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SOLR-10692: Split streaming-expressions.adoc into 4 total files; fix section titles
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ In Solr, one or more <<document,Documents>> grouped together in a single logical
In <<solrclouddef,SolrCloud>> a collection may be divided up into multiple logical shards, which may in turn be distributed across many nodes, or in a Single node Solr installation, a collection may be a single <<core,Core>>.
In <<solrclouddef,SolrCloud>> a collection may be divided up into multiple logical shards, which may in turn be distributed across many nodes, or in a Single node Solr installation, a collection may be a single <<core,Core>>.
To make document changes permanent in the index. In the case of added documents, they would be searchable after a _commit_.
To make document changes permanent in the index. In the case of added documents, they would be searchable after a _commit_.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ A <<zookeeper,ZooKeeper>> term to indicate multiple ZooKeeper instances running
=== F
=== F
The arrangement of search results into categories based on indexed terms.
The arrangement of search results into categories based on indexed terms.
@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
= Stream Decorator Reference
:page-shortname: stream-decorators
:page-permalink: stream-decorators.html
:page-tocclass: right
:page-toclevels: 1
== cartesianProduct
== cell
== classify
The `classify` function classifies tuples using a logistic regression text classification model. It was designed specifically to work with models trained using the <<stream-sources.adoc#train,train function>>. The `classify` function uses the <<stream-sources.adoc#model,model function>> to retrieve a stored model and then scores a stream of tuples using the model. The tuples read by the classifier must contain a text field that can be used for classification. The classify function uses a Lucene analyzer to extract the features from the text so the model can be applied. By default the `classify` function looks for the analyzer using the name of text field in the tuple. If the Solr schema on the worker node does not contain this field, the analyzer can be looked up in another field by specifying the `analyzerField` parameter.
Each tuple that is classified is assigned two scores:
* probability_d* : A float between 0 and 1 which describes the probability that the tuple belongs to the class. This is useful in the classification use case.
* score_d* : The score of the document that has not be squashed between 0 and 1. The score may be positive or negative. The higher the score the better the document fits the class. This un-squashed score will be useful in query re-ranking and recommendation use cases. This score is particularly useful when multiple high ranking documents have a probability_d score of 1, which won't provide a meaningful ranking between documents.
=== classify Parameters
* `model expression`: (Mandatory) Retrieves the stored logistic regression model.
* `field`: (Mandatory) The field in the tuples to apply the classifier to. By default the analyzer for this field in the schema will be used extract the features.
* `analyzerField`: (Optional) Specifies a different field to find the analyzer from in the schema.
=== classify Syntax
q="id:(a b c)",
fl="text_t, id",
sort="id asc"),
In the example above the `classify expression` is retrieving the model using the `model` function. It is then classifying tuples returned by the `search` function. The `text_t` field is used for the text classification and the analyzer for the `text_t` field in the Solr schema is used to analyze the text and extract the features.
== commit
The `commit` function wraps a single stream (A) and given a collection and batch size will send commit messages to the collection when the batch size is fulfilled or the end of stream is reached. A commit stream is used most frequently with an update stream and as such the commit will take into account possible summary tuples coming from the update stream. All tuples coming into the commit stream will be returned out of the commit stream - no tuples will be dropped and no tuples will be added.
=== commit Parameters
* `collection`: The collection to send commit messages to (required)
* `batchSize`: The commit batch size, sends commit message when batch size is hit. If not provided (or provided as value 0) then a commit is only sent at the end of the incoming stream.
* `waitFlush`: The value passed directly to the commit handler (true/false, default: false)
* `waitSearcher`: The value passed directly to the commit handler (true/false, default: false)
* `softCommit`: The value passed directly to the commit handler (true/false, default: false)
* `StreamExpression for StreamA` (required)
=== commit Syntax
search(collection1, q=*:*, fl="id,a_s,a_i,a_f,s_multi,i_multi", sort="a_f asc, a_i asc")
== complement
The `complement` function wraps two streams (A and B) and emits tuples from A which do not exist in B. The tuples are emitted in the order in which they appear in stream A. Both streams must be sorted by the fields being used to determine equality (using the `on` parameter).
=== complement Parameters
* `StreamExpression for StreamA`
* `StreamExpression for StreamB`
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between A and B. Can be of the format `on="fieldName"`, `on="fieldNameInLeft=fieldNameInRight"`, or `on="fieldName, otherFieldName=rightOtherFieldName"`.
=== complement Syntax
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setA || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc, a_s asc"),
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setB || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc"),
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setA || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc, a_s asc"),
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setB || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc, a_s asc"),
== daemon
The `daemon` function wraps another function and runs it at intervals using an internal thread. The `daemon` function can be used to provide both continuous push and pull streaming.
=== Continuous Push Streaming
With continuous push streaming the `daemon` function wraps another function and is then sent to the `/stream` handler for execution. The `/stream` handler recognizes the `daemon` function and keeps it resident in memory, so it can run its internal function at intervals.
In order to facilitate the pushing of tuples, the `daemon` function must wrap another stream decorator that pushes the tuples somewhere. One example of this is the `update` function, which wraps a stream and sends the tuples to another SolrCloud collection for indexing.
=== daemon Syntax
q="topic query",
fl="id, title, abstract, text",
The sample code above shows a `daemon` function wrapping an `update` function, which is wrapping a `topic` function. When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler, the `/stream` hander sees the `daemon` function and keeps it in memory where it will run at intervals. In this particular example, the `daemon` function will run the `update` function every second. The `update` function is wrapping a <<stream-sources.adoc#topic,`topic` function>>, which will stream tuples that match the `topic` function query in batches. Each subsequent call to the topic will return the next batch of tuples for the topic. The `update` function will send all the tuples matching the topic to another collection to be indexed. The `terminate` parameter tells the daemon to terminate when the `topic` function stops sending tuples.
The effect of this is to push documents that match a specific query into another collection. Custom push functions can be plugged in that push documents out of Solr and into other systems, such as Kafka or an email system.
Push streaming can also be used for continuous background aggregation scenarios where aggregates are rolled up in the background at intervals and pushed to other Solr collections. Another use case is continuous background machine learning model optimization, where the optimized model is pushed to another Solr collection where it can be integrated into queries.
The `/stream` handler supports a small set commands for listing and controlling daemon functions:
This command will provide a listing of the current daemon's running on the specific node along with there current state.
This command will stop a specific daemon function but leave it resident in memory.
This command will start a specific daemon function that has been stopped.
This command will stop a specific daemon function and remove it from memory.
=== Continuous Pull Streaming
The {solr-javadocs}/solr-solrj/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/io/stream/DaemonStream.html[DaemonStream] java class (part of the SolrJ libraries) can also be embedded in a java application to provide continuous pull streaming. Sample code:
StreamContext context = new StreamContext()
SolrClientCache cache = new SolrClientCache();
Map topicQueryParams = new HashMap();
topicQueryParams.put("q","hello"); // The query for the topic
topicQueryparams.put("rows", "500"); // How many rows to fetch during each run
topicQueryparams.put("fl", "id", "title"); // The field list to return with the documents
TopicStream topicStream = new TopicStream(zkHost, // Host address for the zookeeper service housing the collections
"checkpoints", // The collection to store the topic checkpoints
"topicData", // The collection to query for the topic records
"topicId", // The id of the topic
-1, // checkpoint every X tuples, if set -1 it will checkpoint after each run.
topicQueryParams); // The query parameters for the TopicStream
DaemonStream daemonStream = new DaemonStream(topicStream, // The underlying stream to run.
"daemonId", // The id of the daemon
1000, // The interval at which to run the internal stream
500); // The internal queue size for the daemon stream. Tuples will be placed in the queue
// as they are read by the internal internal thread.
// Calling read() on the daemon stream reads records from the internal queue.
//Read until it's time to shutdown the DaemonStream. You can define the shutdown criteria.
while(!shutdown()) {
Tuple tuple = daemonStream.read() // This will block until tuples become available from the underlying stream (TopicStream)
// The EOF tuple (signaling the end of the stream) will never occur until the DaemonStream has been shutdown.
//Do something with the tuples
// Shutdown the DaemonStream.
//Read the DaemonStream until the EOF Tuple is found.
//This allows the underlying stream to perform an orderly shutdown.
while(true) {
Tuple tuple = daemonStream.read();
if(tuple.EOF) {
} else {
//Do something with the tuples.
//Finally close the stream
== eval
== executor
The `executor` function wraps a stream source that contains streaming expressions, and executes the expressions in parallel. The `executor` function looks for the expression in the `expr_s` field in each tuple. The `executor` function has an internal thread pool that runs tasks that compile and run expressions in parallel on the same worker node. This function can also be parallelized across worker nodes by wrapping it in the <<parallel,`parallel`>> function to provide parallel execution of expressions across a cluster.
The `executor` function does not do anything specific with the output of the expressions that it runs. Therefore the expressions that are executed must contain the logic for pushing tuples to their destination. The <<update,update function>> can be included in the expression being executed to send the tuples to a SolrCloud collection for storage.
This model allows for asynchronous execution of jobs where the output is stored in a SolrCloud collection where it can be accessed as the job progresses.
=== executor Parameters
* `threads`: (Optional) The number of threads in the executors thread pool for executing expressions.
* `StreamExpression`: (Mandatory) The stream source which contains the Streaming Expressions to execute.
=== executor Syntax
fl="id, expr_s",
In the example above a <<daemon,daemon>> wraps an executor**,** which wraps a <<stream-sources.adoc#topic,topic>> that is returning tuples with expressions to execute. When sent to the stream handler, the daemon will call the executor at intervals which will cause the executor to read from the topic and execute the expressions found in the `expr_s` field. The daemon will repeatedly call the executor until all the tuples that match the topic have been iterated, then it will terminate. This is the approach for executing batches of streaming expressions from a `topic` queue.
== fetch
The `fetch` function iterates a stream and fetches additional fields and adds them to the tuples. The `fetch` function fetches in batches to limit the number of calls back to Solr. Tuples streamed from the `fetch` function will contain the original fields and the additional fields that were fetched. The `fetch` function supports one-to-one fetches. Many-to-one fetches, where the stream source contains duplicate keys, will also work, but one-to-many fetches are currently not supported by this function.
=== fetch Parameters
* `Collection`: (Mandatory) The collection to fetch the fields from.
* `StreamExpression`: (Mandatory) The stream source for the fetch function.
* `fl`: (Mandatory) The fields to be fetched.
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between stream source and fetched records. Formatted as `on="fieldNameInTuple=fieldNameInCollection"`.
* `batchSize`: (Optional) The batch fetch size.
=== fetch Syntax
search(people, q="*:*", fl="username, firstName, lastName", sort="username asc"),
fl="streetAddress, city, state, country, zip",
The example above fetches addresses for users by matching the username in the tuple with the userId field in the addresses collection.
== having
The `having` expression wraps a stream and applies a boolean operation to each tuple. It emits only tuples for which the boolean operation returns *true*.
=== having Parameters
* `StreamExpression`: (Mandatory) The stream source for the having function.
* `booleanEvaluator`: (Madatory) The following boolean operations are supported: *eq* (equals), *gt* (greater than), *lt* (less than), *gteq* (greater than or equal to), *lteq* (less than or equal to), *and*, *or, eor* (exclusive or), and *not*. Boolean evaluators can be nested with other evaluators to form complex boolean logic.
The comparison evaluators compare the value in a specific field with a value, whether a string, number, or boolean. For example: *eq*(field1, 10), returns true if *field1* is equal to 10.
=== having Syntax
sort="a_s asc")),
and(gt(sum(a_i), 100), lt(sum(a_i), 110)))
In this example, the `having` expression iterates the aggregated tuples from the `rollup` expression and emits all tuples where the field `sum(a_i)` is greater then 100 and less then 110.
== leftOuterJoin
The `leftOuterJoin` function wraps two streams, Left and Right, and emits tuples from Left. If there is a tuple in Right equal (as defined by `on`) then the values in that tuple will be included in the emitted tuple. An equal tuple in Right *need not* exist for the Left tuple to be emitted. This supports one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many left outer join scenarios. The tuples are emitted in the order in which they appear in the Left stream. Both streams must be sorted by the fields being used to determine equality (using the `on` parameter). If both tuples contain a field of the same name then the value from the Right stream will be used in the emitted tuple.
You can wrap the incoming streams with a `select` function to be specific about which field values are included in the emitted tuple.
=== leftOuterJoin Parameters
* `StreamExpression for StreamLeft`
* `StreamExpression for StreamRight`
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between Left and Right. Can be of the format `on="fieldName"`, `on="fieldNameInLeft=fieldNameInRight"`, or `on="fieldName, otherFieldName=rightOtherFieldName"`.
=== leftOuterJoin Syntax
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="personId,petName", sort="personId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,petName", sort="ownerId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,name", sort="ownerId asc"),
name as petName
== hashJoin
The `hashJoin` function wraps two streams, Left and Right, and for every tuple in Left which exists in Right will emit a tuple containing the fields of both tuples. This supports one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many inner join scenarios. The tuples are emitted in the order in which they appear in the Left stream. The order of the streams does not matter. If both tuples contain a field of the same name then the value from the Right stream will be used in the emitted tuple.
You can wrap the incoming streams with a `select` function to be specific about which field values are included in the emitted tuple.
The hashJoin function can be used when the tuples of Left and Right cannot be put in the same order. Because the tuples are out of order this stream functions by reading all values from the Right stream during the open operation and will store all tuples in memory. The result of this is a memory footprint equal to the size of the Right stream.
=== hashJoin Parameters
* `StreamExpression for StreamLeft`
* `hashed=StreamExpression for StreamRight`
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between Left and Right. Can be of the format `on="fieldName"`, `on="fieldNameInLeft=fieldNameInRight"`, or `on="fieldName, otherFieldName=rightOtherFieldName"`.
=== hashJoin Syntax
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
hashed=search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="personId,petName", sort="personId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
hashed=search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,petName", sort="ownerId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,name", sort="ownerId asc"),
name as petName
== innerJoin
Wraps two streams Left and Right and for every tuple in Left which exists in Right will emit a tuple containing the fields of both tuples. This supports one-one, one-many, many-one, and many-many inner join scenarios. The tuples are emitted in the order in which they appear in the Left stream. Both streams must be sorted by the fields being used to determine equality (the 'on' parameter). If both tuples contain a field of the same name then the value from the Right stream will be used in the emitted tuple. You can wrap the incoming streams with a select(...) to be specific about which field values are included in the emitted tuple.
=== innerJoin Parameters
* `StreamExpression for StreamLeft`
* `StreamExpression for StreamRight`
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between Left and Right. Can be of the format `on="fieldName"`, `on="fieldNameInLeft=fieldNameInRight"`, or `on="fieldName, otherFieldName=rightOtherFieldName"`.
=== innerJoin Syntax
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="personId,petName", sort="personId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,petName", sort="ownerId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,name", sort="ownerId asc"),
name as petName
== intersect
The `intersect` function wraps two streams, A and B, and emits tuples from A which *DO* exist in B. The tuples are emitted in the order in which they appear in stream A. Both streams must be sorted by the fields being used to determine equality (the `on` parameter). Only tuples from A are emitted.
=== intersect Parameters
* `StreamExpression for StreamA`
* `StreamExpression for StreamB`
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between A and B. Can be of the format `on="fieldName"`, `on="fieldNameInLeft=fieldNameInRight"`, or `on="fieldName, otherFieldName=rightOtherFieldName"`.
=== intersect Syntax
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setA || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc, a_s asc"),
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setB || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc"),
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setA || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc, a_s asc"),
search(collection1, q=a_s:(setB || setAB), fl="id,a_s,a_i", sort="a_i asc, a_s asc"),
== merge
The `merge` function merges two or more streaming expressions and maintains the ordering of the underlying streams. Because the order is maintained, the sorts of the underlying streams must line up with the on parameter provided to the merge function.
=== merge Parameters
* `StreamExpression A`
* `StreamExpression B`
* `Optional StreamExpression C,D,....Z`
* `on`: Sort criteria for performing the merge. Of the form `fieldName order` where order is `asc` or `desc`. Multiple fields can be provided in the form `fieldA order, fieldB order`.
=== merge Syntax
# Merging two stream expressions together
q="id:(0 3 4)",
sort="a_f asc"),
sort="a_f asc"),
on="a_f asc")
# Merging four stream expressions together. Notice that while the sorts of each stream are not identical they are
# comparable. That is to say the first N fields in each stream's sort matches the N fields in the merge's on clause.
q="id:(0 3 4)",
sort="fieldA asc, fieldB desc"),
sort="fieldA asc"),
q="id:(10 11 13)",
sort="fieldA asc"),
sort="fieldA asc"),
on="fieldA asc")
== list
== null
The null expression is a useful utility function for understanding bottlenecks when performing parallel relational algebra (joins, intersections, rollups etc.). The null function reads all the tuples from an underlying stream and returns a single tuple with the count and processing time. Because the null stream adds minimal overhead of it's own, it can be used to isolate the performance of Solr's /export handler. If the /export handlers performance is not the bottleneck, then the bottleneck is likely occurring in the workers where the stream decorators are running.
The null expression can be wrapped by the parallel function and sent to worker nodes. In this scenario each worker will return one tuple with the count of tuples processed on the worker and the timing information for that worker. This gives valuable information such as:
1. As more workers are added does the performance of the /export handler improve or not.
2. Are tuples being evenly distributed across the workers, or is the hash partitioning sending more documents to a single worker.
3. Are all workers processing data at the same speed, or is one of the workers the source of the bottleneck.
=== null Parameters
* `StreamExpression`: (Mandatory) The expression read by the null function.
=== null Syntax
null(search(collection1, q=*:*, fl="id,a_s,a_i,a_f", sort="a_s desc", qt="/export", partitionKeys="a_s")),
sort="a_s desc")
The expression above shows a parallel function wrapping a null function. This will cause the null function to be run in parallel across 20 worker nodes. Each worker will return a single tuple with number of tuples processed and time it took to iterate the tuples.
== outerHashJoin
The `outerHashJoin` function wraps two streams, Left and Right, and emits tuples from Left. If there is a tuple in Right equal (as defined by the `on` parameter) then the values in that tuple will be included in the emitted tuple. An equal tuple in Right *need not* exist for the Left tuple to be emitted. This supports one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many left outer join scenarios. The tuples are emitted in the order in which they appear in the Left stream. The order of the streams does not matter. If both tuples contain a field of the same name then the value from the Right stream will be used in the emitted tuple.
You can wrap the incoming streams with a `select` function to be specific about which field values are included in the emitted tuple.
The outerHashJoin stream can be used when the tuples of Left and Right cannot be put in the same order. Because the tuples are out of order, this stream functions by reading all values from the Right stream during the open operation and will store all tuples in memory. The result of this is a memory footprint equal to the size of the Right stream.
=== outerHashJoin Parameters
* `StreamExpression for StreamLeft`
* `hashed=StreamExpression for StreamRight`
* `on`: Fields to be used for checking equality of tuples between Left and Right. Can be of the format `on="fieldName"`, `on="fieldNameInLeft=fieldNameInRight"`, or `on="fieldName, otherFieldName=rightOtherFieldName"`.
=== outerHashJoin Syntax
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
hashed=search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="personId,petName", sort="personId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
hashed=search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,petName", sort="ownerId asc"),
search(people, q=*:*, fl="personId,name", sort="personId asc"),
search(pets, q=type:cat, fl="ownerId,name", sort="ownerId asc"),
name as petName
== parallel
The `parallel` function wraps a streaming expression and sends it to N worker nodes to be processed in parallel.
The parallel function requires that the `partitionKeys` parameter be provided to the underlying searches. The `partitionKeys` parameter will partition the search results (tuples) across the worker nodes. Tuples with the same values in the partitionKeys field will be shuffled to the same worker nodes.
The parallel function maintains the sort order of the tuples returned by the worker nodes, so the sort criteria of the parallel function must match up with the sort order of the tuples returned by the workers.
.Worker Collections
The worker nodes can be from the same collection as the data, or they can be a different collection entirely, even one that only exists for parallel streaming expressions. A worker collection can be any SolrCloud collection that has the `/stream` handler configured. Unlike normal SolrCloud collections, worker collections don't have to hold any data. Worker collections can be empty collections that exist only to execute streaming expressions.
=== parallel Parameters
* `collection`: Name of the worker collection to send the StreamExpression to.
* `StreamExpression`: Expression to send to the worker collection.
* `workers`: Number of workers in the worker collection to send the expression to.
* `zkHost`: (Optional) The ZooKeeper connect string where the worker collection resides.
* `sort`: The sort criteria for ordering tuples returned by the worker nodes.
=== parallel Syntax
reduce(search(collection1, q=*:*, fl="id,a_s,a_i,a_f", sort="a_s desc", partitionKeys="a_s"),
group(sort="a_f desc", n="4")),
sort="a_s desc")
The expression above shows a `parallel` function wrapping a `reduce` function. This will cause the `reduce` function to be run in parallel across 20 worker nodes.
== priority
The `priority` function is a simple priority scheduler for the <<StreamingExpressions-executor,executor>> function. The executor function doesn't directly have a concept of task prioritization; instead it simply executes tasks in the order that they are read from it's underlying stream. The `priority` function provides the ability to schedule a higher priority task ahead of lower priority tasks that were submitted earlier.
The `priority` function wraps two <<stream-sources.adoc#topic,topics>> that are both emitting tuples that contain streaming expressions to execute. The first topic is considered the higher priority task queue.
Each time the `priority` function is called, it checks the higher priority task queue to see if there are any tasks to execute. If tasks are waiting in the higher priority queue then the priority function will emit the higher priority tasks. If there are no high priority tasks to run, the lower priority queue tasks are emitted.
The `priority` function will only emit a batch of tasks from one of the queues each time it is called. This ensures that no lower priority tasks are executed until the higher priority queue has no tasks to run.
=== Parameters
* `topic expression`: (Mandatory) the high priority task queue
* `topic expression`: (Mandatory) the lower priority task queue
=== Syntax
priority(topic(checkpointCollection, storedExpressions, q="priority:high", fl="id, expr_s", initialCheckPoint=0,id="highPriorityTasks"),
topic(checkpointCollection, storedExpressions, q="priority:low", fl="id, expr_s", initialCheckPoint=0,id="lowPriorityTasks"))))
In the example above the `daemon` function is calling the executor iteratively. Each time it's called, the `executor` function will execute the tasks emitted by the `priority` function. The `priority` function wraps two topics. The first topic is the higher priority task queue, the second topics is the lower priority topic.
== reduce
The `reduce` function wraps an internal stream and groups tuples by common fields.
Each tuple group is operated on as a single block by a pluggable reduce operation. The group operation provided with Solr implements distributed grouping functionality. The group operation also serves as an example reduce operation that can be referred to when building custom reduce operations.
The reduce function relies on the sort order of the underlying stream. Accordingly the sort order of the underlying stream must be aligned with the group by field.
=== reduce Parameters
* `StreamExpression`: (Mandatory)
* `by`: (Mandatory) A comma separated list of fields to group by.
* `Reduce Operation`: (Mandatory)
=== reduce Syntax
reduce(search(collection1, q=*:*, fl="id,a_s,a_i,a_f", sort="a_s asc, a_f asc"),
group(sort="a_f desc", n="4")
== rollup
The `rollup` function wraps another stream function and rolls up aggregates over bucket fields. The rollup function relies on the sort order of the underlying stream to rollup aggregates one grouping at a time. Accordingly, the sort order of the underlying stream must match the fields in the `over` parameter of the rollup function.
The rollup function also needs to process entire result sets in order to perform its aggregations. When the underlying stream is the `search` function, the `/export` handler can be used to provide full sorted result sets to the rollup function. This sorted approach allows the rollup function to perform aggregations over very high cardinality fields. The disadvantage of this approach is that the tuples must be sorted and streamed across the network to a worker node to be aggregated. For faster aggregation over low to moderate cardinality fields, the `facet` function can be used.
=== rollup Parameters
* `StreamExpression` (Mandatory)
* `over`: (Mandatory) A list of fields to group by.
* `metrics`: (Mandatory) The list of metrics to compute. Currently supported metrics are `sum(col)`, `avg(col)`, `min(col)`, `max(col)`, `count(*)`.
=== rollup Syntax
search(collection1, q=*:*, fl="a_s,a_i,a_f", qt="/export", sort="a_s asc"),
The example about shows the rollup function wrapping the search function. Notice that search function is using the `/export` handler to provide the entire result set to the rollup stream. Also notice that the search function's *sort param* matches up with the rollup's `over` parameter. This allows the rollup function to rollup the over the `a_s` field, one group at a time.
== scoreNodes
See section in <<graph-traversal.adoc#GraphTraversal-UsingthescoreNodesFunctiontoMakeaRecommendation,graph traversal>>.
== select
The `select` function wraps a streaming expression and outputs tuples containing a subset or modified set of fields from the incoming tuples. The list of fields included in the output tuple can contain aliases to effectively rename fields. The select stream supports both operations and evaluators. One can provide a list of operations and evaluators to perform on any fields, such as `replace, add, if`, etc....
=== select Parameters
* `StreamExpression`
* `fieldName`: name of field to include in the output tuple (can include multiple of these), such as `outputTuple[fieldName] = inputTuple[fieldName]`
* `fieldName as aliasFieldName`: aliased field name to include in the output tuple (can include multiple of these), such as `outputTuple[aliasFieldName] = incomingTuple[fieldName]`
* `replace(fieldName, value, withValue=replacementValue)`: if `incomingTuple[fieldName] == value` then `outgoingTuple[fieldName]` will be set to `replacementValue`. `value` can be the string "null" to replace a null value with some other value.
* `replace(fieldName, value, withField=otherFieldName)`: if `incomingTuple[fieldName] == value` then `outgoingTuple[fieldName]` will be set to the value of `incomingTuple[otherFieldName]`. `value` can be the string "null" to replace a null value with some other value.
=== select Syntax
// output tuples with fields teamName, wins, losses, and winPercentages where a null value for wins or losses is translated to the value of 0
search(collection1, fl="id,teamName_s,wins,losses", q="*:*", sort="id asc"),
teamName_s as teamName,
if(eq(0,wins), 0, div(add(wins,losses), wins)) as winPercentage
== sort
The `sort` function wraps a streaming expression and re-orders the tuples. The sort function emits all incoming tuples in the new sort order. The sort function reads all tuples from the incoming stream, re-orders them using an algorithm with `O(nlog(n))` performance characteristics, where n is the total number of tuples in the incoming stream, and then outputs the tuples in the new sort order. Because all tuples are read into memory, the memory consumption of this function grows linearly with the number of tuples in the incoming stream.
=== sort Parameters
* `StreamExpression`
* `by`: Sort criteria for re-ordering the tuples
=== sort Syntax
The expression below finds dog owners and orders the results by owner and pet name. Notice that it uses an efficient innerJoin by first ordering by the person/owner id and then re-orders the final output by the owner and pet names.
search(people, q=*:*, fl="id,name", sort="id asc"),
search(pets, q=type:dog, fl="owner,petName", sort="owner asc"),
by="name asc, petName asc"
== top
The `top` function wraps a streaming expression and re-orders the tuples. The top function emits only the top N tuples in the new sort order. The top function re-orders the underlying stream so the sort criteria *does not* have to match up with the underlying stream.
=== top Parameters
* `n`: Number of top tuples to return.
* `StreamExpression`
* `sort`: Sort criteria for selecting the top N tuples.
=== top Syntax
The expression below finds the top 3 results of the underlying search. Notice that it reverses the sort order. The top function re-orders the results of the underlying stream.
sort="a_f desc, a_i desc"),
sort="a_f asc, a_i asc")
== unique
The `unique` function wraps a streaming expression and emits a unique stream of tuples based on the `over` parameter. The unique function relies on the sort order of the underlying stream. The `over` parameter must match up with the sort order of the underlying stream.
The unique function implements a non-co-located unique algorithm. This means that records with the same unique `over` field do not need to be co-located on the same shard. When executed in the parallel, the `partitionKeys` parameter must be the same as the unique `over` field so that records with the same keys will be shuffled to the same worker.
=== unique Parameters
* `StreamExpression`
* `over`: The unique criteria.
=== unique Syntax
sort="a_f asc, a_i asc"),
== update
The `update` function wraps another functions and sends the tuples to a SolrCloud collection for indexing.
=== update Parameters
* `destinationCollection`: (Mandatory) The collection where the tuples will indexed.
* `batchSize`: (Mandatory) The indexing batch size.
* `StreamExpression`: (Mandatory)
=== update Syntax
sort="a_f asc, a_i asc"))
The example above sends the tuples returned by the `search` function to the `destinationCollection` to be indexed.
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= Stream Evaluator Reference
:page-shortname: stream-evaluators
:page-permalink: stream-evaluators.html
:page-tocclass: right
:page-toclevels: 1
== analyze
== abs
The `abs` function will return the absolute value of the provided single parameter. The `abs` function will fail to execute if the value is non-numeric. If a null value is found then null will be returned as the result.
=== abs Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
=== abs Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `abs` evaluator. Only one parameter is accepted. Returns a numeric value.
abs(1) // 1, not really a good use case for it
abs(-1) // 1, not really a good use case for it
abs(add(fieldA,fieldB)) // absolute value of fieldA + fieldB
abs(fieldA) // absolute value of fieldA
== add
The `add` function will take 2 or more numeric values and add them together. The `add` function will fail to execute if any of the values are non-numeric. If a null value is found then null will be returned as the result.
=== add Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
=== add Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `add` evaluator. The number and order of these parameters do not matter and is not limited except that at least two parameters are required. Returns a numeric value.
add(1,2,3,4) // 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 == 10
add(1,fieldA) // 1 + value of fieldA
add(fieldA,1.4) // value of fieldA + 1.4
add(fieldA,fieldB,fieldC) // value of fieldA + value of fieldB + value of fieldC
add(fieldA,div(fieldA,fieldB)) // value of fieldA + (value of fieldA / value of fieldB)
add(fieldA,if(gt(fieldA,fieldB),fieldA,fieldB)) // if fieldA > fieldB then fieldA + fieldA, else fieldA + fieldB
== div
The `div` function will take two numeric values and divide them. The function will fail to execute if any of the values are non-numeric or null, or the 2nd value is 0. Returns a numeric value.
=== div Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
=== div Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `div` evaluator. The first value will be divided by the second and as such the second cannot be 0.
div(1,2) // 1 / 2
div(1,fieldA) // 1 / fieldA
div(fieldA,1.4) // fieldA / 1.4
div(fieldA,add(fieldA,fieldB)) // fieldA / (fieldA + fieldB)
== log
The `log` function will return the natural log of the provided single parameter. The `log` function will fail to execute if the value is non-numeric. If a null value is found, then null will be returned as the result.
=== log Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
=== log Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `log` evaluator. Only one parameter is accepted. Returns a numeric value.
== mult
The `mult` function will take two or more numeric values and multiply them together. The `mult` function will fail to execute if any of the values are non-numeric. If a null value is found then null will be returned as the result.
=== mult Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
=== mult Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `mult` evaluator. The number and order of these parameters do not matter and is not limited except that at least two parameters are required. Returns a numeric value.
mult(1,2,3,4) // 1 * 2 * 3 * 4
mult(1,fieldA) // 1 * value of fieldA
mult(fieldA,1.4) // value of fieldA * 1.4
mult(fieldA,fieldB,fieldC) // value of fieldA * value of fieldB * value of fieldC
mult(fieldA,div(fieldA,fieldB)) // value of fieldA * (value of fieldA / value of fieldB)
mult(fieldA,if(gt(fieldA,fieldB),fieldA,fieldB)) // if fieldA > fieldB then fieldA * fieldA, else fieldA * fieldB
== sub
The `sub` function will take 2 or more numeric values and subtract them, from left to right. The sub function will fail to execute if any of the values are non-numeric. If a null value is found then null will be returned as the result.
=== sub Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Number | Number Evaluator`
=== sub Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `sub` evaluator. The number of these parameters does not matter and is not limited except that at least two parameters are required. Returns a numeric value.
sub(1,2,3,4) // 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
sub(1,fieldA) // 1 - value of fieldA
sub(fieldA,1.4) // value of fieldA - 1.4
sub(fieldA,fieldB,fieldC) // value of fieldA - value of fieldB - value of fieldC
sub(fieldA,div(fieldA,fieldB)) // value of fieldA - (value of fieldA / value of fieldB)
if(gt(fieldA,fieldB),sub(fieldA,fieldB),sub(fieldB,fieldA)) // if fieldA > fieldB then fieldA - fieldB, else fieldB - field
== pow
== mod
=== ceil
== floor
== sin
== asin
== sinh
== cos
== acos
== atan
== round
== sqrt
== cbrt
== and
The `and` function will return the logical AND of at least 2 boolean parameters. The function will fail to execute if any parameters are non-boolean or null. Returns a boolean value.
=== and Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
=== and Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `and` evaluator. At least two parameters are required, but there is no limit to how many you can use.
and(true,fieldA) // true && fieldA
and(fieldA,fieldB) // fieldA && fieldB
and(or(fieldA,fieldB),fieldC) // (fieldA || fieldB) && fieldC
== eq
The `eq` function will return whether all the parameters are equal, as per Java's standard `equals(...)` function. The function accepts parameters of any type, but will fail to execute if all the parameters are not of the same type. That is, all are Boolean, all are String, all are Numeric. If any any parameters are null and there is at least one parameter that is not null then false will be returned. Returns a boolean value.
=== eq Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
=== eq Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `eq` evaluator.
eq(1,2) // 1 == 2
eq(1,fieldA) // 1 == fieldA
eq(fieldA,val(foo)) fieldA == "foo"
eq(add(fieldA,fieldB),6) // fieldA + fieldB == 6
== eor
The `eor` function will return the logical exclusive or of at least two boolean parameters. The function will fail to execute if any parameters are non-boolean or null. Returns a boolean value.
=== eor Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
=== eor Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `eor` evaluator. At least two parameters are required, but there is no limit to how many you can use.
eor(true,fieldA) // true iff fieldA is false
eor(fieldA,fieldB) // true iff either fieldA or fieldB is true but not both
eor(eq(fieldA,fieldB),eq(fieldC,fieldD)) // true iff either fieldA == fieldB or fieldC == fieldD but not both
== gteq
The `gteq` function will return whether the first parameter is greater than or equal to the second parameter. The function accepts numeric and string parameters, but will fail to execute if all the parameters are not of the same type. That is, all are String or all are Numeric. If any any parameters are null then an error will be raised. Returns a boolean value.
=== gteq Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
=== gteq Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `gteq` evaluator.
gteq(1,2) // 1 >= 2
gteq(1,fieldA) // 1 >= fieldA
gteq(fieldA,val(foo)) fieldA >= "foo"
gteq(add(fieldA,fieldB),6) // fieldA + fieldB >= 6
== gt
The `gt` function will return whether the first parameter is greater than the second parameter. The function accepts numeric or string parameters, but will fail to execute if all the parameters are not of the same type. That is, all are String or all are Numeric. If any any parameters are null then an error will be raised. Returns a boolean value.
=== gt Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
=== gt Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `gt` evaluator.
gt(1,2) // 1 > 2
gt(1,fieldA) // 1 > fieldA
gt(fieldA,val(foo)) fieldA > "foo"
gt(add(fieldA,fieldB),6) // fieldA + fieldB > 6
== if
The `if` function works like a standard conditional if/then statement. If the first parameter is true, then the second parameter will be returned, else the third parameter will be returned. The function accepts a boolean as the first parameter and anything as the second and third parameters. An error will occur if the first parameter is not a boolean or is null.
=== if Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Boolean Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
=== if Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `if` evaluator.
if(fieldA,fieldB,fieldC) // if fieldA is true then fieldB else fieldC
if(gt(fieldA,5), fieldA, 5) // if fieldA > 5 then fieldA else 5
if(eq(fieldB,null), null, div(fieldA,fieldB)) // if fieldB is null then null else fieldA / fieldB
== lteq
The `lteq` function will return whether the first parameter is less than or equal to the second parameter. The function accepts numeric and string parameters, but will fail to execute if all the parameters are not of the same type. That is, all are String or all are Numeric. If any any parameters are null then an error will be raised. Returns a boolean value.
=== lteq Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
=== lteq Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `lteq` evaluator.
lteq(1,2) // 1 <= 2
lteq(1,fieldA) // 1 <= fieldA
lteq(fieldA,val(foo)) fieldA <= "foo"
lteq(add(fieldA,fieldB),6) // fieldA + fieldB <= 6
== lt
The `lt` function will return whether the first parameter is less than the second parameter. The function accepts numeric or string parameters, but will fail to execute if all the parameters are not of the same type. That is, all are String or all are Numeric. If any any parameters are null then an error will be raised. Returns a boolean value.
=== lt Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Value | Evaluator`
=== lt Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `lt` evaluator.
lt(1,2) // 1 < 2
lt(1,fieldA) // 1 < fieldA
lt(fieldA,val(foo)) fieldA < "foo"
lt(add(fieldA,fieldB),6) // fieldA + fieldB < 6
== not
The `not` function will return the logical NOT of a single boolean parameter. The function will fail to execute if the parameter is non-boolean or null. Returns a boolean value.
=== not Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
=== not Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `not` evaluator. Only one parameter is allowed.
not(true) // false
not(fieldA) // true if fieldA is false else false
not(eq(fieldA,fieldB)) // true if fieldA != fieldB
== or
The `or` function will return the logical OR of at least 2 boolean parameters. The function will fail to execute if any parameters are non-boolean or null. Returns a boolean value.
=== or Parameters
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
* `......`
* `Field Name | Raw Boolean | Boolean Evaluator`
=== or Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `or` evaluator. At least two parameters are required, but there is no limit to how many you can use.
or(true,fieldA) // true || fieldA
or(fieldA,fieldB) // fieldA || fieldB
or(and(fieldA,fieldB),fieldC) // (fieldA && fieldB) || fieldC
== analyze
== second
== minute
== hour
== day
== month
== year
== convert
== raw
The `raw` function will return whatever raw value is the parameter. This is useful for cases where you want to use a string as part of another evaluator.
=== raw Parameters
* `Raw Value`
=== raw Syntax
The expressions below show the various ways in which you can use the `raw` evaluator. Whatever is inside will be returned as-is. Internal evaluators are considered strings and are not evaluated.
raw(foo) // "foo"
raw(count(*)) // "count(*)"
raw(45) // 45
raw(true) // "true" (note: this returns the string "true" and not the boolean true)
eq(raw(fieldA), fieldA) // true if the value of fieldA equals the string "fieldA"
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= Stream Source Reference
:page-shortname: stream-sources
:page-permalink: stream-sources.html
:page-tocclass: right
:page-toclevels: 1
== search
The `search` function searches a SolrCloud collection and emits a stream of tuples that match the query. This is very similar to a standard Solr query, and uses many of the same parameters.
This expression allows you to specify a request hander using the `qt` parameter. By default, the `/select` handler is used. The `/select` handler can be used for simple rapid prototyping of expressions. For production, however, you will most likely want to use the `/export` handler which is designed to `sort` and `export` entire result sets. The `/export` handler is not used by default because it has stricter requirements then the `/select` handler so it's not as easy to get started working with. To read more about the `/export` handler requirements review the section <<exporting-result-sets.adoc#exporting-result-sets,Exporting Result Sets>>.
=== search Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) the collection being searched.
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query to perform on the Solr index.
* `fl`: (Mandatory) The list of fields to return.
* `sort`: (Mandatory) The sort criteria.
* `zkHost`: Only needs to be defined if the collection being searched is found in a different zkHost than the local stream handler.
* `qt`: Specifies the query type, or request handler, to use. Set this to `/export` to work with large result sets. The default is `/select`.
* `rows`: (Mandatory with the `/select` handler) The rows parameter specifies how many rows to return. This parameter is only needed with the `/select` handler (which is the default) since the `/export` handler always returns all rows.
* `partitionKeys`: Comma delimited list of keys to partition the search results by. To be used with the parallel function for parallelizing operations across worker nodes. See the <<stream-decorators.adoc#parallel,parallel>> function for details.
=== search Syntax
sort="a_f asc, a_i asc")
== jdbc
The `jdbc` function searches a JDBC datasource and emits a stream of tuples representing the JDBC result set. Each row in the result set is translated into a tuple and each tuple contains all the cell values for that row.
=== jdbc Parameters
* `connection`: (Mandatory) JDBC formatted connection string to whatever driver you are using.
* `sql`: (Mandatory) query to pass off to the JDBC endpoint
* `sort`: (Mandatory) The sort criteria indicating how the data coming out of the JDBC stream is sorted
* `driver`: The name of the JDBC driver used for the connection. If provided then the driver class will attempt to be loaded into the JVM. If not provided then it is assumed that the driver is already loaded into the JVM. Some drivers require explicit loading so this option is provided.
* `[driverProperty]`: One or more properties to pass to the JDBC driver during connection. The format is `propertyName="propertyValue"`. You can provide as many of these properties as you'd like and they will all be passed to the connection.
=== Connections and Drivers
Because some JDBC drivers require explicit loading the `driver` parameter can be used to provide the driver class name. If provided, then during stream construction the driver will be loaded. If the driver cannot be loaded because the class is not found on the classpath, then stream construction will fail.
When the JDBC stream is opened it will validate that a driver can be found for the provided connection string. If a driver cannot be found (because it hasn't been loaded) then the open will fail.
=== Datatypes
Due to the inherent differences in datatypes across JDBC sources the following datatypes are supported. The table indicates what Java type will be used for a given JDBC type. Types marked as requiring conversion will go through a conversion for each value of that type. For performance reasons the cell data types are only considered when the stream is opened as this is when the converters are created.
|JDBC Type |Java Type |Requires Conversion
|String |String |No
|Short |Long |Yes
|Integer |Long |Yes
|Long |Long |No
|Float |Double |Yes
|Double |Double |No
|Boolean |Boolean |No
=== jdbc Syntax
A basic `jdbc` expression:
sql="select NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, AGE from PEOPLE where AGE > 25 order by AGE, NAME DESC",
sort="AGE asc, NAME desc",
A `jdbc` expression that passes a property to the driver:
// get_column_name is a property to pass to the hsqldb driver
sql="select NAME as FIRST_NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, AGE from PEOPLE where AGE > 25 order by AGE, NAME DESC",
sort="AGE asc, NAME desc",
== echo
== facet
The `facet` function provides aggregations that are rolled up over buckets. Under the covers the facet function pushes down the aggregation into the search engine using Solr's JSON Facet API. This provides sub-second performance for many use cases. The facet function is appropriate for use with a low to moderate number of distinct values in the bucket fields. To support high cardinality aggregations see the rollup function.
=== facet Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) Collection the facets will be aggregated from.
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query to build the aggregations from.
* `buckets`: (Mandatory) Comma separated list of fields to rollup over. The comma separated list represents the dimensions in a multi-dimensional rollup.
* `bucketSorts`: Comma separated list of sorts to apply to each dimension in the buckets parameters. Sorts can be on the computed metrics or on the bucket values.
* `bucketSizeLimit`: The number of buckets to include. This value is applied to each dimension.
* `metrics`: List of metrics to compute for the buckets. Currently supported metrics are `sum(col)`, `avg(col)`, `min(col)`, `max(col)`, `count(*)`.
=== facet Syntax
Example 1:
bucketSorts="sum(a_i) desc",
The example above shows a facet function with rollups over a single bucket, where the buckets are returned in descending order by the calculated value of the `sum(a_i)` metric.
Example 2:
buckets="year_i, month_i, day_i",
bucketSorts="year_i desc, month_i desc, day_i desc",
The example above shows a facet function with rollups over three buckets, where the buckets are returned in descending order by bucket value.
== features
The `features` function extracts the key terms from a text field in a classification training set stored in a SolrCloud collection. It uses an algorithm known as * Information Gain* , to select the important terms from the training set. The `features` function was designed to work specifically with the <<train,train>> function, which uses the extracted features to train a text classifier.
The `features` function is designed to work with a training set that provides both positive and negative examples of a class. It emits a tuple for each feature term that is extracted along with the inverse document frequency (IDF) for the term in the training set.
The `features` function uses a query to select the training set from a collection. The IDF for each selected feature is calculated relative to the training set matching the query. This allows multiple training sets to be stored in the same SolrCloud collection without polluting the IDF across training sets.
=== features Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) The collection that holds the training set
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query that defines the training set. The IDF for the features will be generated specific to the result set matching the query.
* `featureSet`: (Mandatory) The name of the feature set. This can be used to retrieve the features if they are stored in a SolrCloud collection.
* `field`: (Mandatory) The text field to extract the features from.
* `outcome`: (Mandatory) The field that defines the class, positive or negative
* `numTerms`: (Mandatory) How many feature terms to extract.
* `positiveLabel`: (defaults to 1) The value in the outcome field that defines a postive outcome.
=== features Syntax
== gatherNodes
The `gatherNodes` function provides breadth-first graph traversal. For details, see the section <<graph-traversal.adoc#graph-traversal,Graph Traversal>>.
== model
The `model` function retrieves and caches logistic regression text classification models that are stored in a SolrCloud collection. The `model` function is designed to work with models that are created by the <<train,train function>>, but can also be used to retrieve text classification models trained outside of Solr, as long as they conform to the specified format. After the model is retrieved it can be used by the <<stream-decorators.adoc#classify,classify function>> to classify documents.
A single model tuple is fetched and returned based on the *id* parameter. The model is retrieved by matching the *id* parameter with a model name in the index. If more then one iteration of the named model is stored in the index, the highest iteration is selected.
=== Caching with model
The `model` function has an internal LRU (least-recently-used) cache so models do not have to be retrieved with each invocation of the `model` function. The time to cache for each model ID can be passed as a parameter to the function call. Retrieving a cached model does not reset the time for expiring the model ID in the cache.
=== Model Storage
The storage format of the models in Solr is below. The `train` function outputs the format below so you only need to know schema details if you plan to use the `model` function with logistic regression models trained outside of Solr.
* `name_s` (Single value, String, Stored): The name of the model.
* `iteration_i` (Single value, Integer, Stored): The iteration number of the model. Solr can store all iterations of the models generated by the train function.
* `terms_ss` (Multi value, String, Stored: The array of terms/features of the model.
* `weights_ds` (Multi value, double, Stored): The array of term weights. Each weight corresponds by array index to a term.
* `idfs_ds` (Multi value, double, Stored): The array of term IDFs (Inverse document frequency). Each IDF corresponds by array index to a term.
=== model Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) The collection where the model is stored.
* `id`: (Mandatory) The id/name of the model. The model function always returns one model. If there are multiple iterations of the name, the highest iteration is returned.
* `cacheMillis`: (Optional) The amount of time to cache the model in the LRU cache.
=== model Syntax
== random
The `random` function searches a SolrCloud collection and emits a pseudo-random set of results that match the query. Each invocation of random will return a different pseudo-random result set.
=== random Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) The collection the stats will be aggregated from.
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query to build the aggregations from.
* `rows`: (Mandatory) The number of pseudo-random results to return.
* fl: (Mandatory) The field list to return.
* `fq`: (Optional) Filter query
=== random Syntax
In the example above the `random` function is searching the baskets collections for all rows where "productID:productX". It will return 100 pseudo-random results. The field list returned is the basketID.
== significantTerms
The `significantTerms` function queries a SolrCloud collection, but instead of returning documents, it returns significant terms found in documents in the result set. The `significantTerms` function scores terms based on how frequently they appear in the result set and how rarely they appear in the entire corpus. The `significantTerms` function emits a tuple for each term which contains the term, the score, the foreground count and the background count. The foreground count is how many documents the term appears in in the result set. The background count is how many documents the term appears in in the entire corpus. The foreground and background counts are global for the collection.
=== significantTerms Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) The collection that the function is run on.
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query that describes the foreground document set.
* `limit`: (Optional, Default 20) The max number of terms to return.
* `minDocFreq`: (Optional, Defaults to 5 documents) The minimum number of documents the term must appear in on a shard. This is a float value. If greater then 1.0 then it's considered the absolute number of documents. If less then 1.0 it's treated as a percentage of documents.
* `maxDocFreq`: (Optional, Defaults to 30% of documents) The maximum number of documents the term can appear in on a shard. This is a float value. If greater then 1.0 then it's considered the absolute number of documents. If less then 1.0 it's treated as a percentage of documents.
* `minTermLength`: (Optional, Default 4) The minimum length of the term to be considered significant.
=== significantTerms Syntax
In the example above the `significantTerms` function is querying `collection1` and returning at most 50 significant terms that appear in 10 or more documents but not more then 20% of the corpus.
== shortestPath
The `shortestPath` function is an implementation of a shortest path graph traversal. The `shortestPath` function performs an iterative breadth-first search through an unweighted graph to find the shortest paths between two nodes in a graph. The `shortestPath` function emits a tuple for each path found. Each tuple emitted will contain a `path` key which points to a `List` of nodeIDs comprising the path.
=== shortestPath Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) The collection that the topic query will be run on.
* `from`: (Mandatory) The nodeID to start the search from
* `to`: (Mandatory) The nodeID to end the search at
* `edge`: (Mandatory) Syntax: `from_field=to_field`. The `from_field` defines which field to search from. The `to_field` defines which field to search to. See example below for a detailed explanation.
* `threads`: (Optional : Default 6) The number of threads used to perform the partitioned join in the traversal.
* `partitionSize`: (Optional : Default 250) The number of nodes in each partition of the join.
* `fq`: (Optional) Filter query
* `maxDepth`: (Mandatory) Limits to the search to a maximum depth in the graph.
=== shortestPath Syntax
fq="limiting query",
The expression above performs a breadth-first search to find the shortest paths in an unweighted, directed graph.
The search starts from the nodeID "\john@company.com" in the `from_address` field and searches for the nodeID "\jane@company.com" in the `to_address` field. This search is performed iteratively until the `maxDepth` has been reached. Each level in the traversal is implemented as a parallel partitioned nested loop join across the entire collection. The `threads` parameter controls the number of threads performing the join at each level, while the `partitionSize` parameter controls the of number of nodes in each join partition. The `maxDepth` parameter controls the number of levels to traverse. `fq` is a limiting query applied to each level in the traversal.
== shuffle
== stats
The `stats` function gathers simple aggregations for a search result set. The stats function does not support rollups over buckets, so the stats stream always returns a single tuple with the rolled up stats. Under the covers the stats function pushes down the generation of the stats into the search engine using the StatsComponent. The stats function currently supports the following metrics: `count(*)`, `sum()`, `avg()`, `min()`, and `max()`.
=== stats Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) Collection the stats will be aggregated from.
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query to build the aggregations from.
* `metrics`: (Mandatory) The metrics to include in the result tuple. Current supported metrics are `sum(col)`, `avg(col)`, `min(col)`, `max(col)` and `count(*)`
=== stats Syntax
== timeseries
== train
The `train` function trains a Logistic Regression text classifier on a training set stored in a SolrCloud collection. It uses a parallel iterative, batch Gradient Descent approach to train the model. The training algorithm is embedded inside Solr so with each iteration only the model is streamed across the network.
The `train` function wraps a <<features,features>> function which provides the terms and inverse document frequency (IDF) used to train the model. The `train` function operates over the same training set as the `features` function, which includes both positive and negative examples of the class.
With each iteration the `train` function emits a tuple with the model. The model contains the feature terms, weights, and the confusion matrix for the model. The optimized model can then be used to classify documents based on their feature terms.
=== train Parameters
* `collection`: (Mandatory) Collection that holds the training set
* `q`: (Mandatory) The query that defines the training set. The IDF for the features will be generated on the
* `name`: (Mandatory) The name of model. This can be used to retrieve the model if they stored in a Solr Cloud collection.
* `field`: (Mandatory) The text field to extract the features from.
* `outcome`: (Mandatory) The field that defines the class, positive or negative
* `maxIterations`: (Mandatory) How many training iterations to perform.
* `positiveLabel`: (defaults to 1) The value in the outcome field that defines a positive outcome.
=== train Syntax
features(collection1, q="*:*", featureSet="first", field="body", outcome="out_i", numTerms=250),
== topic
The `topic` function provides publish/subscribe messaging capabilities built on top of SolrCloud. The topic function allows users to subscribe to a query. The function then provides one-time delivery of new or updated documents that match the topic query. The initial call to the topic function establishes the checkpoints for the specific topic ID. Subsequent calls to the same topic ID will return documents added or updated after the initial checkpoint. Each run of the topic query updates the checkpoints for the topic ID. Setting the initialCheckpoint parameter to 0 will cause the topic to process all documents in the index that match the topic query.
The topic function should be considered in beta until https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8709[SOLR-8709] is committed and released.
=== topic Parameters
* `checkpointCollection`: (Mandatory) The collection where the topic checkpoints are stored.
* `collection`: (Mandatory) The collection that the topic query will be run on.
* `id`: (Mandatory) The unique ID for the topic. The checkpoints will be saved under this id.
* `q`: (Mandatory) The topic query.
* `fl`: (Mandatory) The field list returned by the topic function.
* `initialCheckpoint`: (Optional) Sets the initial Solr `\_version_` number to start reading from the queue. If not set, it defaults to the highest version in the index. Setting to 0 will process all records that match query in the index.
=== topic Syntax
q="topic query",
fl="id, name, country")
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