import java.nio.file.Files /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Add a top-level pseudo-task to which we will attach individual regenerate tasks. configure(rootProject) { configurations { jflex } dependencies { jflex "de.jflex:jflex:${scriptDepVersions['jflex']}" } } def resources = scriptResources(buildscript) def skeletonDefault = file("${resources}/skeleton.default.txt") def skeletonNoBufferExpansion = file("${resources}/skeleton.disable.buffer.expansion.txt") configure(project(":lucene:core")) { task generateStandardTokenizerInternal(type: JFlexTask) { description "Regenerate" group "generation" jflexFile = file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/StandardTokenizerImpl.jflex') skeleton = skeletonNoBufferExpansion doLast { ant.replace( file: file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/'), encoding: "UTF-8", token: "private static final int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE =", value: "private int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE =" ) } } def generateStandardTokenizer = wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateStandardTokenizerInternal, [ andThenTasks: ["spotlessJava", "spotlessJavaApply"] ]) regenerate.dependsOn generateStandardTokenizer } configure(project(":lucene:analysis:common")) { task generateTldsInternal() { def tldZones = "" def jflexMacro = file("src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/email/ASCIITLD.jflex") def tldList = file("src/test/org/apache/lucene/analysis/email/TLDs.txt") description "Regenerate top-level domain jflex macros and tests" group "generation" dependsOn { } "tldZones", tldZones outputs.files jflexMacro, tldList doFirst { File tmpJflexMacro = File.createTempFile(jflexMacro.getName(), ".tmp", getTemporaryDir()) File tmpTldList = File.createTempFile(tldList.getName(), ".tmp", getTemporaryDir()) project.javaexec { main = "org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.GenerateJflexTLDMacros" classpath = ignoreExitValue false args = [ tldZones, tmpJflexMacro, tmpTldList ] } // LUCENE-9926: tldZones is regenerated daily. Compare the generated content (excluding comments) so that // we only update actual output files if non-comments have changed. def contentLines = { File file -> if (file.exists()) { List lines = file.readLines("UTF-8") lines.removeIf { line -> line.isBlank() || line.startsWith("//") } return lines } else { return [] } } if (contentLines(tmpTldList).equals(contentLines(tldList))) { logger.lifecycle("Generated TLD content identical as before, not updating.") } else { tldList.setBytes tmpTldList.bytes jflexMacro.setBytes tmpJflexMacro.bytes logger.lifecycle("You've regenerated the TLD include file, remember to regenerate UAX29URLEmailTokenizerImpl too.") } } } task generateWikipediaTokenizerInternal(type: JFlexTask) { description "Regenerate" group "generation" jflexFile = file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/wikipedia/WikipediaTokenizerImpl.jflex') skeleton = skeletonDefault } task generateClassicTokenizerInternal(type: JFlexTask) { description "Regenerate" group "generation" jflexFile = file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/classic/ClassicTokenizerImpl.jflex') skeleton = skeletonDefault } task generateUAX29URLEmailTokenizerInternal(type: JFlexTask) { description "Regenerate" group "generation" jflexFile = file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/email/UAX29URLEmailTokenizerImpl.jflex') skeleton = skeletonNoBufferExpansion heapSize = "12g" // Add included files as inputs. inputs.file file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/email/ASCIITLD.jflex') doFirst { logger.lifecycle("Regenerating UAX29URLEmailTokenizerImpl. This may take a long time (and requires ${heapSize} of memory!).") } doLast { ant.replace( file: file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/email/'), encoding: "UTF-8", token: "private static final int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE =", value: "private int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE =" ) } } def generateUAX29URLEmailTokenizer = wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateUAX29URLEmailTokenizerInternal, [ andThenTasks: ["spotlessJava", "spotlessJavaApply"] ]) // UAX29URLEmailTokenizerImpl.jflex includes: ASCIITLD.jflex // so we make sure it is up to date. Also, make sure the ordering of internal // tasks is enforced (just scheduling top-level wrappers doesn't mean their subtask graphs cannot be reordered). configure (generateUAX29URLEmailTokenizer) { dependsOn "generateTlds" } configure (generateUAX29URLEmailTokenizerInternal) { mustRunAfter "generateTldsInternal" } task generateHTMLCharacterEntitiesInternal() { def target = file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/charfilter/HTMLCharacterEntities.jflex') def script = file("${resources}/") outputs.files target inputs.file script doFirst { quietExec { executable = project.externalTool("python3") workingDir = target.parentFile args += [ "-B", // don't write any bytecode cache script, target ] } project.ant.fixcrlf( file: target, encoding: "UTF-8", eol: "lf" ) } } task generateHTMLStripCharFilterInternal(type: JFlexTask) { description "Regenerate" group "generation" // Add included files as inputs. inputs.file file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/charfilter/HTMLCharacterEntities.jflex') jflexFile = file('src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/charfilter/HTMLStripCharFilter.jflex') skeleton = skeletonDefault } def generateHTMLStripCharFilter = wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateHTMLStripCharFilterInternal, [ andThenTasks: ["spotlessJava", "spotlessJavaApply"] ]) // HTMLStripCharFilter.jflex includes HTMLCharacterEntities.jflex so we make sure it's up to date. configure(generateHTMLStripCharFilter) { dependsOn "generateHTMLCharacterEntities" } configure(generateHTMLStripCharFilterInternal) { dependsOn "generateHTMLCharacterEntitiesInternal" } regenerate.dependsOn wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateWikipediaTokenizerInternal, [ andThenTasks: ["spotlessJava", "spotlessJavaApply"] ]), wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateClassicTokenizerInternal, [ andThenTasks: ["spotlessJava", "spotlessJavaApply"] ]), generateUAX29URLEmailTokenizer, wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateHTMLCharacterEntitiesInternal), generateHTMLStripCharFilter, wrapWithPersistentChecksums(generateTldsInternal, [ andThenTasks: ["spotlessJava", "spotlessJavaApply"] ]) } class JFlexTask extends DefaultTask { @InputFile File jflexFile @InputFile File skeleton @Internal String heapSize @OutputFile File getGeneratedFile() { return project.file(jflexFile.absolutePath.replace(".jflex", ".java")) } JFlexTask() { dependsOn(project.rootProject.configurations.jflex) } @TaskAction def generate() { if (!jflexFile || !jflexFile.exists()) { throw new GradleException("JFlex file does not exist: ${jflexFile}") } def target = project.file(jflexFile.absolutePath.replace(".jflex", ".java")) logger.lifecycle("Recompiling JFlex: ${project.rootDir.relativePath(jflexFile)}") project.javaexec { classpath { project.rootProject.configurations.jflex } main = "jflex.Main" args += [ "-nobak", "--quiet", "--encoding", "UTF-8", ] if (heapSize) { maxHeapSize = heapSize } if (skeleton) { args += ["--skel", skeleton.absolutePath] } args += [ "-d", target.parentFile.absolutePath, jflexFile ] } // fix invalid SuppressWarnings from jflex, so that it works with javac. // we also need to suppress 'unused' because of dead code, so it passes ecjLint // you can't "stack" SuppressWarnings annotations, jflex adds its own, this is the only way // project.ant.replace( file: target, encoding: "UTF-8", token: 'SuppressWarnings("FallThrough")', value: 'SuppressWarnings({"fallthrough","unused"})' ) // Correct line endings for Windows. project.ant.fixcrlf( file: target, encoding: "UTF-8", eol: "lf" ) } }