diff --git a/lucene/spatial3d/src/test/org/apache/lucene/spatial3d/TestGeo3DPoint.java b/lucene/spatial3d/src/test/org/apache/lucene/spatial3d/TestGeo3DPoint.java index deb35878c01..330a15edc40 100644 --- a/lucene/spatial3d/src/test/org/apache/lucene/spatial3d/TestGeo3DPoint.java +++ b/lucene/spatial3d/src/test/org/apache/lucene/spatial3d/TestGeo3DPoint.java @@ -1356,6 +1356,9 @@ public class TestGeo3DPoint extends LuceneTestCase { public static String explain(String fieldName, GeoShape shape, GeoPoint targetDocPoint, GeoPoint scaledDocPoint, IndexReader reader, int docID) throws Exception { + final XYZBounds bounds = new XYZBounds(); + shape.getBounds(bounds); + // First find the leaf reader that owns this doc: int subIndex = ReaderUtil.subIndex(docID, reader.leaves()); LeafReader leafReader = reader.leaves().get(subIndex).reader(); @@ -1364,7 +1367,7 @@ public class TestGeo3DPoint extends LuceneTestCase { b.append("target is in leaf " + leafReader + " of full reader " + reader + "\n"); DocIdSetBuilder hits = new DocIdSetBuilder(leafReader.maxDoc()); - ExplainingVisitor visitor = new ExplainingVisitor(shape, targetDocPoint, scaledDocPoint, new PointInShapeIntersectVisitor(hits, shape), docID - reader.leaves().get(subIndex).docBase, 3, Integer.BYTES, b); + ExplainingVisitor visitor = new ExplainingVisitor(shape, targetDocPoint, scaledDocPoint, new PointInShapeIntersectVisitor(hits, shape, bounds), docID - reader.leaves().get(subIndex).docBase, 3, Integer.BYTES, b); // Do first phase, where we just figure out the "path" that leads to the target docID: leafReader.getPointValues().intersect(fieldName, visitor);