mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 17:49:29 +00:00
LUCENE-8687: Optimise radix partitioning for points on heap
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Improvements
* LUCENE-8673: Use radix partitioning when merging dimensional points instead
of sorting all dimensions before hand. (Ignacio Vera, Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-8687: Optimise radix partitioning for points on heap. (Ignacio Vera)
* LUCENE-8680: Refactor EdgeTree#relateTriangle method. (Ignacio Vera)
@ -179,16 +179,8 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
// dimensional values (numDims * bytesPerDim) + docID (int)
bytesPerDoc = packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES;
// As we recurse, we compute temporary partitions of the data, halving the
// number of points at each recursion. Once there are few enough points,
// we can switch to sorting in heap instead of offline (on disk). At any
// time in the recursion, we hold the number of points at that level, plus
// all recursive halves (i.e. 16 + 8 + 4 + 2) so the memory usage is 2X
// what that level would consume, so we multiply by 0.5 to convert from
// bytes to points here. In addition the radix partitioning may sort on memory
// double of this size so we multiply by another 0.5.
maxPointsSortInHeap = (int) (0.25 * (maxMBSortInHeap * 1024 * 1024) / (bytesPerDoc * numDataDims));
// Maximum number of points we hold in memory at any time
maxPointsSortInHeap = (int) ((maxMBSortInHeap * 1024 * 1024) / (bytesPerDoc * numDataDims));
// Finally, we must be able to hold at least the leaf node in heap during build:
if (maxPointsSortInHeap < maxPointsInLeafNode) {
@ -577,25 +569,21 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
// encoding and not have our own ByteSequencesReader/Writer
/** Sort the heap writer by the specified dim */
private void sortHeapPointWriter(final HeapPointWriter writer, int dim) {
final int pointCount = Math.toIntExact(writer.count());
private void sortHeapPointWriter(final HeapPointWriter writer, int from, int to, int dim, int commonPrefixLength) {
// Tie-break by docID:
// No need to tie break on ord, for the case where the same doc has the same value in a given dimension indexed more than once: it
// can't matter at search time since we don't write ords into the index:
new MSBRadixSorter(bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES) {
new MSBRadixSorter(bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES - commonPrefixLength) {
protected int byteAt(int i, int k) {
assert k >= 0;
if (k < bytesPerDim) {
if (k + commonPrefixLength < bytesPerDim) {
// dim bytes
int block = i / writer.valuesPerBlock;
int index = i % writer.valuesPerBlock;
return writer.blocks.get(block)[index * packedBytesLength + dim * bytesPerDim + k] & 0xff;
return writer.blocks.get(block)[index * packedBytesLength + dim * bytesPerDim + k + commonPrefixLength] & 0xff;
} else {
// doc id
int s = 3 - (k - bytesPerDim);
int s = 3 - (k + commonPrefixLength - bytesPerDim);
return (writer.docIDs[i] >>> (s * 8)) & 0xff;
@ -605,7 +593,7 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
writer.swap(i, j);
}.sort(0, pointCount);
}.sort(from, to);
private void checkMaxLeafNodeCount(int numLeaves) {
@ -625,14 +613,13 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
throw new IllegalStateException("already finished");
PointWriter data;
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice writer;
if (offlinePointWriter != null) {
data = offlinePointWriter;
writer = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice(offlinePointWriter, 0, pointCount);
tempInput = null;
} else {
data = heapPointWriter;
writer = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice(heapPointWriter, 0, pointCount);
heapPointWriter = null;
@ -671,7 +658,7 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
try {
build(1, numLeaves, data, out,
build(1, numLeaves, writer, out,
radixSelector, minPackedValue, maxPackedValue,
splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs);
@ -1017,7 +1004,7 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
/** The array (sized numDims) of PathSlice describe the cell we have currently recursed to. */
private void build(int nodeID, int leafNodeOffset,
PointWriter data,
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice points,
IndexOutput out,
BKDRadixSelector radixSelector,
byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue,
@ -1030,14 +1017,17 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
// We can write the block in any order so by default we write it sorted by the dimension that has the
// least number of unique bytes at commonPrefixLengths[dim], which makes compression more efficient
if (data instanceof HeapPointWriter == false) {
HeapPointWriter heapSource;
if (points.writer instanceof HeapPointWriter == false) {
// Adversarial cases can cause this, e.g. very lopsided data, all equal points, such that we started
// offline, but then kept splitting only in one dimension, and so never had to rewrite into heap writer
data = switchToHeap(data);
heapSource = switchToHeap(points.writer);
} else {
heapSource = (HeapPointWriter) points.writer;
// We ensured that maxPointsSortInHeap was >= maxPointsInLeafNode, so we better be in heap at this point:
HeapPointWriter heapSource = (HeapPointWriter) data;
int from = Math.toIntExact(points.start);
int to = Math.toIntExact(points.start + points.count);
//we store common prefix on scratch1
computeCommonPrefixLength(heapSource, scratch1);
@ -1068,7 +1058,8 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
sortHeapPointWriter(heapSource, sortedDim);
// sort the chosen dimension
sortHeapPointWriter(heapSource, from, to, sortedDim, commonPrefixLengths[sortedDim]);
// Save the block file pointer:
leafBlockFPs[nodeID - leafNodeOffset] = out.getFilePointer();
@ -1076,9 +1067,9 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
// Write docIDs first, as their own chunk, so that at intersect time we can add all docIDs w/o
// loading the values:
int count = Math.toIntExact(heapSource.count());
int count = to - from;
assert count > 0: "nodeID=" + nodeID + " leafNodeOffset=" + leafNodeOffset;
writeLeafBlockDocs(out, heapSource.docIDs, 0, count);
writeLeafBlockDocs(out, heapSource.docIDs, from, count);
// TODO: minor opto: we don't really have to write the actual common prefixes, because BKDReader on recursing can regenerate it for us
// from the index, much like how terms dict does so from the FST:
@ -1093,12 +1084,12 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
public BytesRef apply(int i) {
heapSource.getPackedValueSlice(i, scratch);
heapSource.getPackedValueSlice(from + i, scratch);
return scratch;
assert valuesInOrderAndBounds(count, sortedDim, minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, packedValues,
heapSource.docIDs, Math.toIntExact(0));
heapSource.docIDs, from);
writeLeafBlockPackedValues(out, commonPrefixLengths, count, sortedDim, packedValues);
} else {
@ -1111,26 +1102,23 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
splitDim = 0;
assert nodeID < splitPackedValues.length : "nodeID=" + nodeID + " splitValues.length=" + splitPackedValues.length;
// How many points will be in the left tree:
long rightCount = data.count() / 2;
long leftCount = data.count() - rightCount;
long rightCount = points.count / 2;
long leftCount = points.count - rightCount;
PointWriter leftPointWriter;
PointWriter rightPointWriter;
byte[] splitValue;
try (PointWriter leftPointWriter2 = getPointWriter(leftCount, "left" + splitDim);
PointWriter rightPointWriter2 = getPointWriter(rightCount, "right" + splitDim)) {
splitValue = radixSelector.select(data, leftPointWriter2, rightPointWriter2, 0, data.count(), leftCount, splitDim);
leftPointWriter = leftPointWriter2;
rightPointWriter = rightPointWriter2;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw verifyChecksum(t, data);
int commonPrefixLen = FutureArrays.mismatch(minPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim,
splitDim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim, maxPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim,
splitDim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim);
if (commonPrefixLen == -1) {
commonPrefixLen = bytesPerDim;
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice[] pathSlices = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice[2];
byte[] splitValue = radixSelector.select(points, pathSlices, points.start, points.start + points.count, points.start + leftCount, splitDim, commonPrefixLen);
int address = nodeID * (1 + bytesPerDim);
splitPackedValues[address] = (byte) splitDim;
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, splitPackedValues, address + 1, bytesPerDim);
@ -1144,15 +1132,13 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, minSplitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, maxSplitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
// Recurse on left tree:
build(2*nodeID, leafNodeOffset, leftPointWriter, out, radixSelector,
build(2*nodeID, leafNodeOffset, pathSlices[0], out, radixSelector,
minPackedValue, maxSplitPackedValue, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs);
// TODO: we could "tail recurse" here? have our parent discard its refs as we recurse right?
// Recurse on right tree:
build(2*nodeID+1, leafNodeOffset, rightPointWriter, out, radixSelector,
build(2*nodeID+1, leafNodeOffset, pathSlices[1], out, radixSelector,
minSplitPackedValue, maxPackedValue, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs);
@ -1212,15 +1198,6 @@ final class SimpleTextBKDWriter implements Closeable {
return true;
PointWriter getPointWriter(long count, String desc) throws IOException {
if (count <= maxPointsSortInHeap) {
int size = Math.toIntExact(count);
return new HeapPointWriter(size, size, packedBytesLength);
} else {
return new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, desc, count);
private void write(IndexOutput out, String s) throws IOException {
SimpleTextUtil.write(out, s, scratch);
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
this.bytesPerDim = bytesPerDim;
this.packedBytesLength = numDim * bytesPerDim;
this.bytesSorted = bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES;
this.maxPointsSortInHeap = 2 * maxPointsSortInHeap;
this.maxPointsSortInHeap = maxPointsSortInHeap;
int numberOfPointsOffline = MAX_SIZE_OFFLINE_BUFFER / (packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES);
this.offlineBuffer = new byte[numberOfPointsOffline * (packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES)];
this.partitionBucket = new int[bytesSorted];
@ -77,35 +77,54 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
* It uses the provided {@code points} from the given {@code from} to the given {@code to}
* to populate the {@code partitionSlices} array holder (length > 1) with two path slices
* so the path slice at position 0 contains {@code partition - from} points
* where the value of the {@code dim} is lower or equal to the {@code to -from}
* points on the slice at position 1.
* Method to partition the input data. It returns the value of the dimension where
* the split happens. The method destroys the original writer.
* The {@code dimCommonPrefix} provides a hint for the length of the common prefix length for
* the {@code dim} where are partitioning the points.
* It return the value of the {@code dim} at the partition point.
* If the provided {@code points} is wrapping an {@link OfflinePointWriter}, the
* writer is destroyed in the process to save disk space.
public byte[] select(PointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, long from, long to, long partitionPoint, int dim) throws IOException {
public byte[] select(PathSlice points, PathSlice[] partitionSlices, long from, long to, long partitionPoint, int dim, int dimCommonPrefix) throws IOException {
checkArgs(from, to, partitionPoint);
assert partitionSlices.length > 1;
//If we are on heap then we just select on heap
if (points instanceof HeapPointWriter) {
return heapSelect((HeapPointWriter) points, left, right, dim, Math.toIntExact(from), Math.toIntExact(to), Math.toIntExact(partitionPoint), 0);
if (points.writer instanceof HeapPointWriter) {
byte[] partition = heapRadixSelect((HeapPointWriter) points.writer, dim, Math.toIntExact(from), Math.toIntExact(to), Math.toIntExact(partitionPoint), dimCommonPrefix);
partitionSlices[0] = new PathSlice(points.writer, from, partitionPoint - from);
partitionSlices[1] = new PathSlice(points.writer, partitionPoint, to - partitionPoint);
return partition;
//reset histogram
for (int i = 0; i < bytesSorted; i++) {
Arrays.fill(histogram[i], 0);
OfflinePointWriter offlinePointWriter = (OfflinePointWriter) points;
OfflinePointWriter offlinePointWriter = (OfflinePointWriter) points.writer;
//find common prefix, it does already set histogram values if needed
int commonPrefix = findCommonPrefix(offlinePointWriter, from, to, dim);
//find common prefix from dimCommonPrefix, it does already set histogram values if needed
int commonPrefix = findCommonPrefix(offlinePointWriter, from, to, dim, dimCommonPrefix);
//if all equals we just partition the data
if (commonPrefix == bytesSorted) {
partition(offlinePointWriter, left, right, null, from, to, dim, commonPrefix - 1, partitionPoint);
return partitionPointFromCommonPrefix();
try (PointWriter left = getPointWriter(partitionPoint - from, "left" + dim);
PointWriter right = getPointWriter(to - partitionPoint, "right" + dim)) {
partitionSlices[0] = new PathSlice(left, 0, partitionPoint - from);
partitionSlices[1] = new PathSlice(right, 0, to - partitionPoint);
//if all equals we just partition the points
if (commonPrefix == bytesSorted) {
offlinePartition(offlinePointWriter, left, right, null, from, to, dim, commonPrefix - 1, partitionPoint);
return partitionPointFromCommonPrefix();
//let's rock'n'roll
return buildHistogramAndPartition(offlinePointWriter, left, right, from, to, partitionPoint, 0, commonPrefix, dim);
//let's rock'n'roll
return buildHistogramAndPartition(offlinePointWriter, left, right, from, to, partitionPoint, 0, commonPrefix, dim);
void checkArgs(long from, long to, long partitionPoint) {
@ -117,11 +136,12 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
private int findCommonPrefix(OfflinePointWriter points, long from, long to, int dim) throws IOException{
private int findCommonPrefix(OfflinePointWriter points, long from, long to, int dim, int dimCommonPrefix) throws IOException{
//find common prefix
byte[] commonPrefix = new byte[bytesSorted];
int commonPrefixPosition = bytesSorted;
try (OfflinePointReader reader = points.getReader(from, to - from, offlineBuffer)) {
assert commonPrefixPosition > dimCommonPrefix;
// copy dimension
@ -131,21 +151,22 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
for (long i = from + 1; i< to; i++) {
int startIndex = dim * bytesPerDim;
int endIndex = (commonPrefixPosition > bytesPerDim) ? startIndex + bytesPerDim : startIndex + commonPrefixPosition;
int j = FutureArrays.mismatch(commonPrefix, 0, endIndex - startIndex, bytesRef1.bytes, bytesRef1.offset + startIndex, bytesRef1.offset + endIndex);
int startIndex = (dimCommonPrefix > bytesPerDim) ? bytesPerDim : dimCommonPrefix;
int endIndex = (commonPrefixPosition > bytesPerDim) ? bytesPerDim : commonPrefixPosition;
int j = FutureArrays.mismatch(commonPrefix, startIndex, endIndex, bytesRef1.bytes, bytesRef1.offset + dim * bytesPerDim + startIndex, bytesRef1.offset + dim * bytesPerDim + endIndex);
if (j == 0) {
return 0;
commonPrefixPosition = dimCommonPrefix;
} else if (j == -1) {
if (commonPrefixPosition > bytesPerDim) {
//tie-break on docID
int k = FutureArrays.mismatch(commonPrefix, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixPosition, bytesRef1.bytes, bytesRef1.offset + packedBytesLength, bytesRef1.offset + packedBytesLength + commonPrefixPosition - bytesPerDim );
int k = FutureArrays.mismatch(commonPrefix, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixPosition, bytesRef1.bytes, bytesRef1.offset + packedBytesLength, bytesRef1.offset + packedBytesLength + commonPrefixPosition - bytesPerDim);
if (k != -1) {
commonPrefixPosition = bytesPerDim + k;
} else {
commonPrefixPosition = j;
commonPrefixPosition = dimCommonPrefix + j;
@ -196,33 +217,29 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
//special case when be have lot of points that are equal
if (commonPrefix == bytesSorted - 1) {
long tieBreakCount =(partitionPoint - from - leftCount);
partition(points, left, right, null, from, to, dim, commonPrefix, tieBreakCount);
offlinePartition(points, left, right, null, from, to, dim, commonPrefix, tieBreakCount);
return partitionPointFromCommonPrefix();
//create the delta points writer
PointWriter deltaPoints;
if (delta <= maxPointsSortInHeap) {
deltaPoints = new HeapPointWriter(Math.toIntExact(delta), Math.toIntExact(delta), packedBytesLength);
} else {
deltaPoints = new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, "delta" + iteration, delta);
try (PointWriter tempDeltaPoints = getDeltaPointWriter(left, right, delta, iteration)) {
//divide the points. This actually destroys the current writer
offlinePartition(points, left, right, tempDeltaPoints, from, to, dim, commonPrefix, 0);
deltaPoints = tempDeltaPoints;
//divide the points. This actually destroys the current writer
partition(points, left, right, deltaPoints, from, to, dim, commonPrefix, 0);
//close delta point writer
long newPartitionPoint = partitionPoint - from - leftCount;
if (deltaPoints instanceof HeapPointWriter) {
return heapSelect((HeapPointWriter) deltaPoints, left, right, dim, 0, (int) deltaPoints.count(), Math.toIntExact(newPartitionPoint), ++commonPrefix);
return heapPartition((HeapPointWriter) deltaPoints, left, right, dim, 0, (int) deltaPoints.count(), Math.toIntExact(newPartitionPoint), ++commonPrefix);
} else {
return buildHistogramAndPartition((OfflinePointWriter) deltaPoints, left, right, 0, deltaPoints.count(), newPartitionPoint, ++iteration, ++commonPrefix, dim);
private void partition(OfflinePointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, PointWriter deltaPoints,
long from, long to, int dim, int bytePosition, long numDocsTiebreak) throws IOException {
private void offlinePartition(OfflinePointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, PointWriter deltaPoints,
long from, long to, int dim, int bytePosition, long numDocsTiebreak) throws IOException {
assert bytePosition == bytesSorted -1 || deltaPoints != null;
long tiebreakCounter = 0;
try (OfflinePointReader reader = points.getReader(from, to - from, offlineBuffer)) {
@ -269,7 +286,24 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
return partition;
private byte[] heapSelect(HeapPointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, int dim, int from, int to, int partitionPoint, int commonPrefix) throws IOException {
private byte[] heapPartition(HeapPointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, int dim, int from, int to, int partitionPoint, int commonPrefix) throws IOException {
byte[] partition = heapRadixSelect(points, dim, from, to, partitionPoint, commonPrefix);
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
points.getPackedValueSlice(i, bytesRef1);
int docID = points.docIDs[i];
if (i < partitionPoint) {
left.append(bytesRef1, docID);
} else {
right.append(bytesRef1, docID);
return partition;
private byte[] heapRadixSelect(HeapPointWriter points, int dim, int from, int to, int partitionPoint, int commonPrefix) {
final int offset = dim * bytesPerDim + commonPrefix;
new RadixSelector(bytesSorted - commonPrefix) {
@ -294,18 +328,59 @@ public final class BKDRadixSelector {
}.select(from, to, partitionPoint);
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
points.getPackedValueSlice(i, bytesRef1);
int docID = points.docIDs[i];
if (i < partitionPoint) {
left.append(bytesRef1, docID);
} else {
right.append(bytesRef1, docID);
byte[] partition = new byte[bytesPerDim];
points.getPackedValueSlice(partitionPoint, bytesRef1);
System.arraycopy(bytesRef1.bytes, bytesRef1.offset + dim * bytesPerDim, partition, 0, bytesPerDim);
return partition;
private PointWriter getDeltaPointWriter(PointWriter left, PointWriter right, long delta, int iteration) throws IOException {
if (delta <= getMaxPointsSortInHeap(left, right)) {
return new HeapPointWriter(Math.toIntExact(delta), Math.toIntExact(delta), packedBytesLength);
} else {
return new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, "delta" + iteration, delta);
private int getMaxPointsSortInHeap(PointWriter left, PointWriter right) {
int pointsUsed = 0;
if (left instanceof HeapPointWriter) {
pointsUsed += ((HeapPointWriter) left).maxSize;
if (right instanceof HeapPointWriter) {
pointsUsed += ((HeapPointWriter) right).maxSize;
assert maxPointsSortInHeap >= pointsUsed;
return maxPointsSortInHeap - pointsUsed;
PointWriter getPointWriter(long count, String desc) throws IOException {
//As we recurse, we hold two on-heap point writers at any point. Therefore the
//max size for these objects is half of the total points we can have on-heap.
if (count <= maxPointsSortInHeap / 2) {
int size = Math.toIntExact(count);
return new HeapPointWriter(size, size, packedBytesLength);
} else {
return new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, desc, count);
/** Sliced reference to points in an PointWriter. */
public static final class PathSlice {
public final PointWriter writer;
public final long start;
public final long count;
public PathSlice(PointWriter writer, long start, long count) {
this.writer = writer;
this.start = start;
this.count = count;
public String toString() {
return "PathSlice(start=" + start + " count=" + count + " writer=" + writer + ")";
@ -172,17 +172,8 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
// dimensional values (numDims * bytesPerDim) + docID (int)
bytesPerDoc = packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES;
// As we recurse, we compute temporary partitions of the data, halving the
// number of points at each recursion. Once there are few enough points,
// we can switch to sorting in heap instead of offline (on disk). At any
// time in the recursion, we hold the number of points at that level, plus
// all recursive halves (i.e. 16 + 8 + 4 + 2) so the memory usage is 2X
// what that level would consume, so we multiply by 0.5 to convert from
// bytes to points here. In addition the radix partitioning may sort on memory
// double of this size so we multiply by another 0.5.
maxPointsSortInHeap = (int) (0.25 * (maxMBSortInHeap * 1024 * 1024) / (bytesPerDoc));
// Maximum number of points we hold in memory at any time
maxPointsSortInHeap = (int) ((maxMBSortInHeap * 1024 * 1024) / (bytesPerDoc));
// Finally, we must be able to hold at least the leaf node in heap during build:
if (maxPointsSortInHeap < maxPointsInLeafNode) {
@ -402,7 +393,6 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
/* In the 2+D case, we recursively pick the split dimension, compute the
* median value and partition other values around it. */
private long writeFieldNDims(IndexOutput out, String fieldName, MutablePointValues values) throws IOException {
@ -722,7 +712,7 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
// encoding and not have our own ByteSequencesReader/Writer
/** Sort the heap writer by the specified dim */
private void sortHeapPointWriter(final HeapPointWriter writer, int pointCount, int dim, int commonPrefixLength) {
private void sortHeapPointWriter(final HeapPointWriter writer, int from, int to, int dim, int commonPrefixLength) {
// Tie-break by docID:
new MSBRadixSorter(bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES - commonPrefixLength) {
@ -746,7 +736,7 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
writer.swap(i, j);
}.sort(0, pointCount);
}.sort(from, to);
// useful for debugging:
@ -784,20 +774,20 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
throw new IllegalStateException("already finished");
PointWriter writer;
if (offlinePointWriter != null) {
writer = offlinePointWriter;
tempInput = null;
} else {
writer = heapPointWriter;
heapPointWriter = null;
if (pointCount == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("must index at least one point");
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice points;
if (offlinePointWriter != null) {
points = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice(offlinePointWriter, 0, pointCount);
tempInput = null;
} else {
points = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice(heapPointWriter, 0, pointCount);
heapPointWriter = null;
long countPerLeaf = pointCount;
long innerNodeCount = 1;
@ -829,7 +819,7 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
try {
final int[] parentSplits = new int[numIndexDims];
build(1, numLeaves, writer,
build(1, numLeaves, points,
out, radixSelector,
minPackedValue, maxPackedValue,
@ -1429,7 +1419,7 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
/** The point writer contains the data that is going to be splitted using radix selection.
/* This method is used when we are merging previously written segments, in the numDims > 1 case. */
private void build(int nodeID, int leafNodeOffset,
PointWriter points,
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice points,
IndexOutput out,
BKDRadixSelector radixSelector,
byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue,
@ -1442,18 +1432,19 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
// Leaf node: write block
// We can write the block in any order so by default we write it sorted by the dimension that has the
// least number of unique bytes at commonPrefixLengths[dim], which makes compression more efficient
if (points instanceof HeapPointWriter == false) {
HeapPointWriter heapSource;
if (points.writer instanceof HeapPointWriter == false) {
// Adversarial cases can cause this, e.g. very lopsided data, all equal points, such that we started
// offline, but then kept splitting only in one dimension, and so never had to rewrite into heap writer
points = switchToHeap(points);
heapSource = switchToHeap(points.writer);
} else {
heapSource = (HeapPointWriter) points.writer;
// We ensured that maxPointsSortInHeap was >= maxPointsInLeafNode, so we better be in heap at this point:
HeapPointWriter heapSource = (HeapPointWriter) points;
int from = Math.toIntExact(points.start);
int to = Math.toIntExact(points.start + points.count);
//we store common prefix on scratch1
computeCommonPrefixLength(heapSource, scratch1);
computeCommonPrefixLength(heapSource, scratch1, from, to);
int sortedDim = 0;
int sortedDimCardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@ -1468,7 +1459,7 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
int prefix = commonPrefixLengths[dim];
if (prefix < bytesPerDim) {
int offset = dim * bytesPerDim;
for (int i = 0; i < heapSource.count(); ++i) {
for (int i = from; i < to; ++i) {
heapSource.getPackedValueSlice(i, scratchBytesRef1);
int bucket = scratchBytesRef1.bytes[scratchBytesRef1.offset + offset + prefix] & 0xff;
@ -1482,7 +1473,7 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
// sort the chosen dimension
sortHeapPointWriter(heapSource, Math.toIntExact(heapSource.count()), sortedDim, commonPrefixLengths[sortedDim]);
sortHeapPointWriter(heapSource, from, to, sortedDim, commonPrefixLengths[sortedDim]);
// Save the block file pointer:
leafBlockFPs[nodeID - leafNodeOffset] = out.getFilePointer();
@ -1490,9 +1481,9 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
// Write docIDs first, as their own chunk, so that at intersect time we can add all docIDs w/o
// loading the values:
int count = Math.toIntExact(heapSource.count());
int count = to - from;
assert count > 0: "nodeID=" + nodeID + " leafNodeOffset=" + leafNodeOffset;
writeLeafBlockDocs(out, heapSource.docIDs, Math.toIntExact(0), count);
writeLeafBlockDocs(out, heapSource.docIDs, from, count);
// TODO: minor opto: we don't really have to write the actual common prefixes, because BKDReader on recursing can regenerate it for us
// from the index, much like how terms dict does so from the FST:
@ -1510,12 +1501,12 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
public BytesRef apply(int i) {
heapSource.getPackedValueSlice(Math.toIntExact(i), scratch);
heapSource.getPackedValueSlice(from + i, scratch);
return scratch;
assert valuesInOrderAndBounds(count, sortedDim, minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, packedValues,
heapSource.docIDs, Math.toIntExact(0));
heapSource.docIDs, from);
writeLeafBlockPackedValues(out, commonPrefixLengths, count, sortedDim, packedValues);
} else {
@ -1528,25 +1519,23 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
splitDim = 0;
assert nodeID < splitPackedValues.length : "nodeID=" + nodeID + " splitValues.length=" + splitPackedValues.length;
// How many points will be in the left tree:
long rightCount = points.count() / 2;
long leftCount = points.count() - rightCount;
long rightCount = points.count / 2;
long leftCount = points.count - rightCount;
PointWriter leftPointWriter;
PointWriter rightPointWriter;
byte[] splitValue;
try (PointWriter tempLeftPointWriter = getPointWriter(leftCount, "left" + splitDim);
PointWriter tempRightPointWriter = getPointWriter(rightCount, "right" + splitDim)) {
splitValue = radixSelector.select(points, tempLeftPointWriter, tempRightPointWriter, 0, points.count(), leftCount, splitDim);
leftPointWriter = tempLeftPointWriter;
rightPointWriter = tempRightPointWriter;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw verifyChecksum(t, points);
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice[] slices = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice[2];
int commonPrefixLen = FutureArrays.mismatch(minPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim,
splitDim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim, maxPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim,
splitDim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim);
if (commonPrefixLen == -1) {
commonPrefixLen = bytesPerDim;
byte[] splitValue = radixSelector.select(points, slices, points.start, points.start + points.count, points.start + leftCount, splitDim, commonPrefixLen);
int address = nodeID * (1 + bytesPerDim);
splitPackedValues[address] = (byte) splitDim;
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, splitPackedValues, address + 1, bytesPerDim);
@ -1562,12 +1551,12 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
// Recurse on left tree:
build(2 * nodeID, leafNodeOffset, leftPointWriter,
build(2 * nodeID, leafNodeOffset, slices[0],
out, radixSelector, minPackedValue, maxSplitPackedValue,
parentSplits, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs);
// Recurse on right tree:
build(2 * nodeID + 1, leafNodeOffset, rightPointWriter,
build(2 * nodeID + 1, leafNodeOffset, slices[1],
out, radixSelector, minSplitPackedValue, maxPackedValue
, parentSplits, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs);
@ -1575,14 +1564,14 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
private void computeCommonPrefixLength(HeapPointWriter heapPointWriter, byte[] commonPrefix) {
private void computeCommonPrefixLength(HeapPointWriter heapPointWriter, byte[] commonPrefix, int from, int to) {
Arrays.fill(commonPrefixLengths, bytesPerDim);
scratchBytesRef1.length = packedBytesLength;
heapPointWriter.getPackedValueSlice(0, scratchBytesRef1);
heapPointWriter.getPackedValueSlice(from, scratchBytesRef1);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDataDims; dim++) {
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + dim * bytesPerDim, commonPrefix, dim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
for (int i = 1; i < heapPointWriter.count(); i++) {
for (int i = from + 1; i < to; i++) {
heapPointWriter.getPackedValueSlice(i, scratchBytesRef1);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDataDims; dim++) {
if (commonPrefixLengths[dim] != 0) {
@ -1629,14 +1618,4 @@ public class BKDWriter implements Closeable {
System.arraycopy(packedValue, packedValueOffset, lastPackedValue, 0, packedBytesLength);
return true;
PointWriter getPointWriter(long count, String desc) throws IOException {
if (count <= maxPointsSortInHeap) {
int size = Math.toIntExact(count);
return new HeapPointWriter(size, size, packedBytesLength);
} else {
return new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, desc, count);
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ public class TestBKD extends LuceneTestCase {
public IndexOutput createTempOutput(String prefix, String suffix, IOContext context) throws IOException {
IndexOutput out = in.createTempOutput(prefix, suffix, context);
//System.out.println("prefix=" + prefix + " suffix=" + suffix);
if (corrupted == false && suffix.equals("bkd_left1")) {
if (corrupted == false && suffix.equals("bkd_left0")) {
//System.out.println("now corrupt byte=" + x + " prefix=" + prefix + " suffix=" + suffix);
corrupted = true;
return new CorruptingIndexOutput(dir0, 22072, out);
@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ public class TestBKDRadixSelector extends LuceneTestCase {
NumericUtils.intToSortableBytes(4, bytes, 0);
points.append(bytes, 3);
verify(dir, points, dimensions, 0, values, middle, packedLength, bytesPerDimensions, 0);
PointWriter copy = copyPoints(dir,points, packedLength);
verify(dir, copy, dimensions, 0, values, middle, packedLength, bytesPerDimensions, 0);
@ -183,24 +184,31 @@ public class TestBKDRadixSelector extends LuceneTestCase {
private void verify(Directory dir, PointWriter points, int dimensions, long start, long end, long middle, int packedLength, int bytesPerDimensions, int sortedOnHeap) throws IOException{
for (int splitDim =0; splitDim < dimensions; splitDim++) {
PointWriter copy = copyPoints(dir, points, packedLength);
PointWriter leftPointWriter = getRandomPointWriter(dir, middle - start, packedLength);
PointWriter rightPointWriter = getRandomPointWriter(dir, end - middle, packedLength);
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice[] slices = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice[2];
BKDRadixSelector radixSelector = new BKDRadixSelector(dimensions, bytesPerDimensions, sortedOnHeap, dir, "test");
byte[] partitionPoint = radixSelector.select(copy, leftPointWriter, rightPointWriter, start, end, middle, splitDim);
byte[] max = getMax(leftPointWriter, middle - start, bytesPerDimensions, splitDim);
byte[] min = getMin(rightPointWriter, end - middle, bytesPerDimensions, splitDim);
BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice copySlice = new BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice(copy, 0, copy.count());
byte[] pointsMax = getMax(copySlice, bytesPerDimensions, splitDim);
byte[] pointsMin = getMin(copySlice, bytesPerDimensions, splitDim);
int commonPrefixLength = FutureArrays.mismatch(pointsMin, 0, bytesPerDimensions, pointsMax, 0, bytesPerDimensions);
if (commonPrefixLength == -1) {
commonPrefixLength = bytesPerDimensions;
int commonPrefixLengthInput = (random().nextBoolean()) ? commonPrefixLength : commonPrefixLength == 0 ? 0 : random().nextInt(commonPrefixLength);
byte[] partitionPoint = radixSelector.select(copySlice, slices, start, end, middle, splitDim, commonPrefixLengthInput);
assertEquals(middle - start, slices[0].count);
assertEquals(end - middle, slices[1].count);
byte[] max = getMax(slices[0], bytesPerDimensions, splitDim);
byte[] min = getMin(slices[1], bytesPerDimensions, splitDim);
int cmp = FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(max, 0, bytesPerDimensions, min, 0, bytesPerDimensions);
assertTrue(cmp <= 0);
if (cmp == 0) {
int maxDocID = getMaxDocId(leftPointWriter, middle - start, bytesPerDimensions, splitDim, partitionPoint);
int minDocId = getMinDocId(rightPointWriter, end - middle, bytesPerDimensions, splitDim, partitionPoint);
int maxDocID = getMaxDocId(slices[0], bytesPerDimensions, splitDim, partitionPoint);
int minDocId = getMinDocId(slices[1], bytesPerDimensions, splitDim, partitionPoint);
assertTrue(minDocId >= maxDocID);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(partitionPoint, min));
@ -236,10 +244,10 @@ public class TestBKDRadixSelector extends LuceneTestCase {
return dir;
private byte[] getMin(PointWriter p, long size, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension) throws IOException {
private byte[] getMin(BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice p, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension) throws IOException {
byte[] min = new byte[bytesPerDimension];
Arrays.fill(min, (byte) 0xff);
try (PointReader reader = p.getReader(0, size)) {
try (PointReader reader = p.writer.getReader(p.start, p.count)) {
byte[] value = new byte[bytesPerDimension];
BytesRef packedValue = new BytesRef();
while (reader.next()) {
@ -253,9 +261,9 @@ public class TestBKDRadixSelector extends LuceneTestCase {
return min;
private int getMinDocId(PointWriter p, long size, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension, byte[] partitionPoint) throws IOException {
private int getMinDocId(BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice p, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension, byte[] partitionPoint) throws IOException {
int docID = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
try (PointReader reader = p.getReader(0, size)) {
try (PointReader reader = p.writer.getReader(p.start, p.count)) {
BytesRef packedValue = new BytesRef();
while (reader.next()) {
@ -271,10 +279,10 @@ public class TestBKDRadixSelector extends LuceneTestCase {
return docID;
private byte[] getMax(PointWriter p, long size, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension) throws IOException {
private byte[] getMax(BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice p, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension) throws IOException {
byte[] max = new byte[bytesPerDimension];
Arrays.fill(max, (byte) 0);
try (PointReader reader = p.getReader(0, size)) {
try (PointReader reader = p.writer.getReader(p.start, p.count)) {
byte[] value = new byte[bytesPerDimension];
BytesRef packedValue = new BytesRef();
while (reader.next()) {
@ -288,9 +296,9 @@ public class TestBKDRadixSelector extends LuceneTestCase {
return max;
private int getMaxDocId(PointWriter p, long size, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension, byte[] partitionPoint) throws IOException {
private int getMaxDocId(BKDRadixSelector.PathSlice p, int bytesPerDimension, int dimension, byte[] partitionPoint) throws IOException {
int docID = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
try (PointReader reader = p.getReader(0, size)) {
try (PointReader reader = p.writer.getReader(p.start, p.count)) {
BytesRef packedValue = new BytesRef();
while (reader.next()) {
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