LUCENE-8155: Add support for Java 9 in smoke tester

This commit is contained in:
Uwe Schindler 2018-02-09 18:45:10 +01:00
parent b6f683d30b
commit 1938631307
3 changed files with 59 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -603,13 +603,22 @@ File | Project Structure | Platform Settings | SDKs):
<target name="nightly-smoke" description="Builds an unsigned release and smoke tests it"
<target name="-nightly-smoke-java9params" if="smokeTestRelease.java9">
<!-- convert path to UNIX style, so windows backslashes don't hurt escaping: -->
<pathconvert targetos="unix" property="-smokeTestRelease.java9params">
<regexpmapper from="^(.*)$" to="--test-java9 '\1'"/>
<path location="${smokeTestRelease.java9}"/>
<target name="nightly-smoke" description="Builds an unsigned release and smoke tests it (pass '-DsmokeTestRelease.java9=/path/to/jdk-9' to additionally test with Java 9 or later)"
<fail message="To run nightly smoke, the JDK must be exactly Java 1.8, was: ${java.specification.version}">
<not><equals arg1="${java.specification.version}" arg2="1.8"/></not>
<property name="-smokeTestRelease.java9params" value=""/><!-- (if not yet defined) -->
<exec executable="${python32.exe}" failonerror="true" taskname="python32">
<arg value="-V"/>
@ -634,6 +643,7 @@ File | Project Structure | Platform Settings | SDKs):
<!-- Tell Python not to write any bytecode cache into the filesystem: -->
<arg value="-B"/>
<arg file="dev-tools/scripts/"/>
<arg line="${-smokeTestRelease.java9params}"/>
<arg value="--revision"/>
<arg value="skip"/>
<!-- pass ${version.base} here to emulate a real release, without appendix like "-SNAPSHOT": -->

View File

@ -726,6 +726,16 @@ def verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, te
java.run_java8('ant javadocs', '%s/javadocs.log' % unpackPath)
checkJavadocpathFull('%s/build/docs' % unpackPath)
if java.run_java9:
print(" run tests w/ Java 9 and testArgs='%s'..." % testArgs)
java.run_java9('ant clean test %s' % testArgs, '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
java.run_java9('ant jar', '%s/compile.log' % unpackPath)
testDemo(java.run_java9, isSrc, version, '9')
print(' generate javadocs w/ Java 9...')
java.run_java9('ant javadocs', '%s/javadocs.log' % unpackPath)
checkJavadocpathFull('%s/build/docs' % unpackPath)
@ -741,6 +751,18 @@ def verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, te
java.run_java8('ant clean server', '%s/antexample.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample(unpackPath, java.java8_home, True)
if java.run_java9:
print(" run tests w/ Java 9 and testArgs='%s'..." % testArgs)
java.run_java9('ant clean test -Dtests.slow=false %s' % testArgs, '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
print(' generate javadocs w/ Java 9...')
java.run_java9('ant clean javadocs', '%s/javadocs.log' % unpackPath)
checkJavadocpathFull('%s/solr/build/docs' % unpackPath, False)
print(' test solr example w/ Java 9...')
java.run_java9('ant clean example', '%s/antexample.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample(unpackPath, java.java9_home, True)
print(' check NOTICE')
@ -751,6 +773,8 @@ def verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, te
if project == 'lucene':
testDemo(java.run_java8, isSrc, version, '1.8')
if java.run_java9:
testDemo(java.run_java9, isSrc, version, '9')
print(' check Lucene\'s javadoc JAR')
checkJavadocpath('%s/docs' % unpackPath)
@ -765,6 +789,16 @@ def verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, te
print(' test solr example w/ Java 8...')
testSolrExample(java8UnpackPath, java.java8_home, False)
if java.run_java9:
print(' copying unpacked distribution for Java 9 ...')
java9UnpackPath = '%s-java9' % unpackPath
if os.path.exists(java9UnpackPath):
shutil.copytree(unpackPath, java9UnpackPath)
print(' test solr example w/ Java 9...')
testSolrExample(java9UnpackPath, java.java9_home, False)
testChangesText('.', version, project)
@ -1218,7 +1252,7 @@ def crawl(downloadedFiles, urlString, targetDir, exclusions=set()):
def make_java_config(parser, java8_home):
def make_java_config(parser, java9_home):
def _make_runner(java_home, version):
print('Java %s JAVA_HOME=%s' % (version, java_home))
if cygwin:
@ -1227,7 +1261,7 @@ def make_java_config(parser, java8_home):
(java_home, java_home, java_home)
s = subprocess.check_output('%s; java -version' % cmd_prefix,
shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
if s.find(' version "%s.' % version) == -1:
if s.find(' version "%s' % version) == -1:
parser.error('got wrong version for java %s:\n%s' % (version, s))
def run_java(cmd, logfile):
run('%s; %s' % (cmd_prefix, cmd), logfile)
@ -1236,9 +1270,12 @@ def make_java_config(parser, java8_home):
if java8_home is None:
parser.error('JAVA_HOME must be set')
run_java8 = _make_runner(java8_home, '1.8')
run_java9 = None
if java9_home is not None:
run_java9 = _make_runner(java9_home, '9')
jc = namedtuple('JavaConfig', 'run_java8 java8_home')
return jc(run_java8, java8_home)
jc = namedtuple('JavaConfig', 'run_java8 java8_home run_java9 java9_home')
return jc(run_java8, java8_home, run_java9, java9_home)
version_re = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-ALPHA|-BETA)?)')
revision_re = re.compile(r'rev([a-f\d]+)')
@ -1258,8 +1295,8 @@ def parse_config():
help='GIT revision number that release was built with, defaults to that in URL')
parser.add_argument('--version', metavar='X.Y.Z(-ALPHA|-BETA)?',
help='Version of the release, defaults to that in URL')
parser.add_argument('--test-java8', metavar='JAVA8_HOME',
help='Path to Java8 home directory, to run tests with if specified')
parser.add_argument('--test-java9', metavar='JAVA9_HOME',
help='Path to Java9 home directory, to run tests with if specified')
parser.add_argument('url', help='Url pointing to release to test')
parser.add_argument('test_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='Arguments to pass to ant for testing, e.g. -Dwhat=ever.')
@ -1281,7 +1318,7 @@ def parse_config():
c.revision =
print('Revision: %s' % c.revision) = make_java_config(parser, c.test_java8) = make_java_config(parser, c.test_java9)
if c.tmp_dir:
c.tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(c.tmp_dir)

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@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ Other
Spatial4j 0.7 is compatible with JTS 1.15.0 and not any prior version. JTS 1.15.0 is
dual-licensed to include BSD; prior versions were LGPL. (David Smiley)
* LUCENE-8155: Add back support in smoke tester to run against later Java versions.
(Uwe Schindler)
======================= Lucene 7.2.1 =======================
Bug Fixes