SOLR-2708: Further DocumentObjectBinder cleanup

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Christopher John Male 2011-08-18 08:29:26 +00:00
parent 04bd9ae73a
commit 3a9bdecab0
2 changed files with 134 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
gname = "get" + gname.substring(3);
try {
getter = setter.getDeclaringClass().getMethod(gname, (Class[]) null);
} catch( Exception ex ) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// no getter -- don't worry about it...
if (type == Boolean.class) {
gname = "is" + setter.getName().substring(3);
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
name = setter.getName();
} else if(annotation.value().indexOf('*') >= 0){ //dynamic fields are annotated as @Field("categories_*")
} else if (annotation.value().indexOf('*') >= 0) { //dynamic fields are annotated as @Field("categories_*")
//if the field was annotated as a dynamic field, convert the name into a pattern
//the wildcard (*) is supposed to be either a prefix or a suffix, hence the use of replaceFirst
name = annotation.value().replaceFirst("\\*", "\\.*");
@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
//Raw and primitive types
if (types[1] instanceof Class) {
//the value could be multivalued then it is a List, Collection, ArrayList
if(types[1]== Collection.class || types[1] == List.class || types[1] == ArrayList.class){
if (types[1]== Collection.class || types[1] == List.class || types[1] == ArrayList.class) {
type = Object.class;
isList = true;
} else{
} else {
//else assume it is a primitive and put in the source type itself
type = (Class) types[1];
} else if( types[1] instanceof ParameterizedType) { //Of all the Parameterized types, only List is supported
} else if (types[1] instanceof ParameterizedType) { //Of all the Parameterized types, only List is supported
Type rawType = ((ParameterizedType)types[1]).getRawType();
if(rawType== Collection.class || rawType == List.class || rawType == ArrayList.class){
type = Object.class;
@ -260,14 +260,18 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
* and <code>Map<String, List<Object>></code> for a dynamic field. The key is all matching fieldName's.
private Object getFieldValue(SolrDocument sdoc){
Object fieldValue = sdoc.getFieldValue(name);
private Object getFieldValue(SolrDocument solrDocument) {
Object fieldValue = solrDocument.getFieldValue(name);
if (fieldValue != null) {
//this is not a dynamic field. so return te value
//this is not a dynamic field. so return the value
return fieldValue;
if (dynamicFieldNamePatternMatcher == null) {
return null;
//reading dynamic field values
if (dynamicFieldNamePatternMatcher != null) {
Map<String, Object> allValuesMap = null;
List allValuesList = null;
if (isContainedInMap) {
@ -276,9 +280,9 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
allValuesList = new ArrayList();
for (String field : sdoc.getFieldNames()) {
for (String field : solrDocument.getFieldNames()) {
if (dynamicFieldNamePatternMatcher.matcher(field).find()) {
Object val = sdoc.getFieldValue(field);
Object val = solrDocument.getFieldValue(field);
if (val == null) {
@ -292,11 +296,11 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
} else if (isArray) {
if (!(val instanceof List)) {
Object[] arr= (Object[]) Array.newInstance(type,1);
Object[] arr = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(type, 1);
arr[0] = val;
val= arr;
val = arr;
} else {
val = Array.newInstance(type,((List)val).size());
val = Array.newInstance(type, ((List) val).size());
allValuesMap.put(field, val);
@ -315,8 +319,6 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
return allValuesList.isEmpty() ? null : allValuesList;
return null;
<T> void inject(T obj, SolrDocument sdoc) {
Object val = getFieldValue(sdoc);
@ -327,7 +329,7 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
if (isArray && !isContainedInMap) {
List list;
if (val.getClass().isArray()) {
set(obj, val);
} else if (val instanceof List) {
list = (List) val;
@ -335,7 +337,7 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
list = new ArrayList();
set(obj, list.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(type,list.size())));
set(obj, list.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(type, list.size())));
} else if (isList && !isContainedInMap) {
if (!(val instanceof List)) {
List list = new ArrayList();
@ -353,7 +355,6 @@ public class DocumentObjectBinder {
private void set(Object obj, Object v) {
if (v != null && type == ByteBuffer.class && v.getClass() == byte[].class) {
v = ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) v);

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -35,74 +36,81 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestDocumentObjectBinder extends LuceneTestCase
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class TestDocumentObjectBinder extends LuceneTestCase {
public void testSimple() throws Exception {
DocumentObjectBinder binder = new DocumentObjectBinder();
XMLResponseParser parser = new XMLResponseParser();
NamedList<Object> nl = null;
nl = parser.processResponse(new StringReader(xml));
NamedList<Object> nl = parser.processResponse(new StringReader(xml));
QueryResponse res = new QueryResponse(nl, null);
SolrDocumentList solDocList = res.getResults();
List<Item> l = binder.getBeans(Item.class,res.getResults());
Assert.assertEquals(solDocList.size(), l.size());
Assert.assertEquals(solDocList.get(0).getFieldValue("features"), l.get(0).features);
assertEquals(solDocList.size(), l.size());
assertEquals(solDocList.get(0).getFieldValue("features"), l.get(0).features);
Item item = new Item(); = "aaa";
item.categories = new String[] { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" };
SolrInputDocument out = binder.toSolrInputDocument( item );
item.categories = new String[] {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"};
SolrInputDocument out = binder.toSolrInputDocument(item);
Assert.assertEquals(, out.getFieldValue( "id" ) );
SolrInputField catfield = out.getField( "cat" );
Assert.assertEquals( 3, catfield.getValueCount() );
Assert.assertEquals( "[aaa, bbb, ccc]", catfield.getValue().toString() );
assertEquals(, out.getFieldValue("id"));
SolrInputField catfield = out.getField("cat");
assertEquals(3, catfield.getValueCount());
// Test the error on not settable stuff...
NotGettableItem ng = new NotGettableItem();
ng.setInStock( false );
try {
out = binder.toSolrInputDocument( ng ); "Should throw an error" );
List<String> catValues = (List<String>) catfield.getValue();
assertEquals("aaa", catValues.get(0));
assertEquals("bbb", catValues.get(1));
assertEquals("ccc", catValues.get(2));
catch( RuntimeException ex ) {
// ok -- this should happen...
@Test(expected = BindingException.class)
public void testNoGetterError() {
NotGettableItem notGettableItem = new NotGettableItem();
new DocumentObjectBinder().toSolrInputDocument(notGettableItem);
public void testSingleVal4Array(){
public void testSingleVal4Array() {
DocumentObjectBinder binder = new DocumentObjectBinder();
SolrDocumentList solDocList = new SolrDocumentList();
SolrDocument d = new SolrDocument();
List<Item> l = binder.getBeans(Item.class,solDocList);
Assert.assertEquals("hello", l.get(0).categories[0]);
d.setField("cat", "hello");
List<Item> l = binder.getBeans(Item.class, solDocList);
assertEquals("hello", l.get(0).categories[0]);
public void testDynamicFieldBinding(){
public void testDynamicFieldBinding() {
DocumentObjectBinder binder = new DocumentObjectBinder();
XMLResponseParser parser = new XMLResponseParser();
NamedList<Object> nl = parser.processResponse(new StringReader(xml));
QueryResponse res = new QueryResponse(nl, null);
List<Item> l = binder.getBeans(Item.class,res.getResults());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Mobile Store","iPod Store","CCTV Store"}, l.get(3).getAllSuppliers());
Assert.assertEquals(2, l.get(3).supplier.size());
Assert.assertEquals("[Mobile Store, iPod Store]", l.get(3).supplier.get("supplier_1").toString());
Assert.assertEquals("[CCTV Store]", l.get(3).supplier.get("supplier_2").toString());
assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Mobile Store", "iPod Store", "CCTV Store"}, l.get(3).getAllSuppliers());
assertEquals(2, l.get(3).supplier.size());
List<String> supplierOne = l.get(3).supplier.get("supplier_1");
assertEquals("Mobile Store", supplierOne.get(0));
assertEquals("iPod Store", supplierOne.get(1));
List<String> supplierTwo = l.get(3).supplier.get("supplier_2");
assertEquals("CCTV Store", supplierTwo.get(0));
public void testToAndFromSolrDocument()
public void testToAndFromSolrDocument() {
Item item = new Item(); = "one";
item.inStock = false;
item.categories = new String[] { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" };
item.features = Arrays.asList( item.categories );
List<String> supA = Arrays.asList( new String[] { "supA1", "supA2", "supA3" } );
List<String> supB = Arrays.asList( new String[] { "supB1", "supB2", "supB3"});
item.categories = new String[] {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"};
item.features = Arrays.asList(item.categories);
List<String> supA = Arrays.asList("supA1", "supA2", "supA3");
List<String> supB = Arrays.asList("supB1", "supB2", "supB3");
item.supplier = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
item.supplier.put("supplier_supA", supA);
item.supplier.put("supplier_supB", supB);
@ -112,49 +120,48 @@ public class TestDocumentObjectBinder extends LuceneTestCase
item.supplier_simple.put("sup_simple_supB", "supB_val");
DocumentObjectBinder binder = new DocumentObjectBinder();
SolrInputDocument doc = binder.toSolrInputDocument( item );
SolrInputDocument doc = binder.toSolrInputDocument(item);
SolrDocumentList docs = new SolrDocumentList();
docs.add( ClientUtils.toSolrDocument(doc) );
Item out = binder.getBeans( Item.class, docs ).get( 0 );
Item out = binder.getBeans(Item.class, docs).get(0);
Item singleOut = binder.getBean(Item.class, ClientUtils.toSolrDocument(doc));
// make sure it came out the same
Assert.assertEquals(, );
Assert.assertEquals( item.inStock, out.inStock );
Assert.assertEquals( item.categories.length, out.categories.length );
Assert.assertEquals( item.features, out.features );
Assert.assertEquals( supA,out.supplier.get("supplier_supA"));
Assert.assertEquals( supB, out.supplier.get("supplier_supB"));
Assert.assertEquals( item.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"), out.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"));
assertEquals(item.inStock, out.inStock);
assertEquals(item.categories.length, out.categories.length);
assertEquals(item.features, out.features);
assertEquals(supA, out.supplier.get("supplier_supA"));
assertEquals(supB, out.supplier.get("supplier_supB"));
assertEquals(item.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"), out.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"));
Assert.assertEquals(, );
Assert.assertEquals( item.inStock, singleOut.inStock );
Assert.assertEquals( item.categories.length, singleOut.categories.length );
Assert.assertEquals( item.features, singleOut.features );
Assert.assertEquals( supA, singleOut.supplier.get("supplier_supA"));
Assert.assertEquals( supB, singleOut.supplier.get("supplier_supB"));
Assert.assertEquals( item.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"), out.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"));
assertEquals(item.inStock, singleOut.inStock);
assertEquals(item.categories.length, singleOut.categories.length);
assertEquals(item.features, singleOut.features);
assertEquals(supA, singleOut.supplier.get("supplier_supA"));
assertEquals(supB, singleOut.supplier.get("supplier_supB"));
assertEquals(item.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"), out.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"));
// put back "out" as Bean, to see if both ways work as you would expect
// but the Field that "allSuppliers" need to be cleared, as it is just for
// retrieving data, not to post data
out.allSuppliers = null;
SolrInputDocument doc1 = binder.toSolrInputDocument( out );
SolrInputDocument doc1 = binder.toSolrInputDocument(out);
SolrDocumentList docs1 = new SolrDocumentList();
docs1.add( ClientUtils.toSolrDocument(doc1) );
Item out1 = binder.getBeans( Item.class, docs1 ).get( 0 );
Item out1 = binder.getBeans(Item.class, docs1).get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(, );
Assert.assertEquals( item.inStock, out1.inStock );
Assert.assertEquals( item.categories.length, out1.categories.length );
Assert.assertEquals( item.features, out1.features );
assertEquals(item.inStock, out1.inStock);
assertEquals(item.categories.length, out1.categories.length);
assertEquals(item.features, out1.features);
Assert.assertEquals( item.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"), out1.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"));
Assert.assertEquals( supA,out1.supplier.get("supplier_supA"));
Assert.assertEquals( supB, out1.supplier.get("supplier_supB"));
assertEquals(item.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"), out1.supplier_simple.get("sup_simple_supB"));
assertEquals(supA, out1.supplier.get("supplier_supA"));
assertEquals(supB, out1.supplier.get("supplier_supB"));
public static class Item {
@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ public class TestDocumentObjectBinder extends LuceneTestCase
int mwyMileage;
boolean inStock = false;
boolean inStock;
Map<String, List<String>> supplier;
@ -184,11 +191,11 @@ public class TestDocumentObjectBinder extends LuceneTestCase
private String[] allSuppliers;
public void setAllSuppliers(String[] allSuppliers){
public void setAllSuppliers(String[] allSuppliers) {
this.allSuppliers = allSuppliers;
public String[] getAllSuppliers(){
public String[] getAllSuppliers() {
return this.allSuppliers;
@ -198,8 +205,7 @@ public class TestDocumentObjectBinder extends LuceneTestCase
// required if you want to fill SolrDocuments with the same annotaion...
public boolean isInStock()
public boolean isInStock() {
return inStock;