mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
SOLR-14062: Split IndexSizeTriggerTest into three
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.cloud.autoscaling;
import static org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkStateReader.SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.SolrCloudManager;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.AutoScalingConfig;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.Suggester;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.TriggerEventProcessorStage;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.CloudTestUtils.AutoScalingRequest;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.CloudUtil;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.SolrCloudTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkNodeProps;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.UpdateParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Pair;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.TimeSource;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader;
import org.apache.solr.util.LogLevel;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class IndexSizeTriggerMixedBoundsTest extends SolrCloudTestCase {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
private static SolrCloudManager cloudManager;
private static SolrClient solrClient;
private static TimeSource timeSource;
private static int SPEED = 1;
static Map<String, List<CapturedEvent>> listenerEvents = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
static CountDownLatch listenerCreated = new CountDownLatch(1);
static CountDownLatch finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void setupCluster() throws Exception {
.addConfig("conf", configset("cloud-minimal"))
cloudManager = cluster.getJettySolrRunner(0).getCoreContainer().getZkController().getSolrCloudManager();
solrClient = cluster.getSolrClient();
timeSource = cloudManager.getTimeSource();
public void restoreDefaults() throws Exception {
cloudManager.getDistribStateManager().setData(SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH, Utils.toJSON(new ZkNodeProps()), -1);
listenerCreated = new CountDownLatch(1);
finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void teardown() throws Exception {
solrClient = null;
cloudManager = null;
public static class CapturingTriggerListener extends TriggerListenerBase {
public void configure(SolrResourceLoader loader, SolrCloudManager cloudManager, AutoScalingConfig.TriggerListenerConfig config) throws TriggerValidationException {
super.configure(loader, cloudManager, config);
public synchronized void onEvent(TriggerEvent event, TriggerEventProcessorStage stage, String actionName,
ActionContext context, Throwable error, String message) {
List<CapturedEvent> lst = listenerEvents.computeIfAbsent(config.name, s -> new ArrayList<>());
CapturedEvent ev = new CapturedEvent(timeSource.getTimeNs(), context, config, stage, actionName, event, message);
log.info("=======> " + ev);
public static class FinishedProcessingListener extends TriggerListenerBase {
public void onEvent(TriggerEvent event, TriggerEventProcessorStage stage, String actionName, ActionContext context, Throwable error, String message) throws Exception {
public void testMixedBounds() throws Exception {
String collectionName = "testMixedBounds_collection";
CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName,
"conf", 2, 2).setMaxShardsPerNode(2);
CloudUtil.waitForState(cloudManager, "failed to create " + collectionName, collectionName,
CloudUtil.clusterShape(2, 2, false, true));
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
ureq.setParam("collection", collectionName);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument("id", "id-" + (i * 100) + "-" + j);
doc.addField("foo", TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random(), 130, 130));
// check the actual size of shard to set the threshold
QueryResponse rsp = solrClient.query(params(CommonParams.QT, "/admin/metrics", "group", "core"));
NamedList<Object> nl = rsp.getResponse();
nl = (NamedList<Object>)nl.get("metrics");
int maxSize = 0;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = nl.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> e = it.next();
NamedList<Object> metrics = (NamedList<Object>)e.getValue();
Object o = metrics.get("INDEX.sizeInBytes");
assertNotNull("INDEX.sizeInBytes missing: " + metrics, o);
assertTrue("not a number", o instanceof Number);
if (maxSize < ((Number)o).intValue()) {
maxSize = ((Number)o).intValue();
assertTrue("maxSize should be non-zero", maxSize > 0);
int aboveBytes = maxSize * 2 / 3;
// need to wait for recovery after splitting
long waitForSeconds = 10 + random().nextInt(5);
// the trigger is initially disabled so that we have time to add listeners
// and have them capture all events once the trigger is enabled
String setTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'set-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'," +
"'event' : 'indexSize'," +
"'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," +
// don't hit this limit when indexing
"'aboveDocs' : 10000," +
// hit this limit when deleting
"'belowDocs' : 100," +
// hit this limit when indexing
"'aboveBytes' : " + aboveBytes + "," +
// don't hit this limit when deleting
"'belowBytes' : 10," +
"'enabled' : false," +
"'actions' : [{'name' : 'compute_plan', 'class' : 'solr.ComputePlanAction'}," +
"{'name' : 'execute_plan', 'class' : '" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}]" +
SolrRequest req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand);
NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
String setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'capturing4'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger4'," +
"'beforeAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'afterAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'class' : '" + CapturingTriggerListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'finished'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger4'," +
"'stage' : ['SUCCEEDED']," +
"'class' : '" + FinishedProcessingListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
// now enable the trigger
String resumeTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'resume-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'" +
"}" +
log.info("-- resuming trigger");
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
boolean await = finished.await(90000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("did not finish processing in time", await);
log.info("-- suspending trigger");
// suspend the trigger to avoid generating more events
String suspendTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'suspend-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, suspendTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
assertEquals(1, listenerEvents.size());
List<CapturedEvent> events = listenerEvents.get("capturing4");
assertNotNull("'capturing4' events not found", events);
assertEquals("events: " + events, 6, events.size());
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.STARTED, events.get(0).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(1).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(2).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(3).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(4).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.SUCCEEDED, events.get(5).stage);
// collection should have 2 inactive and 4 active shards
CloudUtil.waitForState(cloudManager, "failed to create " + collectionName, collectionName,
CloudUtil.clusterShape(6, 2, true, true));
// check ops
List<TriggerEvent.Op> ops = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>) events.get(4).event.getProperty(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS);
assertNotNull("should contain requestedOps", ops);
assertEquals("number of ops", 2, ops.size());
boolean shard1 = false;
boolean shard2 = false;
for (TriggerEvent.Op op : ops) {
assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.SPLITSHARD, op.getAction());
Set<Pair<String, String>> hints = (Set<Pair<String, String>>)op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD);
assertNotNull("hints", hints);
assertEquals("hints", 1, hints.size());
Pair<String, String> p = hints.iterator().next();
assertEquals(collectionName, p.first());
if (p.second().equals("shard1")) {
shard1 = true;
} else if (p.second().equals("shard2")) {
shard2 = true;
} else {
fail("unexpected shard name " + p.second());
assertTrue("shard1 should be split", shard1);
assertTrue("shard2 should be split", shard2);
// now delete most of docs to trigger belowDocs condition
finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
// suspend the trigger first so that we can safely delete all docs
suspendTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'suspend-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, suspendTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
log.info("-- deleting documents");
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
ureq.setParam("collection", collectionName);
for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) {
ureq.deleteById("id-" + (i * 100) + "-" + j);
// make sure the actual index size is reduced by deletions, otherwise we may still violate aboveBytes
UpdateRequest ur = new UpdateRequest();
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.COMMIT, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.EXPUNGE_DELETES, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.OPTIMIZE, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.MAX_OPTIMIZE_SEGMENTS, "1");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.WAIT_SEARCHER, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.OPEN_SEARCHER, "true");
log.info("-- requesting optimize / expungeDeletes / commit");
solrClient.request(ur, collectionName);
// wait for the segments to merge to reduce the index size
// add some docs so that every shard gets an update
// we can reduce the number of docs here but this also works
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
ureq.setParam("collection", collectionName);
for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) {
ureq.add("id", "id-" + (i * 100) + "-" + j);
log.info("-- requesting commit");
solrClient.commit(collectionName, true, true);
// resume the trigger
log.info("-- resuming trigger");
// resume trigger
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
await = finished.await(90000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("did not finish processing in time", await);
log.info("-- suspending trigger");
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, suspendTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
assertEquals(1, listenerEvents.size());
events = listenerEvents.get("capturing4");
assertNotNull("'capturing4' events not found", events);
assertEquals("events: " + events, 6, events.size());
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.STARTED, events.get(0).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(1).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(2).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(3).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(4).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.SUCCEEDED, events.get(5).stage);
// check ops
ops = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>) events.get(4).event.getProperty(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS);
assertNotNull("should contain requestedOps", ops);
assertTrue("number of ops: " + ops, ops.size() > 0);
for (TriggerEvent.Op op : ops) {
assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MERGESHARDS, op.getAction());
Set<Pair<String, String>> hints = (Set<Pair<String, String>>)op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD);
assertNotNull("hints", hints);
assertEquals("hints", 2, hints.size());
Pair<String, String> p = hints.iterator().next();
assertEquals(collectionName, p.first());
// TODO: fix this once MERGESHARDS is supported
List<TriggerEvent.Op> unsupportedOps = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>)events.get(2).context.get("properties.unsupportedOps");
assertNotNull("should have unsupportedOps", unsupportedOps);
assertEquals(unsupportedOps.toString() + "\n" + ops, ops.size(), unsupportedOps.size());
unsupportedOps.forEach(op -> assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MERGESHARDS, op.getAction()));
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.cloud.autoscaling;
import static org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkStateReader.SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.SolrCloudManager;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.AutoScalingConfig;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.Suggester;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.TriggerEventProcessorStage;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.CloudTestUtils.AutoScalingRequest;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.CloudUtil;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.SolrCloudTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.autoscaling.sim.SimUtils;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DocCollection;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.Replica;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkNodeProps;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Pair;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.TimeSource;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrCoreMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.util.LogLevel;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class IndexSizeTriggerSizeEstimationTest extends SolrCloudTestCase {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
private static SolrCloudManager cloudManager;
private static SolrClient solrClient;
private static TimeSource timeSource;
private static int SPEED = 1;
static Map<String, List<CapturedEvent>> listenerEvents = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
static CountDownLatch listenerCreated = new CountDownLatch(1);
static CountDownLatch finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void setupCluster() throws Exception {
.addConfig("conf", configset("cloud-minimal"))
cloudManager = cluster.getJettySolrRunner(0).getCoreContainer().getZkController().getSolrCloudManager();
solrClient = cluster.getSolrClient();
timeSource = cloudManager.getTimeSource();
public void restoreDefaults() throws Exception {
cloudManager.getDistribStateManager().setData(SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH, Utils.toJSON(new ZkNodeProps()), -1);
listenerCreated = new CountDownLatch(1);
finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void teardown() throws Exception {
solrClient = null;
cloudManager = null;
public static class CapturingTriggerListener extends TriggerListenerBase {
public void configure(SolrResourceLoader loader, SolrCloudManager cloudManager, AutoScalingConfig.TriggerListenerConfig config) throws TriggerValidationException {
super.configure(loader, cloudManager, config);
public synchronized void onEvent(TriggerEvent event, TriggerEventProcessorStage stage, String actionName,
ActionContext context, Throwable error, String message) {
List<CapturedEvent> lst = listenerEvents.computeIfAbsent(config.name, s -> new ArrayList<>());
CapturedEvent ev = new CapturedEvent(timeSource.getTimeNs(), context, config, stage, actionName, event, message);
log.info("=======> " + ev);
public static class FinishedProcessingListener extends TriggerListenerBase {
public void onEvent(TriggerEvent event, TriggerEventProcessorStage stage, String actionName, ActionContext context, Throwable error, String message) throws Exception {
public void testEstimatedIndexSize() throws Exception {
String collectionName = "testEstimatedIndexSize_collection";
CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName,
"conf", 2, 2).setMaxShardsPerNode(2);
CloudUtil.waitForState(cloudManager, "failed to create " + collectionName, collectionName,
CloudUtil.clusterShape(2, 2, false, true));
int NUM_DOCS = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument("id", "id-" + (i * 100));
solrClient.add(collectionName, doc);
// get the size of the leader's index
DocCollection coll = cloudManager.getClusterStateProvider().getCollection(collectionName);
Replica leader = coll.getSlice("shard1").getLeader();
String replicaName = Utils.parseMetricsReplicaName(collectionName, leader.getCoreName());
assertNotNull("replicaName could not be constructed from " + leader, replicaName);
final String registry = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(true, collectionName, "shard1", replicaName, null);
Set<String> tags = SimUtils.COMMON_REPLICA_TAGS.stream()
.map(s -> "metrics:" + registry + ":" + s).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Map<String, Object> sizes = cloudManager.getNodeStateProvider().getNodeValues(leader.getNodeName(), tags);
String commitSizeTag = "metrics:" + registry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.indexCommitSize";
String numDocsTag = "metrics:" + registry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs";
String maxDocTag = "metrics:" + registry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc";
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(commitSizeTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(numDocsTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(maxDocTag));
long commitSize = ((Number)sizes.get(commitSizeTag)).longValue();
long maxDoc = ((Number)sizes.get(maxDocTag)).longValue();
long numDocs = ((Number)sizes.get(numDocsTag)).longValue();
assertEquals("maxDoc != numDocs", maxDoc, numDocs);
assertTrue("unexpected numDocs=" + numDocs, numDocs > NUM_DOCS / 3);
long aboveBytes = commitSize * 9 / 10;
long waitForSeconds = 3 + random().nextInt(5);
String setTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'set-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger7'," +
"'event' : 'indexSize'," +
"'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," +
"'splitMethod' : 'link'," +
"'aboveBytes' : " + aboveBytes + "," +
"'enabled' : false," +
"'actions' : [{'name' : 'compute_plan', 'class' : 'solr.ComputePlanAction'}," +
"{'name' : 'execute_plan', 'class' : '" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}]" +
SolrRequest req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand);
NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
String setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'capturing7'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger7'," +
"'beforeAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'afterAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'class' : '" + CapturingTriggerListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'finished'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger7'," +
"'stage' : ['SUCCEEDED']," +
"'class' : '" + FinishedProcessingListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
// enable the trigger
String resumeTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'resume-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger7'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals("success", response.get("result").toString());
// aboveBytes was set to be slightly lower than the actual size of at least one shard, so
// we're expecting a SPLITSHARD - but with 'link' method the actual size of the resulting shards
// will likely not go down. However, the estimated size of the latest commit point will go down
// (see SOLR-12941).
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
boolean await = finished.await(90000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("did not finish processing in time", await);
// suspend the trigger
String suspendTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'suspend-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger7'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals("success", response.get("result").toString());
assertEquals(1, listenerEvents.size());
List<CapturedEvent> events = listenerEvents.get("capturing7");
assertNotNull(listenerEvents.toString(), events);
assertFalse("empty events?", events.isEmpty());
CapturedEvent ev = events.get(0);
List<TriggerEvent.Op> ops = (List< TriggerEvent.Op>)ev.event.properties.get(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS);
assertNotNull("no requested ops in " + ev, ops);
assertFalse("empty list of ops in " + ev, ops.isEmpty());
Set<String> parentShards = new HashSet<>();
ops.forEach(op -> {
assertTrue(op.toString(), op.getAction() == CollectionParams.CollectionAction.SPLITSHARD);
Collection<Pair<String, String>> hints = (Collection<Pair<String, String>>)op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD);
assertNotNull("no hints in op " + op, hints);
hints.forEach(h -> parentShards.add(h.second()));
// allow for recovery of at least some sub-shards
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
coll = cloudManager.getClusterStateProvider().getCollection(collectionName);
int checkedSubShards = 0;
for (String parentShard : parentShards) {
for (String subShard : Arrays.asList(parentShard + "_0", parentShard + "_1")) {
leader = coll.getSlice(subShard).getLeader();
if (leader == null) {
// no leader yet - skip it
replicaName = Utils.parseMetricsReplicaName(collectionName, leader.getCoreName());
assertNotNull("replicaName could not be constructed from " + leader, replicaName);
final String subregistry = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(true, collectionName, subShard, replicaName, null);
Set<String> subtags = SimUtils.COMMON_REPLICA_TAGS.stream()
.map(s -> "metrics:" + subregistry + ":" + s).collect(Collectors.toSet());
sizes = cloudManager.getNodeStateProvider().getNodeValues(leader.getNodeName(), subtags);
commitSizeTag = "metrics:" + subregistry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.indexCommitSize";
numDocsTag = "metrics:" + subregistry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs";
maxDocTag = "metrics:" + subregistry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc";
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(commitSizeTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(numDocsTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(maxDocTag));
long subCommitSize = ((Number)sizes.get(commitSizeTag)).longValue();
long subMaxDoc = ((Number)sizes.get(maxDocTag)).longValue();
long subNumDocs = ((Number)sizes.get(numDocsTag)).longValue();
assertTrue("subNumDocs=" + subNumDocs + " should be less than subMaxDoc=" + subMaxDoc +
" due to link split", subNumDocs < subMaxDoc);
assertTrue("subCommitSize=" + subCommitSize + " should be still greater than aboveBytes=" + aboveBytes +
" due to link split", subCommitSize > aboveBytes);
// calculate estimated size using the same formula
long estimatedSize = IndexSizeTrigger.estimatedSize(subMaxDoc, subNumDocs, subCommitSize);
assertTrue("estimatedSize=" + estimatedSize + " should be lower than aboveBytes=" + aboveBytes,
estimatedSize < aboveBytes);
assertTrue("didn't find any leaders in new sub-shards", checkedSubShards > 0);
// reset & resume
finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals("success", response.get("result").toString());
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// estimated shard size should fall well below the aboveBytes, even though the real commitSize
// still remains larger due to the splitMethod=link side-effects
await = finished.await(10000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertFalse("should not fire the trigger again! " + listenerEvents, await);
@ -17,13 +17,11 @@
package org.apache.solr.cloud.autoscaling;
import static org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkStateReader.SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
@ -32,10 +30,8 @@ import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.SolrCloudManager;
@ -43,27 +39,19 @@ import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.AutoScalingConfig;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.Suggester;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.cloud.autoscaling.TriggerEventProcessorStage;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.CloudTestUtils.AutoScalingRequest;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.CloudUtil;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.SolrCloudTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.autoscaling.sim.SimCloudManager;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.autoscaling.sim.SimUtils;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DocCollection;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.Replica;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkNodeProps;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.UpdateParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Pair;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.TimeSource;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrCoreMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter;
import org.apache.solr.util.LogLevel;
import org.junit.After;
@ -73,8 +61,6 @@ import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkStateReader.SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH;
@ -107,7 +93,6 @@ public class IndexSizeTriggerTest extends SolrCloudTestCase {
.addConfig("conf", configset("cloud-minimal"))
realCluster = random().nextBoolean();
realCluster = true;
if (realCluster) {
cloudManager = cluster.getJettySolrRunner(0).getCoreContainer().getZkController().getSolrCloudManager();
solrClient = cluster.getSolrClient();
@ -502,269 +487,6 @@ public class IndexSizeTriggerTest extends SolrCloudTestCase {
unsupportedOps.forEach(op -> assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MERGESHARDS, op.getAction()));
public void testMixedBounds() throws Exception {
if (!realCluster) {
log.info("This test doesn't work with a simulated cluster");
String collectionName = "testMixedBounds_collection";
CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName,
"conf", 2, 2).setMaxShardsPerNode(2);
CloudUtil.waitForState(cloudManager, "failed to create " + collectionName, collectionName,
CloudUtil.clusterShape(2, 2, false, true));
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
ureq.setParam("collection", collectionName);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument("id", "id-" + (i * 100) + "-" + j);
doc.addField("foo", TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random(), 130, 130));
// check the actual size of shard to set the threshold
QueryResponse rsp = solrClient.query(params(CommonParams.QT, "/admin/metrics", "group", "core"));
NamedList<Object> nl = rsp.getResponse();
nl = (NamedList<Object>)nl.get("metrics");
int maxSize = 0;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = nl.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> e = it.next();
NamedList<Object> metrics = (NamedList<Object>)e.getValue();
Object o = metrics.get("INDEX.sizeInBytes");
assertNotNull("INDEX.sizeInBytes missing: " + metrics, o);
assertTrue("not a number", o instanceof Number);
if (maxSize < ((Number)o).intValue()) {
maxSize = ((Number)o).intValue();
assertTrue("maxSize should be non-zero", maxSize > 0);
int aboveBytes = maxSize * 2 / 3;
// need to wait for recovery after splitting
long waitForSeconds = 10 + random().nextInt(5);
// the trigger is initially disabled so that we have time to add listeners
// and have them capture all events once the trigger is enabled
String setTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'set-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'," +
"'event' : 'indexSize'," +
"'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," +
// don't hit this limit when indexing
"'aboveDocs' : 10000," +
// hit this limit when deleting
"'belowDocs' : 100," +
// hit this limit when indexing
"'aboveBytes' : " + aboveBytes + "," +
// don't hit this limit when deleting
"'belowBytes' : 10," +
"'enabled' : false," +
"'actions' : [{'name' : 'compute_plan', 'class' : 'solr.ComputePlanAction'}," +
"{'name' : 'execute_plan', 'class' : '" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}]" +
SolrRequest req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand);
NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
String setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'capturing4'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger4'," +
"'beforeAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'afterAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'class' : '" + CapturingTriggerListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'finished'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger4'," +
"'stage' : ['SUCCEEDED']," +
"'class' : '" + FinishedProcessingListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
// now enable the trigger
String resumeTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'resume-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'" +
"}" +
log.info("-- resuming trigger");
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
boolean await = finished.await(90000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("did not finish processing in time", await);
log.info("-- suspending trigger");
// suspend the trigger to avoid generating more events
String suspendTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'suspend-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, suspendTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
assertEquals(1, listenerEvents.size());
List<CapturedEvent> events = listenerEvents.get("capturing4");
assertNotNull("'capturing4' events not found", events);
assertEquals("events: " + events, 6, events.size());
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.STARTED, events.get(0).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(1).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(2).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(3).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(4).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.SUCCEEDED, events.get(5).stage);
// collection should have 2 inactive and 4 active shards
CloudUtil.waitForState(cloudManager, "failed to create " + collectionName, collectionName,
CloudUtil.clusterShape(6, 2, true, true));
// check ops
List<TriggerEvent.Op> ops = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>) events.get(4).event.getProperty(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS);
assertNotNull("should contain requestedOps", ops);
assertEquals("number of ops", 2, ops.size());
boolean shard1 = false;
boolean shard2 = false;
for (TriggerEvent.Op op : ops) {
assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.SPLITSHARD, op.getAction());
Set<Pair<String, String>> hints = (Set<Pair<String, String>>)op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD);
assertNotNull("hints", hints);
assertEquals("hints", 1, hints.size());
Pair<String, String> p = hints.iterator().next();
assertEquals(collectionName, p.first());
if (p.second().equals("shard1")) {
shard1 = true;
} else if (p.second().equals("shard2")) {
shard2 = true;
} else {
fail("unexpected shard name " + p.second());
assertTrue("shard1 should be split", shard1);
assertTrue("shard2 should be split", shard2);
// now delete most of docs to trigger belowDocs condition
finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
// suspend the trigger first so that we can safely delete all docs
suspendTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'suspend-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger4'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, suspendTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
log.info("-- deleting documents");
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
ureq.setParam("collection", collectionName);
for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) {
ureq.deleteById("id-" + (i * 100) + "-" + j);
// make sure the actual index size is reduced by deletions, otherwise we may still violate aboveBytes
UpdateRequest ur = new UpdateRequest();
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.COMMIT, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.EXPUNGE_DELETES, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.OPTIMIZE, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.MAX_OPTIMIZE_SEGMENTS, "1");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.WAIT_SEARCHER, "true");
ur.setParam(UpdateParams.OPEN_SEARCHER, "true");
log.info("-- requesting optimize / expungeDeletes / commit");
solrClient.request(ur, collectionName);
// wait for the segments to merge to reduce the index size
// add some docs so that every shard gets an update
// we can reduce the number of docs here but this also works
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
ureq.setParam("collection", collectionName);
for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) {
ureq.add("id", "id-" + (i * 100) + "-" + j);
log.info("-- requesting commit");
solrClient.commit(collectionName, true, true);
// resume the trigger
log.info("-- resuming trigger");
// resume trigger
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
await = finished.await(90000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("did not finish processing in time", await);
log.info("-- suspending trigger");
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, suspendTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
assertEquals(1, listenerEvents.size());
events = listenerEvents.get("capturing4");
assertNotNull("'capturing4' events not found", events);
assertEquals("events: " + events, 6, events.size());
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.STARTED, events.get(0).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(1).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(2).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.BEFORE_ACTION, events.get(3).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.AFTER_ACTION, events.get(4).stage);
assertEquals(TriggerEventProcessorStage.SUCCEEDED, events.get(5).stage);
// check ops
ops = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>) events.get(4).event.getProperty(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS);
assertNotNull("should contain requestedOps", ops);
assertTrue("number of ops: " + ops, ops.size() > 0);
for (TriggerEvent.Op op : ops) {
assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MERGESHARDS, op.getAction());
Set<Pair<String, String>> hints = (Set<Pair<String, String>>)op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD);
assertNotNull("hints", hints);
assertEquals("hints", 2, hints.size());
Pair<String, String> p = hints.iterator().next();
assertEquals(collectionName, p.first());
// TODO: fix this once MERGESHARDS is supported
List<TriggerEvent.Op> unsupportedOps = (List<TriggerEvent.Op>)events.get(2).context.get("properties.unsupportedOps");
assertNotNull("should have unsupportedOps", unsupportedOps);
assertEquals(unsupportedOps.toString() + "\n" + ops, ops.size(), unsupportedOps.size());
unsupportedOps.forEach(op -> assertEquals(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MERGESHARDS, op.getAction()));
public void testMaxOps() throws Exception {
String collectionName = "testMaxOps_collection";
@ -1015,197 +737,6 @@ public class IndexSizeTriggerTest extends SolrCloudTestCase {
public void testEstimatedIndexSize() throws Exception {
if (!realCluster) {
log.info("This test doesn't work with a simulated cluster");
String collectionName = "testEstimatedIndexSize_collection";
CollectionAdminRequest.Create create = CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(collectionName,
"conf", 2, 2).setMaxShardsPerNode(2);
CloudUtil.waitForState(cloudManager, "failed to create " + collectionName, collectionName,
CloudUtil.clusterShape(2, 2, false, true));
int NUM_DOCS = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument("id", "id-" + (i * 100));
solrClient.add(collectionName, doc);
// get the size of the leader's index
DocCollection coll = cloudManager.getClusterStateProvider().getCollection(collectionName);
Replica leader = coll.getSlice("shard1").getLeader();
String replicaName = Utils.parseMetricsReplicaName(collectionName, leader.getCoreName());
assertNotNull("replicaName could not be constructed from " + leader, replicaName);
final String registry = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(true, collectionName, "shard1", replicaName, null);
Set<String> tags = SimUtils.COMMON_REPLICA_TAGS.stream()
.map(s -> "metrics:" + registry + ":" + s).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Map<String, Object> sizes = cloudManager.getNodeStateProvider().getNodeValues(leader.getNodeName(), tags);
String commitSizeTag = "metrics:" + registry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.indexCommitSize";
String numDocsTag = "metrics:" + registry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs";
String maxDocTag = "metrics:" + registry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc";
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(commitSizeTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(numDocsTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(maxDocTag));
long commitSize = ((Number)sizes.get(commitSizeTag)).longValue();
long maxDoc = ((Number)sizes.get(maxDocTag)).longValue();
long numDocs = ((Number)sizes.get(numDocsTag)).longValue();
assertEquals("maxDoc != numDocs", maxDoc, numDocs);
assertTrue("unexpected numDocs=" + numDocs, numDocs > NUM_DOCS / 3);
long aboveBytes = commitSize * 9 / 10;
long waitForSeconds = 3 + random().nextInt(5);
String setTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'set-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger7'," +
"'event' : 'indexSize'," +
"'waitFor' : '" + waitForSeconds + "s'," +
"'splitMethod' : 'link'," +
"'aboveBytes' : " + aboveBytes + "," +
"'enabled' : false," +
"'actions' : [{'name' : 'compute_plan', 'class' : 'solr.ComputePlanAction'}," +
"{'name' : 'execute_plan', 'class' : '" + ExecutePlanAction.class.getName() + "'}]" +
SolrRequest req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setTriggerCommand);
NamedList<Object> response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
String setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'capturing7'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger7'," +
"'beforeAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'afterAction' : ['compute_plan','execute_plan']," +
"'class' : '" + CapturingTriggerListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
setListenerCommand = "{" +
"'set-listener' : " +
"{" +
"'name' : 'finished'," +
"'trigger' : 'index_size_trigger7'," +
"'stage' : ['SUCCEEDED']," +
"'class' : '" + FinishedProcessingListener.class.getName() + "'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, setListenerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals(response.get("result").toString(), "success");
// enable the trigger
String resumeTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'resume-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger7'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals("success", response.get("result").toString());
// aboveBytes was set to be slightly lower than the actual size of at least one shard, so
// we're expecting a SPLITSHARD - but with 'link' method the actual size of the resulting shards
// will likely not go down. However, the estimated size of the latest commit point will go down
// (see SOLR-12941).
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
boolean await = finished.await(90000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("did not finish processing in time", await);
// suspend the trigger
String suspendTriggerCommand = "{" +
"'suspend-trigger' : {" +
"'name' : 'index_size_trigger7'" +
"}" +
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals("success", response.get("result").toString());
assertEquals(1, listenerEvents.size());
List<CapturedEvent> events = listenerEvents.get("capturing7");
assertNotNull(listenerEvents.toString(), events);
assertFalse("empty events?", events.isEmpty());
CapturedEvent ev = events.get(0);
List<TriggerEvent.Op> ops = (List< TriggerEvent.Op>)ev.event.properties.get(TriggerEvent.REQUESTED_OPS);
assertNotNull("no requested ops in " + ev, ops);
assertFalse("empty list of ops in " + ev, ops.isEmpty());
Set<String> parentShards = new HashSet<>();
ops.forEach(op -> {
assertTrue(op.toString(), op.getAction() == CollectionParams.CollectionAction.SPLITSHARD);
Collection<Pair<String, String>> hints = (Collection<Pair<String, String>>)op.getHints().get(Suggester.Hint.COLL_SHARD);
assertNotNull("no hints in op " + op, hints);
hints.forEach(h -> parentShards.add(h.second()));
// allow for recovery of at least some sub-shards
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
coll = cloudManager.getClusterStateProvider().getCollection(collectionName);
int checkedSubShards = 0;
for (String parentShard : parentShards) {
for (String subShard : Arrays.asList(parentShard + "_0", parentShard + "_1")) {
leader = coll.getSlice(subShard).getLeader();
if (leader == null) {
// no leader yet - skip it
replicaName = Utils.parseMetricsReplicaName(collectionName, leader.getCoreName());
assertNotNull("replicaName could not be constructed from " + leader, replicaName);
final String subregistry = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(true, collectionName, subShard, replicaName, null);
Set<String> subtags = SimUtils.COMMON_REPLICA_TAGS.stream()
.map(s -> "metrics:" + subregistry + ":" + s).collect(Collectors.toSet());
sizes = cloudManager.getNodeStateProvider().getNodeValues(leader.getNodeName(), subtags);
commitSizeTag = "metrics:" + subregistry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.indexCommitSize";
numDocsTag = "metrics:" + subregistry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs";
maxDocTag = "metrics:" + subregistry + ":SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc";
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(commitSizeTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(numDocsTag));
assertNotNull(sizes.toString(), sizes.get(maxDocTag));
long subCommitSize = ((Number)sizes.get(commitSizeTag)).longValue();
long subMaxDoc = ((Number)sizes.get(maxDocTag)).longValue();
long subNumDocs = ((Number)sizes.get(numDocsTag)).longValue();
assertTrue("subNumDocs=" + subNumDocs + " should be less than subMaxDoc=" + subMaxDoc +
" due to link split", subNumDocs < subMaxDoc);
assertTrue("subCommitSize=" + subCommitSize + " should be still greater than aboveBytes=" + aboveBytes +
" due to link split", subCommitSize > aboveBytes);
// calculate estimated size using the same formula
long estimatedSize = IndexSizeTrigger.estimatedSize(subMaxDoc, subNumDocs, subCommitSize);
assertTrue("estimatedSize=" + estimatedSize + " should be lower than aboveBytes=" + aboveBytes,
estimatedSize < aboveBytes);
assertTrue("didn't find any leaders in new sub-shards", checkedSubShards > 0);
// reset & resume
finished = new CountDownLatch(1);
req = AutoScalingRequest.create(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, resumeTriggerCommand);
response = solrClient.request(req);
assertEquals("success", response.get("result").toString());
timeSource.sleep(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(waitForSeconds + 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// estimated shard size should fall well below the aboveBytes, even though the real commitSize
// still remains larger due to the splitMethod=link side-effects
await = finished.await(10000 / SPEED, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertFalse("should not fire the trigger again! " + listenerEvents, await);
private Map<String, Object> createTriggerProps(long waitForSeconds) {
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put("event", "indexSize");
Reference in New Issue