/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ allprojects { apply plugin: 'base' group "org.apache" // Repositories to fetch dependencies from. repositories { mavenCentral() } // Artifacts will have names after full gradle project path // so :solr:core will have solr-core.jar, etc. project.archivesBaseName = project.path.replaceAll("^:", "").replace(':', '-') ext { // Utility method to support passing overrides via -P or -D. propertyOrDefault = { propName, defValue -> def result if (project.hasProperty(propName)) { result = project.getProperty(propName) } else if (System.properties.containsKey(propName)) { result = System.properties.get(propName) } else if (defValue instanceof Closure) { result = defValue.call() } else { result = defValue } return result } // System environment variable or default. envOrDefault = { envName, defValue -> def result = System.getenv(envName) if (result == null) { result = defValue } return result } // Either a project, system property, environment variable or default value. propertyOrEnvOrDefault = { propName, envName, defValue -> return propertyOrDefault(propName, envOrDefault(envName, defValue)); } // Locate script-relative resource folder. This is context-sensitive so pass // the right buildscript (top-level). scriptResources = { buildscript -> return file(buildscript.sourceFile.absolutePath.replaceAll('.gradle$', "")) } // Utility function similar to project.exec but not emitting // any output unless an error code is returned from the executed command. quietExec = { closure -> // Resolve any properties against the provided closure. resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY delegate = closure.delegate File outputFile = File.createTempFile("exec-output-", ".txt", getTemporaryDir()) ExecResult result boolean saveIgnoreExitValue ExecSpec saveExecSpec outputFile.withOutputStream { output -> // we want to capture both stdout and stderr to the same // stream but gradle attempts to close these separately // (it has two independent pumping threads) and it can happen // that one still tries to write something when the other closed // the underlying output stream. def wrapped = new java.io.FilterOutputStream(output) { public void close() { // no-op. we close this stream manually. } } result = project.exec { ExecSpec execSpec -> project.configure(execSpec, closure) saveIgnoreExitValue = execSpec.ignoreExitValue saveExecSpec = execSpec standardOutput = wrapped errorOutput = wrapped ignoreExitValue true } } if (result.getExitValue() != 0) { // Pipe the output to console. Intentionally skips any encoding conversion // and pumps raw bytes. logger.error(new String(outputFile.bytes)) if (!saveIgnoreExitValue) { result.rethrowFailure() throw new GradleException("The executed process ${saveExecSpec.executable} " + "returned an odd status " + "code: ${result.exitValue}, " + "output at: ${outputFile} (and logged above).") } } return result } // Convert a list of strings, tasks and task providers into resolved tasks or task providers. resolveTaskRefs = { List refs -> def resolved = refs.collect { if (it instanceof Task) return it if (it instanceof TaskProvider) return it if (it instanceof String) return project.tasks.named((String) it) throw new GradleException("Can't resolve task: ${it}") } return resolved } // Forces sequential ordering of a list of tasks (via mustRunAfter). // This method should not be required in 99% of cases, consider regular dependsOn links. // This method does NOT imply any ordering between dependencies of task on the input // list - the execution of these may still be unordered. mustRunInOrder = { List taskList -> project.afterEvaluate { def resolved = resolveTaskRefs(taskList) // Enforce sequential ordering between tasks (this does NOT apply to their dependencies!) for (int i = 1; i < resolved.size(); i++) { resolved[i].configure { logger.info("Scheduling " + resolved[i].name + " to run after " + resolved[i - 1].name) mustRunAfter resolved[i - 1] } } } return taskList } // detect if we run in CI environment by looking at existence of env vars: // "CI": Github (https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/environment-variables) // anything starting with "JENKINS_" or "HUDSON_": Jenkins/Hudson (https://jenkins.thetaphi.de/env-vars.html/) isCIBuild = System.getenv().keySet().find { it ==~ /(?i)((JENKINS|HUDSON)(_\w+)?|CI)/ } != null } }