mirror of https://github.com/apache/lucene.git
SOLR-5725: facet.exists=true caps counts by 1 to make facet.method=enum
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ prefix, then you will now get an error as these options are incompatible with nu
New Features
* SOLR-5725: facet.method=enum can bypass exact counts calculation with facet.exists=true, it just returns 1 for
terms which exists in result docset. (Alexey Kozhemiakin, Sebastian Koziel, Radoslaw Zielinski via Mikhail Khludnev)
Bug Fixes
@ -1265,7 +1265,14 @@ public class FacetComponent extends SearchComponent {
if (facetFs != null) {
for (String field : facetFs) {
DistribFieldFacet ff = new DistribFieldFacet(rb, field);
final DistribFieldFacet ff;
if (params.getFieldBool(field, FacetParams.FACET_EXISTS, false)) {
// cap facet count by 1 with this method
ff = new DistribFacetExistsField(rb, field);
} else {
ff = new DistribFieldFacet(rb, field);
facets.put(ff.getKey(), ff);
@ -1469,7 +1476,7 @@ public class FacetComponent extends SearchComponent {
sfc.termNum = termNum++;
counts.put(name, sfc);
sfc.count += count;
incCount(sfc, count);
last = count;
@ -1485,6 +1492,10 @@ public class FacetComponent extends SearchComponent {
missingMax[shardNum] = last;
counted[shardNum] = terms;
protected void incCount(ShardFacetCount sfc, long count) {
sfc.count += count;
public ShardFacetCount[] getLexSorted() {
ShardFacetCount[] arr
@ -1530,7 +1541,7 @@ public class FacetComponent extends SearchComponent {
* <b>This API is experimental and subject to change</b>
@ -1547,4 +1558,18 @@ public class FacetComponent extends SearchComponent {
private static final class DistribFacetExistsField extends DistribFieldFacet {
private DistribFacetExistsField(ResponseBuilder rb, String facetStr) {
super(rb, facetStr);
SimpleFacets.checkMincountOnExists(field, minCount);
protected void incCount(ShardFacetCount sfc, long count) {
if (count>0) {
sfc.count = 1;
@ -406,7 +406,8 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
String prefix = params.getFieldParam(field, FacetParams.FACET_PREFIX);
String contains = params.getFieldParam(field, FacetParams.FACET_CONTAINS);
boolean ignoreCase = params.getFieldBool(field, FacetParams.FACET_CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE, false);
boolean exists = params.getFieldBool(field, FacetParams.FACET_EXISTS, false);
NamedList<Integer> counts;
SchemaField sf = searcher.getSchema().getField(field);
FieldType ft = sf.getType();
@ -422,13 +423,15 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
requestedMethod = FacetMethod.FC;
} else if(FacetParams.FACET_METHOD_uif.equals(methodStr)) {
requestedMethod = FacetMethod.UIF;
} else {
final boolean multiToken = sf.multiValued() || ft.multiValuedFieldCache();
FacetMethod appliedFacetMethod = selectFacetMethod(sf, requestedMethod, mincount);
FacetMethod appliedFacetMethod = selectFacetMethod(field,
sf, requestedMethod, mincount,
RTimer timer = null;
if (fdebug != null) {
@ -446,7 +449,8 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
switch (appliedFacetMethod) {
case ENUM:
assert TrieField.getMainValuePrefix(ft) == null;
counts = getFacetTermEnumCounts(searcher, docs, field, offset, limit, mincount,missing,sort,prefix, contains, ignoreCase, params);
counts = getFacetTermEnumCounts(searcher, docs, field, offset, limit, mincount,missing,sort,prefix, contains, ignoreCase,
case FCS:
assert !multiToken;
@ -538,6 +542,29 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
return counts;
* @param existsRequested facet.exists=true is passed for the given field
* */
static FacetMethod selectFacetMethod(String fieldName,
SchemaField field, FacetMethod method, Integer mincount,
boolean existsRequested) {
if (existsRequested) {
checkMincountOnExists(fieldName, mincount);
if (method == null) {
method = FacetMethod.ENUM;
final FacetMethod facetMethod = selectFacetMethod(field, method, mincount);
if (existsRequested && facetMethod!=FacetMethod.ENUM) {
throw new SolrException (ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
FacetParams.FACET_EXISTS + "=true is requested, but "+
FacetParams.FACET_METHOD+"="+FacetParams.FACET_METHOD_enum+ " can't be used with "+fieldName
return facetMethod;
* This method will force the appropriate facet method even if the user provided a different one as a request parameter
@ -811,7 +838,8 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
* @see FacetParams#FACET_ZEROS
* @see FacetParams#FACET_MISSING
public NamedList<Integer> getFacetTermEnumCounts(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, DocSet docs, String field, int offset, int limit, int mincount, boolean missing, String sort, String prefix, String contains, boolean ignoreCase, SolrParams params)
public NamedList<Integer> getFacetTermEnumCounts(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, DocSet docs, String field, int offset, int limit, int mincount, boolean missing,
String sort, String prefix, String contains, boolean ignoreCase, boolean intersectsCheck)
throws IOException {
/* :TODO: potential optimization...
@ -901,7 +929,11 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
deState.postingsEnum = postingsEnum;
c = searcher.numDocs(docs, deState);
if (intersectsCheck) {
c = searcher.intersects(docs, deState) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
c = searcher.numDocs(docs, deState);
postingsEnum = deState.postingsEnum;
} else {
@ -916,19 +948,33 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
if (postingsEnum instanceof MultiPostingsEnum) {
MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice[] subs = ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getSubs();
int numSubs = ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getNumSubs();
for (int subindex = 0; subindex < numSubs; subindex++) {
MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice sub = subs[subindex];
if (sub.postingsEnum == null) continue;
int base = sub.slice.start;
int docid;
while ((docid = sub.postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid + base)) c++;
if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid + base)) {
if (intersectsCheck) {
assert c==1;
} else {
int docid;
while ((docid = postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid)) c++;
if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid)) {
if (intersectsCheck) {
assert c==1;
@ -969,6 +1015,15 @@ public class SimpleFacets {
return res;
public static void checkMincountOnExists(String fieldName, int mincount) {
if (mincount > 1) {
throw new SolrException (ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
FacetParams.FACET_MINCOUNT + "="+mincount+" exceed 1 that's not supported with " +
FacetParams.FACET_EXISTS + "=true for " + fieldName
* A simple key=>val pair whose natural order is such that
* <b>higher</b> vals come before lower vals.
@ -2285,6 +2285,11 @@ public class SolrIndexSearcher extends IndexSearcher implements Closeable, SolrI
return all.andNotSize(positiveA.union(positiveB));
/** @lucene.internal */
public boolean intersects(DocSet a, DocsEnumState deState) throws IOException {
return a.intersects(getDocSet(deState));
* Takes a list of document IDs, and returns an array of Documents containing all of the stored fields.
@ -16,22 +16,39 @@
package org.apache.solr;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.Slow;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.noggit.JSONUtil;
import org.noggit.ObjectBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.*;
public class TestRandomFaceting extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
private static final Pattern trieFields = Pattern.compile(".*_t.");
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
public static final String FOO_STRING_FIELD = "foo_s1";
@ -80,6 +97,21 @@ public class TestRandomFaceting extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
types.add(new FldType("missing_ss",new IRange(0,0), new SVal('a','b',1,1)));
// TODO: doubles, multi-floats, ints with precisionStep>0, booleans
types.add(new FldType("small_tf",ZERO_ONE, new FVal(-4,5)));
assert trieFields.matcher("small_tf").matches();
assert !trieFields.matcher("small_f").matches();
types.add(new FldType("foo_ti",ZERO_ONE, new IRange(-2,indexSize)));
assert trieFields.matcher("foo_ti").matches();
assert !trieFields.matcher("foo_i").matches();
types.add(new FldType("bool_b",ZERO_ONE, new Vals(){
public Comparable get() {
return random().nextBoolean();
void addMoreDocs(int ndocs) throws Exception {
@ -144,8 +176,8 @@ public class TestRandomFaceting extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
List<String> multiValuedMethods = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"enum","fc"});
List<String> singleValuedMethods = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"enum","fc","fcs"});
List<String> multiValuedMethods = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"enum","fc", null});
List<String> singleValuedMethods = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"enum","fc","fcs", null});
void doFacetTests(FldType ftype) throws Exception {
@ -154,10 +186,9 @@ public class TestRandomFaceting extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
Random rand = random();
boolean validate = validateResponses;
ModifiableSolrParams params = params("facet","true", "wt","json", "indent","true", "omitHeader","true");
params.add("q","*:*", "rows","0"); // TODO: select subsets
params.add("q","*:*"); // TODO: select subsets
SchemaField sf = req.getSchema().getField(ftype.fname);
boolean multiValued = sf.getType().multiValuedFieldCache();
@ -198,6 +229,10 @@ public class TestRandomFaceting extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
params.add("facet.missing", "true");
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
params.add("facet.enum.cache.minDf",""+ rand.nextInt(indexSize));
// TODO: randomly add other facet params
String key = ftype.fname;
String facet_field = ftype.fname;
@ -210,45 +245,207 @@ public class TestRandomFaceting extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
List<String> methods = multiValued ? multiValuedMethods : singleValuedMethods;
List<String> responses = new ArrayList<>(methods.size());
for (String method : methods) {
// params.add("facet.field", "{!key="+method+"}" + ftype.fname);
// TODO: allow method to be passed on local params?
params.set("facet.method", method);
// if (random().nextBoolean()) params.set("facet.mincount", "1"); // uncomment to test that validation fails
String strResponse = h.query(req(params));
// Object realResponse = ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(strResponse);
// System.out.println(strResponse);
for (boolean exists : new boolean [] {false, true}) {
// params.add("facet.field", "{!key="+method+"}" + ftype.fname);
// TODO: allow method to be passed on local params?
if (method!=null) {
params.set("facet.method", method);
} else {
params.set("facet.exists", ""+exists);
if (!exists && rand.nextBoolean()) {
// if (random().nextBoolean()) params.set("facet.mincount", "1"); // uncomment to test that validation fails
if (params.getInt("facet.limit", 100)!=0) { // it bypasses all processing, and we can go to empty validation
if (exists && params.getInt("facet.mincount", 0)>1) {
assertQEx("no mincount on facet.exists",
rand.nextBoolean() ? "facet.exists":"facet.mincount",
req(params), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
// facet.exists can't be combined with non-enum nor with enum requested for tries, because it will be flipped to FC/FCS
final boolean notEnum = method != null && !method.equals("enum");
final boolean trieField = trieFields.matcher(ftype.fname).matches();
if ((notEnum || trieField) && exists) {
assertQEx("facet.exists only when enum or ommitted",
"facet.exists", req(params), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
String strResponse = h.query(req(params));
if (responses.size()>1) {
validateResponse(responses.get(0), strResponse, params, method, methods);
String strResponse = h.query(req(params));
Object realResponse = ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(strResponse);
if (validate) {
for (int i=1; i<methods.size(); i++) {
String err = JSONTestUtil.match("/", responses.get(i), responses.get(0), 0.0);
if (err != null) {
log.error("ERROR: mismatch facet response: " + err +
"\n expected =" + responses.get(0) +
"\n response = " + responses.get(i) +
"\n request = " + params
} finally {
private void validateResponse(String expected, String actual, ModifiableSolrParams params, String method,
List<String> methods) throws Exception {
if (params.getBool("facet.exists", false)) {
if (isSortByCount(params)) { // it's challenged with facet.sort=count
expected = getExpectationForSortByCount(params, methods);// that requires to recalculate expactation
} else { // facet.sort=index
expected = capFacetCountsTo1(expected);
String err = JSONTestUtil.match("/", actual, expected, 0.0);
if (err != null) {
log.error("ERROR: mismatch facet response: " + err +
"\n expected =" + expected +
"\n response = " + actual +
"\n request = " + params
/** if facet.exists=true with facet.sort=counts,
* it should return all values with 1 hits ordered by label index
* then all vals with 0 , and then missing count with null label,
* in the implementation below they are called three stratas
* */
private String getExpectationForSortByCount( ModifiableSolrParams params, List<String> methods) throws Exception {
String indexSortedResponse = getIndexSortedAllFacetValues(params, methods);
return transformFacetFields(indexSortedResponse, e -> {
List<Object> facetSortedByIndex = (List<Object>) e.getValue();
Map<Integer,List<Object>> stratas = new HashMap<Integer,List<Object>>(){
@Override // poor man multimap, I won't do that anymore, I swear.
public List<Object> get(Object key) {
if (!containsKey(key)) {
put((Integer) key, new ArrayList<>());
return super.get(key);
for (Iterator iterator = facetSortedByIndex.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Object label = (Object) iterator.next();
Long count = (Long) iterator.next();
final Integer strata;
if (label==null) { // missing (here "stratas" seems like overengineering )
strata = null;
}else {
if (count>0) {
count = 1L; // capping here
strata = 1; // non-zero count become zero
} else {
strata = 0; // zero-count
final List<Object> facet = stratas.get(strata);
List stratified =new ArrayList<>();
for(Integer s : new Integer[]{1, 0}) { // non-zero capped to one goes first, zeroes go then
}// cropping them now
int offset=params.getInt("facet.offset", 0) * 2;
int end = offset + params.getInt("facet.limit", 100) * 2 ;
int fromIndex = offset > stratified.size() ? stratified.size() : offset;
stratified = stratified.subList(fromIndex,
end > stratified.size() ? stratified.size() : end);
if (params.getInt("facet.limit", 100)>0) { /// limit=0 omits even miss count
private String getIndexSortedAllFacetValues(ModifiableSolrParams in, List<String> methods) throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(in);
params.set("facet.sort", "index");
String goodOldMethod = methods.get(random().nextInt( methods.size()));
params.set("facet.method", goodOldMethod);
params.set("facet.exists", "false");
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
final String query;
SolrQueryRequest req = null;
try {
req = req(params);
query = h.query(req);
} finally {
return query;
private boolean isSortByCount(ModifiableSolrParams in) {
boolean sortIsCount;
String sortParam = in.get("facet.sort");
sortIsCount = "count".equals(sortParam) || (sortParam==null && in.getInt("facet.limit",100)>0);
return sortIsCount;
* {
* */
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private String capFacetCountsTo1(String expected) throws IOException {
return transformFacetFields(expected, e -> {
List<Object> facetValues = (List<Object>) e.getValue();
for (ListIterator iterator = facetValues.listIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Object value = iterator.next();
Long count = (Long) iterator.next();
if (value!=null && count > 1) {
private String transformFacetFields(String expected, Consumer<Map.Entry<Object,Object>> consumer) throws IOException {
Object json = ObjectBuilder.fromJSON(expected);
Map facet_fields = getFacetFieldMap(json);
Set entries = facet_fields.entrySet();
for (Object facetTuples : entries) { //despite there should be only one field
Entry entry = (Entry)facetTuples;
return JSONUtil.toJSON(json);
private Map getFacetFieldMap(Object json) {
Object facet_counts = ((Map)json).get("facet_counts");
Map facet_fields = (Map) ((Map)facet_counts).get("facet_fields");
return facet_fields;
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.handler.component;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.solr.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.junit.Before;
public class DistributedFacetExistsSmallTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
public static final String FLD = "t_s";
private int maxId;
public DistributedFacetExistsSmallTest() {
public void prepareIndex() throws Exception {
final Random rnd = random();
index(id, maxId=rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "AAA");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "B");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "BB");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "BB");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "BBB");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "BBB");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "BBB");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "CC");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "CC");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "CCC");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "CCC");
index(id, maxId+=1+rnd.nextInt(5), FLD, "CCC");
final SolrClient shard0 = clients.get(0);
// expectidly fails test
//shard0.add(sdoc("id", 13, FLD, "DDD"));
handle.put("QTime", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("timestamp", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("maxScore", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("_version_", SKIPVAL);
public void test() throws Exception{
// empty enum for checking npe
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams();
QueryResponse rsp = query(params);
private void checkRandomParams() throws Exception {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams();
Random rand = random();
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
int from;
params.set("q", "["+(from = rand.nextInt(maxId/2))+
" TO "+((from-1)+(rand.nextInt(maxId)))+"]");
int offset = 0;
int indexSize = 6;
if (rand .nextInt(100) < 20) {
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
offset = rand.nextInt(100) < 10 ? rand.nextInt(indexSize *2) : rand.nextInt(indexSize/3+1);
params.add("facet.offset", Integer.toString(offset));
int limit = 100;
if (rand.nextInt(100) < 20) {
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
limit = rand.nextInt(100) < 10 ? rand.nextInt(indexSize/2+1) : rand.nextInt(indexSize*2);
params.add("facet.limit", Integer.toString(limit));
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
params.add("facet.sort", rand.nextBoolean() ? "index" : "count");
if ( rand.nextInt(100) < 20) {
final String[] prefixes = new String[] {"A","B","C"};
params.add("facet.prefix", prefixes[rand.nextInt(prefixes.length)]);
if (rand.nextInt(100) < 20) {
params.add("facet.missing", "true");
if (rand.nextInt(100) < 20) { // assigning only valid vals
params.add("facet.mincount", rand.nextBoolean() ? "0": "1" );
private void checkInvalidMincount() throws SolrServerException, IOException {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams();
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
params.set("facet.mincount", ""+(2+random().nextInt(100)) );
} else {
params.set("f."+FLD+".facet.mincount", ""+(2+random().nextInt(100)) );
try {
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
} else {
params.set("distrib", "false");
} catch(SolrException e) { // check that distr and single index search fail the same
assertEquals(e.code(), ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code);
private void checkBasicRequest() throws Exception {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams();
QueryResponse rsp = query(params);
private void checkWithMinCountEqOne() throws Exception {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams("facet.mincount","1");
QueryResponse rsp = query(params);
private void checkWithSortCount() throws Exception {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams("facet.sort","count");
QueryResponse rsp = query(params);
private void checkWithMethodSetPerField() throws Exception {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = buildParams("f." + FLD + ".facet.exists", "true");
QueryResponse rsp = query(params);
private ModifiableSolrParams buildParams(String... additionalParams) {
final ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.add("q", "*:*");
params.add("rows", "0");
//params.add("debugQuery", "true");
params.add("facet", "true");
params.add("sort", "id asc");
params.add("facet.method", "enum");
params.add("facet.exists", "true");
params.add("facet.field", FLD);
for(int i = 0; i < additionalParams.length;) {
params.add(additionalParams[i++], additionalParams[i++]);
return params;
private void assertResponse(QueryResponse rsp) {
final FacetField facetField = rsp.getFacetField(FLD);
assertThat(facetField.getValueCount(), is(6));
final List<FacetField.Count> counts = facetField.getValues();
for (FacetField.Count count : counts) {
assertThat("Count for: " + count.getName(), count.getCount(), is(1L));
assertThat(counts.get(0).getName(), is("AAA"));
assertThat(counts.get(1).getName(), is("B"));
assertThat(counts.get(2).getName(), is("BB"));
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.apache.solr.util.TimeZoneUtils;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.noggit.ObjectBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
@ -494,11 +493,9 @@ public class SimpleFacetsTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
ModifiableSolrParams params = params("q","*:*", "rows","0", "facet","true", "facet.field","{!key=myalias}"+field);
String[] methods = {null, "fc","enum","fcs", "uif"
String[] methods = {null, "fc","enum","fcs", "uif"};
if (sf.multiValued() || sf.getType().multiValuedFieldCache()) {
methods = new String[]{null, "fc","enum", "uif"
methods = new String[]{null, "fc","enum", "uif"};
prefixes = prefixes==null ? new String[]{null} : prefixes;
@ -2017,6 +2014,49 @@ public class SimpleFacetsTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
doFacetPrefix("t_s", null, "", "facet.method", "enum", "facet.enum.cache.minDf", "3");
doFacetPrefix("t_s", null, "", "facet.method", "enum", "facet.enum.cache.minDf", "100");
doFacetPrefix("t_s", null, "", "facet.method", "fc");
doFacetExistsPrefix("t_s", null, "");
doFacetExistsPrefix("t_s", null, "", "facet.enum.cache.minDf", "3");
doFacetExistsPrefix("t_s", null, "", "facet.enum.cache.minDf", "100");
public void testFacetExistsShouldThrowExceptionForMincountGreaterThanOne () throws Exception {
final String f = "t_s";
final List<String> msg = Arrays.asList("facet.mincount", "facet.exists", f);
Collections.shuffle(msg, random());
assertQEx("checking global method or per field", msg.get(0),
req("q", "id:[* TO *]"
, random().nextBoolean() ? "facet.exists": "f."+f+".facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", f
, random().nextBoolean() ? "facet.mincount" : "f."+f+".facet.mincount" ,
"" + (2+random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE-2))
, ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
assertQ("overriding per field",
req("q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"f."+f+".facet.exists", "false"
,"facet.field", f
assertQ("overriding per field",
req("q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", f
,"f."+f+".facet.mincount", random().nextBoolean() ? "0":"1"
static void indexFacetPrefixSingleValued() {
@ -2037,7 +2077,7 @@ public class SimpleFacetsTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
@Ignore("SOLR-8466 - facet.method=uif ignores facet.contains")
//@Ignore("SOLR-8466 - facet.method=uif ignores facet.contains")
public void testFacetContainsUif() {
doFacetContains("contains_s1", "contains_group_s1", "Astra", "BAst", "Ast", "facet.method", "uif");
doFacetPrefix("contains_s1", null, "Astra", "facet.method", "uif", "facet.contains", "Ast");
@ -2063,6 +2103,7 @@ public class SimpleFacetsTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
doFacetPrefix("contains_s1", null, "Astra", "facet.method", "enum", "facet.contains", "aSt", "facet.contains.ignoreCase", "true");
doFacetPrefix("contains_s1", null, "Astra", "facet.method", "fcs", "facet.contains", "asT", "facet.contains.ignoreCase", "true");
doFacetPrefix("contains_s1", null, "Astra", "facet.method", "fc", "facet.contains", "aST", "facet.contains.ignoreCase", "true");
doFacetExistsPrefix("contains_s1", null, "Astra", "facet.contains", "Ast");
static void indexFacetPrefix(String idPrefix, String f, String termSuffix, String g) {
@ -2313,6 +2354,239 @@ public class SimpleFacetsTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public void doFacetExistsPrefix(String f, String local, String termSuffix, String... params) {
String indent="on";
String pre = "//lst[@name='"+f+"']";
String lf = local==null ? f : local+f;
assertQ("test field facet.method",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"indent", indent
,"facet", "true"
,"f."+lf+".facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
,"facet.mincount", "0"
,"facet.offset", "0"
,"facet.limit", "100"
,"facet.sort", "count"
,"facet.prefix", "B"
assertQ("test facet.prefix middle, exact match first term",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix middle, exact match first term, unsorted",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix middle, paging",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix middle, paging",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix end, not exact match",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix end, exact match",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix past end",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix past end",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix at start, exact match",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix at Start, not exact match",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix before start",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
assertQ("test facet.prefix before start",
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
// test offset beyond what is collected internally in queue
req(params, "q", "id:[* TO *]"
,"facet.exists", "true"
,"facet.field", lf
public void doFacetContains(String f, String g, String termSuffix, String contains, String groupContains, String... params) {
String indent="on";
String pre = "//lst[@name='"+f+"']";
@ -185,6 +185,14 @@ public interface FacetParams {
* only use the filterCache for terms with a df >= to this parameter.
public static final String FACET_ENUM_CACHE_MINDF = FACET + ".enum.cache.minDf";
* A boolean parameter that caps the facet counts at 1.
* With this set, a returned count will only be 0 or 1.
* For apps that don't need the count, this should be an optimization
public static final String FACET_EXISTS = FACET+".exists";
* Any field whose terms the user wants to enumerate over for
* Facet Contraint Counts (multi-value)
Reference in New Issue