// This script tries to guess sensible defaults for gradle parallelism // and local machine's resources and save them under 'gradle.properties'. def hasDefaults = rootProject.file("gradle.properties").exists() // If we don't have the defaults yet, create them and re-run the build // recursively with the same parameters as originally passed. // // Sadly, the recursive build doesn't seem to pick up the parallelism // tweaks from gradle.properties file. if (!hasDefaults) { configure(rootProject) { task setupLocalDefaultsOnce(type: GradleBuild) { // Approximate a common-sense default for running gradle with parallel // workers: half the count of available cpus but not more than 12. def cpus = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors() def maxWorkers = (int) Math.max(1d, Math.min(cpus * 0.5d, 12)) def testsJvms = (int) Math.max(1d, Math.min(cpus * 0.5d, 4)) // Reuse the same set of parameters for the recursive invocation and apply // some of these eagerly. def startParams = gradle.startParameter.newInstance() startParams.setParallelProjectExecutionEnabled(true) startParams.setMaxWorkerCount(maxWorkers) startParameter(startParams) // Write the defaults for this machine. rootProject.file("gradle.properties").write( [ "# These settings have been generated automatically on the first run.", "# See gradlew :helpLocalSettings for more information.", "systemProp.file.encoding=UTF-8", "org.gradle.daemon=true", "org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1g", "org.gradle.parallel=true", "org.gradle.priority=normal", "org.gradle.warning.mode=none", // Silence gradle warnings. We'll deal with them when we upgrade the wrapper. "", "# Maximum number of parallel gradle workers.", "org.gradle.workers.max=${maxWorkers}", "", "# Maximum number of test JVMs forked per test task.", "tests.jvms=${testsJvms}" ].join("\n"), "UTF-8") doFirst { logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "\nIMPORTANT. This is the first time you ran the build. " + "I wrote some sane defaults (for this machine) to 'gradle.properties', " + "they will be picked up on consecutive gradle invocations (not this one).\n\n" + "Run gradlew :helpLocalSettings for more information.") } } } // Disable any tasks in this build, they were forked recursively. gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph -> graph.allTasks.each { task -> if (task != rootProject.setupLocalDefaultsOnce) { task.enabled = false } } } // Make all tasks depend on local setup to make sure it'll run. allprojects { tasks.all { task -> if (task != rootProject.setupLocalDefaultsOnce) { task.dependsOn rootProject.setupLocalDefaultsOnce } } } }