diff --git a/solr/CHANGES.txt b/solr/CHANGES.txt
index c19ac9e8146..5844ac541f8 100644
--- a/solr/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/solr/CHANGES.txt
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ Other Changes
* SOLR-8787: TestAuthenticationFramework should not extend TestMiniSolrCloudCluster. (Trey Cahill via shalin)
+* SOLR-9180: More comprehensive tests of psuedo-fields for RTG and SolrCloud requests (hossman)
================== 6.1.0 ==================
Consult the LUCENE_CHANGES.txt file for additional, low level, changes in this release.
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test-files/solr/collection1/conf/schema-psuedo-fields.xml b/solr/core/src/test-files/solr/collection1/conf/schema-psuedo-fields.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6cb006a766b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solr/core/src/test-files/solr/collection1/conf/schema-psuedo-fields.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ id
+ text
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/cloud/TestCloudPseudoReturnFields.java b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/cloud/TestCloudPseudoReturnFields.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf56821a614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/cloud/TestCloudPseudoReturnFields.java
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.solr.cloud;
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.JettySolrRunner;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema.SchemaRequest.Field;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.schema.SchemaResponse.FieldResponse;
+import org.apache.solr.cloud.SolrCloudTestCase;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
+import org.apache.solr.search.TestPseudoReturnFields;
+import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+/** @see TestPseudoReturnFields */
+public class TestCloudPseudoReturnFields extends SolrCloudTestCase {
+ private static final String DEBUG_LABEL = MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass().getName();
+ private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = DEBUG_LABEL + "_collection";
+ /** A basic client for operations at the cloud level, default collection will be set */
+ private static CloudSolrClient CLOUD_CLIENT;
+ /** One client per node */
+ private static ArrayList CLIENTS = new ArrayList<>(5);
+ @BeforeClass
+ private static void createMiniSolrCloudCluster() throws Exception {
+ // multi replicas should matter...
+ final int repFactor = usually() ? 1 : 2;;
+ // ... but we definitely want to ensure forwarded requests to other shards work ...
+ final int numShards = 2;
+ // ... including some forwarded requests from nodes not hosting a shard
+ final int numNodes = 1 + (numShards * repFactor);
+ final String configName = DEBUG_LABEL + "_config-set";
+ final Path configDir = Paths.get(TEST_HOME(), "collection1", "conf");
+ configureCluster(numNodes).addConfig(configName, configDir).configure();
+ Map collectionProperties = new HashMap<>();
+ collectionProperties.put("config", "solrconfig-tlog.xml");
+ collectionProperties.put("schema", "schema-psuedo-fields.xml");
+ assertNotNull(cluster.createCollection(COLLECTION_NAME, numShards, repFactor,
+ configName, null, null, collectionProperties));
+ CLOUD_CLIENT = cluster.getSolrClient();
+ waitForRecoveriesToFinish(CLOUD_CLIENT);
+ for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
+ CLIENTS.add(getHttpSolrClient(jetty.getBaseUrl() + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/"));
+ }
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(sdoc("id", "42", "val_i", "1", "ssto", "X", "subject", "aaa")).getStatus());
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(sdoc("id", "43", "val_i", "9", "ssto", "X", "subject", "bbb")).getStatus());
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(sdoc("id", "44", "val_i", "4", "ssto", "X", "subject", "aaa")).getStatus());
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(sdoc("id", "45", "val_i", "6", "ssto", "X", "subject", "aaa")).getStatus());
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(sdoc("id", "46", "val_i", "3", "ssto", "X", "subject", "ggg")).getStatus());
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.commit().getStatus());;
+ // uncommitted doc in transaction log
+ assertEquals(0, CLOUD_CLIENT.add(sdoc("id", "99", "val_i", "1", "ssto", "X",
+ "subject", "uncommitted")).getStatus());
+ }
+ @AfterClass
+ private static void afterClass() throws Exception {
+ CLOUD_CLIENT.close(); CLOUD_CLIENT = null;
+ for (HttpSolrClient client : CLIENTS) {
+ client.close();
+ }
+ CLIENTS = null;
+ }
+ public void testMultiValued() throws Exception {
+ // the response writers used to consult isMultiValued on the field
+ // but this doesn't work when you alias a single valued field to
+ // a multi valued field (the field value is copied first, then
+ // if the type lookup is done again later, we get the wrong thing). SOLR-4036
+ // score as psuedo field - precondition checks
+ for (String name : new String[] {"score", "val_ss"}) {
+ try {
+ FieldResponse frsp = new Field(name, params("includeDynamic","true",
+ "showDefaults","true")).process(CLOUD_CLIENT);
+ assertNotNull("Test depends on a (dynamic) field matching '"+name+"', Null response", frsp);
+ assertEquals("Test depends on a (dynamic) field matching '"+name+"', bad status: " + frsp.toString(),
+ 0, frsp.getStatus());
+ assertNotNull("Test depends on a (dynamic) field matching '"+name+
+ "', schema was changed out from under us? ... " + frsp.toString(), frsp.getField());
+ assertEquals("Test depends on a multivalued dynamic field matching '"+name+
+ "', schema was changed out from under us? ... " + frsp.toString(),
+ Boolean.TRUE, frsp.getField().get("multiValued"));
+ } catch (SolrServerException e) {
+ assertEquals("Couldn't fetch field for '"+name+"' ... schema changed out from under us?",
+ null, e);
+ }
+ }
+ SolrDocument doc = null;
+ // score as psuedo field
+ doc = assertSearchOneDoc(params("q","*:*", "fq", "id:42", "fl","id,score,val_ss,val2_ss"));
+ assertEquals("42", doc.getFieldValue("id"));
+ assertEquals(1.0F, doc.getFieldValue("score"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 2, doc.size()); // no value for val2_ss or val_ss ... yet...
+ // TODO: update this test & TestPseudoReturnFields to index docs using a (multivalued) "val_ss" instead of "ssto"
+ //
+ // that way we can first sanity check a single value in a multivalued field is returned correctly
+ // as a "List" of one element, *AND* then we could be testing that a (single valued) psuedo-field correctly
+ // overrides that actual (real) value in a multivalued field (ie: not returning a an List)
+ //
+ // (NOTE: not doing this yet due to how it will impact most other tests, many of which are currently
+ // @AwaitsFix'ed)
+ //
+ //assertTrue(doc.getFieldValue("val_ss").getClass().toString(),
+ // doc.getFieldValue("val_ss") instanceof List);
+ // single value int using alias that matches multivalued dynamic field
+ doc = assertSearchOneDoc(params("q","id:42", "fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 2, doc.size());
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_ss"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 10L, doc.getFieldValue("val2_ss"));
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testMultiValuedRTG() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocument doc = null;
+ // check same results as testMultiValued via RTG (committed doc)
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById("42", params("fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10, subject"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 2, doc.size());
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_ss"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 10L, doc.getFieldValue("val2_ss"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, "aaa", doc.getFieldValue("subject"));
+ // also check real-time-get from transaction log (uncommitted doc)
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById("99", params("fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10, subject"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 3, doc.size());
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_ss"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 10L, doc.getFieldValue("val2_ss"));
+ assertEquals(""+doc, "uncommitted", doc.getFieldValue("subject"));
+ }
+ public void testAllRealFields() throws Exception {
+ for (String fl : TestPseudoReturnFields.ALL_REAL_FIELDS) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl",fl));
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(fl + " => " + doc, 4, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("ssto") instanceof String); // TODO: val_ss: List
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAllRealFieldsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // shouldn't matter if we use RTG (committed or otherwise)
+ for (String fl : TestPseudoReturnFields.ALL_REAL_FIELDS) {
+ for (int i : Arrays.asList(42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 99)) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(""+i, params("fl",fl));
+ assertEquals(fl + " => " + doc, 4, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("ssto") instanceof String); // TODO: val_ss: List
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testScoreAndAllRealFields() throws Exception {
+ for (String fl : TestPseudoReturnFields.SCORE_AND_REAL_FIELDS) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl",fl));
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(fl + " => " + doc, 5, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("ssto") instanceof String); // TODO: val_ss: List
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testScoreAndAllRealFieldsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // also shouldn't matter if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) .. score should be ignored
+ for (String fl : TestPseudoReturnFields.SCORE_AND_REAL_FIELDS) {
+ for (int i : Arrays.asList(42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 99)) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(""+i, params("fl",fl));
+ assertEquals(fl + " => " + doc, 4, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(fl + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("ssto") instanceof String); // TODO: val_ss: List
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testScoreAndExplicitRealFields() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = null;
+ SolrDocument doc = null;
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","score,val_i"),
+ params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","score", "fl","val_i"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ doc = docs.get(0); // doesn't really matter which one
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + doc, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ }
+ docs = assertSearch(params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_i"));
+ assertEquals("" + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ doc = docs.get(0); // doesn't really matter which one
+ assertEquals("" + doc, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue("" + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ }
+ public void testScoreAndExplicitRealFieldsRTG() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = null;
+ SolrDocument doc = null;
+ // shouldn't matter if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) .. score should be ignored
+ for (int i : Arrays.asList(42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 99)) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","score,val_i"),
+ params("fl","score", "fl","val_i"))) {
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(""+i, p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + doc, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testFunctions() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q","*:*","rows","1","fl","log(val_i)"));
+ assertEquals(""+docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ SolrDocument doc = docs.get(0); // doesn't really matter which one
+ assertEquals(""+doc, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(""+doc, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i)"),
+ params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","log(val_i)", "fl","abs(val_i)"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ doc = docs.get(0); // doesn't really matter which one
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + doc, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("abs(val_i)") instanceof Float);
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testFunctionsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) functions should behave the same
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i)","fl", "abs(val_i)"))) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ String msg = id + "," + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("abs(val_i)") instanceof Float);
+ // true for both these specific docs
+ assertEquals(msg, 0.0D, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)"));
+ assertEquals(msg, 1.0F, doc.getFieldValue("abs(val_i)"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testFunctionsAndExplicit() throws Exception {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","log(val_i),val_i"),
+ params("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","log(val_i)", "fl","val_i"))) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ SolrDocument doc = docs.get(0); // doesn't really matter which one
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + doc, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testFunctionsAndExplicitRTG() throws Exception {
+ // shouldn't matter if we use RTG (committed or otherwise)
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","log(val_i),val_i"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i)","fl","val_i"))) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ String msg = id + "," + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ // true for both these specific docs
+ assertEquals(msg, 0.0D, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)"));
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testFunctionsAndScore() throws Exception {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","log(val_i),score"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i)","fl","score"))) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(SolrParams.wrapDefaults(p, params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10")));
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + doc, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ }
+ }
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i),score"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i)","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i)","fl","abs(val_i),score"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i)","fl","abs(val_i)","fl","score"))) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(SolrParams.wrapDefaults(p, params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10")));
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + doc, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("abs(val_i)") instanceof Float);
+ assertTrue(p + " => " + doc, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testFunctionsAndScoreRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","score","fl","log(val_i)","fl","abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","score","fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","score,log(val_i)","fl","abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","score,log(val_i),abs(val_i)"))) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ String msg = id + "," + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)") instanceof Double);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("abs(val_i)") instanceof Float);
+ // true for both these specific docs
+ assertEquals(msg, 0.0D, doc.getFieldValue("log(val_i)"));
+ assertEquals(msg, 1.0F, doc.getFieldValue("abs(val_i)"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobs() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*"));
+ assertEquals(5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(doc.toString(), 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ }
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*,subj*,ss*"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*,ss*"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","ss*"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("ssto") instanceof String); // TODO: val_ss: List
+ assertEquals(msg, "X", doc.getFieldValue("ssto"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, params("fl","val_*"));
+ String msg = id + ": fl=val_* => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,ss*"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,ss*"))) {
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ msg = id + ": " + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ // NOTE: 'subject' is diff between two docs
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("ssto") instanceof String); // TODO: val_ss: List
+ assertEquals(msg, "X", doc.getFieldValue("ssto"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsAndExplicit() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*,id"));
+ assertEquals(5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(doc.toString(), 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ }
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*,subj*,id"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","id"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*,id"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsAndExplicitRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, params("fl","val_*,id"));
+ String msg = id + ": fl=val_*,id => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,id"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","id"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,id"))) {
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ msg = id + ": " + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsAndScore() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*,score"));
+ assertEquals(5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(doc.toString(), 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ }
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*,subj*,score"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","score"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*,score"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsAndScoreRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted, score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, params("fl","val_*,score"));
+ String msg = id + ": fl=val_*,score => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,score"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,score"))) {
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ msg = id + ": " + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmenters() throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "10", "fl","[docid]"));
+ assertEquals(5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ assertEquals(doc.toString(), 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ }
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q","*:*", "fl","[docid],[shard],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("q","*:*", "fl","[docid],[shard]","fl","[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("q","*:*", "fl","[docid]","fl","[shard]","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 4, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[shard]") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[explain]") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9289")
+ public void testDocIdAugmenterRTG() throws Exception {
+ // NOTE: once this test is fixed to pass, testAugmentersRTG should also be updated to test [docid]
+ // TODO: in single node, [docid] is silently ignored for uncommited docs (see SOLR-9288) ...
+ // here we see even more confusing: [docid] is silently ignored for both committed & uncommited docs
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, params("fl","[docid]"));
+ String msg = id + ": fl=[docid] => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testAugmentersRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","[shard],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","[shard]","fl","[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","[shard]","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ String msg = id + ": " + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ // assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer); // TODO
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[shard]") instanceof String);
+ // RTG: [explain] should be ignored
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmentersAndExplicit() throws Exception {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q", "*:*", "fl","id,[docid],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "fl","id","fl","[docid],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "fl","id","fl","[docid]","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 4, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[explain]") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testAugmentersAndExplicitRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","id,[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","id","fl","[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","id","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ String msg = id + ": " + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 2, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ // assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer); // TODO
+ // RTG: [explain] should be missing (ignored)
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmentersAndScore() throws Exception {
+ SolrParams params = params("q","*:*", "fl","[docid],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],score");
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params);
+ assertEquals(params + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = params + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ }
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q","*:*","fl","[docid],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain],score"),
+ params("q","*:*","fl","[docid]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain]","fl","score"),
+ params("q","*:*","fl","[docid]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]","fl","[explain]","fl","score"))) {
+ docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals(p + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 4, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[explain]") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9286")
+ public void testAugmentersAndScoreRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],score"));
+ String msg = id + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.size());
+ // assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer); // TODO
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain],score"),
+ params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain]","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]","fl","[explain]","fl","score"))) {
+ doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, p);
+ msg = id + ": " + p + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ // assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer); // TODO
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 10, doc.getFieldValue("x_alias"));
+ // RTG: [explain] and score should be missing (ignored)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmentersGlobsExplicitAndScoreOhMy() throws Exception {
+ Random random = random();
+ // NOTE: 'ssto' is the missing one
+ final List fl = Arrays.asList
+ ("id","[docid]","[explain]","score","val_*","subj*");
+ final int iters = atLeast(random, 10);
+ for (int i = 0; i< iters; i++) {
+ Collections.shuffle(fl, random);
+ final SolrParams singleFl = params("q","*:*", "rows", "1","fl",StringUtils.join(fl.toArray(),','));
+ final ModifiableSolrParams multiFl = params("q","*:*", "rows", "1");
+ for (String item : fl) {
+ multiFl.add("fl",item);
+ }
+ for (SolrParams params : Arrays.asList(singleFl, multiFl)) {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(params);
+ assertEquals(params + " => " + docs, 5, docs.getNumFound());
+ // shouldn't matter what doc we pick...
+ for (SolrDocument doc : docs) {
+ String msg = params + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 6, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[explain]") instanceof String);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("score") instanceof Float);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmentersGlobsExplicitAndScoreOhMyRTG() throws Exception {
+ Random random = random();
+ // NOTE: 'ssto' is the missing one
+ final List fl = Arrays.asList
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ ("id","[explain]","score","val_*","subj*");
+ final int iters = atLeast(random, 10);
+ for (int i = 0; i< iters; i++) {
+ Collections.shuffle(fl, random);
+ final SolrParams singleFl = params("fl",StringUtils.join(fl.toArray(),','));
+ final ModifiableSolrParams multiFl = params();
+ for (String item : fl) {
+ multiFl.add("fl",item);
+ }
+ // RTG behavior should be consistent, (committed or otherwise)
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams params : Arrays.asList(singleFl, multiFl)) {
+ SolrDocument doc = getRandClient(random()).getById(id, params);
+ String msg = id + ": " + params + " => " + doc;
+ assertEquals(msg, 3, doc.size());
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("id") instanceof String);
+ // assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("[docid]") instanceof Integer); // TODO
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("val_i") instanceof Integer);
+ assertEquals(msg, 1, doc.getFieldValue("val_i"));
+ assertTrue(msg, doc.getFieldValue("subject") instanceof String);
+ // RTG: [explain] and score should be missing (ignored)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a set of query params, executes as a Query against a random SolrClient and
+ * asserts that exactly one document is returned
+ */
+ public static SolrDocument assertSearchOneDoc(SolrParams p) throws Exception {
+ SolrDocumentList docs = assertSearch(p);
+ assertEquals("does not match exactly one doc: " + p.toString() + " => " + docs.toString(),
+ 1, docs.getNumFound());
+ assertEquals("does not contain exactly one doc: " + p.toString() + " => " + docs.toString(),
+ 1, docs.size());
+ return docs.get(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a set of query params, executes as a Query against a random SolrClient and
+ * asserts that at least 1 doc is matched and at least 1 doc is returned
+ */
+ public static SolrDocumentList assertSearch(SolrParams p) throws Exception {
+ QueryResponse rsp = getRandClient(random()).query(p);
+ assertEquals("failed request: " + p.toString() + " => " + rsp.toString(), 0, rsp.getStatus());
+ assertTrue("does not match at least one doc: " + p.toString() + " => " + rsp.toString(),
+ 1 <= rsp.getResults().getNumFound());
+ assertTrue("rsp does not contain at least one doc: " + p.toString() + " => " + rsp.toString(),
+ 1 <= rsp.getResults().size());
+ return rsp.getResults();
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns a random SolrClient -- either a CloudSolrClient, or an HttpSolrClient pointed
+ * at a node in our cluster
+ */
+ public static SolrClient getRandClient(Random rand) {
+ int numClients = CLIENTS.size();
+ int idx = TestUtil.nextInt(rand, 0, numClients);
+ return (idx == numClients) ? CLOUD_CLIENT : CLIENTS.get(idx);
+ }
+ public static void waitForRecoveriesToFinish(CloudSolrClient client) throws Exception {
+ assert null != client.getDefaultCollection();
+ AbstractDistribZkTestBase.waitForRecoveriesToFinish(client.getDefaultCollection(),
+ client.getZkStateReader(),
+ true, true, 330);
+ }
diff --git a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/TestPseudoReturnFields.java b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/TestPseudoReturnFields.java
index 451bc5f92fa..2b6848b7c02 100644
--- a/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/TestPseudoReturnFields.java
+++ b/solr/core/src/test/org/apache/solr/search/TestPseudoReturnFields.java
@@ -16,20 +16,24 @@
package org.apache.solr.search;
-import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
-import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
+import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
+import org.apache.solr.cloud.TestCloudPseudoReturnFields;
+import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+/** @see TestCloudPseudoReturnFields */
public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
// :TODO: datatypes produced by the functions used may change
@@ -37,20 +41,18 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
* values of the fl param that mean all real fields
- private static String[] ALL_REAL_FIELDS = new String[] { "", "*" };
+ public static String[] ALL_REAL_FIELDS = new String[] { "", "*" };
* values of the fl param that mean all real fields and score
- private static String[] SCORE_AND_REAL_FIELDS = new String[] {
+ public static String[] SCORE_AND_REAL_FIELDS = new String[] {
"score,*", "*,score"
public static void beforeTests() throws Exception {
- System.setProperty("enable.update.log", "false"); // schema12 doesn't support _version_
- initCore("solrconfig.xml","schema12.xml");
+ initCore("solrconfig-tlog.xml","schema-psuedo-fields.xml");
assertU(adoc("id", "42", "val_i", "1", "ssto", "X", "subject", "aaa"));
assertU(adoc("id", "43", "val_i", "9", "ssto", "X", "subject", "bbb"));
@@ -58,9 +60,12 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
assertU(adoc("id", "45", "val_i", "6", "ssto", "X", "subject", "aaa"));
assertU(adoc("id", "46", "val_i", "3", "ssto", "X", "subject", "ggg"));
+ // uncommitted doc in transaction log
+ assertU(adoc("id", "99", "val_i", "1", "ssto", "X", "subject", "uncommitted"));
- @Test
public void testMultiValued() throws Exception {
// the response writers used to consult isMultiValued on the field
// but this doesn't work when you alias a single valued field to
@@ -88,17 +93,23 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","42", "fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10")
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9285")
+ public void testMultiValuedRTG() throws Exception {
+ // single value int using alias that matches multivalued dynamic field - via RTG
+ assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","42", "fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10, subject")
+ ,"/doc=={'val2_ss':10,'val_ss':1, 'subject':'aaa'}"
+ );
// also check real-time-get from transaction log
- assertU(adoc("id", "42", "val_i", "1", "ssto", "X", "subject", "aaa"));
- assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","42", "fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10")
- ,"/doc=={'val2_ss':10,'val_ss':1}"
+ assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","99", "fl","val_ss:val_i, val2_ss:10, subject")
+ ,"/doc=={'val2_ss':10,'val_ss':1,'subject':'uncommitted'}"
- @Test
public void testAllRealFields() throws Exception {
for (String fl : ALL_REAL_FIELDS) {
@@ -114,8 +125,26 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
+ public void testAllRealFieldsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // shouldn't matter if we use RTG (committed or otherwise)
+ for (String fl : ALL_REAL_FIELDS) {
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ("id="+id+", fl="+fl+" ... all real fields",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml","fl",fl)
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='ssto']"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=4]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testScoreAndAllRealFields() throws Exception {
for (String fl : SCORE_AND_REAL_FIELDS) {
@@ -132,10 +161,28 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9287")
+ public void testScoreAndAllRealFieldsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) score should be ignored
+ for (String fl : SCORE_AND_REAL_FIELDS) {
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ("id="+id+", fl="+fl+" ... score real fields",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml","fl",fl)
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='ssto']"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=4]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testScoreAndExplicitRealFields() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","score,val_i")
@@ -152,7 +199,7 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_i")
@@ -162,7 +209,19 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
- @Test
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9287")
+ public void testScoreAndExplicitRealFieldsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ("id="+id+", fl=score,val_i",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml", "fl","score,val_i")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=1]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
public void testFunctions() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","log(val_i)")
@@ -189,8 +248,26 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9285")
+ public void testFunctionsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) functions should behave the same
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("qt","/get","id",id,"wt","xml",
+ "fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i)"),
+ params("qt","/get","id",id,"wt","xml",
+ "fl","log(val_i)","fl", "abs(val_i)"))) {
+ assertQ("id="+id+", params="+p, req(p)
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ // true for both these specific docs
+ ,"//doc/double[@name='log(val_i)'][.='0.0']"
+ ,"//doc/float[@name='abs(val_i)'][.='1.0']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testFunctionsAndExplicit() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","log(val_i),val_i")
@@ -211,7 +288,24 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
- @Test
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9285")
+ public void testFunctionsAndExplicitRTG() throws Exception {
+ // shouldn't matter if we use RTG (committed or otherwise)
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","log(val_i),val_i"),
+ params("fl","log(val_i)","fl","val_i"))) {
+ assertQ(id + " " + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get", "wt","xml","id",id)
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ // true for both these specific docs
+ ,"//doc/double[@name='log(val_i)'][.='0.0']"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i'][.='1']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
public void testFunctionsAndScore() throws Exception {
@@ -253,8 +347,27 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9287")
+ public void testFunctionsAndScoreRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","score","fl","log(val_i)","fl","abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","score","fl","log(val_i),abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","score,log(val_i)","fl","abs(val_i)"),
+ params("fl","score,log(val_i),abs(val_i)"))) {
+ assertQ("id="+id+", p="+p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/double[@name='log(val_i)']"
+ ,"//doc/float[@name='abs(val_i)']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testGlobs() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*")
@@ -263,26 +376,45 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("q", "*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*,subj*,ss*"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*,ss*"),
+ params("q", "*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","ss*"))) {
- assertQ("fl=val_*,subj*",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*,subj*")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ assertQ(p.toString(),
+ req(p)
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='ssto'][.='X']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=2]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=val_*&fl=subj*",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=2]"
- );
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ(id + ": fl=val_*",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml", "fl","val_*")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i'][.=1]"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=1]"
+ );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,ss*"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,ss*"))) {
+ assertQ(id + ": " + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i'][.=1]"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='subject']" // value differs between docs
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='ssto'][.='X']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=3]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testGlobsAndExplicit() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*,id")
@@ -293,27 +425,49 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
- assertQ("fl=val_*,subj*,id",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*,subj*,id")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=val_*&fl=subj*&fl=id",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","id")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,id"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","id"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,id"))) {
+ assertQ("" + p,
+ req(p, "q","*:*", "rows", "1")
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGlobsAndExplicitRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ(id + " + fl=val_*,id",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml", "fl","val_*,id")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i'][.=1]"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,id"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","id"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,id"))) {
+ assertQ(id + " + " + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i'][.=1]"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=3]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testGlobsAndScore() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*,score", "indent", "true")
@@ -323,127 +477,205 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
- assertQ("fl=val_*,subj*,score",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","val_*,subj*,score")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=val_*&fl=subj*&fl=score",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","score")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,score"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,score"))) {
+ assertQ("" + p,
+ req(p, "q","*:*", "rows", "1")
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9287")
+ public void testGlobsAndScoreRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted, score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ(id + ": fl=val_*,score",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml", "fl","val_*,score")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=1]"
+ );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","val_*,subj*,score"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","val_*","fl","subj*,score"))) {
+ assertQ("" + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testAugmenters() throws Exception {
req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","[docid]")
- assertQ("fl=[docid],[explain]",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","[docid],[explain]")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=2]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=[docid]&fl=[explain]",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1", "fl","[docid]","fl","[explain]")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=2]"
- );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","[docid],[shard],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","[docid],[shard]","fl","[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","[docid]","fl","[shard]","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ assertQ("" + p,
+ req(p, "q","*:*", "rows", "1")
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[shard]'][.='[not a shard request]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=4]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9288")
+ public void testDocIdAugmenterRTG() throws Exception {
+ // NOTE: once this test is fixed to pass, testAugmentersRTG should also be updated to test [docid]
+ // TODO: behavior of fl=[docid] should be consistent regardless of wether doc is committed
+ // what should behavior be?
+ // right now, for an uncommited doc, [docid] is silently ignored and no value included in result
+ // perhaps it should be "null" or "-1" ?
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ assertQ(id + ": fl=[docid]",
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml", "fl","[docid]")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=1]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmentersRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","[shard],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","[shard]","fl","[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","[shard]","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ assertQ(id + ": " + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ // ,"//doc/int[@name='[docid]']" // TODO
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='[shard]'][.='[not a shard request]']"
+ // RTG: [explain] should be missing (ignored)
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testAugmentersAndExplicit() throws Exception {
- assertQ("fl=[docid],id",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","[docid],id")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","id,[docid],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","id","fl","[docid],[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","id","fl","[docid]","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ assertQ(p.toString(),
+ req(p, "q","*:*", "rows", "1")
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=2]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=[docid],[explain],id",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","[docid],[explain],id")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=[docid]&fl=[explain]&fl=id",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","[docid]","fl","[explain]","fl","id")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=4]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAugmentersAndExplicitRTG() throws Exception {
+ // behavior shouldn't matter if we are committed or uncommitted
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","id,[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","id","fl","[explain],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"),
+ params("fl","id","fl","[explain]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]"))) {
+ assertQ(id + ": " + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='id']"
+ // ,"//doc/int[@name='[docid]']" // TODO
+ // RTG: [explain] should be missing (ignored)
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=2]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testAugmentersAndScore() throws Exception {
- assertQ("fl=[docid],score",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","[docid],score")
+ assertQ(req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
+ "fl","[docid],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],score")
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=2]"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","[docid],x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain],score"),
+ params("fl","[docid]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain]","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","[docid]","fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]","fl","[explain]","fl","score"))) {
- assertQ("fl=[docid],[explain],score",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","[docid],[explain],score")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
- assertQ("fl=[docid]&fl=[explain]&fl=score",
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1",
- "fl","[docid]","fl","[explain]","fl","score")
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
- );
+ assertQ(p.toString(),
+ req(p, "q","*:*", "rows", "1")
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=4]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9287")
+ public void testAugmentersAndScoreRTG() throws Exception {
+ // if we use RTG (committed or otherwise) score should be ignored
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ assertQ(id,
+ req("qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml",
+ "fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],score")
+ // ,"//doc/int[@name='[docid]']" // TODO
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=1]"
+ );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain],score"),
+ params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int],[explain]","fl","score"),
+ params("fl","x_alias:[value v=10 t=int]","fl","[explain]","fl","score"))) {
+ assertQ(p.toString(),
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ // ,"//doc/int[@name='[docid]']" // TODO
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='x_alias'][.=10]"
+ // RTG: [explain] and score should be missing (ignored)
+ ,"//doc[count(*)=1]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
- @Test
public void testAugmentersGlobsExplicitAndScoreOhMy() throws Exception {
Random random = random();
@@ -456,42 +688,63 @@ public class TestPseudoReturnFields extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
Collections.shuffle(fl, random);
- final String singleFl = StringUtils.join(fl.toArray(),',');
- assertQ("fl=" + singleFl,
- req("q","*:*", "rows", "1","fl",singleFl)
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=6]"
- );
- final List params = new ArrayList<>((fl.size()*2) + 4);
- final StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();
- params.addAll(Arrays.asList("q","*:*", "rows", "1"));
+ final SolrParams singleFl = params("q","*:*", "rows", "1","fl",StringUtils.join(fl.toArray(),','));
+ final ModifiableSolrParams multiFl = params("q","*:*", "rows", "1");
for (String item : fl) {
- params.add("fl");
- params.add(item);
- info.append("&fl=").append(item);
+ multiFl.add("fl",item);
- assertQ(info.toString(),
- req((String[])params.toArray(new String[0]))
- ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
- ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
- ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
- ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
- ,"//result/doc[count(*)=6]"
- );
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(singleFl, multiFl)) {
+ assertQ(p.toString(),
+ req(p)
+ ,"//result[@numFound='5']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='id']"
+ ,"//result/doc/float[@name='score']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='val_i']"
+ ,"//result/doc/int[@name='[docid]']"
+ ,"//result/doc/str[@name='[explain]']"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=6]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @AwaitsFix(bugUrl="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9287")
+ public void testAugmentersGlobsExplicitAndScoreOhMyRTG() throws Exception {
+ Random random = random();
+ // NOTE: 'ssto' is the missing one
+ final List fl = Arrays.asList
+ // NOTE: once testDocIdAugmenterRTG can pass, [docid] should be tested here as well.
+ ("id","[explain]","score","val_*","subj*");
+ final int iters = atLeast(random, 10);
+ for (int i = 0; i< iters; i++) {
+ Collections.shuffle(fl, random);
+ final SolrParams singleFl = params("fl",StringUtils.join(fl.toArray(),','));
+ final ModifiableSolrParams multiFl = params();
+ for (String item : fl) {
+ multiFl.add("fl",item);
+ }
+ // RTG behavior should be consistent, (committed or otherwise)
+ for (String id : Arrays.asList("42","99")) {
+ for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(singleFl, multiFl)) {
+ assertQ(id + ": " + p,
+ req(p, "qt","/get","id",id, "wt","xml")
+ ,"count(//doc)=1"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='id']"
+ // ,"//doc/int[@name='[docid]']" // TODO
+ // RTG: [explain] and score should be missing (ignored)
+ ,"//doc/int[@name='val_i'][.=1]"
+ ,"//doc/str[@name='subject']"
+ ,"//result/doc[count(*)=3]"
+ );
+ }
+ }