mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 16:06:32 +00:00
INFRA-9182: some improvements from Paul Elschot
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk@1711816 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
""" Workaround for slow updates from svn to git.
See also jira issue INFRA-9182
@ -26,11 +27,25 @@ Local svn working copy --> this workaround ---> Local git repo
Because of the slow remote git-svn update process the remote git repo is (far) behind
the remote svn repo.
When this script is run it will first check that the local repositories are clean.
Then it switches the svn working copy to branch, which updates from the remote.
Then it fetches branch from the git upstream repo, and merges the branch locally.
Normally the local svn and git will then be at the same svn revision, and the script will exit.
For a branch branchname in a local git repository following an upstream git-svn git repository,
Otherwise the remote git repo is out of date, and the following happens.
For the branch branchname in a local git repository following an upstream git-svn git repository,
this maintains commits on a temporary git branch branchname.svn in the local git repository.
These commits contain a message ending like this:
"RepoUrl patch of svn diff -r EarlierSvnRevisionNumber:LatestSvnRevisionNumber".
"SvnRepoUrl diff -r EarlierSvnRevisionNumber:NextSvnRevisionNumber".
Otherwise the added commit messages look a lot like their counterparts from git svn,
only the committer is taken from the local git settings.
In case an earlier branchname.svn exists, it will first be deleted if necessary,
and restarted at the later branch.
Therefore branchname.svn is temporary and should only be used locally.
By default, no more than 20 commits will be added to branchname.svn in a single run.
The earlier revision number is taken from the git-svn-id message of git svn,
or from the LatestSvnRevisionNumber in the commit message of branchname.svn,
@ -38,10 +53,9 @@ whichever is later.
This allows branchname.svn to be used as a local git branch instead of branchname
to develop new features locally, usually by mering branchname.svn into a feature branch.
Once the normal git-svn branch is up to date, it can also be merged.
In more detail:
- update the svn working copy of the branch to the latest revision,
- switch the svn working copy to the branch, updating it to the latest revision,
- in the git repo:
- fetch the git repository from upstream.
- merge branchname from upstream/branchname, this is the branch that can be (far) behind.
@ -52,232 +66,480 @@ In more detail:
- when the git repository has the same revision:
- exit reporting that branchname is up to date.
- when the git repository has an earlier revision:
- in the svn working copy, create a patch from the earlier revision into file ~/patches/branchname.svn
- in the git working tree:
- if branchname.svn is not at the earlier svn revision number:
- delete branchname.svn
- recreate branch branchname.svn from branchname.
- check out branchname.svn
- get the svn commits from the latest available git svn commit (possible generated here), this uses the remote svn repo,
to the latest one from the svn log (but no more than the maximum):
- for all these commits:
- from the svn working copy, create a patch for the svn commit into file ~/patches/branchname.svn,
this takes most the the time as it uses the remote svn repo.
- in the git working tree:
- if branchname.svn is not at the earlier svn revision number, delete branchname.svn
- if necessary create branch branchname.svn from branchname.
- check out branchname.svn
- apply the patch ~/patches/branchname.svn, ignoring whitespace differences.
- commit with a message with revision numbers as indicated above
- commit using author, date and message from the svn log, and append the message with revision numbers.
This was developed on Linux using the following program versions:
python 2.7.6
git 1.9.1
svn 1.8.8
grep (GNU grep) 2.16
gitk (part of git) was used for manual testing:
- reset branch to an earlier commit to simulate a non working update from svn to git,
- delete branchname.svn, reset branchname.svn to earlier,
- diff a commit generated here to a commit from git svn, diffs between corresponding commits are normally empty,
- update, reload, sort commits by commit date, ...
import os
import subprocess
import StringIO
from xml import sax
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
import types
class SvnInfoHandler(ContentHandler):
revisionAttr = "revision"
def __init__(self):
self.lastChangedRevision = None
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == "commit":
self.lastChangeRev = int(attrs.getValue(self.revisionAttr))
def lastChangeRevision(self):
return self.lastChangeRev
def svnSeq():
return ("svn",)
def callSvn(*args):
subprocess.check_call(svnSeq() + args)
def callSvnStdout(*args):
return subprocess.check_output(svnSeq() + args)
def callSvnStdoutToFile(f, *args):
subprocess.check_call(svnSeq() + args, stdout=f)
class SvnLogEntry:
pass # attributes set in SvnLogHandler: revision, author, date, msg
def gitCommand():
return "git"
class SvnLogHandler(ContentHandler): # collect list of SvnLogEntry's
tagLogEntry = "logentry"
revisionAttr = "revision"
tagAuthor = "author"
tagDate = "date"
tagMsg = "msg"
charCollectTags = (tagAuthor, tagDate, tagMsg) # also used as SvnLogEntry attributes
def gitAndRepoList(gitRepo):
return (gitCommand(), "-C", gitRepo)
def __init__(self):
self.logEntries = []
self.chars = None
def callGitRepo(gitRepo, *args):
subprocess.check_call(gitAndRepoList(gitRepo) + args)
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == self.tagLogEntry:
self.lastLogEntry = SvnLogEntry()
setattr(self.lastLogEntry, self.revisionAttr, int(attrs.getValue(self.revisionAttr)))
for tag in self.charCollectTags:
setattr(self.lastLogEntry, tag, None)
def callGitStdout(gitRepo, *args):
return subprocess.check_output(gitAndRepoList(gitRepo) + args)
if name in self.charCollectTags:
self.chars = ""
def getGitCommitMessage(gitRepo, commitRef):
return callGitStdout(gitRepo, "log", "--format=%B", "-n", "1", commitRef)
def characters(self, content):
if self.chars is not None:
self.chars += content
def endElement(self, name):
if name in self.charCollectTags:
setattr(self.lastLogEntry, name, self.chars)
self.chars = None
if name == self.tagLogEntry:
self.lastLogEntry = None
def getLogEntries(self):
return self.logEntries
class PathName:
def __init__(self, pathName):
self.pathName = pathName
def lastChangedSvnRevision(svnInfo):
lastChangedMarker = "Last Changed Rev: "
after = svnInfo.split(lastChangedMarker)[1]
splitAfter = after.split()
return int(splitAfter[0])
def getPathName(self):
return self.pathName
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + self.pathName + ")"
class SubProcess:
def __init__(self, verbose=True):
self.verbose = verbose
def getGitSvnRemoteAndRevision(gitSvnCommitMessage): # from a git-svn commit
words = gitSvnCommitMessage.split();
svnIdMarker = "git-svn-id:"
assert words.index(svnIdMarker) >= 0
svnId = words[words.index(svnIdMarker) + 1]
splitSvnId = svnId.split("@")
return (splitSvnId[0], int(splitSvnId[1]))
def check_call(self, *args, **kwArgs):
assert type(*args) != types.StringType
if self.verbose:
print "check_call args:", " ".join(*args)
subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwArgs)
def check_call_silent(self, *args, **kwArgs): # ignore self.verbose
assert type(*args) != types.StringType
subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwArgs)
def check_output(self, *args, **kwArgs):
assert type(*args) != types.StringType
if self.verbose:
print "check_output args:", " ".join(*args)
result = subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwArgs)
if self.verbose:
print "check_output result:", result
return result
def check_output_silent(self, *args, **kwArgs): # ignore self.verbose
assert type(*args) != types.StringType
return subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwArgs)
class SvnWorkingCopy(PathName, SubProcess):
def __init__(self, pathName):
PathName.__init__(self, pathName)
SubProcess.__init__(self, verbose=False)
svnCmd = "svn"
def ensureNoLocalModifications(self):
localMods = self.check_output((self.svnCmd, "status", self.pathName))
if localMods:
errorExit(self, "should not have local modifications:\n", localMods)
def update(self):
self.check_call((self.svnCmd, "update", self.pathName))
def switch(self, repoBranchName):
self.check_call((self.svnCmd, "switch", ("^/" + repoBranchName), self.pathName))
def lastChangedRevision(self):
infoXml = self.check_output_silent((self.svnCmd, "info", self.pathName, "--xml"))
infoHandler = SvnInfoHandler()
sax.parseString(infoXml, infoHandler)
return infoHandler.lastChangeRevision()
def getLogEntries(self, fromRevision, toRevision, maxNumLogEntries):
revRange = self.revisionsRange(fromRevision, toRevision)
logXml = self.check_output_silent((self.svnCmd, "log", self.pathName, "-r", revRange, "--xml", "-l", str(maxNumLogEntries)))
logHandler = SvnLogHandler()
sax.parseString(logXml, logHandler)
return logHandler.getLogEntries()
def revisionsRange(self, fromRevision, toRevision):
return str(fromRevision) + ":" + str(toRevision)
def createPatchFile(self, fromRevision, toRevision, patchFileName):
revRange = self.revisionsRange(fromRevision, toRevision)
patchFile = open(patchFileName, 'w')
print "Creating patch from", self.pathName, "between revisions", revRange
self.check_call((self.svnCmd, "diff", "-r", revRange, self.pathName), stdout=patchFile)
print "Created patch file", patchFileName
def patchedFileNames(self, patchFileName): # return a sequence of the patched absolute file names
indexPrefix = "Index: "
regExp = "^" + indexPrefix # at beginning of line
patchedFileNamesLines = self.check_output(("grep", regExp, patchFileName))
indexPrefixLength = len(indexPrefix)
return [line[indexPrefixLength:]
for line in patchedFileNamesLines.split("\n")
if len(line) > 0]
class GitRepository(PathName, SubProcess):
def __init__(self, pathName):
PathName.__init__(self, pathName)
SubProcess.__init__(self, verbose=False)
self.currentBranch = None
gitCmd = "git"
def _cmdForPath(self):
return (self.gitCmd, "-C", self.pathName)
def _statusCmd(self):
return (self._cmdForPath() + ("status",))
def checkOutBranch(self, branchName):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("checkout", branchName))
self.currentBranch = branchName
def getCurrentBranch(self):
if self.currentBranch is None:
gitStatusOut = self.check_output(self._statusCmd())
if gitStatusOut.startswith("On branch "):
self.currentBranch = gitStatusOut.split[2]
errorExit(self, "not on a branch:", gitStatusOut)
return self.currentBranch
def workingDirectoryClean(self):
gitStatusOut = self.check_output(self._statusCmd())
expSubString = "nothing to commit, working directory clean"
return gitStatusOut.find(expSubString) >= 0
def listBranches(self, pattern):
return self.check_output(self._cmdForPath() + ("branch", "--list", pattern))
def branchExists(self, branchName):
listOut = self.listBranches(branchName)
return len(listOut) > 0
def deleteBranch(self, branchName):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("branch", "-D", branchName))
if branchName == self.currentBranch:
self.currentBranch = None
def createBranch(self, branchName):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("branch", branchName))
def fetch(self, upStream):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("fetch", upStream))
def merge(self, branch, fromBranch):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("merge", branch, fromBranch))
def getCommitMessage(self, commitRef):
return self.check_output(self._cmdForPath() + ("log", "--format=%B", "-n", "1", commitRef))
def getSvnRemoteAndRevision(self, gitSvnCommitRef):
gitSvnCommitMessage = self.getCommitMessage(gitSvnCommitRef)
words = gitSvnCommitMessage.split();
svnIdMarker = "git-svn-id:"
assert words.index(svnIdMarker) >= 0
svnId = words[words.index(svnIdMarker) + 1]
splitSvnId = svnId.split("@")
svnRemote = splitSvnId[0]
svnRevision = int(splitSvnId[1])
return (svnRemote, svnRevision)
def lastTempGitSvnRevision(self, branchName): # at a commit generated here on the temp branch.
gitCommitMessage = self.getCommitMessage(branchName)
parts = gitCommitMessage.split(":")
lastPart = parts[-1].split()[0] # remove appended newlines
return int(lastPart)
except: # not generated here, ignore.
print "Warning: svn revision range not found at end of commit message:\n", gitCommitMessage
return None
def applyPatch(self, patchFileName, stripDepth):
self.check_call((self.gitCmd, "apply",
("-p" + str(stripDepth)),
("--directory=" + self.pathName),
def addAllToIndex(self):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("add", "-A"))
def deleteForced(self, fileName):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("rm", "-f", fileName))
def commit(self, message, author, date):
+ ("commit",
("--message=" + message),
("--author=" + author),
("--date=" + date) ))
def cleanDirsForced(self):
self.check_call(self._cmdForPath() + ("clean", "-fd"))
def lastTempGitSvnRevision(gitCommitMessage): # from a commit generated here on the temp branch.
parts = gitCommitMessage.split(":")
lastPart = parts[-1].split()[0] # remove appended newlines
return int(lastPart)
except: # not generated here, ignore.
print "Warning: svn revision range not found at end of commit message:\n", gitCommitMessage
return None
def errorExit(*messageParts):
raise Exception(" ".join(messageParts))
raise RuntimeError(" ".join(map(str, messageParts)))
def maintainTempGitSvnBranch(branchName, tempGitBranchName, svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, gitRepo, gitUpstream, patchFileName):
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "checkout", branchName) # fail when git working tree is not clean
# CHECKME: add svn switch to branch here?
def allSuccessivePairs(lst):
return [lst[i:i+2] for i in range(len(lst)-1)]
callSvn("update", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch)
svnInfo = callSvnStdout("info", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch)
# print "svnInfo:", svnInfo
lastSvnRevision = lastChangedSvnRevision(svnInfo)
print svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, "lastSvnRevision:", lastSvnRevision
def maintainTempGitSvnBranch(branchName, tempGitBranchName,
svnWorkingCopyOfBranchPath, svnRepoBranchName,
gitRepoPath, gitUpstream,
maxCommits=20, # generate at most this number of commits on tempGitBranchName, rerun to add more.
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "fetch", gitUpstream)
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "merge", branchName, gitUpstream + "/" + branchName)
lastGitCommitMessage = getGitCommitMessage(gitRepo, branchName)
print "lastGitCommitMessage:\n", lastGitCommitMessage
(svnRemote, lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch) = getGitSvnRemoteAndRevision(lastGitCommitMessage)
assert maxCommits >= 1
gitRepo = GitRepository(gitRepoPath)
gitRepo.checkOutBranch(branchName) # fails with git message when working directory is not clean
svnWorkingCopy = SvnWorkingCopy(svnWorkingCopyOfBranchPath)
svnWorkingCopy.switch(svnRepoBranchName) # switch to repo branch, update to latest revision
lastSvnRevision = svnWorkingCopy.lastChangedRevision()
# print svnWorkingCopy, "lastSvnRevision:", lastSvnRevision
if testMode:
pass # leave branch where it is, as if the last commits from upstream did not arrive
gitRepo.merge(branchName, gitUpstream + "/" + branchName)
(svnRemote, lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch) = gitRepo.getSvnRemoteAndRevision(branchName)
print "svnRemote:", svnRemote
print gitRepo, branchName, "lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch:", lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch
#print gitRepo, branchName, "lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch:", lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch
# check whether tempGitBranchName exists:
diffBaseRevision = lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch
svnTempRevision = None
doCommitOnExistingTempBranch = False
listOut = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "branch", "--list", tempGitBranchName)
if listOut: # tempGitBranchName exists
print tempGitBranchName, "exists"
lastGitCommitMessage = getGitCommitMessage(gitRepo, tempGitBranchName)
# update lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch from there.
svnTempRevision = lastTempGitSvnRevision(lastGitCommitMessage)
if svnTempRevision is not None:
if svnTempRevision > lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch:
doCommitOnExistingTempBranch = True
diffBaseRevision = svnTempRevision
if doCommitOnExistingTempBranch:
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "checkout", tempGitBranchName) # checkout the temp branch.
currentGitBranch = tempGitBranchName
currentGitBranch = branchName
if gitRepo.branchExists(tempGitBranchName):
print tempGitBranchName, "exists"
# update lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch from there.
svnTempRevision = gitRepo.lastTempGitSvnRevision(tempGitBranchName)
if svnTempRevision is None:
print "Warning: no svn revision found on branch:", tempGitBranchName
if svnTempRevision > lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch:
diffBaseRevision = svnTempRevision
doCommitOnExistingTempBranch = True
if lastSvnRevision == diffBaseRevision:
print gitRepo, currentGitBranch, "up to date with", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch
print gitRepo, gitRepo.getCurrentBranch(), "up to date with", svnWorkingCopy, svnRepoBranchName
if lastSvnRevision < diffBaseRevision: # unlikely, do nothing
print gitRepo, currentGitBranch, "later than", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, ", nothing to update."
print gitRepo, gitRepo.getCurrentBranch(), "later than", svnWorkingCopy, ", nothing to update."
print gitRepo, currentGitBranch, "earlier than", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch
print gitRepo, gitRepo.getCurrentBranch(), "earlier than", svnWorkingCopy
# assert that the git working tree is on branchName
gitStatus = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "status")
# print "gitStatus:\n", gitStatus
if not gitRepo.workingDirectoryClean():
errorExit(gitRepo, "on branch", gitRepo.getCurrentBranch(), "not clean")
statusParts = gitStatus.split("On branch")
actualBranchName = statusParts[1].split()[0]
if actualBranchName != currentGitBranch:
errorExit(gitRepo, "on unexpected branch", actualBranchName, "but expected", currentGitBranch)
print gitRepo,"on branch", gitRepo.getCurrentBranch(), "and clean"
expSubString = "nothing to commit, working directory clean"
if gitStatus.find(expSubString) < 0:
errorExit(gitRepo, "on branch", actualBranchName, "not clean")
if not doCommitOnExistingTempBranch: # restart temp branch from branch
assert gitRepo.getCurrentBranch() == branchName
if gitRepo.branchExists(tempGitBranchName): # tempGitBranchName exists, delete it first.
print "Branch", tempGitBranchName, "exists, deleting"
if gitRepo.branchExists(tempGitBranchName):
errorExit("Could not delete branch", tempGitBranchName, "from", gitRepo)
print gitRepo,"on branch", actualBranchName, "and clean"
print "Started branch", tempGitBranchName, "at", branchName
# create patch file from svn between the revisions:
revisionsRange = str(diffBaseRevision) + ":" + str(lastSvnRevision)
patchFile = open(patchFileName, 'w')
print "Creating patch from", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, "between revisions", revisionsRange
"diff", "-r", revisionsRange,
print "Created patch", patchFileName
assert gitRepo.getCurrentBranch() == tempGitBranchName
if not doCommitOnExistingTempBranch:
listOut = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "branch", "--list", tempGitBranchName)
if listOut: # tempGitBranchName exists, delete it first.
print tempGitBranchName, "exists, deleting"
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "branch", "-D", tempGitBranchName)
# verify deletion:
listOut = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "branch", "--list", tempGitBranchName)
if listOut:
errorExit("Could not delete", tempGitBranchName, "(", listOut, ")")
lenSvnWorkingCopyPathName = len(svnWorkingCopy.getPathName())
patchStripDepth = len(svnWorkingCopy.getPathName().split(os.sep))
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "branch", tempGitBranchName) # create a new tempGitBranchName
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "checkout", tempGitBranchName) # checkout tempGitBranchName
maxNumLogEntries = maxCommits + 1
svnLogEntries = svnWorkingCopy.getLogEntries(diffBaseRevision, lastSvnRevision, maxNumLogEntries)
# apply the patch
subprocess.check_call((gitCommand(), "apply",
"-p6", # FIXME: use depth of svnRepo from root to determine the depth to strip from patch.
("--directory=" + gitRepo),
for (logEntryFrom, logEntryTo) in allSuccessivePairs(svnLogEntries):
print ""
# add all patch changes to the git index to be committed.
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "add", "-A")
# create patch file from svn between the revisions:
svnWorkingCopy.createPatchFile(logEntryFrom.revision, logEntryTo.revision, patchFileName)
patchedFileNames = svnWorkingCopy.patchedFileNames(patchFileName)
# Applying the patch leaves files that have been actually deleted at zero size.
# Therefore delete empty patched files from the git repo that do not exist in svn working copy:
indexPrefix = "^Index: "
patchedFileNames = subprocess.check_output(("grep", indexPrefix, patchFileName))
for indexPatchFileName in patchedFileNames.split("\n"):
patchFileName = indexPatchFileName[len(indexPrefix):]
versionControlledFileName = patchFileName[len(svnWorkingCopyOfBranch):]
# print "Patched versionControlledFileName:", versionControlledFileName
gitRepo.applyPatch(patchFileName, patchStripDepth)
print "Applied patch", patchFileName
fileNameInGitRepo = gitRepo + "/" + versionControlledFileName
if not os.path.isfile(fileNameInGitRepo): # already deleted or a directory.
gitRepo.addAllToIndex() # add all patch changes to the git index to be committed.
fileSize = os.path.getsize(fileNameInGitRepo)
if fileSize > 0:
# print "Non empty file patched normally:", fileNameInGitRepo
# Applying the patch leaves files that have been actually deleted at zero size.
# Therefore delete empty patched files from the git repo that do not exist in svn working copy:
for patchedFileName in patchedFileNames:
versionControlledFileName = patchedFileName[lenSvnWorkingCopyPathName:] # includes leading slash
fileNameInGitRepo = gitRepo.getPathName() + versionControlledFileName
# fileNameInGitRepo exists is empty
if os.path.isfile(patchFileName):
print "Left empty file:", fileNameInGitRepo
if os.path.isdir(fileNameInGitRepo):
# print "Directory:", fileNameInGitRepo
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "rm", "-f", # force, the file is not up to date
# print "Deleted empty file", fileNameInGitRepo # not needed, git rm is verbose enough
if not os.path.isfile(fileNameInGitRepo):
print "Already deleted:", fileNameInGitRepo
# commit
message = svnRemote + " patch of svn diff -r " + revisionsRange
"--message=" + message)
fileSize = os.path.getsize(fileNameInGitRepo)
if fileSize > 0:
# print "Non empty file patched normally:", fileNameInGitRepo
callGitRepo(gitRepo, "clean", "-fd") # delete untracked directories and files
# fileNameInGitRepo exists is empty
if os.path.isfile(patchedFileName):
print "Left empty file:", fileNameInGitRepo
gitRepo.deleteForced(fileNameInGitRepo) # force, the file is not up to date. This also stages the delete for commit.
# print "Deleted empty file", fileNameInGitRepo # not needed, git rm is verbose enough
# commit, put toRevision at end so it can be picked up later.
revisionsRange = svnWorkingCopy.revisionsRange(logEntryFrom.revision, logEntryTo.revision)
message = logEntryTo.msg + "\n\n" + svnRemote + " diff -r " + revisionsRange
logEntryTo.author, # this normally matches a full earlier author entry that git will then use.
print "Commit author:", logEntryTo.author
print "Commit date:", logEntryTo.date
print "Commit message:", logEntryTo.msg
gitRepo.cleanDirsForced() # delete untracked directories and files
if not gitRepo.workingDirectoryClean():
errorExit(gitRepo, "on branch", gitRepo.getCurrentBranch(), "not clean")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
testMode = False # when true, leave branch where it is, as if the last commits from upstream did not arrive
defaultMaxCommits = 20
maxCommits = defaultMaxCommits
argv = sys.argv[1:]
while argv:
if argv[0] == "test":
testMode = True
maxCommits = int(argv[0])
assert maxCommits >= 1
errorExit("Argument(s) must be test and/or a maximum number of commits, defaults are false and " + defaultMaxCommits)
argv = argv[1:]
repo = "lucene-solr"
branchName = "trunk"
tempGitBranchName = branchName + ".svn"
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
svnWorkingCopyOfBranch = home + "/svnwork/" + repo + "/" + branchName
# CHECKME: branchName is not really needed here, svn can switch between branches.
svnWorkingCopyOfBranchPath = os.path.join(home, "svnwork", repo, branchName)
svnRepoBranchName = "lucene/dev/" + branchName # for svn switch to
gitRepo = home + "/gitrepos/" + repo
gitRepo = os.path.join(home, "gitrepos", repo)
gitUpstream = "upstream"
patchFileName = home + "/patches/" + tempGitBranchName
patchFileName = os.path.join(home, "patches", tempGitBranchName)
maintainTempGitSvnBranch(branchName, tempGitBranchName,
svnWorkingCopyOfBranchPath, svnRepoBranchName,
gitRepo, gitUpstream,
maintainTempGitSvnBranch(branchName, tempGitBranchName, svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, gitRepo, gitUpstream, patchFileName)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user