mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 10:38:40 +00:00
reindent TestHnsw (was 4 indented spaces)
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,405 +48,405 @@ import static org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
/** Tests HNSW KNN graphs */
public class TestHnsw extends LuceneTestCase {
// test writing out and reading in a graph gives the same graph
public void testReadWrite() throws IOException {
int dim = random().nextInt(100) + 1;
int nDoc = random().nextInt(100) + 1;
RandomVectorValues vectors = new RandomVectorValues(nDoc, dim, random());
RandomVectorValues v2 = vectors.copy(), v3 = vectors.copy();
long seed = random().nextLong();
HnswGraphBuilder.randSeed = seed;
HnswGraph hnsw = HnswGraphBuilder.build((RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer) vectors);
// Recreate the graph while indexing with the same random seed and write it out
HnswGraphBuilder.randSeed = seed;
try (Directory dir = newDirectory()) {
int nVec = 0, indexedDoc = 0;
// Don't merge randomly, create a single segment because we rely on the docid ordering for this test
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig()
try (IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, iwc)) {
while (v2.nextDoc() != NO_MORE_DOCS) {
while (indexedDoc < v2.docID()) {
// increment docId in the index by adding empty documents
iw.addDocument(new Document());
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(new VectorField("field", v2.vectorValue(), v2.searchStrategy));
doc.add(new StoredField("id", v2.docID()));
try (IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(dir)) {
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) {
VectorValues values = ctx.reader().getVectorValues("field");
assertEquals(vectors.searchStrategy, values.searchStrategy());
assertEquals(dim, values.dimension());
assertEquals(nVec, values.size());
assertEquals(indexedDoc, ctx.reader().maxDoc());
assertEquals(indexedDoc, ctx.reader().numDocs());
assertVectorsEqual(v3, values);
KnnGraphValues graphValues = ((Lucene90VectorReader) ((CodecReader) ctx.reader()).getVectorReader()).getGraphValues("field");
assertGraphEqual(hnsw.getGraphValues(), graphValues, nVec);
// test writing out and reading in a graph gives the same graph
public void testReadWrite() throws IOException {
int dim = random().nextInt(100) + 1;
int nDoc = random().nextInt(100) + 1;
RandomVectorValues vectors = new RandomVectorValues(nDoc, dim, random());
RandomVectorValues v2 = vectors.copy(), v3 = vectors.copy();
long seed = random().nextLong();
HnswGraphBuilder.randSeed = seed;
HnswGraph hnsw = HnswGraphBuilder.build((RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer) vectors);
// Recreate the graph while indexing with the same random seed and write it out
HnswGraphBuilder.randSeed = seed;
try (Directory dir = newDirectory()) {
int nVec = 0, indexedDoc = 0;
// Don't merge randomly, create a single segment because we rely on the docid ordering for this test
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig()
try (IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, iwc)) {
while (v2.nextDoc() != NO_MORE_DOCS) {
while (indexedDoc < v2.docID()) {
// increment docId in the index by adding empty documents
iw.addDocument(new Document());
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(new VectorField("field", v2.vectorValue(), v2.searchStrategy));
doc.add(new StoredField("id", v2.docID()));
try (IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(dir)) {
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) {
VectorValues values = ctx.reader().getVectorValues("field");
assertEquals(vectors.searchStrategy, values.searchStrategy());
assertEquals(dim, values.dimension());
assertEquals(nVec, values.size());
assertEquals(indexedDoc, ctx.reader().maxDoc());
assertEquals(indexedDoc, ctx.reader().numDocs());
assertVectorsEqual(v3, values);
KnnGraphValues graphValues = ((Lucene90VectorReader) ((CodecReader) ctx.reader()).getVectorReader()).getGraphValues("field");
assertGraphEqual(hnsw.getGraphValues(), graphValues, nVec);
// Make sure we actually approximately find the closest k elements. Mostly this is about
// ensuring that we have all the distance functions, comparators, priority queues and so on
// oriented in the right directions
public void testAknn() throws IOException {
int nDoc = 100;
RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer vectors = new CircularVectorValues(nDoc);
HnswGraph hnsw = HnswGraphBuilder.build(vectors);
// run some searches
Neighbors nn = HnswGraph.search(new float[]{1, 0}, 10, 5, vectors.randomAccess(), hnsw.getGraphValues(), random());
int sum = 0;
Neighbors.NeighborIterator it = nn.iterator();
for (int node = it.next(); node != NO_MORE_DOCS; node = it.next()) {
sum += node;
// We expect to get approximately 100% recall; the lowest docIds are closest to zero; sum(0,9) = 45
assertTrue("sum(result docs)=" + sum, sum < 75);
public void testMaxConnections() {
// verify that maxConnections is observed, and that the retained arcs point to the best-scoring neighbors
HnswGraph graph = new HnswGraph(1, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.DOT_PRODUCT_HNSW);
graph.connectNodes(0, 1, 0);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
graph.connectNodes(0, 2, 0.4f);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
graph.connectNodes(2, 3, 0);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(3));
graph = new HnswGraph(1, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.EUCLIDEAN_HNSW);
graph.connectNodes(0, 1, 1);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
graph.connectNodes(0, 2, 2);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
graph.connectNodes(2, 3, 1);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{3}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(3));
/** Returns vectors evenly distributed around the unit circle.
class CircularVectorValues extends VectorValues implements RandomAccessVectorValues, RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer {
private final int size;
private final float[] value;
int doc = -1;
CircularVectorValues(int size) {
this.size = size;
value = new float[2];
// Make sure we actually approximately find the closest k elements. Mostly this is about
// ensuring that we have all the distance functions, comparators, priority queues and so on
// oriented in the right directions
public void testAknn() throws IOException {
int nDoc = 100;
RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer vectors = new CircularVectorValues(nDoc);
HnswGraph hnsw = HnswGraphBuilder.build(vectors);
// run some searches
Neighbors nn = HnswGraph.search(new float[]{1, 0}, 10, 5, vectors.randomAccess(), hnsw.getGraphValues(), random());
int sum = 0;
Neighbors.NeighborIterator it = nn.iterator();
for (int node = it.next(); node != NO_MORE_DOCS; node = it.next()) {
sum += node;
// We expect to get approximately 100% recall; the lowest docIds are closest to zero; sum(0,9) = 45
assertTrue("sum(result docs)=" + sum, sum < 75);
public CircularVectorValues copy() {
return new CircularVectorValues(size);
public void testMaxConnections() {
// verify that maxConnections is observed, and that the retained arcs point to the best-scoring neighbors
HnswGraph graph = new HnswGraph(1, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.DOT_PRODUCT_HNSW);
graph.connectNodes(0, 1, 0);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
graph.connectNodes(0, 2, 0.4f);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
graph.connectNodes(2, 3, 0);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(3));
graph = new HnswGraph(1, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.EUCLIDEAN_HNSW);
graph.connectNodes(0, 1, 1);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
graph.connectNodes(0, 2, 2);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
graph.connectNodes(2, 3, 1);
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, graph.getNeighborNodes(0));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, graph.getNeighborNodes(1));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{3}, graph.getNeighborNodes(2));
assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, graph.getNeighborNodes(3));
public SearchStrategy searchStrategy() {
return SearchStrategy.DOT_PRODUCT_HNSW;
/** Returns vectors evenly distributed around the unit circle.
class CircularVectorValues extends VectorValues implements RandomAccessVectorValues, RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer {
private final int size;
private final float[] value;
int doc = -1;
CircularVectorValues(int size) {
this.size = size;
value = new float[2];
public CircularVectorValues copy() {
return new CircularVectorValues(size);
public SearchStrategy searchStrategy() {
return SearchStrategy.DOT_PRODUCT_HNSW;
public int dimension() {
return 2;
public int size() {
return size;
public float[] vectorValue() {
return vectorValue(doc);
public RandomAccessVectorValues randomAccess() {
return new CircularVectorValues(size);
public int docID() {
return doc;
public int nextDoc() {
return advance(doc + 1);
public int advance(int target) {
if (target >= 0 && target < size) {
doc = target;
} else {
return doc;
public long cost() {
return size;
public float[] vectorValue(int ord) {
value[0] = (float) Math.cos(Math.PI * ord / (double) size);
value[1] = (float) Math.sin(Math.PI * ord / (double) size);
return value;
public BytesRef binaryValue(int ord) {
return null;
public TopDocs search(float[] target, int k, int fanout) {
return null;
public int dimension() {
return 2;
private void assertGraphEqual(KnnGraphValues g, KnnGraphValues h, int size) throws IOException {
for (int node = 0; node < size; node ++) {
assertEquals("arcs differ for node " + node, getNeighborNodes(g), getNeighborNodes(h));
public int size() {
return size;
private Set<Integer> getNeighborNodes(KnnGraphValues g) throws IOException {
Set<Integer> neighbors = new HashSet<>();
for (int n = g.nextNeighbor(); n != NO_MORE_DOCS; n = g.nextNeighbor()) {
return neighbors;
public float[] vectorValue() {
return vectorValue(doc);
private void assertVectorsEqual(VectorValues u, VectorValues v) throws IOException {
int uDoc, vDoc;
while (true) {
uDoc = u.nextDoc();
vDoc = v.nextDoc();
assertEquals(uDoc, vDoc);
if (uDoc == NO_MORE_DOCS) {
assertArrayEquals("vectors do not match for doc=" + uDoc, u.vectorValue(), v.vectorValue(), 1e-4f);
public RandomAccessVectorValues randomAccess() {
return new CircularVectorValues(size);
public void testNeighbors() {
// make sure we have the sign correct
Neighbors nn = Neighbors.create(2, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.DOT_PRODUCT_HNSW);
assertTrue(nn.insertWithOverflow(2, 0.5f));
assertTrue(nn.insertWithOverflow(1, 0.2f));
assertTrue(nn.insertWithOverflow(3, 1f));
assertEquals(0.5f, nn.topScore(), 0);
assertEquals(1f, nn.topScore(), 0);
Neighbors fn = Neighbors.create(2, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.EUCLIDEAN_HNSW);
assertTrue(fn.insertWithOverflow(2, 2));
assertTrue(fn.insertWithOverflow(1, 1));
assertFalse(fn.insertWithOverflow(3, 3));
assertEquals(2f, fn.topScore(), 0);
assertEquals(1f, fn.topScore(), 0);
public int docID() {
return doc;
private static float[] randomVector(Random random, int dim) {
float[] vec = new float[dim];
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
vec[i] = random.nextFloat();
return vec;
public int nextDoc() {
return advance(doc + 1);
* Produces random vectors and caches them for random-access.
class RandomVectorValues extends VectorValues implements RandomAccessVectorValues, RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer {
private final int dimension;
private final float[][] denseValues;
private final float[][] values;
private final float[] scratch;
private final SearchStrategy searchStrategy;
final int numVectors;
final int maxDoc;
private int pos = -1;
RandomVectorValues(int size, int dimension, Random random) {
this.dimension = dimension;
values = new float[size][];
denseValues = new float[size][];
scratch = new float[dimension];
int sz = 0;
int md = -1;
for (int offset = 0; offset < size; offset += random.nextInt(3) + 1) {
values[offset] = randomVector(random, dimension);
denseValues[sz++] = values[offset];
md = offset;
numVectors = sz;
maxDoc = md;
// get a random SearchStrategy other than NONE (0)
searchStrategy = SearchStrategy.values()[random.nextInt(SearchStrategy.values().length - 1) + 1];
private RandomVectorValues(int dimension, SearchStrategy searchStrategy, float[][] denseValues, float[][] values, int size) {
this.dimension = dimension;
this.searchStrategy = searchStrategy;
this.values = values;
this.denseValues = denseValues;
scratch = new float[dimension];
numVectors = size;
maxDoc = values.length - 1;
public RandomVectorValues copy() {
return new RandomVectorValues(dimension, searchStrategy, denseValues, values, numVectors);
public int size() {
return numVectors;
public SearchStrategy searchStrategy() {
return searchStrategy;
public int dimension() {
return dimension;
public float[] vectorValue() {
if(random().nextBoolean()) {
return values[pos];
} else {
// Sometimes use the same scratch array repeatedly, mimicing what the codec will do.
// This should help us catch cases of aliasing where the same VectorValues source is used twice in a
// single computation.
System.arraycopy(values[pos], 0, scratch, 0, dimension);
return scratch;
public RandomAccessVectorValues randomAccess() {
return copy();
public float[] vectorValue(int targetOrd) {
return denseValues[targetOrd];
public BytesRef binaryValue(int targetOrd) {
return null;
public TopDocs search(float[] target, int k, int fanout) {
return null;
private boolean seek(int target) {
if (target >= 0 && target < values.length && values[target] != null) {
pos = target;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int docID() {
return pos;
public int nextDoc() {
return advance(pos + 1);
public int advance(int target) {
while (++pos < values.length) {
if (seek(pos)) {
return pos;
return NO_MORE_DOCS;
public long cost() {
return size();
public int advance(int target) {
if (target >= 0 && target < size) {
doc = target;
} else {
return doc;
public void testBoundsCheckerMax() {
BoundsChecker max = BoundsChecker.create(false);
float f = random().nextFloat() - 0.5f;
// any float > -MAX_VALUE is in bounds
// f is now the bound (minus some delta)
assertFalse(max.check(f)); // f is not out of bounds
assertFalse(max.check(f + 1)); // anything greater than f is in bounds
assertTrue(max.check(f - 1e-5f)); // delta is zero initially
public long cost() {
return size;
public void testBoundsCheckerMin() {
BoundsChecker min = BoundsChecker.create(true);
float f = random().nextFloat() - 0.5f;
// any float < MAX_VALUE is in bounds
// f is now the bound (minus some delta)
assertFalse(min.check(f)); // f is not out of bounds
assertFalse(min.check(f - 1)); // anything less than f is in bounds
assertTrue(min.check(f + 1e-5f)); // delta is zero initially
public float[] vectorValue(int ord) {
value[0] = (float) Math.cos(Math.PI * ord / (double) size);
value[1] = (float) Math.sin(Math.PI * ord / (double) size);
return value;
public void testHnswGraphBuilderInvalid() {
expectThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> new HnswGraphBuilder(null, 0, 0, 0));
expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new HnswGraphBuilder(new RandomVectorValues(1, 1, random()), 0, 10, 0));
expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new HnswGraphBuilder(new RandomVectorValues(1, 1, random()), 10, 0, 0));
public BytesRef binaryValue(int ord) {
return null;
public TopDocs search(float[] target, int k, int fanout) {
return null;
private void assertGraphEqual(KnnGraphValues g, KnnGraphValues h, int size) throws IOException {
for (int node = 0; node < size; node ++) {
assertEquals("arcs differ for node " + node, getNeighborNodes(g), getNeighborNodes(h));
private Set<Integer> getNeighborNodes(KnnGraphValues g) throws IOException {
Set<Integer> neighbors = new HashSet<>();
for (int n = g.nextNeighbor(); n != NO_MORE_DOCS; n = g.nextNeighbor()) {
return neighbors;
private void assertVectorsEqual(VectorValues u, VectorValues v) throws IOException {
int uDoc, vDoc;
while (true) {
uDoc = u.nextDoc();
vDoc = v.nextDoc();
assertEquals(uDoc, vDoc);
if (uDoc == NO_MORE_DOCS) {
assertArrayEquals("vectors do not match for doc=" + uDoc, u.vectorValue(), v.vectorValue(), 1e-4f);
public void testNeighbors() {
// make sure we have the sign correct
Neighbors nn = Neighbors.create(2, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.DOT_PRODUCT_HNSW);
assertTrue(nn.insertWithOverflow(2, 0.5f));
assertTrue(nn.insertWithOverflow(1, 0.2f));
assertTrue(nn.insertWithOverflow(3, 1f));
assertEquals(0.5f, nn.topScore(), 0);
assertEquals(1f, nn.topScore(), 0);
Neighbors fn = Neighbors.create(2, VectorValues.SearchStrategy.EUCLIDEAN_HNSW);
assertTrue(fn.insertWithOverflow(2, 2));
assertTrue(fn.insertWithOverflow(1, 1));
assertFalse(fn.insertWithOverflow(3, 3));
assertEquals(2f, fn.topScore(), 0);
assertEquals(1f, fn.topScore(), 0);
private static float[] randomVector(Random random, int dim) {
float[] vec = new float[dim];
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
vec[i] = random.nextFloat();
return vec;
* Produces random vectors and caches them for random-access.
class RandomVectorValues extends VectorValues implements RandomAccessVectorValues, RandomAccessVectorValuesProducer {
private final int dimension;
private final float[][] denseValues;
private final float[][] values;
private final float[] scratch;
private final SearchStrategy searchStrategy;
final int numVectors;
final int maxDoc;
private int pos = -1;
RandomVectorValues(int size, int dimension, Random random) {
this.dimension = dimension;
values = new float[size][];
denseValues = new float[size][];
scratch = new float[dimension];
int sz = 0;
int md = -1;
for (int offset = 0; offset < size; offset += random.nextInt(3) + 1) {
values[offset] = randomVector(random, dimension);
denseValues[sz++] = values[offset];
md = offset;
numVectors = sz;
maxDoc = md;
// get a random SearchStrategy other than NONE (0)
searchStrategy = SearchStrategy.values()[random.nextInt(SearchStrategy.values().length - 1) + 1];
private RandomVectorValues(int dimension, SearchStrategy searchStrategy, float[][] denseValues, float[][] values, int size) {
this.dimension = dimension;
this.searchStrategy = searchStrategy;
this.values = values;
this.denseValues = denseValues;
scratch = new float[dimension];
numVectors = size;
maxDoc = values.length - 1;
public RandomVectorValues copy() {
return new RandomVectorValues(dimension, searchStrategy, denseValues, values, numVectors);
public int size() {
return numVectors;
public SearchStrategy searchStrategy() {
return searchStrategy;
public int dimension() {
return dimension;
public float[] vectorValue() {
if(random().nextBoolean()) {
return values[pos];
} else {
// Sometimes use the same scratch array repeatedly, mimicing what the codec will do.
// This should help us catch cases of aliasing where the same VectorValues source is used twice in a
// single computation.
System.arraycopy(values[pos], 0, scratch, 0, dimension);
return scratch;
public RandomAccessVectorValues randomAccess() {
return copy();
public float[] vectorValue(int targetOrd) {
return denseValues[targetOrd];
public BytesRef binaryValue(int targetOrd) {
return null;
public TopDocs search(float[] target, int k, int fanout) {
return null;
private boolean seek(int target) {
if (target >= 0 && target < values.length && values[target] != null) {
pos = target;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int docID() {
return pos;
public int nextDoc() {
return advance(pos + 1);
public int advance(int target) {
while (++pos < values.length) {
if (seek(pos)) {
return pos;
return NO_MORE_DOCS;
public long cost() {
return size();
public void testBoundsCheckerMax() {
BoundsChecker max = BoundsChecker.create(false);
float f = random().nextFloat() - 0.5f;
// any float > -MAX_VALUE is in bounds
// f is now the bound (minus some delta)
assertFalse(max.check(f)); // f is not out of bounds
assertFalse(max.check(f + 1)); // anything greater than f is in bounds
assertTrue(max.check(f - 1e-5f)); // delta is zero initially
public void testBoundsCheckerMin() {
BoundsChecker min = BoundsChecker.create(true);
float f = random().nextFloat() - 0.5f;
// any float < MAX_VALUE is in bounds
// f is now the bound (minus some delta)
assertFalse(min.check(f)); // f is not out of bounds
assertFalse(min.check(f - 1)); // anything less than f is in bounds
assertTrue(min.check(f + 1e-5f)); // delta is zero initially
public void testHnswGraphBuilderInvalid() {
expectThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> new HnswGraphBuilder(null, 0, 0, 0));
expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new HnswGraphBuilder(new RandomVectorValues(1, 1, random()), 0, 10, 0));
expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> new HnswGraphBuilder(new RandomVectorValues(1, 1, random()), 10, 0, 0));
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