/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // This adds 'ecjLint' task. configure(rootProject) { configurations { ecjDeps } dependencies { ecjDeps "org.eclipse.jdt:ecj:${scriptDepVersions['ecj']}" } } allprojects { plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) { // Create a [sourceSetName]EcjLint task for each source set // with a non-empty java.srcDirs. These tasks are then // attached to project's "ecjLint" task. def lintTasks = sourceSets.collect { sourceSet -> def srcDirs = sourceSet.java.srcDirs.findAll { dir -> dir.exists() } tasks.create(sourceSet.getTaskName("ecjLint", null), JavaExec, { // This dependency is on a configuration; technically it causes // all dependencies to be resolved before this task executes // (this includes scheduling tasks that compile the // sources from other projects for example). dependsOn sourceSet.compileClasspath // The inputs are all source files from the sourceSet. inputs.files sourceSet.allSource.asFileTree // The outputs are always up to date (we don't generate anything). outputs.upToDateWhen { true } // We create a task for all source sets but ignore those // that don't have any Java source directories. enabled = !srcDirs.isEmpty() classpath = rootProject.configurations.ecjDeps main = "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main" // Don't emit any .class files. // Hack around "-d none" still emitting package-info.class // by running in a temporary directory. def tmpDst = getTemporaryDir() workingDir tmpDst args += [ "-d", "none" ] // Compilation environment. args += [ "-source", project.java.sourceCompatibility ] args += [ "-target", project.java.targetCompatibility ] args += [ "-encoding", "UTF-8"] args += [ "-proc:none" ] args += [ "-nowarn" ] args += [ "-enableJavadoc" ] args += [ "-properties", project(":lucene").file("tools/javadoc/ecj.javadocs.prefs").absolutePath ] doFirst { tmpDst.mkdirs() // Add classpath locations at execution time (can't resolve the // configuration at evaluation time). Filter out non-existing entries // (output folders for non-existing input source dirs like resources). def cpath = sourceSet.compileClasspath.filter { p -> p.exists() } if (!cpath.isEmpty()) { args += ["-classpath", cpath.asPath] } // Add source location(s). Ideally we'd provide a set of files as in: // args += sourceSet.java.files // but this exceeds max allowed command line size. So we pass source // directories instead: args += srcDirs } }) } task ecjLint() { description "Lint Java sources using ECJ." group "Verification" dependsOn lintTasks } // Attach ecjLint to check. check.dependsOn ecjLint } } // This excludes solr-ref-guide from the check (excludes are not taken into account // and linting of the ant-based task fails. configure(project(":solr:solr-ref-guide")) { afterEvaluate { project.tasks.findByPath("ecjLintMain").enabled = false } }