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synced 2025-02-22 18:27:21 +00:00
SOLR-11305: Update field type description page to mark deprecated types; change some Trie*Field refs to *PointFields
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The field type `class` determines most of the behavior of a field type, but opti
<fieldType name="date" class="solr.TrieDateField"
<fieldType name="date" class="solr.DatePointField"
sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true"/>
@ -26,33 +26,66 @@ The following table lists the field types that are available in Solr. The `org.a
|Class |Description
|BinaryField |Binary data.
|BoolField |Contains either true or false. Values of "1", "t", or "T" in the first character are interpreted as true. Any other values in the first character are interpreted as false.
|CollationField |Supports Unicode collation for sorting and range queries. ICUCollationField is a better choice if you can use ICU4J. See the section <<language-analysis.adoc#unicode-collation,Unicode Collation>>.
|CurrencyField |Deprecated in favor of CurrencyFieldType.
|CurrencyFieldType |Supports currencies and exchange rates. See the section <<working-with-currencies-and-exchange-rates.adoc#working-with-currencies-and-exchange-rates,Working with Currencies and Exchange Rates>>.
|BoolField |Contains either true or false. Values of `1`, `t`, or `T` in the first character are interpreted as `true`. Any other values in the first character are interpreted as `false`.
|CollationField |Supports Unicode collation for sorting and range queries. The ICUCollationField is a better choice if you can use ICU4J. See the section <<language-analysis.adoc#unicode-collation,Unicode Collation>> for more information.
|CurrencyField |*Deprecated*. Use CurrencyFieldType instead.
|CurrencyFieldType |Supports currencies and exchange rates. See the section <<working-with-currencies-and-exchange-rates.adoc#working-with-currencies-and-exchange-rates,Working with Currencies and Exchange Rates>> for more information.
|DateRangeField |Supports indexing date ranges, to include point in time date instances as well (single-millisecond durations). See the section <<working-with-dates.adoc#working-with-dates,Working with Dates>> for more detail on using this field type. Consider using this field type even if it's just for date instances, particularly when the queries typically fall on UTC year/month/day/hour, etc., boundaries.
|ExternalFileField |Pulls values from a file on disk. See the section <<working-with-external-files-and-processes.adoc#working-with-external-files-and-processes,Working with External Files and Processes>>.
|EnumField |Deprecated in favor of EnumFieldType
|EnumFieldType |Allows defining an enumerated set of values which may not be easily sorted by either alphabetic or numeric order (such as a list of severities, for example). This field type takes a configuration file, which lists the proper order of the field values. See the section <<working-with-enum-fields.adoc#working-with-enum-fields,Working with Enum Fields>> for more information.
|ICUCollationField |Supports Unicode collation for sorting and range queries. See the section <<language-analysis.adoc#unicode-collation,Unicode Collation>>.
|LatLonPointSpatialField |<<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>>: a latitude/longitude coordinate pair; possibly multi-valued for multiple points. Usually it's specified as "lat,lon" order with a comma.
|LatLonType |(deprecated) <<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>>: a single-valued latitude/longitude coordinate pair. Usually it's specified as "lat,lon" order with a comma.
|PointType |<<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>>: A single-valued n-dimensional point. It's both for sorting spatial data that is _not_ lat-lon, and for some more rare use-cases. (NOTE: this is _not_ related to the "Point" based numeric fields)
|PreAnalyzedField |Provides a way to send to Solr serialized token streams, optionally with independent stored values of a field, and have this information stored and indexed without any additional text processing. Configuration and usage of PreAnalyzedField is documented on the <<working-with-external-files-and-processes.adoc#the-preanalyzedfield-type,Working with External Files and Processes>> page.
|RandomSortField |Does not contain a value. Queries that sort on this field type will return results in random order. Use a dynamic field to use this feature.
|SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType |(RPT for short) <<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>>: Accepts latitude comma longitude strings or other shapes in WKT format.
|StrField |String (UTF-8 encoded string or Unicode). Strings are intended for small fields and are _not_ tokenized or analyzed in any way. They have a hard limit of slightly less than 32K.
|TextField |Text, usually multiple words or tokens.
|TrieDateField |Date field. Represents a point in time with millisecond precision. See the section <<working-with-dates.adoc#working-with-dates,Working with Dates>>. `precisionStep="0"` minimizes index size; `precisionStep="8"` (the default) enables more efficient range queries. For single valued fields, use `docValues="true"` for efficient sorting.
|TrieDoubleField |Double field (64-bit IEEE floating point). `precisionStep="0"` minimizes index size; `precisionStep="8"` (the default) enables more efficient range queries. For single valued fields, use `docValues="true"` for efficient sorting.
|TrieFloatField |Floating point field (32-bit IEEE floating point) . `precisionStep="0"` enables efficient numeric sorting and minimizes index size; `precisionStep="8"` (the default) enables efficient range queries. Use `docValues="true"` for efficient sorting. For single valued fields, use `docValues="true"` for efficient sorting.
|TrieIntField |Integer field (32-bit signed integer). `precisionStep="0"` enables efficient numeric sorting and minimizes index size; `precisionStep="8"` (the default) enables efficient range queries. For single valued fields, use `docValues="true"` for efficient sorting.
|TrieLongField |Long field (64-bit signed integer). `precisionStep="0"` minimizes index size; `precisionStep="8"` (the default) enables more efficient range queries. For single valued fields, use `docValues="true"` for efficient sorting.
|TrieField |If this field type is used, a "type" attribute must also be specified, valid values are: `integer`, `long`, `float`, `double`, `date`. Using this field is the same as using any of the Trie fields mentioned above
|DatePointField |Date field. Represents a point in time with millisecond precision. See the section <<working-with-dates.adoc#working-with-dates,Working with Dates>>. This class functions similarly to TrieDateField, but using a "Dimensional Points" based data structure instead of indexed terms, and doesn't require configuration of a precision step. For single valued fields, `docValues="true"` must be used to enable sorting.
|DoublePointField |Double field (64-bit IEEE floating point). This class functions similarly to TrieDoubleField, but using a "Dimensional Points" based data structure instead of indexed terms, and doesn't require configuration of a precision step. For single valued fields, `docValues="true"` must be used to enable sorting.
|ExternalFileField |Pulls values from a file on disk. See the section <<working-with-external-files-and-processes.adoc#working-with-external-files-and-processes,Working with External Files and Processes>> for more information.
|EnumField |*Deprecated*. Use EnumFieldType instead.
|EnumFieldType |Allows defining an enumerated set of values which may not be easily sorted by either alphabetic or numeric order (such as a list of severities, for example). This field type takes a configuration file, which lists the proper order of the field values. See the section <<working-with-enum-fields.adoc#working-with-enum-fields,Working with Enum Fields>> for more information.
|FloatPointField |Floating point field (32-bit IEEE floating point). This class functions similarly to TrieFloatField, but using a "Dimensional Points" based data structure instead of indexed terms, and doesn't require configuration of a precision step. For single valued fields, `docValues="true"` must be used to enable sorting.
|ICUCollationField |Supports Unicode collation for sorting and range queries. See the section <<language-analysis.adoc#unicode-collation,Unicode Collation>> for more information.
|IntPointField |Integer field (32-bit signed integer). This class functions similarly to TrieIntField, but using a "Dimensional Points" based data structure instead of indexed terms, and doesn't require configuration of a precision step. For single valued fields, `docValues="true"` must be used to enable sorting.
|LatLonPointSpatialField |A latitude/longitude coordinate pair; possibly multi-valued for multiple points. Usually it's specified as "lat,lon" order with a comma. See the section <<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>> for more information.
|LatLonType |*Deprecated*. Consider using the LatLonPointSpatialField instead. A single-valued latitude/longitude coordinate pair. Usually it's specified as "lat,lon" order with a comma. See the section <<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>> for more information.
|LongPointField |Long field (64-bit signed integer). This class functions similarly to TrieLongField, but using a "Dimensional Points" based data structure instead of indexed terms, and doesn't require configuration of a precision step. For single valued fields, `docValues="true"` must be used to enable sorting.
|UUIDField |Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Pass in a value of "NEW" and Solr will create a new UUID. *Note*: configuring a UUIDField instance with a default value of "NEW" is not advisable for most users when using SolrCloud (and not possible if the UUID value is configured as the unique key field) since the result will be that each replica of each document will get a unique UUID value. Using UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory to generate UUID values when documents are added is recommended instead.
|PointType |A single-valued n-dimensional point. It's both for sorting spatial data that is _not_ lat-lon, and for some more rare use-cases. (NOTE: this is _not_ related to the "Point" based numeric fields). See <<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>> for more information.
|PreAnalyzedField |Provides a way to send to Solr serialized token streams, optionally with independent stored values of a field, and have this information stored and indexed without any additional text processing.
Configuration and usage of PreAnalyzedField is documented in the section <<working-with-external-files-and-processes.adoc#the-preanalyzedfield-type,Working with External Files and Processes>>.
|RandomSortField |Does not contain a value. Queries that sort on this field type will return results in random order. Use a dynamic field to use this feature.
|SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType |(RPT for short) Accepts latitude comma longitude strings or other shapes in WKT format. See <<spatial-search.adoc#spatial-search,Spatial Search>> for more information.
|StrField |String (UTF-8 encoded string or Unicode). Strings are intended for small fields and are _not_ tokenized or analyzed in any way. They have a hard limit of slightly less than 32K.
|TextField |Text, usually multiple words or tokens.
|TrieDateField |*Deprecated*. Use DatePointField instead.
|TrieDoubleField |*Deprecated*. Use DoublePointField instead.
|TrieFloatField |*Deprecated*. Use FloatPointField instead.
|TrieIntField |*Deprecated*. Use IntPointField instead.
|TrieLongField |*Deprecated*. Use LongPointField instead.
|TrieField |*Deprecated*. This field takes a `type` parameter to define the specific class of Trie* field to use; Use an appropriate Point Field type instead.
|UUIDField |Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Pass in a value of `NEW` and Solr will create a new UUID.
*Note*: configuring a UUIDField instance with a default value of `NEW` is not advisable for most users when using SolrCloud (and not possible if the UUID value is configured as the unique key field) since the result will be that each replica of each document will get a unique UUID value. Using UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory to generate UUID values when documents are added is recommended instead.
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ The following spatial-related fields have been deprecated:
Choose one of these field types instead:
* `LatLonSpatialField`
* `LatLonPointSpatialField`
* `SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeField`
* `RptWithGeometrySpatialField`
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ q = {!join from=id to=manu_id_s}compName_s:Belkin
fq = price:[* TO 12]
The join operation is done on a term basis, so the "from" and "to" fields must use compatible field types. For example: joining between a `StrField` and a `TrieIntField` will not work, likewise joining between a `StrField` and a `TextField` that uses `LowerCaseFilterFactory` will only work for values that are already lower cased in the string field.
The join operation is done on a term basis, so the "from" and "to" fields must use compatible field types. For example: joining between a `StrField` and a `IntPointField` will not work, likewise joining between a `StrField` and a `TextField` that uses `LowerCaseFilterFactory` will only work for values that are already lower cased in the string field.
=== Join Parser Scoring
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ Note that the `types` and `fields` sections are optional, meaning you are free t
== Choosing Appropriate Numeric Types
For general numeric needs, consider using one of the` IntPointField`, `LongPointField`, `FloatPointField`, or `DoublePointField` classes, depending on the specific values you expect. These "Dimensional Point" based numeric classes use specially encoded data structures to support efficient range queries regardless of the size of the ranges used. Enable <<docvalues.adoc#docvalues,DocValues>> on these fields as needed for sorting and/or faceting.
For general numeric needs, consider using one of the `IntPointField`, `LongPointField`, `FloatPointField`, or `DoublePointField` classes, depending on the specific values you expect. These "Dimensional Point" based numeric classes use specially encoded data structures to support efficient range queries regardless of the size of the ranges used. Enable <<docvalues.adoc#docvalues,DocValues>> on these fields as needed for sorting and/or faceting.
Some Solr features may not yet work with "Dimensional Points", in which case you may want to consider the equivalent `TrieIntField`, `TrieLongField`, `TrieFloatField`, and `TrieDoubleField` classes. Configure a `precisionStep="0"` if you wish to minimize index size, but if you expect users to make frequent range queries on numeric types, use the default `precisionStep` (by not specifying it) or specify it as `precisionStep="8"` (which is the default). This offers faster speed for range queries at the expense of increasing index size.
Some Solr features may not yet work with "Dimensional Points", in which case you may want to consider the equivalent `TrieIntField`, `TrieLongField`, `TrieFloatField`, and `TrieDoubleField` classes. These field types are deprecated and are likely to be removed in a future major Solr release, but they can still be used if necessary. Configure a `precisionStep="0"` if you wish to minimize index size, but if you expect users to make frequent range queries on numeric types, use the default `precisionStep` (by not specifying it) or specify it as `precisionStep="8"` (which is the default). This offers faster speed for range queries at the expense of increasing index size.
== Working With Text
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ The sample output below has been truncated to show a few different field types f
"sortMissingLast": true
"class": "solr.TrieFloatField",
"class": "solr.FloatPointField",
"dynamicFields": [
@ -814,7 +814,6 @@ The sample output below has been truncated to show a few different field types f
"name": "float",
"positionIncrementGap": "0",
"precisionStep": "0"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
== Date Formatting
Solr's date fields (`TrieDateField`, `DatePointField` and `DateRangeField`) represent "dates" as a point in time with millisecond precision. The format used is a restricted form of the canonical representation of dateTime in the http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime[XML Schema specification] – a restricted subset of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601[ISO-8601]. For those familiar with Java 8, Solr uses https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html#ISO_INSTANT[DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT] for formatting, and parsing too with "leniency".
Solr's date fields (`DatePointField`, `DateRangeField` and the deprecated `TrieDateField`) represent "dates" as a point in time with millisecond precision. The format used is a restricted form of the canonical representation of dateTime in the http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime[XML Schema specification] – a restricted subset of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601[ISO-8601]. For those familiar with Java 8, Solr uses https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html#ISO_INSTANT[DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT] for formatting, and parsing too with "leniency".
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