LUCENE-6908: Add space segmentation for handling irregular rectangle accuracy at the poles.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Nick Knize 2015-12-31 16:08:25 +00:00
parent e773508648
commit 267400485e
2 changed files with 70 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -419,4 +419,20 @@ public class GeoProjectionUtils {
return pt;
* Finds the bearing (in degrees) between 2 geo points (lon, lat) using great circle arc
* @param lon1 first point longitude in degrees
* @param lat1 first point latitude in degrees
* @param lon2 second point longitude in degrees
* @param lat2 second point latitude in degrees
* @return the bearing (in degrees) between the two provided points
public static double bearingGreatCircle(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double lat2) {
double dLon = (lon2 - lon1) * TO_RADIANS;
lat2 *= TO_RADIANS;
lat1 *= TO_RADIANS;
double y = SloppyMath.sin(dLon) * SloppyMath.cos(lat2);
double x = SloppyMath.cos(lat1) * SloppyMath.sin(lat2) - SloppyMath.sin(lat1) * SloppyMath.cos(lat2) * SloppyMath.cos(dLon);
return Math.atan2(y, x) * TO_DEGREES;

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@ -200,35 +200,72 @@ public class GeoRelationUtils {
|| SloppyMath.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, rMaxX)*1000.0 <= radiusMeters;
* Compute whether any of the 4 corners of the rectangle (defined by min/max X/Y) are outside the circle (defined
* by centerLon, centerLat, radiusMeters)
* Note: exotic rectangles at the poles (e.g., those whose lon/lat distance ratios greatly deviate from 1) can not
* be determined by using distance alone. For this reason the approx flag may be set to false, in which case the
* space will be further divided to more accurately compute whether the rectangle crosses the circle
private static boolean rectAnyCornersOutsideCircle(final double rMinX, final double rMinY, final double rMaxX,
final double rMaxY, final double centerLon, final double centerLat,
final double radiusMeters, final boolean approx) {
if (approx == true) {
return rectAnyCornersOutsideCircleSloppy(rMinX, rMinY, rMaxX, rMaxY, centerLon, centerLat, radiusMeters);
double w = Math.abs(rMaxX - rMinX);
if (w <= 90.0) {
// if span is less than 70 degrees we can approximate using distance alone
if (Math.abs(rMaxX - rMinX) <= 70.0) {
return GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, rMinX) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, rMinX) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, rMaxX) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, rMaxX) > radiusMeters;
// partition
w /= 4;
final double p1 = rMinX + w;
final double p2 = p1 + w;
final double p3 = p2 + w;
return rectCrossesOblateCircle(centerLon, centerLat, radiusMeters, rMinX, rMinY, rMaxX, rMaxY);
return GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, rMinX) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, rMinX) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, p1) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, p1) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, p2) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, p2) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, p3) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, p3) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxY, rMaxX) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinY, rMaxX) > radiusMeters;
* Compute whether the rectangle (defined by min/max Lon/Lat) crosses a potentially oblate circle
* TODO benchmark for replacing existing rectCrossesCircle.
public static boolean rectCrossesOblateCircle(double centerLon, double centerLat, double radiusMeters, double rMinLon, double rMinLat, double rMaxLon, double rMaxLat) {
double w = Math.abs(rMaxLon - rMinLon);
final int segs = (int)Math.ceil(w / 45.0);
w /= segs;
short i = 1;
double p1 = rMinLon;
double maxLon, midLon;
double[] pt = new double[2];
do {
maxLon = (i == segs) ? rMaxLon : p1 + w;
final double d1, d2;
// short-circuit if we find a corner outside the circle
if ( (d1 = GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinLat, p1)) > radiusMeters
|| (d2 = GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinLat, maxLon)) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxLat, p1) > radiusMeters
|| GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMaxLat, maxLon) > radiusMeters) {
return true;
// else we treat as an oblate circle by slicing the longitude space and checking the azimuthal range
// OPTIMIZATION: this is only executed for latitude values "closeTo" the poles (e.g., 88.0 > lat < -88.0)
if ( (rMaxLat > 88.0 || rMinLat < -88.0)
&& (pt = GeoProjectionUtils.pointFromLonLatBearingGreatCircle(p1, rMinLat,
GeoProjectionUtils.bearingGreatCircle(p1, rMinLat, p1, rMaxLat), radiusMeters - d1, pt))[1] < rMinLat || pt[1] < rMaxLat
|| (pt = GeoProjectionUtils.pointFromLonLatBearingGreatCircle(maxLon, rMinLat,
GeoProjectionUtils.bearingGreatCircle(maxLon, rMinLat, maxLon, rMaxLat), radiusMeters - d2, pt))[1] < rMinLat || pt[1] < rMaxLat
|| (pt = GeoProjectionUtils.pointFromLonLatBearingGreatCircle(maxLon, rMinLat,
GeoProjectionUtils.bearingGreatCircle(maxLon, rMinLat, (midLon = p1 + 0.5*(maxLon - p1)), rMaxLat),
radiusMeters - GeoDistanceUtils.haversin(centerLat, centerLon, rMinLat, midLon), pt))[1] < rMinLat
|| pt[1] < rMaxLat == false ) {
return true;
p1 += w;
} while (++i <= segs);
return false;
private static boolean rectAnyCornersOutsideCircleSloppy(final double rMinX, final double rMinY, final double rMaxX, final double rMaxY,