Lucene Build Instructions $Id$ Basic steps: 0) Install JDK 1.2 (or greater), Ant 1.4 (or greater), and the Ant optional.jar 1) Download Lucene from Apache and unpack it 2) Connect to the top-level of your Lucene installation 3) Install JavaCC 4) Run ant Step 0) Set up your development environment (JDK 1.2 or greater, Ant 1.4 or greater) We'll assume that you know how to get and set up the JDK - if you don't, then we suggest starting at and learning more about Java, before returning to this README. Lucene runs with JDK 1.2 and later. However, if you're going to work with the development version of Lucene, we recommend you stick with the most current version of Java (at the time of this writing, JDK 1.4). Also, note that if you're working with the Lucene source, you'll need to use Ant (see below) and Ant requires at least JDK 1.1 (and in the future will likely move to requiring JDK 1.2, according to the Ant install docs). Like most of the Jakarta projects, Lucene uses Apache Ant for build control. Specifically, you MUST use Ant version 1.4 or greater. Ant is "kind of like make without make's wrinkles". Ant is implemented in java and uses XML-based configuration files. You can get it at: Specifically, you can get the binary distributions at: You'll need to download both the Ant binary distribution and the "optional" jar file. Install these according to the instructions at: Step 1) Download Lucene from Apache We'll assume you already did this, or you wouldn't be reading this file. However, you might have received this file by some alternate route, or you might have an incomplete copy of the Lucene, so: Lucene releases are available for download at: Download either a zip or a tarred/gzipped version of the archive, and uncompress it into a directory of your choice. Step 2) Connect to the top-level of your Lucene installation Lucene's top-level directory contains the and build.xml files. By default, you do not need to change any of the settings in these files, but you do need to run ant from this location so it knows where to find them. If you would like to change the settings in the there is no need to edit the file, you can override the property settings by creating one or more of the following files and placing your own property settings in there: ~/ ~/ jakarta-lucene/ The first property which is found in the order with which the files are loaded becomes the property setting which is used by the Ant build system. NOTE: the ~ character represents your user account home directory. Step 3) Install JavaCC Building the Lucene distribution from the source requires the JavaCC parser generator. This software has a separate license agreement that must be agreed to before you can use it. The web page for JavaCC is here: Follow the download links and download the zip file to a temporary location on your file system. Unzip the file and run the large class file in the directory. On windows, use this command from the temp directory: java -cp . JavaCC2_1 This will launch a Java GUI installer. There is also a command line installer available, and the installation class will give you those directions. After JavaCC is installed, edit your build properties (as in step 2), and add the line javacc.home=/javacc/bin where this points to the bin directory of your javacc installation. Step 4) Run ant Assuming you have ant in your PATH and have set ANT_HOME to the location of your ant installation, typing "ant" at the shell prompt and command prompt should run ant. Ant will by default look for the "build.xml" file in your current directory, and compile Lucene. For further information on Lucene, go to: Please join the Lucene-User mailing list by visiting this site: Please post suggestions, questions, corrections or additions to this document to the Lucene-User mailing list. This file was originally written by Steven J. Owens . This file was modified by Jon S. Stevens . Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.