Apache Solr Release Notes Introduction ------------ Apache Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Apache Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication, and a web administration interface. It runs in a Java servlet container such as Tomcat. See http://lucene.apache.org/solr for more information. Getting Started --------------- You need a Java 1.6 VM or later installed. In this release, there is an example Solr server including a bundled servlet container in the directory named "example". See the tutorial at http://lucene.apache.org/solr/tutorial.html $Id$ ================== 4.0.0-dev ================== More information about this release, including any errata related to the release notes, upgrade instructions, or other changes may be found online at: https://wiki.apache.org/solr/Solr4.0 Versions of Major Components --------------------- Apache Tika 1.1 Carrot2 3.5.0 Velocity 1.6.4 and Velocity Tools 2.0 Apache UIMA 2.3.1 Apache ZooKeeper 3.3.4 Upgrading from Solr 3.6-dev ---------------------- * The Lucene index format has changed and as a result, once you upgrade, previous versions of Solr will no longer be able to read your indices. In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves should be upgraded before the master. If the master were to be updated first, the older searchers would not be able to read the new index format. * Setting abortOnConfigurationError=false is no longer supported (since it has never worked properly). Solr will now warn you if you attempt to set this configuration option at all. (see SOLR-1846) * The default logic for the 'mm' param of the 'dismax' QParser has been changed. If no 'mm' param is specified (either in the query, or as a default in solrconfig.xml) then the effective value of the 'q.op' param (either in the query or as a default in solrconfig.xml or from the 'defaultOperator' option in schema.xml) is used to influence the behavior. If q.op is effectively "AND" then mm=100%. If q.op is effectively "OR" then mm=0%. Users who wish to force the legacy behavior should set a default value for the 'mm' param in their solrconfig.xml file. * The VelocityResponseWriter is no longer built into the core. Its JAR and dependencies now need to be added (via or solr/home lib inclusion), and it needs to be registered in solrconfig.xml like this: * The update request parameter to choose Update Request Processor Chain is renamed from "update.processor" to "update.chain". The old parameter was deprecated but still working since Solr3.2, but is now removed entirely. * The and sections of solrconfig.xml are discontinued and replaced with the section. There are also better defaults. When migrating, if you don't know what your old settings mean, simply delete both and sections. If you have customizations, put them in section - with same syntax as before. * Two of the SolrServer subclasses in SolrJ were renamed/replaced. CommonsHttpSolrServer is now HttpSolrServer, and StreamingUpdateSolrServer is now ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer. Detailed Change List ---------------------- New Features ---------------------- * SOLR-3272: Solr filter factory for MorfologikFilter (Polish lemmatisation). (Rafał Kuć via Dawid Weiss, Steven Rowe, Uwe Schindler). * SOLR-571: The autowarmCount for LRUCaches (LRUCache and FastLRUCache) now supports "percentages" which get evaluated relative the current size of the cache when warming happens. (Tomas Fernandez Lobbe and hossman) * SOLR-1932: New relevancy function queries: termfreq, tf, docfreq, idf norm, maxdoc, numdocs. (yonik) * SOLR-1665: Add debug component options for timings, results and query info only (gsingers, hossman, yonik) * SOLR-2112: Solrj API now supports streaming results. (ryan) * SOLR-792: Adding PivotFacetComponent for Hierarchical faceting (erik, Jeremy Hinegardner, Thibaut Lassalle, ryan) * LUCENE-2507, SOLR-2571, SOLR-2576: Added DirectSolrSpellChecker, which uses Lucene's DirectSpellChecker to retrieve correction candidates directly from the term dictionary using levenshtein automata. (James Dyer, rmuir) * SOLR-1873, SOLR-2358: SolrCloud - added shared/central config and core/shard management via zookeeper, built-in load balancing, and distributed indexing. (Jamie Johnson, Sami Siren, Ted Dunning, yonik, Mark Miller) Additional Work: SOLR-2324: SolrCloud solr.xml parameters are not persisted by CoreContainer. (Massimo Schiavon, Mark Miller) SOLR-2287: Allow users to query by multiple, compatible collections with SolrCloud. (Soheb Mahmood, Alex Cowell, Mark Miller) SOLR-2622: ShowFileRequestHandler does not work in SolrCloud mode. (Stefan Matheis, Mark Miller) SOLR-3108: Error in SolrCloud's replica lookup code when replica's are hosted in same Solr instance. (Bruno Dumon, Sami Siren, Mark Miller) SOLR-3080: Remove shard info from zookeeper when SolrCore is explicitlyunloaded. (yonik, Mark Miller, siren) * SOLR-1566: Transforming documents in the ResponseWriters. This will allow for more complex results in responses and open the door for function queries as results. (ryan with patches from grant, noble, cmale, yonik, Jan Høydahl, Arul Kalaipandian, Luca Cavanna, hossman) SOLR-2037: Thanks to SOLR-1566, documents boosted by the QueryElevationComponent can be marked as boosted. (gsingers, ryan, yonik) * SOLR-2396: Add CollationField, which is much more efficient than the Solr 3.x CollationKeyFilterFactory, and also supports Locale-sensitive range queries. (rmuir) * SOLR-2338: Add support for using in a schema's fieldType, for customizing scoring on a per-field basis. (hossman, yonik, rmuir) * SOLR-2335: New 'field("...")' function syntax for refering to complex field names (containing whitespace or special characters) in functions. * SOLR-2383: /browse improvements: generalize range and date facet display (Jan Høydahl via yonik) * SOLR-2272: Pseudo-join queries / filters. Examples: To restrict to the set of parents with at least one blue-eyed child: fq={!join from=parent to=name}eyes:blue To restrict to the set of children with at least one blue-eyed parent: fq={!join from=name to=parent}eyes:blue (yonik) * SOLR-1942: Added the ability to select postings format per fieldType in schema.xml as well as support custom Codecs in solrconfig.xml. (simonw via rmuir) * SOLR-2136: Boolean type added to function queries, along with new functions exists(), if(), and(), or(), xor(), not(), def(), and true and false constants. (yonik) * SOLR-2491: Add support for using spellcheck collation in conjunction with grouping. Note that the number of hits returned for collations is the number of ungrouped hits. (James Dyer via rmuir) * SOLR-1298: Return FunctionQuery as pseudo field. The solr 'fl' param now supports functions. For example: fl=id,sum(x,y) -- NOTE: only functions with fast random access are reccomended. (yonik, ryan) * SOLR-705: Optionally return shard info with each document in distributed search. Use fl=id,[shard] to return the shard url. (ryan) * SOLR-2417: Add explain info directly to return documents using ?fl=id,[explain] (ryan) * SOLR-2533: Converted ValueSource.ValueSourceSortField over to new rewriteable Lucene SortFields. ValueSourceSortField instances must be rewritten before they can be used. This is done by SolrIndexSearcher when necessary. (Chris Male). * SOLR-2193, SOLR-2565: You may now specify a 'soft' commit when committing. This will use Lucene's NRT feature to avoid guaranteeing documents are on stable storage in exchange for faster reopen times. There is also a new 'soft' autocommit tracker that can be configured. (Mark Miller, Robert Muir) * SOLR-2399: Updated Solr Admin interface. New look and feel with per core administration and many new options. (Stefan Matheis via ryan) * SOLR-1032: CSV handler now supports "literal.field_name=value" parameters. (Simon Rosenthal, ehatcher) * SOLR-2656: realtime-get, efficiently retrieves the latest stored fields for specified documents, even if they are not yet searchable (i.e. without reopening a searcher) (yonik) * SOLR-2703: Added support for Lucene's "surround" query parser. (Simon Rosenthal, ehatcher) * SOLR-2754: Added factories for several ranking algorithms: BM25SimilarityFactory: Okapi BM25 DFRSimilarityFactory: Divergence from Randomness models IBSimilarityFactory: Information-based models LMDirichletSimilarity: LM with Dirichlet smoothing LMJelinekMercerSimilarity: LM with Jelinek-Mercer smoothing (David Mark Nemeskey, Robert Muir) * SOLR-2134 Trie* fields should support sortMissingLast=true, and deprecate Sortable* Field Types (Ryan McKinley, Mike McCandless, Uwe Schindler, Erick Erickson) * SOLR-2438 added MultiTermAwareComponent to the various classes to allow automatic lowercasing for multiterm queries (wildcards, regex, prefix, range, etc). You can now optionally specify a "multiterm" analyzer in our schema.xml, but Solr should "do the right thing" if you don't specify (Pete Sturge Erick Erickson, Mentoring from Seeley and Muir) * SOLR-2481: Add support for commitWithin in DataImportHandler (Sami Siren via yonik) * SOLR-2992: Add support for IndexWriter.prepareCommit() via prepareCommit=true on update URLs. (yonik) * SOLR-2906: Added LFU cache options to Solr. (Shawn Heisey via Erick Erickson) * SOLR-3069: Ability to add openSearcher=false to not open a searcher when doing a hard commit. commitWithin now only invokes a softCommit. (yonik) * SOLR-1726: Added deep paging support to search (sort by score only) which should use less memory when paging deeply into results by keeping the priority queue small. (Manojkumar Rangasamy Kannadasan, gsingers) * SOLR-2802: New FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor and Factory to simplify the development of UpdateProcessors that modify field values of documents as they are indexed. Also includes several useful new implementations: RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory TrimFieldUpdateProcessorFactory HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory RegexReplaceProcessorFactory FieldLengthUpdateProcessorFactory ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory FirstFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory LastFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory MinFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory MaxFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory (hossman, janhoy) * SOLR-3120: Optional post filtering for spatial queries bbox and geofilt for LatLonType. (yonik) * SOLR-2459: Expose LogLevel selection with a RequestHandler rather then servlet (Stefan Matheis, Upayavira, ryan) * SOLR-3134: Include shard info in distributed response when shards.info=true (Russell Black, ryan) * SOLR-2898: Support grouped faceting. (Martijn van Groningen) * SOLR-2949: QueryElevationComponent is now supported with distributed search. (Mark Miller, yonik) * SOLR-3221: Added the ability to directly configure aspects of the concurrency and thread-pooling used within distributed search in solr. This allows for finer grained controlled and can be tuned by end users to target their own specific requirements. This builds on the work of the HttpCommComponent and uses the same configuration block to configure the thread pool. The default configuration has the same behaviour as solr 3.5, favouring throughput over latency. More information can be found on the wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml) (Greg Bowyer) * SOLR-3278: Negative boost support to the Extended Dismax Query Parser Boost Query (bq). (James Dyer) * SOLR-3255: OpenExchangeRates.Org Exchange Rate Provider for CurrencyField (janhoy) * SOLR-3358: Logging events are captured and available from the /admin/logging request handler. (ryan) * SOLR-1535: PreAnalyzedField type provides a functionality to index (and optionally store) field content that was already processed and split into tokens using some external processing chain. Serialization format is pluggable, and defaults to JSON. (ab) * SOLR-3363: Consolidated Exceptions in Analysis Factories so they only throw InitalizationExceptions (Chris Male) * SOLR-2690: New support for a "TZ" request param which overrides the TimeZone used when rounding Dates in DateMath expressions for the entire request (all date range queries and date faceting is affected). The default TZ is still UTC. (David Schlotfeldt, hossman) Optimizations ---------------------- * SOLR-1875: Per-segment field faceting for single valued string fields. Enable with facet.method=fcs, control the number of threads used with the "threads" local param on the facet.field param. This algorithm will only be faster in the presence of rapid index changes. (yonik) * SOLR-1904: When facet.enum.cache.minDf > 0 and the base doc set is a SortedIntSet, convert to HashDocSet for better performance. (yonik) * SOLR-2092: Speed up single-valued and multi-valued "fc" faceting. Typical improvement is 5%, but can be much greater (up to 10x faster) when facet.offset is very large (deep paging). (yonik) * SOLR-2193, SOLR-2565: The default Solr update handler has been improved so that it uses fewer locks, keeps the IndexWriter open rather than closing it on each commit (ie commits no longer wait for background merges to complete), works with SolrCore to provide faster 'soft' commits, and has an improved API that requires less instanceof special casing. (Mark Miller, Robert Muir) Additional Work: SOLR-2697: commit and autocommit operations don't reset DirectUpdateHandler2.numDocsPending stats attribute. (Alexey Serba, Mark Miller) * SOLR-2950: The QueryElevationComponent now avoids using the FieldCache and looking up every document id (gsingers, yonik) Bug Fixes ---------------------- * SOLR-3139: Make ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer send UpdateRequest.getParams() as HTTP request params (siren) * SOLR-3165: Cannot use DIH in Solrcloud + Zookeeper (Alexey Serba, Mark Miller, siren) * SOLR-3068: Occasional NPE in ThreadDumpHandler (siren) * SOLR-2762: FSTLookup could return duplicate results or one results less than requested. (David Smiley, Dawid Weiss) * SOLR-2741: Bugs in facet range display in trunk (janhoy) * SOLR-1908: Fixed SignatureUpdateProcessor to fail to initialize on invalid config. Specifically: a signatureField that does not exist, or overwriteDupes=true with a signatureField that is not indexed. (hossman) * SOLR-1824: IndexSchema will now fail to initialize if there is a problem initializing one of the fields or field types. (hossman) * SOLR-1928: TermsComponent didn't correctly break ties for non-text fields sorted by count. (yonik) * SOLR-2107: MoreLikeThisHandler doesn't work with alternate qparsers. (yonik) * SOLR-2108: Fixed false positives when using wildcard queries on fields with reversed wildcard support. For example, a query of *zemog* would match documents that contain 'gomez'. (Landon Kuhn via Robert Muir) * SOLR-1962: SolrCore#initIndex should not use a mix of indexPath and newIndexPath (Mark Miller) * SOLR-2275: fix DisMax 'mm' parsing to be tolerant of whitespace (Erick Erickson via hossman) * SOLR-2193, SOLR-2565, SOLR-2651: SolrCores now properly share IndexWriters across SolrCore reloads. (Mark Miller, Robert Muir) Additional Work: SOLR-2705: On reload, IndexWriterProvider holds onto the initial SolrCore it was created with. (Yury Kats, Mark Miller) * SOLR-2682: Remove addException() in SimpleFacet. FacetComponent no longer catches and embeds exceptions occurred during facet processing, it throws HTTP 400 or 500 exceptions instead. (koji) * SOLR-2654: Directorys used by a SolrCore are now closed when they are no longer used. (Mark Miller) * SOLR-2854: Now load URL content stream data (via stream.url) when called for during request handling, rather than loading URL content streams automatically regardless of use. (David Smiley and Ryan McKinley via ehatcher) * SOLR-2829: Fix problem with false-positives due to incorrect equals methods. (Yonik Seeley, Hossman, Erick Erickson. Marc Tinnemeyer caught the bug) * SOLR-2848: Removed 'instanceof AbstractLuceneSpellChecker' hacks from distributed spellchecking code, and added a merge() method to SolrSpellChecker instead. Previously if you extended SolrSpellChecker your spellchecker would not work in distributed fashion. (James Dyer via rmuir) * SOLR-2509: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the spellchecker collate when the term contains a hyphen. (Thomas Gambier caught the bug, Steffen Godskesen did the patch, via Erick Erickson) * SOLR-1730: Made it clearer when a core failed to load as well as better logging when the QueryElevationComponent fails to properly initialize (gsingers) * SOLR-1520: QueryElevationComponent now supports non-string ids (gsingers) * SOLR-3037: When using binary format in solrj the codec screws up parameters (Sami Siren, Jörg Maier via yonik) * SOLR-3062: A join in the main query was not respecting any filters pushed down to it via acceptDocs since LUCENE-1536. (Mike Hugo, yonik) * SOLR-3214: If you use multiple fl entries rather than a comma separated list, all but the first entry can be ignored if you are using distributed search. (Tomas Fernandez Lobbe via Mark Miller) * SOLR-3352: eDismax: pf2 should kick in for a query with 2 terms (janhoy) * SOLR-3361: ReplicationHandler "maxNumberOfBackups" doesn't work if backups are triggered on commit (James Dyer, Tomas Fernandez Lobbe) Other Changes ---------------------- * SOLR-1846: Eliminate support for the abortOnConfigurationError option. It has never worked very well, and in recent versions of Solr hasn't worked at all. (hossman) * SOLR-1889: The default logic for the 'mm' param of DismaxQParser and ExtendedDismaxQParser has been changed to be determined based on the effective value of the 'q.op' param (hossman) * SOLR-1946: Misc improvements to the SystemInfoHandler: /admin/system (hossman) * SOLR-2289: Tweak spatial coords for example docs so they are a bit more spread out (Erick Erickson via hossman) * SOLR-2288: Small tweaks to eliminate compiler warnings. primarily using Generics where applicable in method/object declatations, and adding @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") when appropriate (hossman) * SOLR-2375: Suggester Lookup implementations now store trie data and load it back on init. This means that large tries don't have to be rebuilt on every commit or core reload. (ab) * SOLR-2413: Support for returning multi-valued fields w/o tag in the XMLResponseWriter was removed. XMLResponseWriter only no longer work with values less then 2.2 (ryan) * SOLR-2423: FieldType argument changed from String to Object Conversion from SolrInputDocument > Object > Fieldable is now managed by FieldType rather then DocumentBuilder. (ryan) * SOLR-2461: QuerySenderListener and AbstractSolrEventListener are now public (hossman) * LUCENE-2995: Moved some spellchecker and suggest APIs to modules/suggest: HighFrequencyDictionary, SortedIterator, TermFreqIterator, and the suggester APIs and implementations. (rmuir) * SOLR-2576: Remove deprecated SpellingResult.add(Token, int). (James Dyer via rmuir) * LUCENE-3232: Moved MutableValue classes to new 'common' module. (Chris Male) * LUCENE-2883: FunctionQuery, DocValues (and its impls), ValueSource (and its impls) and BoostedQuery have been consolidated into the queries module. They can now be found at o.a.l.queries.function. * SOLR-2027: FacetField.getValues() now returns an empty list if there are no values, instead of null (Chris Male) * SOLR-1825: SolrQuery.addFacetQuery now enables facets automatically, like addFacetField (Chris Male) * SOLR-2663: FieldTypePluginLoader has been refactored out of IndexSchema and made public. (hossman) * SOLR-2331,SOLR-2691: Refactor CoreContainer's SolrXML serialization code and improve testing (Yury Kats, hossman, Mark Miller) * SOLR-2698: Enhance CoreAdmin STATUS command to return index size. (Yury Kats, hossman, Mark Miller) * SOLR-2654: The same Directory instance is now always used across a SolrCore so that it's easier to add other DirectoryFactory's without static caching hacks. (Mark Miller) * LUCENE-3286: 'luke' ant target has been disabled due to incompatibilities with XML queryparser location (Chris Male) * SOLR-1897: The data dir from the core descriptor should override the data dir from the solrconfig.xml rather than the other way round. (Mark Miller) * SOLR-2756: Maven configuration: Excluded transitive stax:stax-api dependency from org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl dependency. (David Smiley via Steve Rowe) * SOLR-2588: Moved VelocityResponseWriter back to contrib module in order to remove it as a mandatory core dependency. (ehatcher) * SOLR-2862: More explicit lexical resources location logged if Carrot2 clustering extension is used. Fixed solr. impl. of IResource and IResourceLookup. (Dawid Weiss) * SOLR-1123: Changed JSONResponseWriter to now use application/json as its Content-Type by default. However the Content-Type can be overwritten and is set to text/plain in the example configuration. (Uri Boness, Chris Male) * SOLR-2607: Removed deprecated client/ruby directory, which included solr-ruby and flare. (ehatcher) * Solr-3032: logOnce from SolrException logOnce and all the supporting structure is gone. abortOnConfugrationError is also gone as it is no longer referenced. Errors should be caught and logged at the top-most level or logged and NOT propagated up the chain. (Erick Erickson) * SOLR-2105: Remove support for deprecated "update.processor" (since 3.2), in favor of "update.chain" (janhoy) * SOLR-3005: Default QueryResponseWriters are now initialized via init() with an empty NamedList. (Gasol Wu, Chris Male) * SOLR-2607: Removed obsolete client/ folder (ehatcher, Eric Pugh, janhoy) * SOLR-3202, SOLR-3244: Dropping Support for JSP. New Admin UI is all client side (ryan, Aliaksandr Zhuhrou, Uwe Schindler) * SOLR-3159: Upgrade example and tests to run with Jetty 8 (ryan) * SOLR-3254: Upgrade Solr to Tika 1.1 (janhoy) * SOLR-3329: Dropped getSourceID() from SolrInfoMBean and using getClass().getPackage().getSpecificationVersion() for Version. (ryan) * SOLR-3302: Upgraded SLF4j to version 1.6.4 (hossman) * SOLR-3322: Add more context to IndexReaderFactory.newReader (ab) * SOLR-3343: Moved FastWriter, FileUtils, RegexFileFilter, RTimer and SystemIdResolver from org.apache.solr.common to org.apache.solr.util (Chris Male) * SOLR-3357: ResourceLoader.newInstance now accepts a Class representation of the expected instance type (Chris Male) * SOLR-3388: HTTP caching is now disabled by default for RequestUpdateHandlers. (ryan) Documentation ---------------------- * SOLR-2232: Improved README info on solr.solr.home in examples (Eric Pugh and hossman) ================== 3.6.0 ================== Upgrading from Solr 3.5 ---------------------- * SOLR-2983: As a consequence of moving the code which sets a MergePolicy from SolrIndexWriter to SolrIndexConfig, (custom) MergePolicies should now have an empty constructor; thus an IndexWriter should not be passed as constructor parameter but instead set using the setIndexWriter() method. * As doGet() methods in SimplePostTool was changed to static, the client applications of this class need to be recompiled. * In Solr version 3.5 and earlier, HTMLStripCharFilter had known bugs in the character offsets it provided, triggering e.g. exceptions in highlighting. HTMLStripCharFilter has been re-implemented, addressing this and other issues. See the entry for LUCENE-3690 in the Bug Fixes section below for a detailed list of changes. For people who depend on the behavior of HTMLStripCharFilter in Solr version 3.5 and earlier: the old implementation (bugs and all) is preserved as LegacyHTMLStripCharFilter. * As of Solr 3.6, the and sections of solrconfig.xml are deprecated and replaced with a new section. Read more in SOLR-1052 below. * SOLR-3040: The DIH's admin UI (dataimport.jsp) now requires DIH request handlers to start with a '/'. (dsmiley) * SOLR-3161: is now the default. An existing config will probably work as-is because handleSelect was explicitly enabled in default configs. HandleSelect makes /select work as well as enables the 'qt' parameter. Instead, consider explicitly configuring /select as is done in the example solrconfig.xml, and register your other search handlers with a leading '/' which is a recommended practice. (David Smiley, Erik Hatcher) * SOLR-3161: Don't use the 'qt' parameter with a leading '/'. It probably won't work in 4.0 and it's now limited in 3.6 to SearchHandler subclasses that aren't lazy-loaded. * Bugs found and fixed in the SignatureUpdateProcessor that previously caused some documents to produce the same signature even when the configured fields contained distinct (non-String) values. Users of SignatureUpdateProcessor are strongly advised that they should re-index as document signatures may have now changed. (see SOLR-3200 & SOLR-3226 for details) New Features ---------------------- * SOLR-2020: Add Java client that uses Apache Http Components http client (4.x). (Chantal Ackermann, Ryan McKinley, Yonik Seeley, siren) * SOLR-2854: Now load URL content stream data (via stream.url) when called for during request handling, rather than loading URL content streams automatically regardless of use. (David Smiley and Ryan McKinley via ehatcher) * SOLR-2904: BinaryUpdateRequestHandler should be able to accept multiple update requests from a stream (shalin) * SOLR-1565: StreamingUpdateSolrServer supports RequestWriter API and therefore, javabin update format (shalin) * SOLR-2438 added MultiTermAwareComponent to the various classes to allow automatic lowercasing for multiterm queries (wildcards, regex, prefix, range, etc). You can now optionally specify a "multiterm" analyzer in our schema.xml, but Solr should "do the right thing" if you don't specify (Pete Sturge Erick Erickson, Mentoring from Seeley and Muir) * SOLR-2919: Added support for localized range queries when the analysis chain uses CollationKeyFilter or ICUCollationKeyFilter. (Michael Sokolov, rmuir) * SOLR-2982: Added BeiderMorseFilterFactory for Beider-Morse (BMPM) phonetic encoder. Upgrades commons-codec to version 1.6 (Brooke Schreier Ganz, rmuir) * SOLR-1843: A new "rootName" attribute is now available when configuring in solrconfig.xml. If this attribute is set, Solr will use it as the root name for all MBeans Solr exposes via JMX. The default root name is "solr" followed by the core name. (Constantijn Visinescu, hossman) * SOLR-2906: Added LFU cache options to Solr. (Shawn Heisey via Erick Erickson) * SOLR-3036: Ability to specify overwrite=false on the URL for XML updates. (Sami Siren via yonik) * SOLR-2603: Add the encoding function for alternate fields in highlighting. (Massimo Schiavon, koji) * SOLR-1729: Evaluation of NOW for date math is done only once per request for consistency, and is also propagated to shards in distributed search. Adding a parameter NOW= to the request will override the current time. (Peter Sturge, yonik, Simon Willnauer) * SOLR-1709: Distributed support for Date and Numeric Range Faceting (Peter Sturge, David Smiley, hossman, Simon Willnauer) * SOLR-3054, LUCENE-3671: Add TypeTokenFilterFactory that creates TypeTokenFilter that filters tokens based on their TypeAttribute. (Tommaso Teofili via Uwe Schindler) * LUCENE-3305, SOLR-3056: Added Kuromoji morphological analyzer for Japanese. See the 'text_ja' fieldtype in the example to get started. (Christian Moen, Masaru Hasegawa via Robert Muir) * SOLR-1860: StopFilterFactory, CommonGramsFilterFactory, and CommonGramsQueryFilterFactory can optionally read stopwords in Snowball format (specify format="snowball"). (Robert Muir) * SOLR-3105: ElisionFilterFactory optionally allows the parameter ignoreCase (default=false). (Robert Muir) * LUCENE-3714: Add WFSTLookupFactory, a suggester that uses a weighted FST for more fine-grained suggestions. (Mike McCandless, Dawid Weiss, Robert Muir) * SOLR-3143: Add SuggestQueryConverter, a QueryConverter intended for auto-suggesters. (Robert Muir) * SOLR-3033: ReplicationHandler's backup command now supports a 'maxNumberOfBackups' init param that can be used to delete all but the most recent N backups. (Torsten Krah, James Dyer) * SOLR-2202: Currency FieldType, whith support for currencies and exchange rates (Greg Fodor & Andrew Morrison via janhoy, rmuir, Uwe Schindler) * SOLR-3026: eDismax: Locking down which fields can be explicitly queried (user fields aka uf) (janhoy, hossmann, Tomás Fernández Löbbe) * SOLR-2826: URLClassify Update Processor (janhoy) * SOLR-2764: Create a NorwegianLightStemmer and NorwegianMinimalStemmer (janhoy) * SOLR-3221: Added the ability to directly configure aspects of the concurrency and thread-pooling used within distributed search in solr. This allows for finer grained controlled and can be tuned by end users to target their own specific requirements. This builds on the work of the HttpCommComponent and uses the same configuration block to configure the thread pool. The default configuration has the same behaviour as solr 3.5, favouring throughput over latency. More information can be found on the wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml) (Greg Bowyer) * SOLR-2001: The query component will substitute an empty query that matches no documents if the query parser returns null. This also prevents an exception from being thrown by the default parser if "q" is missing. (yonik) SOLR-435: if q is "" then it's also acceptable. (dsmiley, hoss) Optimizations ---------------------- * SOLR-1931: Speedup for LukeRequestHandler and admin/schema browser. New parameter reportDocCount defaults to 'false'. Old behavior still possible by specifying this as 'true' (Erick Erickson) * SOLR-3012: Move System.getProperty("type") in postData() to main() and add type argument so that the client applications of SimplePostTool can set content type via method argument. (koji) * SOLR-2888: FSTSuggester refactoring: internal storage is now UTF-8, external sorting (on disk) prevents OOMs even with large data sets (the bottleneck is now FST construction), code cleanups and API cleanups. (Dawid Weiss, Robert Muir) Bug Fixes ---------------------- * SOLR-3187 SystemInfoHandler leaks filehandles (siren) * LUCENE-3820: Fixed invalid position indexes by reimplementing PatternReplaceCharFilter. This change also drops real support for boundary characters -- all input is prebuffered for pattern matching. (Dawid Weiss) * SOLR-3068: Fixed NPE in ThreadDumpHandler (siren) * SOLR-2912: Fixed File descriptor leak in ShowFileRequestHandler (Michael Ryan, shalin) * SOLR-2819: Improved speed of parsing hex entities in HTMLStripCharFilter (Bernhard Berger, hossman) * SOLR-2509: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the spellchecker collate when the term contains a hyphen. (Thomas Gambier caught the bug, Steffen Godskesen did the patch, via Erick Erickson) * SOLR-2955: Fixed IllegalStateException when querying with group.sort=score desc in sharded environment. (Steffen Elberg Godskesen, Martijn van Groningen) * SOLR-2956: Fixed inconsistencies in the flags (and flag key) reported by the LukeRequestHandler (hossman) * SOLR-1730: Made it clearer when a core failed to load as well as better logging when the QueryElevationComponent fails to properly initialize (gsingers) * SOLR-1520: QueryElevationComponent now supports non-string ids (gsingers) * SOLR-3024: Fixed JSONTestUtil.matchObj, in previous releases it was not respecting the 'delta' arg (David Smiley via hossman) * SOLR-2542: Fixed DIH Context variables which were broken for all scopes other then SCOPE_ENTITY (Linbin Chen & Frank Wesemann via hossman) * SOLR-3042: Fixed Maven Jetty plugin configuration. (David Smiley via Steve Rowe) * SOLR-2970: CSV ResponseWriter returns fields defined as stored=false in schema (janhoy) * LUCENE-3690, LUCENE-2208, SOLR-882, SOLR-42: Re-implemented HTMLStripCharFilter as a JFlex-generated scanner. See below for a list of bug fixes and other changes. To get the same behavior as HTMLStripCharFilter in Solr version 3.5 and earlier (including the bugs), use LegacyHTMLStripCharFilter, which is the previous implementation. Behavior changes from the previous version: - Known offset bugs are fixed. - The "Mark invalid" exceptions reported in SOLR-1283 are no longer triggered (the bug is still present in LegacyHTMLStripCharFilter). - The character entity "'" is now always properly decoded. - More cases of