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synced 2025-03-08 17:49:29 +00:00
SOLR-13709: Fixed distributed grouping when multiple 'fl' params are specified
This commit is contained in:
@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ Bug Fixes
* SOLR-13718: SPLITSHARD (async) with failures in underlying sub-operations can result in data loss (Ishan Chattopadhyaya)
* SOLR-13709: Fixed distributed grouping when multiple 'fl' params are specified (hossman, Christine Poerschke)
Other Changes
@ -64,14 +64,11 @@ public class StoredFieldsShardRequestFactory implements ShardRequestFactory {
String fl = sreq.params.get(CommonParams.FL);
if (fl != null) {
fl = fl.trim();
// currently, "score" is synonymous with "*,score" so
// don't add "id" if the fl is empty or "score" or it would change the meaning.
if (fl.length()!=0 && !"score".equals(fl) && !"*".equals(fl)) {
sreq.params.set(CommonParams.FL, fl+','+uniqueField.getName());
// we need to ensure the uniqueField is included for collating docs with their return fields
if (! rb.rsp.getReturnFields().wantsField(uniqueField.getName())) {
// the user didn't ask for it, so we have to...
sreq.params.add(CommonParams.FL, uniqueField.getName());
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(shardDocs.size());
@ -96,4 +93,4 @@ public class StoredFieldsShardRequestFactory implements ShardRequestFactory {
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4.SuppressPointFields;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
handle.put("timestamp", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("_version_", SKIP);
handle.put("grouped", UNORDERED); // distrib grouping doesn't guarantee order of top level group commands
// Test distributed grouping with empty indices
@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
query("q", "*:*", "fl", "id," + i1dv, "group", "true", "group.field", i1dv, "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc");
// SOLR-4150: what if group.query has no matches,
// or only matches on one shard
query("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true",
@ -318,6 +321,39 @@ public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", "score,id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1, "sort", "score desc, _docid_ asc, id asc");
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", "score,id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1);
// grouping shouldn't care if there are multiple fl params, or what order the fl field names are in
variantQuery(params("q", "*:*",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1dv, "group.limit", "10",
"sort", i1 + " asc, id asc")
, params("fl", "id," + i1dv)
, params("fl", i1dv + ",id")
, params("fl", "id", "fl", i1dv)
, params("fl", i1dv, "fl", "id")
variantQuery(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", s1dv, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc",
"group.sort", "id desc")
, params("fl", "id," + s1dv + "," + tdate_a)
, params("fl", "id", "fl", s1dv, "fl", tdate_a)
, params("fl", tdate_a, "fl", s1dv, "fl", "id")
variantQuery(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", s1dv, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc",
"group.sort", "id desc")
, params("fl", s1dv + "," + tdate_a)
, params("fl", s1dv, "fl", tdate_a)
, params("fl", tdate_a, "fl", s1dv)
variantQuery(params("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", tlong+" asc, id desc")
, params("fl", t1 + ",score," + i1dv)
, params("fl", t1, "fl", "score", "fl", i1dv)
, params("fl", "score", "fl", t1, "fl", i1dv)
// some explicit checks of non default sorting, and sort/group.sort with diff clauses
query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "rows", 100, "fl", tlong + ",id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1,
@ -330,22 +366,48 @@ public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
"group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1,
"sort", tlong+" asc, id desc",
"group.sort", "id asc");
rsp = query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "fq", oddField+":[* TO *]",
"rows", 100, "fl", tlong + ",id," + i1, "group", "true",
"group.field", i1, "group.limit", -1,
"sort", tlong+" asc",
"group.sort", oddField+" asc");
nl = (NamedList<?>) rsp.getResponse().get("grouped");
nl = (NamedList<?>) nl.get(i1);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 6, nl.get("matches"));
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 2, ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).size());
nl = ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).get(0);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 232, nl.get("groupValue"));
SolrDocumentList docs = (SolrDocumentList) nl.get("doclist");
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 5, docs.getNumFound());
assertEquals(docs.toString(), "22", docs.get(0).getFirstValue("id"));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), "21", docs.get(4).getFirstValue("id"));
for (boolean withFL : new boolean[] {true, false}) {
if (withFL) {
rsp = variantQuery(params("q", "{!func}id_i1", "fq", oddField+":[* TO *]",
"rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", tlong+" asc", "group.sort", oddField+" asc")
, params("fl", tlong + ",id," + i1)
, params("fl", tlong, "fl", "id", "fl", i1)
, params("fl", "id", "fl", i1, "fl", tlong)
} else {
// special check: same query, but empty fl...
rsp = query("q", "{!func}id_i1", "fq", oddField+":[* TO *]",
"rows", "100",
"group", "true", "group.field", i1, "group.limit", "-1",
"sort", tlong+" asc", "group.sort", oddField+" asc");
nl = (NamedList<?>) rsp.getResponse().get("grouped");
nl = (NamedList<?>) nl.get(i1);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 6, nl.get("matches"));
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 2, ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).size());
nl = ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).get(0);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 232, nl.get("groupValue"));
SolrDocumentList docs = (SolrDocumentList) nl.get("doclist");
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 5, docs.getNumFound());
assertEquals(docs.toString(), "22", docs.get(0).getFirstValue("id"));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 732L, docs.get(0).getFirstValue(tlong));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 232, docs.get(0).getFirstValue(i1));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), "21", docs.get(4).getFirstValue("id"));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 632L, docs.get(4).getFirstValue(tlong));
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 232, docs.get(4).getFirstValue(i1));
if (withFL == false) {
// exact number varies based on test randomization, but there should always be at least the 8
// explicitly indexed in these 2 docs...
assertTrue(docs.toString(), 8 <= docs.get(0).getFieldNames().size());
assertTrue(docs.toString(), 8 <= docs.get(4).getFieldNames().size());
// grouping on boolean non-stored docValued enabled field
rsp = query("q", b1dv + ":*", "fl", "id," + b1dv, "group", "true", "group.field",
b1dv, "group.limit", 10, "sort", b1dv + " asc, id asc");
@ -355,9 +417,9 @@ public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), 2, ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).size());
nl = ((List<NamedList<?>>)nl.get("groups")).get(0);
assertEquals(rsp.toString(), false, nl.get("groupValue"));
docs = (SolrDocumentList) nl.get("doclist");
SolrDocumentList docs = (SolrDocumentList) nl.get("doclist");
assertEquals(docs.toString(), 4, docs.getNumFound());
// Can't validate the response, but can check if no errors occur.
simpleQuery("q", "*:*", "rows", 100, "fl", "id," + i1, "group", "true", "group.query", t1 + ":kings OR " + t1 + ":eggs", "group.limit", 10, "sort", i1 + " asc, id asc", CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, 1);
@ -374,4 +436,28 @@ public class TestDistributedGrouping extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
* Special helper method for verifying that multiple queries behave the same as each other,
* both in distributed and single node queries
* @param commonParams params that are common to all queries
* @param variantParams params that will be appended to the common params to create a variant query
* @return the last response returned by the last variant
* @see #query
* @see #compareResponses
* @see SolrParams#wrapAppended
protected QueryResponse variantQuery(final SolrParams commonParams,
final SolrParams... variantParams) throws Exception {
QueryResponse lastResponse = null;
for (SolrParams extra : variantParams) {
final QueryResponse rsp = query(SolrParams.wrapAppended(commonParams, extra));
if (null != lastResponse) {
compareResponses(rsp, lastResponse);
lastResponse = rsp;
return lastResponse;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user