-Solr provides a simple extension to the Lucene QueryParser syntax for specifying sort options. After your search, add a semi-colon followed by a list of "field direction" pairs... -
++ Searches are done via HTTP GET on the select URL with the query string in the q parameter. + You can pass a number of optional request parameters + to the request handler to control what information is returned. +
++ Solr provides a query form within the web admin interface + that allows setting the various request parameters and is useful when trying out or debugging queries. +
- +-"score" can also be used as a field name when specifying a sort... -
- ++ Solr provides a simple extension to the Lucene QueryParser syntax for specifying sort options. After your search, add a semi-colon followed by a list of "field direction" pairs... +
+ + ++ "score" can also be used as a field name when specifying a sort... +
+ + +