# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import io import os import re import subprocess import sys class Version(object): def __init__(self, major, minor, bugfix): self.major = major self.minor = minor self.bugfix = bugfix self.previous_dot_matcher = self.make_previous_matcher() self.dot = '%d.%d.%d' % (self.major, self.minor, self.bugfix) self.constant = 'LUCENE_%d_%d_%d' % (self.major, self.minor, self.bugfix) @classmethod def parse(cls, value): match = re.search(r'(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)', value) if match is None: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Version argument must be of format x.y.z') return Version(*[int(v) for v in match.groups()]) def __str__(self): return self.dot def make_previous_matcher(self, prefix='', suffix='', sep='\\.'): if self.is_bugfix_release(): pattern = '%s%s%s%s%d' % (self.major, sep, self.minor, sep, self.bugfix - 1) elif self.is_minor_release(): pattern = '%s%s%d%s\\d+' % (self.major, sep, self.minor - 1, sep) else: pattern = '%d%s\\d+%s\\d+' % (self.major - 1, sep, sep) return re.compile(prefix + '(' + pattern + ')' + suffix) def is_bugfix_release(self): return self.bugfix != 0 def is_minor_release(self): return self.bugfix == 0 and self.minor != 0 def is_major_release(self): return self.bugfix == 0 and self.minor == 0 def run(cmd): try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e.output.decode('utf-8')) raise e def update_file(filename, line_re, edit): infile = open(filename, 'r') buffer = [] changed = False for line in infile: if not changed: match = line_re.search(line) if match: changed = edit(buffer, match, line) if changed is None: return False continue buffer.append(line) if not changed: raise Exception('Could not find %s in %s' % (line_re, filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(''.join(buffer)) return True def update_changes(filename, new_version): print(' adding new section to %s...' % filename, end='') matcher = re.compile(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s+===') def edit(buffer, match, line): if new_version.dot in line: return None match = new_version.previous_dot_matcher.search(line) if match is not None: buffer.append(line.replace(match.group(0), new_version.dot)) buffer.append('(No Changes)\n\n') buffer.append(line) return match is not None changed = update_file(filename, matcher, edit) print('done' if changed else 'uptodate') def add_constant(new_version, deprecate): filename = 'lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/util/Version.java' print(' adding constant %s...' % new_version.constant, end='') constant_prefix = 'public static final Version LUCENE_' matcher = re.compile(constant_prefix) prev_matcher = new_version.make_previous_matcher(prefix=constant_prefix, sep='_') def ensure_deprecated(buffer): last = buffer[-1] if last.strip() != '@Deprecated': spaces = ' ' * (len(last) - len(last.lstrip()) - 1) buffer[-1] = spaces + (' * @deprecated (%s) Use latest\n' % new_version) buffer.append(spaces + ' */\n') buffer.append(spaces + '@Deprecated\n') def buffer_constant(buffer, line): spaces = ' ' * (len(line) - len(line.lstrip())) buffer.append('\n' + spaces + '/**\n') buffer.append(spaces + ' * Match settings and bugs in Lucene\'s %s release.\n' % new_version) if deprecate: buffer.append(spaces + ' * @deprecated Use latest\n') buffer.append(spaces + ' */\n') if deprecate: buffer.append(spaces + '@Deprecated\n') buffer.append(spaces + 'public static final Version %s = new Version(%d, %d, %d);\n' % (new_version.constant, new_version.major, new_version.minor, new_version.bugfix)) class Edit(object): found = -1 def __call__(self, buffer, match, line): if new_version.constant in line: return None # constant already exists # outter match is just to find lines declaring version constants match = prev_matcher.search(line) if match is not None: ensure_deprecated(buffer) # old version should be deprecated self.found = len(buffer) + 1 # extra 1 for buffering current line below elif self.found != -1: # we didn't match, but we previously had a match, so insert new version here # first find where to insert (first empty line before current constant) c = [] buffer_constant(c, line) tmp = buffer[self.found:] buffer[self.found:] = c buffer.extend(tmp) buffer.append(line) return True buffer.append(line) return False changed = update_file(filename, matcher, Edit()) print('done' if changed else 'uptodate') version_prop_re = re.compile('version\.base=(.*)') def update_build_version(new_version): print(' changing version.base...', end='') filename = 'lucene/version.properties' def edit(buffer, match, line): if new_version.dot in line: return None buffer.append('version.base=' + new_version.dot + '\n') return True changed = update_file(filename, version_prop_re, edit) print('done' if changed else 'uptodate') def update_latest_constant(new_version): print(' changing Version.LATEST to %s...' % new_version.constant, end='') filename = 'lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/util/Version.java' matcher = re.compile('public static final Version LATEST') def edit(buffer, match, line): if new_version.constant in line: return None buffer.append(line.rpartition('=')[0] + ('= %s;\n' % new_version.constant)) return True changed = update_file(filename, matcher, edit) print('done' if changed else 'uptodate') def update_example_solrconfigs(new_version): print(' updating example solrconfig.xml files') matcher = re.compile('') for root,dirs,files in os.walk('solr/example'): for f in files: if f == 'solrconfig.xml': update_solrconfig(os.path.join(root, f), matcher, new_version) def update_solrconfig(filename, matcher, new_version): print(' %s...' % filename, end='') def edit(buffer, match, line): if new_version.dot in line: return None match = new_version.previous_dot_matcher.search(line) if match is None: return False buffer.append(line.replace(match.group(1), new_version.dot)) return True changed = update_file(filename, matcher, edit) print('done' if changed else 'uptodate') def codec_exists(version): codecs_dir = 'lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/codecs' codec_file = '%(dir)s/lucene%(x)s%(y)s/Lucene%(x)s%(y)sCodec.java' return os.path.exists(codec_file % {'x': version.major, 'y': version.minor, 'dir': codecs_dir}) def create_backcompat_indexes(version, on_trunk): majorminor = '%d%d' % (version.major, version.minor) codec = 'Lucene%s' % majorminor backcompat_dir = 'lucene/backward-codecs' if on_trunk else 'lucene/core' create_index(codec, backcompat_dir, 'cfs', majorminor) create_index(codec, backcompat_dir, 'nocfs', majorminor) def create_index(codec, codecs_dir, type, majorminor): filename = 'index.%s.%s.zip' % (majorminor, type) print(' creating %s...' % filename, end='') index_dir = 'src/test/org/apache/lucene/index' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(codecs_dir, index_dir, filename)): print('uptodate') return test = {'cfs': 'testCreateCFS', 'nocfs': 'testCreateNonCFS'}[type] ant_args = ' '.join([ '-Dtests.codec=%s' % codec, '-Dtests.useSecurityManager=false', '-Dtestcase=CreateBackwardsCompatibilityIndex', '-Dtestmethod=%s' % test ]) base_dir = os.getcwd() bc_index_dir = '/tmp/idx/index.%s' % type bc_index_file = os.path.join(bc_index_dir, filename) success = False if not os.path.exists(bc_index_file): os.chdir(codecs_dir) run('ant test %s' % ant_args) os.chdir('/tmp/idx/index.%s' % type) run('zip %s *' % filename) run('cp %s %s' % (bc_index_file, os.path.join(base_dir, codecs_dir, index_dir))) os.chdir(base_dir) run('svn add %s' % os.path.join(codecs_dir, index_dir, filename)) success = True os.chdir(base_dir) run('rm -rf %s' % bc_index_dir) if success: print('done') def update_backcompat_tests(version, on_trunk): majorminor = '%d%d' % (version.major, version.minor) print(' adding new indexes to backcompat tests...', end='') basedir = 'lucene/backward-codecs' if on_trunk else 'lucene/core' filename = '%s/src/test/org/apache/lucene/index/TestBackwardsCompatibility.java' % basedir matcher = re.compile(r'final static String\[\] oldNames = {|};') cfs_name = '%s.cfs' % majorminor nocfs_name = '%s.nocfs' % majorminor class Edit(object): start = None def __call__(self, buffer, match, line): if self.start: # first check if the indexes we are adding already exist last_ndx = len(buffer) - 1 i = last_ndx while i >= self.start: if cfs_name in buffer[i]: return None i -= 1 last = buffer[last_ndx] spaces = ' ' * (len(last) - len(last.lstrip())) quote_ndx = last.find('"') quote_ndx = last.find('"', quote_ndx + 1) buffer[last_ndx] = last[:quote_ndx + 1] + "," + last[quote_ndx + 1:] buffer.append(spaces + ('"%s",\n' % cfs_name)) buffer.append(spaces + ('"%s"\n' % nocfs_name)) buffer.append(line) return True if 'oldNames' in line: self.start = len(buffer) # location of first index name buffer.append(line) return False changed = update_file(filename, matcher, Edit()) print('done' if changed else 'uptodate') def check_lucene_version_tests(): print(' checking lucene version tests...', end='') base_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir('lucene/core') run('ant test -Dtestcase=TestVersion') os.chdir(base_dir) print('ok') def check_solr_version_tests(): print(' checking solr version tests...', end='') base_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir('solr/core') run('ant test -Dtestcase=TestLuceneMatchVersion') os.chdir(base_dir) print('ok') def check_backcompat_tests(on_trunk): print(' checking backcompat tests...', end='') base_dir = os.getcwd() basedir = 'lucene/backward-codecs' if on_trunk else 'lucene/core' os.chdir(basedir) run('ant test -Dtestcase=TestBackwardsCompatibility') os.chdir(base_dir) print('ok') # branch types are "release", "stable" and "trunk" def find_branch_type(): output = subprocess.check_output('svn info', shell=True) for line in output.split(b'\n'): if line.startswith(b'URL:'): url = line.split(b'/')[-1] break else: raise Exception('svn info missing repo URL') if url == b'trunk': return 'trunk' if url.startswith(b'branch_'): return 'stable' if url.startswith(b'lucene_solr_'): return 'release' raise Exception('Cannot run bumpVersion.py on feature branch') def find_previous_version(): return version_prop_re.search(open('lucene/version.properties').read()).group(1) def merge_change(changeid, repo): print('\nMerging downstream change %d...' % changeid, end='') run('svn merge -c %d --record-only %s' % (changeid, repo)) print('done') def read_config(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Add a new version') parser.add_argument('version', type=Version.parse) parser.add_argument('-c', '--changeid', type=int, help='SVN ChangeId for downstream version change to merge') parser.add_argument('-r', '--downstream-repo', help='Path to downstream checkout for given changeid') c = parser.parse_args() c.branch_type = find_branch_type() c.matching_branch = c.version.is_bugfix_release() and c.branch_type == 'release' or \ c.version.is_minor_release() and c.branch_type == 'stable' or \ c.branch_type == 'major' if c.matching_branch: c.previous_version = Version.parse(find_previous_version()) elif c.version.is_minor_release(): c.previous_version = Version(c.version.major, c.version.minor - 1, 0) elif c.version.is_bugfix_release(): c.previous_version = Version(c.version.major, c.version.minor, c.version.bugfix - 1) if bool(c.changeid) != bool(c.downstream_repo): parser.error('--changeid and --upstream-repo must be used together') if not c.changeid and not c.matching_branch: parser.error('Must use --changeid for forward porting bugfix release version to other branches') if c.changeid and c.matching_branch: parser.error('Cannot use --changeid on branch that new version will originate on') if c.changeid and c.version.is_major_release(): parser.error('Cannot use --changeid for major release') return c def main(): c = read_config() if c.changeid: merge_change(c.changeid, c.downstream_repo) print('\nAdding new version %s' % c.version) update_changes('lucene/CHANGES.txt', c.version) update_changes('solr/CHANGES.txt', c.version) add_constant(c.version, not c.matching_branch) if not c.changeid: print('\nUpdating latest version') update_build_version(c.version) update_latest_constant(c.version) update_example_solrconfigs(c.version) run_backcompat_tests = False on_trunk = c.branch_type == 'trunk' if not c.version.is_bugfix_release() and codec_exists(c.previous_version): print('\nCreating backwards compatibility tests') create_backcompat_indexes(c.previous_version, on_trunk) update_backcompat_tests(c.previous_version, on_trunk) run_backcompat_tests = True if c.version.is_major_release(): print('\nTODO: ') print(' - Update major version bounds in Version.java') print(' - Move backcompat oldIndexes to unsupportedIndexes in TestBackwardsCompatibility') print(' - Update IndexFormatTooOldException throw cases') else: print('\nTesting changes') check_lucene_version_tests() check_solr_version_tests() if run_backcompat_tests: check_backcompat_tests(on_trunk) print() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nReceived Ctrl-C, exiting early')