 0;
private boolean hasInflectionData(int wordId) {
int posData = buffer.get(posOffset(wordId)) & 0xff;
return (posData & 1) == 1;
private int getInflectionIndex(int wordId) {
if (!hasInflectionData(wordId)) {
return -1; // common case: no inflection data
// skip past reading/pronunciation at the end
int offset = hasPronunciationData(wordId) ? pronunciationOffset(wordId) : readingOffset(wordId);
int endData = buffer.get(offset++) & 0xff;
final int endLength;
if ((endData & 1) == 0) {
endLength = endData & 0xfe; // UTF-16: mask off kana bit
} else {
endLength = endData >>> 1;
offset += endLength;
byte b = buffer.get(offset++);
int i = b & 0x7F;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) return i;
b = buffer.get(offset++);
i |= (b & 0x7F) << 7;
assert ((b & 0x80) == 0);
return i;
return (buffer.getShort(wordId) & HAS_PRONUNCIATION) != 0;
private String readString(int offset, int length, boolean kana) {
@ -288,4 +253,9 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionary implements Dictionary {
return new String(text);
/** flag that the entry has baseform data. otherwise its not inflected (same as surface form) */
public static final int HAS_BASEFORM = 1;
/** flag that the entry has pronunciation data. otherwise pronunciation is the reading */
public static final int HAS_PRONUNCIATION = 2;
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -26,11 +26,6 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.OutputStreamDataOutput;
@ -45,11 +40,7 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
private int targetMapEndOffset = 0, lastWordId = -1, lastSourceId = -1;
private int[] targetMap = new int[8192];
private int[] targetMapOffsets = new int[8192];
private final List<String> posDict = new ArrayList<String>();
private final Map<String,Integer> posDictLookup = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
private final List<String> inflDict = new ArrayList<String>();
private final Map<String,Integer> inflDictLookup = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
private final ArrayList<String> posDict = new ArrayList<String>();
public BinaryDictionaryWriter(Class<? extends BinaryDictionary> implClazz, int size) {
this.implClazz = implClazz;
@ -78,35 +69,20 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
String pos = sb.toString();
Integer posIndex = posDictLookup.get(pos);
if (posIndex == null) {
posIndex = posDict.size();
posDictLookup.put(pos, posIndex);
assert posDict.size() == posDictLookup.size();
String posData = sb.toString();
String inflData = sb.toString();
Integer inflIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int hasInflData;
if ("*,*".equals(inflData)) {
hasInflData = 0; // no inflection data
} else {
hasInflData = 1;
inflIndex = inflDictLookup.get(inflData);
if (inflIndex == null) {
inflIndex = inflDict.size();
inflDictLookup.put(inflData, inflIndex);
assert inflDict.size() == inflDictLookup.size();
if (!"*".equals(entry[8])) {
if (!"*".equals(entry[9])) {
String fullPOSData = sb.toString();
String baseForm = entry[10];
String reading = entry[11];
@ -114,28 +90,40 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
// extend buffer if necessary
int left = buffer.remaining();
// worst case: three short, 4 bytes, one vint and features (all as utf-16)
int worstCase = 6 + 4 + 2 + 2*(baseForm.length() + reading.length() + pronunciation.length());
// worst case: two short, 3 bytes, and features (all as utf-16)
int worstCase = 4 + 3 + 2*(baseForm.length() + reading.length() + pronunciation.length());
if (worstCase > left) {
ByteBuffer newBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(ArrayUtil.oversize(buffer.limit() + worstCase - left, 1));
buffer = newBuffer;
int flags = 0;
if (!("*".equals(baseForm) || baseForm.equals(entry[0]))) {
flags |= BinaryDictionary.HAS_BASEFORM;
if (!pronunciation.equals(reading)) {
flags |= BinaryDictionary.HAS_PRONUNCIATION;
assert leftId == rightId;
assert leftId < 8192; // there are still unused bits
// add pos mapping
int toFill = 1+leftId - posDict.size();
for (int i = 0; i < toFill; i++) {
String existing = posDict.get(leftId);
assert existing == null || existing.equals(fullPOSData);
posDict.set(leftId, fullPOSData);
buffer.putShort((short)(leftId << 2 | flags));
assert posIndex.intValue() < 128;
buffer.put((byte) (posIndex.intValue() << 1 | hasInflData));
int pronunciationIsReading = pronunciation.equals(reading) ? 1 : 0;
if ("*".equals(baseForm) || baseForm.equals(entry[0])) {
buffer.put((byte)pronunciationIsReading); // base form is the same as surface form
} else {
assert baseForm.length() < 128;
buffer.put((byte)(baseForm.length() << 1 | pronunciationIsReading));
if ((flags & BinaryDictionary.HAS_BASEFORM) != 0) {
buffer.put((byte) baseForm.length());
for (int i = 0; i < baseForm.length(); i++) {
@ -151,7 +139,7 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
if (pronunciationIsReading == 0) {
if ((flags & BinaryDictionary.HAS_PRONUNCIATION) != 0) {
if (isKatakana(pronunciation)) {
buffer.put((byte) (pronunciation.length() << 1 | 1));
@ -163,17 +151,6 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
if (hasInflData > 0) {
int key = inflIndex.intValue();
assert key < 32768; // note there are really like 300 of these...
if (key < 128) {
buffer.put((byte) key);
} else {
buffer.put((byte) ((key & 0x7f) | 0x80));
buffer.put((byte) (key >>> 7));
return buffer.position();
@ -229,7 +206,6 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
writeDictionary(baseName + BinaryDictionary.DICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
writeTargetMap(baseName + BinaryDictionary.TARGETMAP_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
writePosDict(baseName + BinaryDictionary.POSDICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
writeInflDict(baseName + BinaryDictionary.INFLDICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX);
// TODO: maybe this int[] should instead be the output to the FST...
@ -271,26 +247,17 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
CodecUtil.writeHeader(out, BinaryDictionary.POSDICT_HEADER, BinaryDictionary.VERSION);
for (String s : posDict) {
} finally {
protected void writeInflDict(String filename) throws IOException {
new File(filename).getParentFile().mkdirs();
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(filename);
try {
os = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
final DataOutput out = new OutputStreamDataOutput(os);
CodecUtil.writeHeader(out, BinaryDictionary.INFLDICT_HEADER, BinaryDictionary.VERSION);
for (String s : inflDict) {
String data[] = CSVUtil.parse(s);
assert data.length == 2 : "malformed inflection: " + s;
if (s == null) {
} else {
String data[] = CSVUtil.parse(s);
assert data.length == 3 : "malformed pos/inflection: " + s;
} finally {
@ -313,59 +280,4 @@ public abstract class BinaryDictionaryWriter {
// TODO: the below is messy, but makes the dictionary smaller.
// we track frequencies of inflections so the highest-freq ones have smaller indexes.
/** optional: notes inflection seen in the data up front */
public void noteInflection(String entry[]) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String s = sb.toString();
if ("*,*".equals(s)) {
return; // no inflection data
Integer freq = notedInflections.get(s);
if (freq == null) {
freq = 0;
notedInflections.put(s, freq+1);
/** prepopulates inflection mapping by frequency */
public void finalizeInflections() {
InflectionAndFreq freqs[] = new InflectionAndFreq[notedInflections.size()];
int upto = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> e : notedInflections.entrySet()) {
freqs[upto++] = new InflectionAndFreq(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
Arrays.sort(freqs, Collections.reverseOrder());
for (int i = 0; i < upto; i++) {
inflDictLookup.put(freqs[i].inflection, i);
static class InflectionAndFreq implements Comparable<InflectionAndFreq> {
String inflection;
int freq;
InflectionAndFreq(String s, int i) {
this.inflection = s;
this.freq = i;
public int compareTo(InflectionAndFreq other) {
int cmp = freq - other.freq;
if (cmp == 0) {
return inflection.compareTo(other.inflection);
} else {
return cmp;
private HashMap<String,Integer> notedInflections = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ public class TokenInfoDictionaryBuilder {
String[] formatted = formatEntry(entry);
// NFKC normalize dictionary entry
@ -115,14 +114,11 @@ public class TokenInfoDictionaryBuilder {
formatted = formatEntry(normalizedEntry);
System.out.println(" sort...");
// sort by term: we sorted the files already and use a stable sort.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.CharacterDefinition;
public class UnknownDictionaryBuilder {
private static final String NGRAM_DICTIONARY_ENTRY = "NGRAM,5,5,-32768,-,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*";
private static final String NGRAM_DICTIONARY_ENTRY = "NGRAM,5,5,-32768,記号,一般,*,*,*,*,*,*,*";
private String encoding = "euc-jp";
@ -73,9 +73,7 @@ public class UnknownDictionaryBuilder {
// even though the unknown dictionary returns hardcoded null here.
final String[] parsed = CSVUtil.parse(line + ",*,*"); // Probably we don't need to validate entry
dictionary.noteInflection(parsed); // for completeness; I think unk.def has no inflections...
dictionary.finalizeInflections(); // should also be no-op
Collections.sort(lines, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(String[] left, String[] right) {
Reference in New Issue