function get_class(name) { var clazz; try { // Java8 Nashorn clazz = eval("Java.type(name).class"); } catch(e) { // Java7 Rhino clazz = eval("Packages."+name); } return clazz; } function processAdd(cmd) { doc = cmd.solrDoc; // org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument var id = doc.getFieldValue("id");"update-script#processAdd: id=" + id); // The idea here is to use the file's content_type value to // simplify into user-friendly values, such that types of, say, image/jpeg and image/tiff // are in an "Images" facet var ct = doc.getFieldValue("content_type"); if (ct) { // strip off semicolon onward var semicolon_index = ct.indexOf(';'); if (semicolon_index != -1) { ct = ct.substring(0,semicolon_index); } // and split type/subtype var ct_type = ct.substring(0,ct.indexOf('/')); var ct_subtype = ct.substring(ct.indexOf('/')+1); var doc_type; switch(true) { case /^application\/rtf/.test(ct) || /wordprocessing/.test(ct): doc_type = "doc"; break; case /html/.test(ct): doc_type = "html"; break; case /^image\/.*/.test(ct): doc_type = "image"; break; case /presentation|powerpoint/.test(ct): doc_type = "presentation"; break; case /spreadsheet|excel/.test(ct): doc_type = "spreadsheet"; break; case /^application\/pdf/.test(ct): doc_type = "pdf"; break; case /^text\/plain/.test(ct): doc_type = "text" break; default: break; } // TODO: error handling needed? What if there is no slash? if(doc_type) { doc.setField("doc_type", doc_type); } doc.setField("content_type_type_s", ct_type); doc.setField("content_type_subtype_s", ct_subtype); } var analyzer = req.getCore().getLatestSchema() .getFieldTypeByName("text_email_url") .getIndexAnalyzer(); var token_stream = analyzer.tokenStream("content", doc.getFieldValue("content")); var term_att = token_stream.getAttribute(get_class("org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute")); var type_att = token_stream.getAttribute(get_class("org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TypeAttribute")); token_stream.reset(); while (token_stream.incrementToken()) { doc.addField(type_att.type().replace(/\<|\>/g,'').toLowerCase()+"_ss", term_att.toString()); } token_stream.end(); token_stream.close(); } function processDelete(cmd) { // no-op } function processMergeIndexes(cmd) { // no-op } function processCommit(cmd) { // no-op } function processRollback(cmd) { // no-op } function finish() { // no-op }