mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
SOLR-5810: basic paged nav support for cloud graph panel for many collections.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk@1648621 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,26 +22,36 @@ import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.solr.cloud.ZkController;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.OnReconnect;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.SolrZkClient;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkStateReader;
import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.ZkNodeProps;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer;
import org.apache.solr.util.FastWriter;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat;
import org.noggit.CharArr;
import org.noggit.JSONWriter;
@ -56,13 +66,260 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @since solr 4.0
public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends BaseSolrServlet {
static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZookeeperInfoServlet.class);
public void init() {
// used for custom sorting collection names looking like prefix##
// only go out to 7 digits (which safely fits in an int)
private static final Pattern endsWithDigits = Pattern.compile("^(\\D*)(\\d{1,7}?)$");
* Enumeration of ways to filter collections on the graph panel.
static enum FilterType {
none, name, status
* Holds state of a single page of collections requested from the cloud panel.
static final class PageOfCollections {
List<String> selected;
int numFound = 0; // total number of matches (across all pages)
int start = 0;
int rows = -1;
FilterType filterType;
String filter;
PageOfCollections(int start, int rows, FilterType filterType, String filter) {
this.start = start;
this.rows = rows;
this.filterType = filterType;
this.filter = filter;
void selectPage(List<String> collections) {
numFound = collections.size();
// start with full set and then find the sublist for the desired selected
selected = collections;
if (rows > 0) { // paging desired
if (start > numFound)
start = 0; // this might happen if they applied a new filter
int lastIndex = Math.min(start+rows, numFound);
if (start > 0 || lastIndex < numFound)
selected = collections.subList(start, lastIndex);
* Filters a list of collections by name if applicable.
List<String> applyNameFilter(List<String> collections) {
if (filterType != FilterType.name || filter == null)
return collections; // name filter doesn't apply
// typically, a user will type a prefix and then *, e.g. tj*
// when they really mean tj.*
String regexFilter = (!filter.endsWith(".*") && filter.endsWith("*"))
? filter.substring(0,filter.length()-1)+".*" : filter;
// case-insensitive
if (!regexFilter.startsWith("(?i)"))
regexFilter = "(?i)"+regexFilter;
Pattern filterRegex = Pattern.compile(regexFilter);
List<String> filtered = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String next : collections) {
if (matches(filterRegex, next))
return filtered;
* Walk the collection state JSON object to see if it has any replicas that match
* the state the user is filtering by.
final boolean matchesStatusFilter(Map<String,Object> collectionState, Set<String> liveNodes) {
if (filterType != FilterType.status || filter == null || filter.length() == 0)
return true; // no status filter, so all match
boolean isHealthy = true; // means all replicas for all shards active
boolean hasDownedShard = false; // means one or more shards is down
boolean replicaInRecovery = false;
Map<String,Object> shards = (Map<String,Object>)collectionState.get("shards");
for (String shardId : shards.keySet()) {
boolean hasActive = false;
Map<String,Object> shard = (Map<String,Object>)shards.get(shardId);
Map<String,Object> replicas = (Map<String,Object>)shard.get("replicas");
for (String replicaId : replicas.keySet()) {
Map<String,Object> replicaState = (Map<String,Object>)replicas.get(replicaId);
String coreState = (String)replicaState.get("state");
String nodeName = (String)replicaState.get("node_name");
// state can lie to you if the node is offline, so need to reconcile with live_nodes too
if (!liveNodes.contains(nodeName))
coreState = "down"; // not on a live node, so must be down
if ("active".equals(coreState)) {
hasActive = true; // assumed no replicas active and found one that is for this shard
} else {
if ("recovering".equals(coreState)) {
replicaInRecovery = true;
isHealthy = false; // assumed healthy and found one replica that is not
if (!hasActive)
hasDownedShard = true; // this is bad
if ("healthy".equals(filter)) {
return isHealthy;
} else if ("degraded".equals(filter)) {
return !hasDownedShard && !isHealthy; // means no shards offline but not 100% healthy either
} else if ("downed_shard".equals(filter)) {
return hasDownedShard;
} else if ("recovering".equals(filter)) {
return !isHealthy && replicaInRecovery;
return true;
final boolean matches(final Pattern filter, final String collName) {
return filter.matcher(collName).matches();
String getPagingHeader() {
return start+"|"+rows+"|"+numFound+"|"+(filterType != null ? filterType.toString() : "")+"|"+(filter != null ? filter : "");
public String toString() {
return getPagingHeader();
* Supports paged navigation of collections on the cloud panel. To avoid serving
* stale collection data, this object watches the /collections znode, which will
* change if a collection is added or removed.
static final class PagedCollectionSupport implements Watcher, Comparator<String>, OnReconnect {
// this is the full merged list of collections from ZooKeeper
private List<String> cachedCollections;
* If the list of collections changes, mark the cache as stale.
public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
synchronized (this) {
cachedCollections = null;
* Create a merged view of all collections (internal from /clusterstate.json and external from /collections/?/state.json
private synchronized List<String> getCollections(SolrZkClient zkClient) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
if (cachedCollections == null) {
// cache is stale, rebuild the full list ...
cachedCollections = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> fromZk = zkClient.getChildren("/collections", this, true);
if (fromZk != null)
// sort the final merged set of collections
Collections.sort(cachedCollections, this);
return cachedCollections;
* Gets the requested page of collections after applying filters and offsets.
public PageOfCollections fetchPage(PageOfCollections page, SolrZkClient zkClient)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
List<String> children = getCollections(zkClient);
page.selected = children; // start with the page being the full list
// activate paging (if disabled) for large collection sets
if (page.start == 0 && page.rows == -1 && page.filter == null && children.size() > 10) {
page.rows = 20;
page.start = 0;
// apply the name filter if supplied (we don't need to pull state
// data from ZK to do name filtering
if (page.filterType == FilterType.name && page.filter != null)
children = page.applyNameFilter(children);
// a little hacky ... we can't select the page when filtering by
// status until reading all status objects from ZK
if (page.filterType != FilterType.status)
return page;
public int compare(String left, String right) {
if (left == null)
return -1;
if (left.equals(right))
return 0;
// sort lexically unless the two collection names start with the same base prefix
// and end in a number (which is a common enough naming scheme to have direct
// support for it)
Matcher leftMatcher = endsWithDigits.matcher(left);
if (leftMatcher.matches()) {
Matcher rightMatcher = endsWithDigits.matcher(right);
if (rightMatcher.matches()) {
String leftGroup1 = leftMatcher.group(1);
String rightGroup1 = rightMatcher.group(1);
if (leftGroup1.equals(rightGroup1)) {
// both start with the same prefix ... compare indexes
// using longs here as we don't know how long the 2nd group is
int leftGroup2 = Integer.parseInt(leftMatcher.group(2));
int rightGroup2 = Integer.parseInt(rightMatcher.group(2));
return (leftGroup2 > rightGroup2) ? 1 : ((leftGroup2 == rightGroup2) ? 0 : -1);
return left.compareTo(right);
* Called after a ZooKeeper session expiration occurs
public void command() {
// we need to re-establish the watcher on the collections list after session expires
synchronized (this) {
cachedCollections = null;
private PagedCollectionSupport pagingSupport;
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
@ -73,6 +330,17 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
throw new ServletException("Missing request attribute org.apache.solr.CoreContainer.");
synchronized (this) {
if (pagingSupport == null) {
pagingSupport = new PagedCollectionSupport();
ZkController zkController = cores.getZkController();
if (zkController != null) {
// get notified when the ZK session expires (so we can clear the cached collections and rebuild)
final SolrParams params;
try {
params = SolrRequestParsers.DEFAULT.parse(null, request.getServletPath(), request).getParams();
@ -98,6 +366,24 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
String dumpS = params.get("dump");
boolean dump = dumpS != null && dumpS.equals("true");
int start = paramAsInt("start", params, 0);
int rows = paramAsInt("rows", params, -1);
String filterType = params.get("filterType");
if (filterType != null) {
filterType = filterType.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (filterType.length() == 0)
filterType = null;
FilterType type = (filterType != null) ? FilterType.valueOf(filterType) : FilterType.none;
String filter = (type != FilterType.none) ? params.get("filter") : null;
if (filter != null) {
filter = filter.trim();
if (filter.length() == 0)
filter = null;
@ -106,7 +392,10 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
ZKPrinter printer = new ZKPrinter(response, out, cores.getZkController(), addr);
printer.detail = detail;
printer.dump = dump;
printer.isTreeView = (params.get("wt") == null); // this is hacky but tree view requests don't come in with the wt set
boolean isGraphView = "graph".equals(params.get("view"));
printer.page = (isGraphView && "/clusterstate.json".equals(path))
? new PageOfCollections(start, rows, type, filter) : null;
printer.pagingSupport = pagingSupport;
try {
@ -124,6 +413,21 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
doGet(request, response);
protected int paramAsInt(final String paramName, final SolrParams params, final int defaultVal) {
int val = defaultVal;
String paramS = params.get(paramName);
if (paramS != null) {
String trimmed = paramS.trim();
if (trimmed.length() > 0) {
try {
val = Integer.parseInt(trimmed);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
log.warn("Invalid value "+paramS+" passed for parameter "+paramName+"; expected integer!");
return val;
@ -137,8 +441,6 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
boolean detail = false;
boolean dump = false;
boolean isTreeView = false;
String addr; // the address passed to us
String keeperAddr; // the address we're connected to
@ -151,7 +453,12 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
int level;
int maxData = 95;
PageOfCollections page;
PagedCollectionSupport pagingSupport;
ZkController zkController;
public ZKPrinter(HttpServletResponse response, Writer out, ZkController controller, String addr) throws IOException {
this.zkController = controller;
this.response = response;
this.out = out;
this.addr = addr;
@ -371,12 +678,11 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
boolean printZnode(JSONWriter json, String path) throws IOException {
try {
String dataStr = null;
String dataStrErr = null;
Stat stat = new Stat();
// Trickily, the call to zkClient.getData fills in the stat variable
byte[] data = zkClient.getData(path, null, stat, true);
String dataStr = null;
String dataStrErr = null;
if (null != data) {
try {
dataStr = (new BytesRef(data)).utf8ToString();
@ -384,41 +690,89 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
dataStrErr = "data is not parsable as a utf8 String: " + e.toString();
// pull in external collections too
if (ZkStateReader.CLUSTER_STATE.equals(path) && !isTreeView) {
SortedMap<String,Object> collectionStates = null;
List<String> children = zkClient.getChildren(ZkStateReader.COLLECTIONS_ZKNODE, null, true);
for (String collection : children) {
String collStatePath = ZkStateReader.getCollectionPath(collection);
String childDataStr = null;
// support paging of the collections graph view (in case there are many collections)
if (page != null) {
// we've already pulled the data for /clusterstate.json from ZooKeeper above,
// but it needs to be parsed into a map so we can lookup collection states before
// trying to find them in the /collections/?/state.json znode
Map<String,Object> clusterstateJsonMap = null;
if (dataStr != null) {
try {
byte[] childData = zkClient.getData(collStatePath, null, null, true);
if (childData != null) {
childDataStr = (new BytesRef(childData)).utf8ToString();
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) {
// safe to ignore
} catch (Exception childErr) {
log.error("Failed to get "+collStatePath+" due to: "+childErr);
clusterstateJsonMap = (Map<String, Object>) ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(dataStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"Failed to parse /clusterstate.json from ZooKeeper due to: " + e, e);
} else {
clusterstateJsonMap = ZkNodeProps.makeMap();
if (childDataStr != null) {
if (collectionStates == null) {
// initialize lazily as there may not be any external collections
collectionStates = new TreeMap<>();
// fetch the requested page of collections and then retrieve the state for each
page = pagingSupport.fetchPage(page, zkClient);
// keep track of how many collections match the filter
boolean applyStatusFilter =
(page.filterType == FilterType.status && page.filter != null);
List<String> matchesStatusFilter = applyStatusFilter ? new ArrayList<String>() : null;
Set<String> liveNodes = applyStatusFilter ?
zkController.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes() : null;
// add the internal collections
if (dataStr != null)
SortedMap<String,Object> collectionStates = new TreeMap<String,Object>(pagingSupport);
for (String collection : page.selected) {
Object collectionState = clusterstateJsonMap.get(collection);
if (collectionState != null) {
// collection state was in /clusterstate.json
if (applyStatusFilter) {
// verify this collection matches the status filter
if (page.matchesStatusFilter((Map<String,Object>)collectionState,liveNodes)) {
collectionStates.put(collection, collectionState);
} else {
collectionStates.put(collection, collectionState);
} else {
// looks like an external collection ...
String collStatePath = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "/collections/%s/state.json", collection);
String childDataStr = null;
try {
byte[] childData = zkClient.getData(collStatePath, null, null, true);
if (childData != null)
childDataStr = (new BytesRef(childData)).utf8ToString();
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) {
log.warn("State for collection "+collection+
" not found in /clusterstate.json or /collections/"+collection+"/state.json!");
} catch (Exception childErr) {
log.error("Failed to get "+collStatePath+" due to: "+childErr);
// now add in the external collections
Map<String,Object> extColl = (Map<String,Object>)ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(childDataStr);
collectionStates.put(collection, extColl.get(collection));
if (childDataStr != null) {
Map<String,Object> extColl = (Map<String,Object>)ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(childDataStr);
collectionState = extColl.get(collection);
if (applyStatusFilter) {
// verify this collection matches the filtered state
if (page.matchesStatusFilter((Map<String,Object>)collectionState,liveNodes)) {
collectionStates.put(collection, collectionState);
} else {
collectionStates.put(collection, collectionState);
if (applyStatusFilter) {
// update the paged navigation info after applying the status filter
// rebuild the Map of state data
SortedMap<String,Object> map = new TreeMap<String,Object>(pagingSupport);
for (String next : page.selected)
map.put(next, collectionStates.get(next));
collectionStates = map;
if (collectionStates != null) {
CharArr out = new CharArr();
new JSONWriter(out, 2).write(collectionStates);
@ -455,6 +809,11 @@ public final class ZookeeperInfoServlet extends HttpServlet {
if (null != dataStr) {
writeKeyValue(json, "data", dataStr, false);
if (page != null) {
writeKeyValue(json, "paging", page.getPagingHeader(), false);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
writeError(500, e.toString());
@ -401,3 +401,10 @@ limitations under the License.
stroke: #fff;
display: inline-block,
padding-top: 15px,
padding-bottom: 15px
@ -350,6 +350,106 @@ var generate_rgraph = function( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count )
var prepare_graph_data = function( response, graph_element, live_nodes, callback )
var state = null;
eval( 'state = ' + response.znode.data + ';' );
var leaf_count = 0;
var graph_data = {
name: null,
children : []
for( var c in state )
var shards = [];
for( var s in state[c].shards )
var nodes = [];
for( var n in state[c].shards[s].replicas )
var replica = state[c].shards[s].replicas[n]
var uri = replica.base_url;
var parts = uri.match( /^(\w+:)\/\/(([\w\d\.-]+)(:(\d+))?)(.+)$/ );
var uri_parts = {
protocol: parts[1],
host: parts[2],
hostname: parts[3],
port: parseInt( parts[5] || 80, 10 ),
pathname: parts[6]
helper_data.protocol.push( uri_parts.protocol );
helper_data.host.push( uri_parts.host );
helper_data.hostname.push( uri_parts.hostname );
helper_data.port.push( uri_parts.port );
helper_data.pathname.push( uri_parts.pathname );
var status = replica.state;
if( !live_nodes[replica.node_name] )
status = 'gone';
var node = {
name: uri,
data: {
type : 'node',
state : status,
leader : 'true' === replica.leader,
uri : uri_parts
nodes.push( node );
var shard = {
name: s,
data: {
type : 'shard'
children: nodes
shards.push( shard );
var collection = {
name: c,
data: {
type : 'collection'
children: shards
graph_data.children.push( collection );
helper_data.protocol = $.unique( helper_data.protocol );
helper_data.host = $.unique( helper_data.host );
helper_data.hostname = $.unique( helper_data.hostname );
helper_data.port = $.unique( helper_data.port );
helper_data.pathname = $.unique( helper_data.pathname );
callback( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count );
var update_status_filter = function(filterType, filterVal) {
if (filterType == 'status') {
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).val(filterVal);
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).show();
$( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).hide();
$( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).val('');
} else {
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).hide();
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).val('');
$( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).val(filterVal);
$( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).show();
var prepare_graph = function( graph_element, callback )
@ -365,101 +465,82 @@ var prepare_graph = function( graph_element, callback )
live_nodes[response.tree[0].children[c].data.title] = true;
var start = $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val();
var rows = $( '#cloudGraphPagingRows' ).val();
var clusterStateUrl = app.config.solr_path + '/zookeeper?wt=json&detail=true&path=%2Fclusterstate.json&view=graph';
if (start && rows)
clusterStateUrl += ('&start='+start+'&rows='+rows);
var filterType = $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilterType' ).val();
if (filterType) {
var filter = (filterType == 'status')
? $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).val()
: $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).val();
if (filter)
clusterStateUrl += ('&filterType='+filterType+'&filter='+filter);
url : app.config.solr_path + '/zookeeper?wt=json&detail=true&path=%2Fclusterstate.json',
url : clusterStateUrl,
dataType : 'json',
context : graph_element,
beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
var state = null;
eval( 'state = ' + response.znode.data + ';' );
prepare_graph_data(response, graph_element, live_nodes, callback)
var leaf_count = 0;
var graph_data = {
name: null,
children : []
for( var c in state )
var shards = [];
for( var s in state[c].shards )
var nodes = [];
for( var n in state[c].shards[s].replicas )
var replica = state[c].shards[s].replicas[n]
var uri = replica.base_url;
var parts = uri.match( /^(\w+:)\/\/(([\w\d\.-]+)(:(\d+))?)(.+)$/ );
var uri_parts = {
protocol: parts[1],
host: parts[2],
hostname: parts[3],
port: parseInt( parts[5] || 80, 10 ),
pathname: parts[6]
helper_data.protocol.push( uri_parts.protocol );
helper_data.host.push( uri_parts.host );
helper_data.hostname.push( uri_parts.hostname );
helper_data.port.push( uri_parts.port );
helper_data.pathname.push( uri_parts.pathname );
var status = replica.state;
if( !live_nodes[replica.node_name] )
status = 'gone';
var node = {
name: uri,
data: {
type : 'node',
state : status,
leader : 'true' === replica.leader,
uri : uri_parts
nodes.push( node );
var shard = {
name: s,
data: {
type : 'shard'
children: nodes
shards.push( shard );
if (response.znode && response.znode.paging) {
var parr = response.znode.paging.split('|');
if (parr.length < 3) {
$( '#cloudGraphPaging' ).hide();
var collection = {
name: c,
data: {
type : 'collection'
children: shards
graph_data.children.push( collection );
var start = Math.max(parseInt(parr[0]),0);
var prevEnabled = (start > 0);
$('#cloudGraphPagingPrev').prop('disabled', !prevEnabled);
if (prevEnabled)
var rows = parseInt(parr[1])
var total = parseInt(parr[2])
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(start);
$( '#cloudGraphPagingRows' ).val(rows);
if (rows == -1)
$( '#cloudGraphPaging' ).hide();
var filterType = parr.length > 3 ? parr[3] : '';
if (filterType == '' || filterType == 'none') filterType = 'status';
$( '#cloudGraphPagingFilterType' ).val(filterType);
var filter = parr.length > 4 ? parr[4] : '';
update_status_filter(filterType, filter);
var page = Math.floor(start/rows)+1;
var pages = Math.ceil(total/rows);
var last = Math.min(start+rows,total);
var nextEnabled = (last < total);
$('#cloudGraphPagingNext').prop('disabled', !nextEnabled);
if (nextEnabled)
var status = (total > 0)
? 'Collections '+(start+1)+' - '+last+' of '+total+'. '
: 'No collections found.';
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStatus' ).html(status);
} else {
$( '#cloudGraphPaging' ).hide();
helper_data.protocol = $.unique( helper_data.protocol );
helper_data.host = $.unique( helper_data.host );
helper_data.hostname = $.unique( helper_data.hostname );
helper_data.port = $.unique( helper_data.port );
helper_data.pathname = $.unique( helper_data.pathname );
callback( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count );
error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
@ -662,6 +743,21 @@ var init_tree = function( tree_element )
// updates the starting position for paged navigation
// and then rebuilds the graph based on the selected page
var update_start = function(direction, cloud_element) {
var start = $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val();
var rows = $( '#cloudGraphPagingRows' ).val();
var startAt = start ? parseInt(start) : 0;
var numRows = rows ? parseInt(rows) : 20;
var newStart = Math.max(startAt + (rows * direction),0);
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(newStart);
var graph_element = $( '#graph-content', cloud_element );
$( '#canvas', graph_element).empty();
init_graph( graph_element );
// #/~cloud
@ -704,6 +800,45 @@ sammy.get
$( this ).addClass( 'active' );
init_graph( $( '#graph-content', cloud_element ) );
$('#cloudGraphPagingNext').click(function() {
update_start(1, cloud_element);
$('#cloudGraphPagingPrev').click(function() {
update_start(-1, cloud_element);
$('#cloudGraphPagingRows').change(function() {
var rows = $( this ).val();
if (!rows || rows == '')
$( this ).val("20");
// ? restart the start position when rows changes?
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(0);
update_start(-1, cloud_element);
$('#cloudGraphPagingFilter').change(function() {
var filter = $( this ).val();
// reset the start position when the filter changes
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(0);
update_start(-1, cloud_element);
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).show();
$( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).hide();
$('#cloudGraphPagingFilterType').change(function() {
update_status_filter($( this ).val(), '');
$('#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter').change(function() {
// just reset the paged navigation controls based on this update
$( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(0);
update_start(-1, cloud_element);
@ -714,6 +849,8 @@ sammy.get
function( event )
$( "#cloudGraphPaging" ).hide(); // TODO: paging for rgraph too
$( this ).addClass( 'active' );
init_rgraph( $( '#graph-content', cloud_element ) );
@ -50,6 +50,28 @@ limitations under the License.
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">
<div id="cloudGraphPaging">
<button id="cloudGraphPagingPrev">< Previous</button>
<input id="cloudGraphPagingStart" type="hidden" name="start" />
<span id="cloudGraphPagingStatus"></span>
Filter by: <select id="cloudGraphPagingFilterType">
<option value="status">Status</option>
<option value="name">Name</option>
<select id="cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter">
<option value=""> - Any - </option>
<option value="healthy">Healthy</option>
<option value="degraded">Degraded</option>
<option value="downed_shard">Downed Shard</option>
<option value="recovering">Replica in Recovery</option>
<input id="cloudGraphPagingFilter" type="text" size="10" name="filter" />
Show <input id="cloudGraphPagingRows" type="text" size="2" name="rows" /> per page.
<button id="cloudGraphPagingNext">Next ></button>
Reference in New Issue