resolve TODO in CountingFacetsCollectorTest

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Shai Erera 2013-01-24 09:40:50 +00:00
parent 80aa4db2f1
commit 72f931de27
2 changed files with 83 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollector extends FacetsCollector {
assert assertParams(fsp) == null : assertParams(fsp);
this.fsp = fsp;
CategoryListParams clp = fsp.indexingParams.getCategoryListParams(null);
CategoryListParams clp = fsp.indexingParams.getCategoryListParams(fsp.facetRequests.get(0).categoryPath);
this.ordinalPolicy = clp.getOrdinalPolicy();
this.facetsField = clp.field;
this.taxoReader = taxoReader;
this.facetArrays = facetArrays;
this.counts = facetArrays.getIntArray();
this.facetsField = clp.field;
this.useDirectSource = useDirectSource;
@ -141,14 +141,21 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollector extends FacetsCollector {
// verify that there's only one CategoryListParams
List<CategoryListParams> clps = fsp.indexingParams.getAllCategoryListParams();
if (clps.size() != 1) {
return "this Collector supports only one CategoryListParams";
// verify that there's only one CategoryListParams for all FacetRequests
CategoryListParams clp = null;
for (FacetRequest fr : fsp.facetRequests) {
CategoryListParams cpclp = fsp.indexingParams.getCategoryListParams(fr.categoryPath);
if (clp == null) {
clp = cpclp;
} else if (clp != cpclp) {
return "all FacetRequests must belong to the same CategoryListParams";
if (clp == null) {
return "at least one FacetRequest must be defined";
// verify DGapVInt decoder
CategoryListParams clp = clps.get(0);
if (clp.createEncoder().createMatchingDecoder().getClass() != DGapVInt8IntDecoder.class) {
return "this Collector supports only DGap + VInt encoding";

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@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ import;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer;
@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.index.FacetFields;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params.CategoryListParams;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params.FacetIndexingParams;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params.PerDimensionIndexingParams;
@ -66,8 +69,11 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
private static final Term A = new Term("f", "a");
private static final CategoryPath CP_A = new CategoryPath("A"), CP_B = new CategoryPath("B");
private static final CategoryPath CP_C = new CategoryPath("C"), CP_D = new CategoryPath("D"); // indexed w/ NO_PARENTS
private static final int NUM_CHILDREN_CP_A = 5, NUM_CHILDREN_CP_B = 3;
private static final int NUM_CHILDREN_CP_C = 5, NUM_CHILDREN_CP_D = 5;
private static final CategoryPath[] CATEGORIES_A, CATEGORIES_B;
private static final CategoryPath[] CATEGORIES_C, CATEGORIES_D;
static {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN_CP_A; i++) {
@ -77,11 +83,24 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN_CP_B; i++) {
CATEGORIES_B[i] = new CategoryPath(CP_B.components[0], Integer.toString(i));
// NO_PARENTS categories
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN_CP_C; i++) {
CATEGORIES_C[i] = new CategoryPath(CP_C.components[0], Integer.toString(i));
// Multi-level categories
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN_CP_D; i++) {
String val = Integer.toString(i);
CATEGORIES_D[i] = new CategoryPath(CP_D.components[0], val, val + val); // e.g. D/1/11, D/2/22...
protected static Directory indexDir, taxoDir;
protected static ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> allExpectedCounts, termExpectedCounts;
protected static int numChildrenIndexedA, numChildrenIndexedB;
private static Directory indexDir, taxoDir;
private static ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> allExpectedCounts, termExpectedCounts;
private static FacetIndexingParams fip;
public static void afterClassCountingFacetsCollectorTest() throws Exception {
@ -103,6 +122,11 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
ArrayList<CategoryPath> categories = new ArrayList<CategoryPath>();
categories.addAll(categories_a.subList(0, numFacetsA));
categories.addAll(categories_b.subList(0, numFacetsB));
// add the NO_PARENT categories
return categories;
@ -114,6 +138,9 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
throws IOException {
List<CategoryPath> docCategories = randomCategories(random());
for (CategoryPath cp : docCategories) {
if (cp.components[0].equals(CP_D.components[0])) {
cp = cp.subpath(2); // we'll get counts for the 2nd level only
allExpectedCounts.put(cp, allExpectedCounts.get(cp) + 1);
if (updateTermExpectedCounts) {
termExpectedCounts.put(cp, termExpectedCounts.get(cp) + 1);
@ -122,9 +149,13 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
// add 1 to each dimension
allExpectedCounts.put(CP_A, allExpectedCounts.get(CP_A) + 1);
allExpectedCounts.put(CP_B, allExpectedCounts.get(CP_B) + 1);
allExpectedCounts.put(CP_C, allExpectedCounts.get(CP_C) + 1);
allExpectedCounts.put(CP_D, allExpectedCounts.get(CP_D) + 1);
if (updateTermExpectedCounts) {
termExpectedCounts.put(CP_A, termExpectedCounts.get(CP_A) + 1);
termExpectedCounts.put(CP_B, termExpectedCounts.get(CP_B) + 1);
termExpectedCounts.put(CP_C, termExpectedCounts.get(CP_C) + 1);
termExpectedCounts.put(CP_D, termExpectedCounts.get(CP_D) + 1);
facetFields.addFields(doc, docCategories);
@ -144,7 +175,7 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> expectedCounts) throws IOException {
Random random = random();
int numDocs = atLeast(random, 2);
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter);
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter, fip);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
Document doc = new Document();
addFacets(doc, facetFields, false);
@ -157,7 +188,7 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> expectedCounts) throws IOException {
Random random = random();
int numDocs = atLeast(random, 2);
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter);
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter, fip);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
Document doc = new Document();
addFacets(doc, facetFields, true);
@ -171,7 +202,7 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> expectedCounts) throws IOException {
Random random = random();
int numDocs = atLeast(random, 2);
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter);
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter, fip);
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
Document doc = new Document();
boolean hasContent = random.nextBoolean();
@ -189,12 +220,20 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> counts = new ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath>();
counts.put(CP_A, 0);
counts.put(CP_B, 0);
counts.put(CP_C, 0);
counts.put(CP_D, 0);
for (CategoryPath cp : CATEGORIES_A) {
counts.put(cp, 0);
for (CategoryPath cp : CATEGORIES_B) {
counts.put(cp, 0);
for (CategoryPath cp : CATEGORIES_C) {
counts.put(cp, 0);
for (CategoryPath cp : CATEGORIES_D) {
counts.put(cp.subpath(2), 0);
return counts;
@ -213,6 +252,19 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
conf.setMergePolicy(NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES); // prevent merges, so we can control the index segments
IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(indexDir, conf);
TaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir);
CategoryListParams allParents = new CategoryListParams();
CategoryListParams noParents = new CategoryListParams("no_parents") {
public OrdinalPolicy getOrdinalPolicy() {
return OrdinalPolicy.NO_PARENTS;
Map<CategoryPath,CategoryListParams> params = new HashMap<CategoryPath,CategoryListParams>();
params.put(CP_A, allParents);
params.put(CP_B, allParents);
params.put(CP_C, noParents);
params.put(CP_D, noParents);
fip = new PerDimensionIndexingParams(params);
allExpectedCounts = newCounts();
termExpectedCounts = newCounts();
@ -229,23 +281,11 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
// segment w/ categories and some content
indexDocsWithFacetsAndSomeTerms(indexWriter, taxoWriter, allExpectedCounts);
// set num children indexed from each dimension
for (CategoryPath cp : CATEGORIES_A) {
if (termExpectedCounts.get(cp) > 0) {
for (CategoryPath cp : CATEGORIES_B) {
if (termExpectedCounts.get(cp) > 0) {
IOUtils.close(indexWriter, taxoWriter);
public void testInvalidValidParams() throws Exception {
public void testInvalidParams() throws Exception {
final CategoryPath dummyCP = new CategoryPath("a");
final FacetRequest dummyFR = new CountFacetRequest(dummyCP, 10);
@ -273,13 +313,14 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
assertNotNull("numToLabel should not be allowed", CountingFacetsCollector.assertParams(new FacetSearchParams(cfr)));
FacetIndexingParams fip = new FacetIndexingParams(new CategoryListParams("moo")) {
FacetIndexingParams fip = new FacetIndexingParams() {
public List<CategoryListParams> getAllCategoryListParams() {
return Arrays.asList(new CategoryListParams[] { clParams, clParams });
public CategoryListParams getCategoryListParams(CategoryPath category) {
return new CategoryListParams();
assertNotNull("only one CLP should be allowed", CountingFacetsCollector.assertParams(new FacetSearchParams(fip, dummyFR)));
assertNotNull("only one CLP should be allowed", CountingFacetsCollector.assertParams(new FacetSearchParams(fip, dummyFR,
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("moo"), 10))));
fip = new FacetIndexingParams(new CategoryListParams("moo")) {
final CategoryListParams clp = new CategoryListParams() {
@ -417,74 +458,25 @@ public class CountingFacetsCollectorTest extends LuceneTestCase {
public void testNoParents() throws Exception {
// TODO: when OrdinalPolicy is on CLP, index the NO_PARENTS categories into
// their own dimension, and avoid this index creation
Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = newDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig conf = newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random()));
IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(indexDir, conf);
TaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir);
FacetIndexingParams fip = new FacetIndexingParams() {
public CategoryListParams getCategoryListParams(CategoryPath category) {
return new CategoryListParams() {
public OrdinalPolicy getOrdinalPolicy() {
return OrdinalPolicy.NO_PARENTS;
FacetFields facetFields = new FacetFields(taxoWriter, fip);
ObjectToIntMap<CategoryPath> expCounts = newCounts();
// index few docs with categories, not sharing parents.
int numDocs = atLeast(10);
final CategoryPath cpc = new CategoryPath("L1", "L2", "L3");
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
Document doc = new Document();
ArrayList<CategoryPath> categories = new ArrayList<CategoryPath>();
CategoryPath cpa = CATEGORIES_A[random().nextInt(NUM_CHILDREN_CP_A)];
CategoryPath cpb = CATEGORIES_B[random().nextInt(NUM_CHILDREN_CP_B)];
expCounts.put(cpa, expCounts.get(cpa) + 1);
expCounts.put(cpb, expCounts.get(cpb) + 1);
facetFields.addFields(doc, categories);
expCounts.put(CP_A, numDocs);
expCounts.put(CP_B, numDocs);
for (int i = 0; i < cpc.length; i++) {
expCounts.put(cpc.subpath(i+1), numDocs);
IOUtils.close(indexWriter, taxoWriter);
DirectoryReader indexReader =;
TaxonomyReader taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoDir);
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
FacetSearchParams fsp = new FacetSearchParams(fip, new CountFacetRequest(CP_A, NUM_CHILDREN_CP_A),
new CountFacetRequest(CP_B, NUM_CHILDREN_CP_B), new CountFacetRequest(cpc.subpath(1), 10));
FacetSearchParams fsp = new FacetSearchParams(fip, new CountFacetRequest(CP_C, NUM_CHILDREN_CP_C),
new CountFacetRequest(CP_D, NUM_CHILDREN_CP_D));
FacetsCollector fc = new CountingFacetsCollector(fsp , taxoReader); MatchAllDocsQuery(), fc);
List<FacetResult> facetResults = fc.getFacetResults();
assertEquals("invalid number of facet results", 3, facetResults.size());
assertEquals("invalid number of facet results", fsp.facetRequests.size(), facetResults.size());
for (FacetResult res : facetResults) {
FacetResultNode root = res.getFacetResultNode();
assertEquals("wrong count for " + root.label, expCounts.get(root.label), (int) root.value);
assertEquals("wrong count for " + root.label, allExpectedCounts.get(root.label), (int) root.value);
for (FacetResultNode child : root.subResults) {
assertEquals("wrong count for " + child.label, expCounts.get(child.label), (int) child.value);
assertEquals("wrong count for " + child.label, allExpectedCounts.get(child.label), (int) child.value);
IOUtils.close(indexReader, taxoReader);
IOUtils.close(indexDir, taxoDir);