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synced 2025-03-06 16:29:30 +00:00
LUCENE-7599: Simplify TestRandomChains using Java's built-in Predicate and Function interfaces.
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ Other
* LUCENE-7559: UnifiedHighlighter: Make Passage more exposed to allow passage creation to
be customized. (David Smiley)
* LUCENE-7599: Simplify TestRandomChains using Java's built-in Predicate and
Function interfaces. (Ahmet Arslan via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7387: fix defaultCodec in build.xml to account for the line ending (hossman)
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
@ -106,15 +108,7 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
static List<Constructor<? extends TokenFilter>> tokenfilters;
static List<Constructor<? extends CharFilter>> charfilters;
private static interface Predicate<T> {
boolean apply(T o);
private static final Predicate<Object[]> ALWAYS = new Predicate<Object[]>() {
public boolean apply(Object[] args) {
return true;
private static final Predicate<Object[]> ALWAYS = (objects -> true);
private static final Map<Constructor<?>,Predicate<Object[]>> brokenConstructors = new HashMap<>();
static {
@ -124,36 +118,27 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
LimitTokenCountFilter.class.getConstructor(TokenStream.class, int.class, boolean.class),
new Predicate<Object[]>() {
public boolean apply(Object[] args) {
args -> {
assert args.length == 3;
return !((Boolean) args[2]); // args are broken if consumeAllTokens is false
LimitTokenOffsetFilter.class.getConstructor(TokenStream.class, int.class),
LimitTokenOffsetFilter.class.getConstructor(TokenStream.class, int.class, boolean.class),
new Predicate<Object[]>() {
public boolean apply(Object[] args) {
args -> {
assert args.length == 3;
return !((Boolean) args[2]); // args are broken if consumeAllTokens is false
LimitTokenPositionFilter.class.getConstructor(TokenStream.class, int.class),
LimitTokenPositionFilter.class.getConstructor(TokenStream.class, int.class, boolean.class),
new Predicate<Object[]>() {
public boolean apply(Object[] args) {
args -> {
assert args.length == 3;
return !((Boolean) args[2]); // args are broken if consumeAllTokens is false
for (Class<?> c : Arrays.<Class<?>>asList(
// TODO: can we promote some of these to be only
@ -247,12 +232,7 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
final Comparator<Constructor<?>> ctorComp = new Comparator<Constructor<?>>() {
public int compare(Constructor<?> arg0, Constructor<?> arg1) {
return arg0.toGenericString().compareTo(arg1.toGenericString());
final Comparator<Constructor<?>> ctorComp = (arg0, arg1) -> arg0.toGenericString().compareTo(arg1.toGenericString());
Collections.sort(tokenizers, ctorComp);
Collections.sort(tokenfilters, ctorComp);
Collections.sort(charfilters, ctorComp);
@ -318,21 +298,14 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
private static interface ArgProducer {
Object create(Random random);
private static final Map<Class<?>,ArgProducer> argProducers = new IdentityHashMap<Class<?>,ArgProducer>() {{
put(int.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
private static final Map<Class<?>,Function<Random,Object>> argProducers = new IdentityHashMap<Class<?>,Function<Random,Object>>() {{
put(int.class, random -> {
// TODO: could cause huge ram usage to use full int range for some filters
// (e.g. allocate enormous arrays)
// return Integer.valueOf(random.nextInt());
return Integer.valueOf(TestUtil.nextInt(random, -50, 50));
put(char.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(char.class, random -> {
// TODO: fix any filters that care to throw IAE instead.
// also add a unicode validating filter to validate termAtt?
// return Character.valueOf((char)random.nextInt(65536));
@ -342,49 +315,19 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return Character.valueOf(c);
put(float.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
return Float.valueOf(random.nextFloat());
put(boolean.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
return Boolean.valueOf(random.nextBoolean());
put(byte.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
// this wraps to negative when casting to byte
return Byte.valueOf((byte) random.nextInt(256));
put(byte[].class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(float.class, Random::nextFloat);
put(boolean.class, Random::nextBoolean);
put(byte.class, random -> (byte) random.nextInt(256));
put(byte[].class, random -> {
byte bytes[] = new byte[random.nextInt(256)];
return bytes;
put(Random.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
return new Random(random.nextLong());
put(Version.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
// we expect bugs in emulating old versions
return Version.LATEST;
put(AttributeFactory.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
return newAttributeFactory(random);
put(Set.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(Random.class, random -> new Random(random.nextLong()));
put(Version.class, random -> Version.LATEST);
put(AttributeFactory.class, BaseTokenStreamTestCase::newAttributeFactory);
put(Set.class,random -> {
// TypeTokenFilter
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
int num = random.nextInt(5);
@ -392,10 +335,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return set;
put(Collection.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(Collection.class, random -> {
// CapitalizationFilter
Collection<char[]> col = new ArrayList<>();
int num = random.nextInt(5);
@ -403,10 +344,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return col;
put(CharArraySet.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(CharArraySet.class, random -> {
int num = random.nextInt(10);
CharArraySet set = new CharArraySet(num, random.nextBoolean());
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
@ -414,28 +353,13 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return set;
put(Pattern.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
// TODO: don't want to make the exponentially slow ones Dawid documents
// in TestPatternReplaceFilter, so dont use truly random patterns (for now)
return Pattern.compile("a");
put(Pattern[].class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
return new Pattern[] {Pattern.compile("([a-z]+)"), Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)")};
put(PayloadEncoder.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
return new IdentityEncoder(); // the other encoders will throw exceptions if tokens arent numbers?
put(Dictionary.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
// TODO: don't want to make the exponentially slow ones Dawid documents
// in TestPatternReplaceFilter, so dont use truly random patterns (for now)
put(Pattern.class, random -> Pattern.compile("a"));
put(Pattern[].class, random -> new Pattern[] {Pattern.compile("([a-z]+)"), Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)")});
put(PayloadEncoder.class, random -> new IdentityEncoder()); // the other encoders will throw exceptions if tokens arent numbers?
put(Dictionary.class, random -> {
// TODO: make nastier
InputStream affixStream = TestHunspellStemFilter.class.getResourceAsStream("simple.aff");
InputStream dictStream = TestHunspellStemFilter.class.getResourceAsStream("simple.dic");
@ -445,10 +369,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return null; // unreachable code
put(HyphenationTree.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(HyphenationTree.class, random -> {
// TODO: make nastier
try {
InputSource is = new InputSource(TestCompoundWordTokenFilter.class.getResource("da_UTF8.xml").toExternalForm());
@ -458,10 +380,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return null; // unreachable code
put(SnowballProgram.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(SnowballProgram.class, random -> {
try {
String lang = TestSnowball.SNOWBALL_LANGS[random.nextInt(TestSnowball.SNOWBALL_LANGS.length)];
Class<? extends SnowballProgram> clazz = Class.forName("org.tartarus.snowball.ext." + lang + "Stemmer").asSubclass(SnowballProgram.class);
@ -470,10 +390,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return null; // unreachable code
put(String.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(String.class, random -> {
// TODO: make nastier
if (random.nextBoolean()) {
// a token type
@ -481,10 +399,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
} else {
return TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random);
put(NormalizeCharMap.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(NormalizeCharMap.class, random -> {
NormalizeCharMap.Builder builder = new NormalizeCharMap.Builder();
// we can't add duplicate keys, or NormalizeCharMap gets angry
Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>();
@ -500,10 +416,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
return builder.build();
put(CharacterRunAutomaton.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(CharacterRunAutomaton.class, random -> {
// TODO: could probably use a purely random automaton
switch(random.nextInt(5)) {
case 0: return MockTokenizer.KEYWORD;
@ -512,10 +426,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
case 3: return MockTokenFilter.EMPTY_STOPSET;
default: return MockTokenFilter.ENGLISH_STOPSET;
put(CharArrayMap.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(CharArrayMap.class, random -> {
int num = random.nextInt(10);
CharArrayMap<String> map = new CharArrayMap<>(num, random.nextBoolean());
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
@ -523,10 +435,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
map.put(TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random), TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random));
return map;
put(StemmerOverrideMap.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(StemmerOverrideMap.class, random -> {
int num = random.nextInt(10);
StemmerOverrideFilter.Builder builder = new StemmerOverrideFilter.Builder(random.nextBoolean());
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
@ -545,11 +455,10 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null; // unreachable code
put(SynonymMap.class, new ArgProducer() {
@Override public Object create(Random random) {
put(SynonymMap.class, new Function<Random, Object>() {
@Override public Object apply(Random random) {
SynonymMap.Builder b = new SynonymMap.Builder(random.nextBoolean());
final int numEntries = atLeast(10);
for (int j = 0; j < numEntries; j++) {
@ -578,12 +487,9 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
put(DateFormat.class, new ArgProducer() {
public Object create(Random random) {
put(DateFormat.class, random -> {
if (random.nextBoolean()) return null;
return DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, randomLocale(random));
@ -608,9 +514,9 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
static <T> T newRandomArg(Random random, Class<T> paramType) {
final ArgProducer producer = argProducers.get(paramType);
final Function<Random,Object> producer = argProducers.get(paramType);
assertNotNull("No producer for arguments of type " + paramType.getName() + " found", producer);
return (T) producer.create(random);
return (T) producer.apply(random);
static Object[] newTokenizerArgs(Random random, Class<?>[] paramTypes) {
@ -707,7 +613,8 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
sb.append("offsetsAreCorrect=" + tokenFilterSpec.offsetsAreCorrect);
return sb.toString();
@ -745,12 +652,12 @@ public class TestRandomChains extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
private boolean broken(Constructor<?> ctor, Object[] args) {
final Predicate<Object[]> pred = brokenConstructors.get(ctor);
return pred != null && pred.apply(args);
return pred != null && pred.test(args);
private boolean brokenOffsets(Constructor<?> ctor, Object[] args) {
final Predicate<Object[]> pred = brokenOffsetsConstructors.get(ctor);
return pred != null && pred.apply(args);
return pred != null && pred.test(args);
// create a new random tokenizer from classpath
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