mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
Remove non-Mavenized dependency checks - the project no longer has any non-Mavenized dependencies
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk@1530737 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -932,12 +932,8 @@ def checkMaven(baseURL, tmpDir, svnRevision, version, isSigned):
verifyArtifactPerPOMtemplate(POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir, version)
print(" verify Maven artifacts' md5/sha1 digests...")
print(' verify that all non-Mavenized deps are deployed...')
nonMavenizedDeps = dict()
checkNonMavenizedDeps(nonMavenizedDeps, POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir,
version, releaseBranchSvnURL)
print(' check for javadoc and sources artifacts...')
checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version)
checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(artifacts, version)
print(" verify deployed POMs' coordinates...")
verifyDeployedPOMsCoordinates(artifacts, version)
if isSigned:
@ -946,10 +942,8 @@ def checkMaven(baseURL, tmpDir, svnRevision, version, isSigned):
distributionFiles = getDistributionsForMavenChecks(tmpDir, version, baseURL)
print(' verify that non-Mavenized deps are same as in the binary distribution...')
checkIdenticalNonMavenizedDeps(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps)
print(' verify that Maven artifacts are same as in the binary distribution...')
checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version)
checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, artifacts, version)
checkAllJARs('%s/maven/org/apache/lucene' % tmpDir, 'lucene', svnRevision, version)
checkAllJARs('%s/maven/org/apache/solr' % tmpDir, 'solr', svnRevision, version)
@ -975,10 +969,10 @@ def getDistributionsForMavenChecks(tmpDir, version, baseURL):
distributionFiles[project].extend([os.path.join(root, file) for file in files])
return distributionFiles
def checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version):
def checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(artifacts, version):
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
for artifact in artifacts[project]:
if artifact.endswith(version + '.jar') and artifact not in nonMavenizedDeps:
if artifact.endswith(version + '.jar'):
javadocJar = artifact[:-4] + '-javadoc.jar'
if javadocJar not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: %s' % javadocJar)
@ -986,21 +980,6 @@ def checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version):
if sourcesJar not in artifacts[project]:
raise RuntimeError('missing: %s' % sourcesJar)
def checkIdenticalNonMavenizedDeps(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps):
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
distFilenames = dict()
for file in distributionFiles[project]:
distFilenames[os.path.basename(file)] = file
for dep in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
if ('/%s/' % project) in dep:
depOrigFilename = os.path.basename(nonMavenizedDeps[dep])
if not depOrigFilename in distFilenames:
raise RuntimeError('missing: non-mavenized dependency %s' % nonMavenizedDeps[dep])
identical = filecmp.cmp(dep, distFilenames[depOrigFilename], shallow=False)
if not identical:
raise RuntimeError('Deployed non-mavenized dep %s differs from distribution dep %s'
% (dep, distFilenames[depOrigFilename]))
def getZipFileEntries(fileName):
entries = []
with zipfile.ZipFile(fileName) as zf:
@ -1010,7 +989,7 @@ def getZipFileEntries(fileName):
return entries
def checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version):
def checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, artifacts, version):
reJarWar = re.compile(r'%s\.[wj]ar$' % version) # exclude *-javadoc.jar and *-sources.jar
for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
distFilenames = dict()
@ -1020,18 +999,17 @@ def checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts,
for artifact in artifacts[project]:
if reJarWar.search(artifact):
entries = getZipFileEntries(artifact)
if artifact not in nonMavenizedDeps:
artifactFilename = os.path.basename(artifact)
if artifactFilename not in distFilenames:
raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s is not present in %s binary distribution'
% (artifact, project))
binaryEntries = getZipFileEntries(distFilenames[artifactFilename])
if binaryEntries != entries:
raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s has different contents than binary distribution\n maven:\n%s\n binary:\n%s\n' % \
artifactFilename = os.path.basename(artifact)
if artifactFilename not in distFilenames:
raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s is not present in %s binary distribution'
% (artifact, project))
binaryEntries = getZipFileEntries(distFilenames[artifactFilename])
if binaryEntries != entries:
raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s has different contents than binary distribution\n maven:\n%s\n binary:\n%s\n' % \
# TODO: Either fix the build to ensure that maven artifacts *are* identical, or recursively compare contents
# identical = filecmp.cmp(artifact, distFilenames[artifactFilename], shallow=False)
@ -1070,76 +1048,6 @@ def verifyMavenDigests(artifacts):
raise RuntimeError('SHA1 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s'
% (artifactFile, sha1Expected, sha1Actual))
def checkNonMavenizedDeps(nonMavenizedDependencies, POMtemplates, artifacts,
tmpDir, version, releaseBranchSvnURL):
- check for non-mavenized dependencies listed in the grandfather POM template
- nonMavenizedDependencies is populated with a map from non-mavenized dependency
artifact path to the original jar path
namespace = '{http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0}'
xpathProfile = '{0}profiles/{0}profile'.format(namespace)
xpathPlugin = '{0}build/{0}plugins/{0}plugin'.format(namespace)
xpathExecution= '{0}executions/{0}execution'.format(namespace)
xpathResourceDir = '{0}configuration/{0}resources/{0}resource/{0}directory'.format(namespace)
treeRoot = ET.parse(POMtemplates['grandfather'][0]).getroot()
for profile in treeRoot.findall(xpathProfile):
pomDirs = []
profileId = profile.find('%sid' % namespace)
if profileId is not None and profileId.text == 'bootstrap':
plugins = profile.findall(xpathPlugin)
for plugin in plugins:
artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
if artifactId == 'maven-resources-plugin':
for config in plugin.findall(xpathExecution):
for plugin in plugins:
artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
if artifactId == 'maven-install-plugin':
for execution in plugin.findall(xpathExecution):
groupId, artifactId, file, pomFile = '', '', '', ''
for child in execution.find('%sconfiguration' % namespace).getchildren():
text = child.text.strip()
if child.tag == '%sgroupId' % namespace:
groupId = text if text != '${project.groupId}' else 'org.apache.lucene'
elif child.tag == '%sartifactId' % namespace: artifactId = text
elif child.tag == '%sfile' % namespace: file = text
elif child.tag == '%spomFile' % namespace: pomFile = text
if groupId in ('org.apache.lucene', 'org.apache.solr'):
depJar = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.jar' \
% (tmpDir, groupId.replace('.', '/'),
artifactId, version, artifactId, version)
if depJar not in artifacts['lucene'] \
and depJar not in artifacts['solr']:
raise RuntimeError('Missing non-mavenized dependency %s' % depJar)
nonMavenizedDependencies[depJar] = file
elif pomFile: # Find non-Mavenized deps with associated POMs
pomFile = pomFile.split('/')[-1] # remove path
doc2 = None
workingCopy = os.path.abspath('%s/../..' % sys.path[0])
for pomDir in pomDirs:
if releaseBranchSvnURL is None:
pomPath = '%s/%s/%s' % (workingCopy, pomDir, pomFile)
if os.path.exists(pomPath):
doc2 = ET.XML(open(pomPath, encoding='UTF-8').read())
entries = getDirEntries('%s/%s' % (releaseBranchSvnURL, pomDir))
for text, subURL in entries:
if text == pomFile:
doc2 = ET.XML(load(subURL))
if doc2 is not None: break
groupId2, artifactId2, packaging2, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(doc2)
depJar = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.jar' \
% (tmpDir, groupId2.replace('.', '/'),
artifactId2, version, artifactId2, version)
if depJar not in artifacts['lucene'] and depJar not in artifacts['solr']:
raise RuntimeError('Missing non-mavenized dependency %s' % depJar)
nonMavenizedDependencies[depJar] = file
def getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot):
namespace = '{http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0}'
groupId = treeRoot.find('%sgroupId' % namespace)
Reference in New Issue