mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
LUCENE-1433: improvements to changes.html generation
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/java/trunk@722329 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,18 +254,52 @@ print<<"__HTML_HEADER__";
var newerRegex = new RegExp("^(?:trunk|2\\\\.4\\\\.0)");
function isOlder(listId) {
return ! newerRegex.test(listId);
function escapeMeta(s) {
return s.replace(/(?=[.*+?^\${}()|[\\]\\/\\\\])/g, '\\\\');
function shouldExpand(currentList, currentAnchor, listId) {
var listName = listId.substring(0, listId.length - 5);
var parentRegex = new RegExp("^" + escapeMeta(listName) + "\\\\.");
return currentList == listId
|| (isOlder(currentAnchor) && listId == 'older.list')
|| parentRegex.test(currentAnchor);
function collapse() {
/* Collapse all but the first and second releases. */
var unorderedLists = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
var currentAnchor = location.hash.substring(1);
var currentList = currentAnchor + ".list";
for (var i = 0; i < unorderedLists.length; i++) {
var list = unorderedLists[i];
if (list.id != '$first_relid.list' && list.id != '$second_relid.list') {
/* Collapse the current item, unless either the current item is one of
* the first two releases, or the current URL has a fragment and the
* fragment refers to the current item or one of its ancestors.
if (list.id != '$first_relid.list'
&& list.id != '$second_relid.list'
&& (currentAnchor == ''
|| ! shouldExpand(currentList, currentAnchor, list.id))) {
list.style.display = "none";
var orderedLists = document.getElementsByTagName("ol");
for (var i = 0; i < orderedLists.length; i++) {
orderedLists[i].style.display = "none";
var list = orderedLists[i];
/* Collapse the current item, unless the current URL has a fragment
* and the fragment refers to the current item or one of its ancestors.
if (currentAnchor == ''
|| ! shouldExpand(currentList, currentAnchor, list.id)) {
list.style.display = "none";
/* Add "Click to collapse/expand" tooltips to the release/section headings */
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
@ -320,7 +354,7 @@ for my $rel (@releases) {
($release, $reldate, $relinfo, $sections) = @$rel;
# The first section heading is undefined for the older sectionless releases
my $has_release_sections = $sections->[0][0];
my $has_release_sections = has_release_sections($sections);
(my $relid = lc($release)) =~ s/\s+/_/g;
print "<$header><a id=\"$relid\" href=\"javascript:toggleList('$relid')\">";
@ -339,12 +373,13 @@ for my $rel (@releases) {
print " <li><a id=\"$relid.$sectid\"",
" href=\"javascript:toggleList('$relid.$sectid')\">",
($heading || ''), "</a> $numItemsStr\n"
if ($has_release_sections);
if ($has_release_sections and $heading);
my $list_type = $items->[0] || '';
my $list = ($has_release_sections || $list_type eq 'numbered' ? 'ol' : 'ul');
my $listid = $sectid ? "$relid.$sectid" : $relid;
print " <$list id=\"$listid.list\">\n";
print " <$list id=\"$listid.list\">\n"
unless ($has_release_sections and not $heading);
for my $itemnum (1..$#{$items}) {
my $item = $items->[$itemnum];
@ -362,27 +397,36 @@ for my $rel (@releases) {
# Rule of thumb: if a trailing parenthesized expression with a following
# period does not contain "LUCENE-XXX", and it either has three or
# fewer words or it includes the word "via", then it is considered to
# be an attribution.
# fewer words or it includes the word "via" or the phrase "updates from",
# then it is considered to be an attribution.
$item =~ s{(\s*(\((?!see #|use the bug number)[^)"]+?\))\.\s*)$}
$item =~ s{(\s*(\((?!see \#|use the bug number)[^)"]+?\)))
my $subst = $1; # default: no change
my $parenthetical = $2;
my $trailing_period_and_or_issue = $3;
if ($parenthetical !~ /LUCENE-\d+/) {
my ($no_parens) = $parenthetical =~ /^\((.*)\)$/s;
my @words = grep {/\S/} split /\s+/, $no_parens;
if ($no_parens =~ /\svia\s/i || scalar(@words) <= 3) {
if ($no_parens =~ /\b(?:via|updates\s+from)\b/i || scalar(@words) <= 3) {
$subst = "<br /><span class=\"attrib\">$parenthetical</span>";
$subst . $trailing_period_and_or_issue;
$item =~ s:\n{2,}:\n<p/>\n:g; # Keep paragraph breaks
$item =~ s{(?:${jira_url_prefix})?(LUCENE-\d+)} # Link to JIRA
$item =~ s:\n{2,}:\n<p/>\n:g; # Keep paragraph breaks
$item =~ s{(?:${jira_url_prefix})?((?:LUCENE|SOLR|INFRA)-\d+)}
{<a href="${jira_url_prefix}$1">$1</a>}g;
$item =~ s~((?i:bug|patch)\s*\#?\s*(\d+)) # Find Bugzilla issues
$item =~ s{(issue\s*\#?\s*(\d{3,}))} # Link Issue XXX to JIRA
{<a href="${jira_url_prefix}LUCENE-$2">$1</a>}gi;
# Link Lucene XXX, SOLR XXX and INFRA XXX to JIRA
$item =~ s{((LUCENE|SOLR|INFRA)\s+(\d{3,}))}
{<a href="${jira_url_prefix}\U$2\E-$3">$1</a>}gi;
# Find single Bugzilla issues
$item =~ s~((?i:bug|patch|issue)\s*\#?\s*(\d+))
~ my $issue = $1;
my $jira_issue_num = $bugzilla_jira_map{$2}; # Link to JIRA copies
$issue = qq!<a href="${jira_url_prefix}LUCENE-$jira_issue_num">!
@ -390,9 +434,29 @@ for my $rel (@releases) {
if (defined($jira_issue_num));
# Find multiple Bugzilla issues
$item =~ s~(?<=(?i:bugs))(\s*)(\d+)(\s*(?i:\&|and)\s*)(\d+)
~ my $leading_whitespace = $1;
my $issue_num_1 = $2;
my $interlude = $3;
my $issue_num_2 = $4;
# Link to JIRA copies
my $jira_issue_1 = $bugzilla_jira_map{$issue_num_1};
my $issue1
= qq!<a href="${jira_url_prefix}LUCENE-$jira_issue_1">!
. qq!$issue_num_1 [LUCENE-$jira_issue_1]</a>!
if (defined($jira_issue_1));
my $jira_issue_2 = $bugzilla_jira_map{$issue_num_2};
my $issue2
= qq!<a href="${jira_url_prefix}LUCENE-$jira_issue_2">!
. qq!$issue_num_2 [LUCENE-$jira_issue_2]</a>!
if (defined($jira_issue_2));
$leading_whitespace . $issue1 . $interlude . $issue2;
print " <li>$item</li>\n";
print " </$list>\n";
print " </$list>\n" unless ($has_release_sections and not $heading);
print " </li>\n" if ($has_release_sections);
print "</ul>\n" if ($has_release_sections);
@ -401,6 +465,31 @@ print "</ul>\n" if ($relcnt > 3);
print "</body>\n</html>\n";
# Subroutine: has_release_sections
# Takes one parameter:
# - The $sections array reference
# Returns one scalar:
# - A boolean indicating whether there are release sections
sub has_release_sections {
my $sections = shift;
my $has_release_sections = 0;
my $first_titled_section_num = -1;
for my $section_num (0 .. $#{$sections}) {
if ($sections->[$section_num][0]) {
$has_release_sections = 1;
return $has_release_sections;
# Subroutine: get_list_type
@ -520,7 +609,9 @@ sub setup_release_dates {
'1.4.3' => '2004-12-07', '1.9 RC1' => '2006-02-21',
'1.9 final' => '2006-02-27', '1.9.1' => '2006-03-02',
'2.0.0' => '2006-05-26', '2.1.0' => '2007-02-14',
'2.2.0' => '2007-06-19', '2.3.0' => '2008-01-23' );
'2.2.0' => '2007-06-19', '2.3.0' => '2008-01-21',
'2.3.1' => '2008-02-22', '2.3.2' => '2008-05-05',
'2.4.0' => '2008-10-06' );
Reference in New Issue