SOLR-6507: Fixed several bugs involving stats.field used with local params

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Chris M. Hostetter 2014-09-15 21:00:32 +00:00
parent e381b67e93
commit a0e0d79233
4 changed files with 302 additions and 192 deletions

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@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ Bug Fixes
* SOLR-6501: Binary Response Writer does not return wildcard fields.
(Mike Hugo, Constantin Mitocaru, sarowe, shalin)
* SOLR-6507: Fixed several bugs involving stats.field used with local params (hossman)
Other Changes

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@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ package org.apache.solr.handler.component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ShardParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.StatsParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
@ -62,21 +64,31 @@ public class StatsComponent extends SearchComponent {
if (rb.req.getParams().getBool(StatsParams.STATS,false)) {
rb.setNeedDocSet( true );
rb.doStats = true;
rb._statsInfo = new StatsInfo(rb);
public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
if (rb.doStats) {
SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
SimpleStats s = new SimpleStats(rb.req,
rb );
if (!rb.doStats) return;
// TODO ???? add this directly to the response, or to the builder?
rb.rsp.add( "stats", s.getStatsCounts() );
boolean isShard = rb.req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.IS_SHARD, false);
NamedList<Object> out = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
NamedList<Object> stats_fields = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
for (StatsField statsField : rb._statsInfo.getStatsFields()) {
DocSet docs = statsField.computeBaseDocSet();
NamedList<?> stv = statsField.computeLocalStatsValues(docs).getStatsValues();
if (isShard == true || (Long) stv.get("count") > 0) {
stats_fields.add(statsField.getOutputKey(), stv);
} else {
stats_fields.add(statsField.getOutputKey(), null);
out.add("stats_fields", stats_fields);
rb.rsp.add( "stats", out );
@ -89,15 +101,7 @@ public class StatsComponent extends SearchComponent {
if (!rb.doStats) return;
if ((sreq.purpose & ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_TOP_IDS) != 0) {
sreq.purpose |= ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_STATS;
StatsInfo si = rb._statsInfo;
if (si == null) {
rb._statsInfo = si = new StatsInfo();
si.parse(rb.req.getParams(), rb);
// should already be true...
// sreq.params.set(StatsParams.STATS, "true");
sreq.purpose |= ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_STATS;
} else {
// turn off stats on other requests
sreq.params.set(StatsParams.STATS, "false");
@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ public class StatsComponent extends SearchComponent {
public void handleResponses(ResponseBuilder rb, ShardRequest sreq) {
if (!rb.doStats || (sreq.purpose & ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_STATS) == 0) return;
StatsInfo si = rb._statsInfo;
Map<String, StatsValues> allStatsValues = rb._statsInfo.getAggregateStatsValues();
for (ShardResponse srsp : sreq.responses) {
NamedList stats = null;
@ -126,9 +130,9 @@ public class StatsComponent extends SearchComponent {
NamedList stats_fields = (NamedList) stats.get("stats_fields");
if (stats_fields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < stats_fields.size(); i++) {
String field = stats_fields.getName(i);
StatsValues stv = si.statsFields.get(field);
NamedList shardStv = (NamedList) stats_fields.get(field);
String key = stats_fields.getName(i);
StatsValues stv = allStatsValues.get(key);
NamedList shardStv = (NamedList) stats_fields.get(key);
@ -141,23 +145,24 @@ public class StatsComponent extends SearchComponent {
// wait until STAGE_GET_FIELDS
// so that "result" is already stored in the response (for aesthetics)
StatsInfo si = rb._statsInfo;
Map<String, StatsValues> allStatsValues = rb._statsInfo.getAggregateStatsValues();
NamedList<NamedList<Object>> stats = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
NamedList<Object> stats_fields = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
stats.add("stats_fields", stats_fields);
for (String field : si.statsFields.keySet()) {
NamedList stv = si.statsFields.get(field).getStatsValues();
for (Map.Entry<String,StatsValues> entry : allStatsValues.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
NamedList stv = entry.getValue().getStatsValues();
if ((Long) stv.get("count") != 0) {
stats_fields.add(field, stv);
stats_fields.add(key, stv);
} else {
stats_fields.add(field, null);
stats_fields.add(key, null);
rb.rsp.add("stats", stats);
rb._statsInfo = null;
rb._statsInfo = null; // free some objects
@ -171,167 +176,209 @@ public class StatsComponent extends SearchComponent {
* Models all of the information about stats needed for a single request
* @see StatsField
class StatsInfo {
Map<String, StatsValues> statsFields;
void parse(SolrParams params, ResponseBuilder rb) {
statsFields = new HashMap<>();
private final ResponseBuilder rb;
private final List<StatsField> statsFields = new ArrayList<>(7);
private final Map<String, StatsValues> distribStatsValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
String[] statsFs = params.getParams(StatsParams.STATS_FIELD);
if (statsFs != null) {
for (String field : statsFs) {
boolean calcDistinct = params.getFieldBool(field, StatsParams.STATS_CALC_DISTINCT, false);
SchemaField sf = rb.req.getSchema().getField(field);
statsFields.put(field, StatsValuesFactory.createStatsValues(sf, calcDistinct));
public StatsInfo(ResponseBuilder rb) {
this.rb = rb;
SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
String[] statsParams = params.getParams(StatsParams.STATS_FIELD);
if (null == statsParams) {
// no stats.field params, nothing to parse.
for (String paramValue : statsParams) {
StatsField current = new StatsField(rb, paramValue);
distribStatsValues.put(current.getOutputKey(), current.buildNewStatsValues());
class SimpleStats {
/** The main set of documents */
protected DocSet docs;
/** Configuration params behavior should be driven by */
protected SolrParams params;
/** Searcher to use for all calculations */
protected SolrIndexSearcher searcher;
protected SolrQueryRequest req;
protected ResponseBuilder rb;
// per-stats values
SolrParams localParams;
String statsField;
DocSet base;
String key;
public SimpleStats(SolrQueryRequest req,
DocSet docs,
SolrParams params,
ResponseBuilder rb) {
this.req = req;
this.searcher = req.getSearcher(); = docs;
this.params = params;
this.rb = rb;
* Returns an immutable list of {@link StatsField} instances
* modeling each of the {@link StatsParams#STATS_FIELD} params specified
* as part of this request
public List<StatsField> getStatsFields() {
return Collections.<StatsField>unmodifiableList(statsFields);
protected void parseParams(String param) throws SyntaxError, IOException {
localParams = QueryParsing.getLocalParams(param, req.getParams());
base = docs;
statsField = param;
key = param;
* Returns an immutable map of response key =&gt; {@link StatsValues}
* instances for the current distributed request.
* Depending on where we are in the process of handling this request,
* these {@link StatsValues} instances may not be complete -- but they
* will never be null.
public Map<String, StatsValues> getAggregateStatsValues() {
return Collections.<String, StatsValues>unmodifiableMap(distribStatsValues);
if (localParams == null) return;
statsField = localParams.get(CommonParams.VALUE);
* Models all of the information associated with a single {@link StatsParams#STATS_FIELD}
* instance.
class StatsField {
// reset set the default key now that localParams have been removed
key = statsField;
private final SolrIndexSearcher searcher;
private final ResponseBuilder rb;
private final String originalParam; // for error messages
private final SolrParams localParams;
private final SchemaField sf;
private final String fieldName;
private final String key;
private final boolean calcDistinct;
private final String[] facets;
private final List<String> excludeTagList;
// allow explicit set of the key
key = localParams.get(CommonParams.OUTPUT_KEY, key);
* @param rb the current request/response
* @param statsParam the raw {@link StatsParams#STATS_FIELD} string
public StatsField(ResponseBuilder rb, String statsParam) {
this.rb = rb;
this.searcher = rb.req.getSearcher();
this.originalParam = statsParam;
SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
try {
SolrParams localParams = QueryParsing.getLocalParams(statsParam, params);
if (null == localParams) {
localParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
this.localParams = localParams;
} catch (SyntaxError e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unable to parse " +
StatsParams.STATS_FIELD + ": " + originalParam + " due to: "
+ e.getMessage(), e);
// pull fieldName out of localParams, or default to original param value
this.fieldName = localParams.get(CommonParams.VALUE, statsParam);
// allow explicit set of the key via localparams, default to fieldName
this.key = localParams.get(CommonParams.OUTPUT_KEY, fieldName);
calcDistinct = params.getFieldBool(fieldName, StatsParams.STATS_CALC_DISTINCT, false);
String[] facets = params.getFieldParams(key, StatsParams.STATS_FACET);
this.facets = (null == facets) ? new String[0] : facets;
// figure out if we need a new base DocSet
String excludeStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.EXCLUDE);
if (excludeStr == null) return;
this.excludeTagList = (null == excludeStr)
? Collections.<String>emptyList()
: StrUtils.splitSmart(excludeStr,',');
Map<?,?> tagMap = (Map<?,?>)req.getContext().get("tags");
if (tagMap != null && rb != null) {
List<String> excludeTagList = StrUtils.splitSmart(excludeStr,',');
this.sf = searcher.getSchema().getField(fieldName);
IdentityHashMap<Query,Boolean> excludeSet = new IdentityHashMap<Query,Boolean>();
for (String excludeTag : excludeTagList) {
Object olst = tagMap.get(excludeTag);
// tagMap has entries of List<String,List<QParser>>, but subject to change in the future
if (!(olst instanceof Collection)) continue;
for (Object o : (Collection<?>)olst) {
if (!(o instanceof QParser)) continue;
QParser qp = (QParser)o;
* The key to be used when refering to this {@link StatsField} instance in the
* response tp clients.
public String getOutputKey() {
return key;
* Returns a new, empty, {@link StatsValues} instance that can be used for
* accumulating the appropriate stats from this {@link StatsField}
public StatsValues buildNewStatsValues() {
return StatsValuesFactory.createStatsValues(sf, calcDistinct);
* Computes a base {@link DocSet} for the current request to be used
* when computing global stats for the local index.
* This is typically the same as the main DocSet for the {@link ResponseBuilder}
* unless {@link CommonParams#TAG tag}ged filter queries have been excluded using
* the {@link CommonParams#EXCLUDE ex} local param
public DocSet computeBaseDocSet() throws IOException {
DocSet docs = rb.getResults().docSet;
Map<?,?> tagMap = (Map<?,?>) rb.req.getContext().get("tags");
if (excludeTagList.isEmpty() || null == tagMap) {
// either the exclude list is empty, or there
// aren't any tagged filters to exclude anyway.
return docs;
IdentityHashMap<Query,Boolean> excludeSet = new IdentityHashMap<Query,Boolean>();
for (String excludeTag : excludeTagList) {
Object olst = tagMap.get(excludeTag);
// tagMap has entries of List<String,List<QParser>>, but subject to change in the future
if (!(olst instanceof Collection)) continue;
for (Object o : (Collection<?>)olst) {
if (!(o instanceof QParser)) continue;
QParser qp = (QParser)o;
try {
excludeSet.put(qp.getQuery(), Boolean.TRUE);
if (excludeSet.size() == 0) return;
List<Query> qlist = new ArrayList<Query>();
// add the base query
if (!excludeSet.containsKey(rb.getQuery())) {
// add the filters
if (rb.getFilters() != null) {
for (Query q : rb.getFilters()) {
if (!excludeSet.containsKey(q)) {
// get the new base docset for this facet
this.base = searcher.getDocSet(qlist);
public NamedList<Object> getStatsCounts() throws IOException {
NamedList<Object> res = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
try {
res.add("stats_fields", getStatsFields());
} catch (SyntaxError e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, e);
return res;
public NamedList<Object> getStatsFields() throws IOException, SyntaxError {
NamedList<Object> res = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
String[] statsFs = params.getParams(StatsParams.STATS_FIELD);
boolean isShard = params.getBool(ShardParams.IS_SHARD, false);
if (null != statsFs) {
final IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema();
for (String f : statsFs) {
boolean calcDistinct = params.getFieldBool(f, StatsParams.STATS_CALC_DISTINCT, false);
String[] facets = params.getFieldParams(key, StatsParams.STATS_FACET);
if (facets == null) {
facets = new String[0]; // make sure it is something...
SchemaField sf = schema.getField(statsField);
FieldType ft = sf.getType();
NamedList<?> stv;
if (sf.multiValued() || ft.multiValuedFieldCache()) {
// TODO: should this also be used for single-valued string fields? (should work fine)
stv = DocValuesStats.getCounts(searcher, sf.getName(), base, calcDistinct, facets).getStatsValues();
} else {
stv = getFieldCacheStats(statsField, calcDistinct, facets);
if (isShard == true || (Long) stv.get("count") > 0) {
res.add(key, stv);
} else {
res.add(key, null);
} catch (SyntaxError e) {
// this shouldn't be possible since the request should have already
// failed when attempting to execute the query, but just in case...
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Excluded query can't be parsed: " +
originalParam + " due to: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return res;
if (excludeSet.size() == 0) return docs;
List<Query> qlist = new ArrayList<Query>();
// add the base query
if (!excludeSet.containsKey(rb.getQuery())) {
// add the filters
if (rb.getFilters() != null) {
for (Query q : rb.getFilters()) {
if (!excludeSet.containsKey(q)) {
// get the new base docset for this facet
return searcher.getDocSet(qlist);
public NamedList<?> getFieldCacheStats(String fieldName, boolean calcDistinct, String[] facet) throws IOException {
* Computes the {@link StatsValues} for this {@link StatsField} relative to the
* specified {@link DocSet}
* @see #computeBaseDocSet
public StatsValues computeLocalStatsValues(DocSet base) throws IOException {
if (sf.multiValued() || sf.getType().multiValuedFieldCache()) {
// TODO: should this also be used for single-valued string fields? (should work fine)
return DocValuesStats.getCounts(searcher, fieldName, base, calcDistinct, facets);
} else {
return getFieldCacheStats(base);
private StatsValues getFieldCacheStats(DocSet base) throws IOException {
IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema();
final SchemaField sf = schema.getField(fieldName);
final StatsValues allstats = StatsValuesFactory.createStatsValues(sf, calcDistinct);
List<FieldFacetStats> facetStats = new ArrayList<>();
for( String facetField : facet ) {
for( String facetField : facets ) {
SchemaField fsf = schema.getField(facetField);
if ( fsf.multiValued()) {
@ -370,7 +417,7 @@ class SimpleStats {
for (FieldFacetStats f : facetStats) {
allstats.addFacet(, f.facetStatsValues);
return allstats.getStatsValues();
return allstats;

View File

@ -362,7 +362,18 @@ public class TestDistributedSearch extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
query("q","*:*", "sort",i1+" desc", "stats", "true", "stats.field", tdate_a);
query("q","*:*", "sort",i1+" desc", "stats", "true", "stats.field", tdate_b);
handle.put("stats_fields", UNORDERED);
query("q","*:*", "sort",i1+" desc", "stats", "true",
"fq", "{!tag=nothing}-*:*",
"stats.field", "{!key=special_key ex=nothing}stats_dt");
query("q","*:*", "sort",i1+" desc", "stats", "true",
"f.stats_dt.stats.calcdistinct", "true",
"stats.field", "{!key=special_key}stats_dt");
query("q","*:*", "sort",i1+" desc", "stats", "true",
"f.stats_dt.stats.calcdistinct", "true",
"fq", "{!tag=xxx}id:[3 TO 9]",
"stats.field", "{!key=special_key}stats_dt",
"stats.field", "{!ex=xxx}stats_dt");
query("q","*:*", "sort",i1+" desc", "stats", "true",
"stats.field", "stats_dt",
"stats.field", i1,

View File

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ import org.junit.BeforeClass;
@LuceneTestCase.SuppressCodecs({"Lucene40", "Lucene41", "Lucene42"})
public class StatsComponentTest extends AbstractSolrTestCase {
final static String XPRE = "/response/lst[@name='stats']/";
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema11.xml");
@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ public class StatsComponentTest extends AbstractSolrTestCase {
// all of our checks should work with all of these params
// ie: with or w/o these excluded filters, results should be the same.
SolrParams[] baseParamsSet = new SolrParams[] {
// NOTE: doTestFieldStatisticsResult needs the full list of possible tags to exclude
params("stats.field", f, "stats", "true"),
params("stats.field", "{!ex=fq1,fq2}"+f, "stats", "true",
"fq", "{!tag=fq1}-id:[0 TO 2]",
@ -100,6 +103,12 @@ public class StatsComponentTest extends AbstractSolrTestCase {
public void doTestFieldStatisticsResult(String f, SolrParams[] baseParamsSet) throws Exception {
// used when doing key overrides in conjunction with the baseParamsSet
// even when these aren't included in the request, using them helps us
// test the code path of an exclusion that refers to an fq that doesn't exist
final String all_possible_ex = "fq1,fq2";
assertU(adoc("id", "1", f, "-10"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", f, "-20"));
@ -107,39 +116,80 @@ public class StatsComponentTest extends AbstractSolrTestCase {
assertU(adoc("id", "4", f, "-40"));
final String fpre = XPRE + "lst[@name='stats_fields']/lst[@name='"+f+"']/";
final String key = "key_key";
final String kpre = XPRE + "lst[@name='stats_fields']/lst[@name='"+key+"']/";
// status should be the same regardless of baseParams
for (SolrParams baseParams : baseParamsSet) {
for (String ct : new String[] {"stats.calcdistinct", "f."+f+".stats.calcdistinct"}) {
assertQ("test statistics values using: " + ct,
req(baseParams, "q", "*:*", ct, "true")
, fpre + "double[@name='min'][.='-40.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='max'][.='-10.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='sum'][.='-100.0']"
, fpre + "long[@name='count'][.='4']"
, fpre + "long[@name='missing'][.='0']"
, fpre + "long[@name='countDistinct'][.='4']"
, "count(" + fpre + "arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=4"
, fpre + "double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='3000.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='mean'][.='-25.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='stddev'][.='12.909944487358056']"
assertQ("test statistics w/fq using: " + ct,
req(baseParams, "q", "*:*", "fq", "-id:4", ct, "true")
, fpre + "double[@name='min'][.='-30.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='max'][.='-10.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='sum'][.='-60.0']"
, fpre + "long[@name='count'][.='3']"
, fpre + "long[@name='missing'][.='0']"
, fpre + "long[@name='countDistinct'][.='3']"
, "count(" + fpre + "arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=3"
, fpre + "double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='1400.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='mean'][.='-20.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='stddev'][.='10.0']"
// now do both in a single query
assertQ("test statistics values",
req(baseParams, "q", "*:*", "stats.calcdistinct", "true")
, "//double[@name='min'][.='-40.0']"
, "//double[@name='max'][.='-10.0']"
, "//double[@name='sum'][.='-100.0']"
, "//long[@name='count'][.='4']"
, "//long[@name='missing'][.='0']"
, "//long[@name='countDistinct'][.='4']"
, "count(//arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=4"
, "//double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='3000.0']"
, "//double[@name='mean'][.='-25.0']"
, "//double[@name='stddev'][.='12.909944487358056']"
assertQ("test statistics w & w/fq via key override using: " + ct,
req(baseParams, "q", "*:*", ct, "true",
"fq", "{!tag=key_ex_tag}-id:4",
"stats.field", "{!key="+key+" ex=key_ex_tag,"+all_possible_ex+"}"+f)
assertQ("test statistics w/fq",
"q", "*:*", "fq", "-id:4",
"stats.calcdistinct", "true")
, "//double[@name='min'][.='-30.0']"
, "//double[@name='max'][.='-10.0']"
, "//double[@name='sum'][.='-60.0']"
, "//long[@name='count'][.='3']"
, "//long[@name='missing'][.='0']"
, "//long[@name='countDistinct'][.='3']"
, "count(//arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=3"
, "//double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='1400.0']"
, "//double[@name='mean'][.='-20.0']"
, "//double[@name='stddev'][.='10.0']"
// field name key, fq is applied
, fpre + "double[@name='min'][.='-30.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='max'][.='-10.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='sum'][.='-60.0']"
, fpre + "long[@name='count'][.='3']"
, fpre + "long[@name='missing'][.='0']"
, fpre + "long[@name='countDistinct'][.='3']"
, "count(" + fpre + "arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=3"
, fpre + "double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='1400.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='mean'][.='-20.0']"
, fpre + "double[@name='stddev'][.='10.0']"
// overridden key, fq is excluded
, kpre + "double[@name='min'][.='-40.0']"
, kpre + "double[@name='max'][.='-10.0']"
, kpre + "double[@name='sum'][.='-100.0']"
, kpre + "long[@name='count'][.='4']"
, kpre + "long[@name='missing'][.='0']"
, kpre + "long[@name='countDistinct'][.='4']"
, "count(" + kpre + "arr[@name='distinctValues']/*)=4"
, kpre + "double[@name='sumOfSquares'][.='3000.0']"
, kpre + "double[@name='mean'][.='-25.0']"
, kpre + "double[@name='stddev'][.='12.909944487358056']"