/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import groovy.xml.NamespaceBuilder // Configure rat dependencies for use in the custom task. configure(rootProject) { configurations { ratDeps } dependencies { ratDeps "org.apache.rat:apache-rat:${scriptDepVersions['apache-rat']}" } } // Configure the rat validation task and all scanned directories. allprojects { task("rat", type: RatTask) { group = 'Verification' description = 'Runs Apache Rat checks.' def defaultScanFileTree = project.fileTree(projectDir, { // Don't check under the project's build folder. exclude project.buildDir.name // Exclude any generated stuff. exclude "src/generated" // Don't check any of the subprojects - they have their own rat tasks. exclude subprojects.collect { it.projectDir.name } // At the module scope we only check selected file patterns as folks have various .gitignore-d resources // generated by IDEs, etc. include "**/*.gradle" include "**/*.xml" include "**/*.md" include "**/*.py" include "**/*.sh" include "**/*.bat" // Include selected patterns from any source folders. We could make this // relative to source sets but it seems to be of little value - all our source sets // live under 'src' anyway. include "src/**" exclude "src/**/*.png" exclude "src/**/*.txt" exclude "src/**/*.zip" exclude "src/**/*.properties" exclude "src/**/*.utf8" // Conditionally apply module-specific patterns. We do it here instead // of reconfiguring each project because the provider can be made lazy // and it's easier to manage this way. switch (project.path) { case ":": include "gradlew" include "gradlew.bat" exclude ".gradle" exclude ".idea" exclude ".muse" exclude ".git" // Exclude github stuff (templates, workflows). exclude ".github" // The root project also includes patterns for the boostrap (buildSrc) and composite // projects. Include their sources in the scan. include "buildSrc/src/**" include "dev-tools/missing-doclet/src/**" break case ":lucene:analysis:morfologik": exclude "src/**/*.info" exclude "src/**/*.input" break case ":lucene:analysis:opennlp": exclude "src/**/en-test-lemmas.dict" break case ":lucene:test-framework": exclude "src/**/europarl.lines.txt.seek" break case ":lucene:analysis:common": exclude "src/**/*.aff" exclude "src/**/*.dic" exclude "src/**/*.good" exclude "src/**/*.sug" exclude "src/**/*.wrong" exclude "src/**/charfilter/*.htm*" exclude "src/**/*LuceneResourcesWikiPage.html" exclude "src/**/*.rslp" break case ":lucene:benchmark": exclude "data/" break } }) inputFileTrees.add(defaultScanFileTree) } } /** * An Apache RAT adapter that validates whether files contain acceptable licenses. */ class RatTask extends DefaultTask { @InputFiles ListProperty inputFileTrees = project.objects.listProperty(ConfigurableFileTree) @OutputFile RegularFileProperty xmlReport = project.objects.fileProperty().convention( project.layout.buildDirectory.file("rat/rat-report.xml")) def generateReport(File reportFile) { // Set up ant rat task. def uri = 'antlib:org.apache.rat.anttasks' def ratClasspath = project.rootProject.configurations.ratDeps.asPath ant.taskdef(resource: 'org/apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml', uri: uri, classpath: ratClasspath) def rat = NamespaceBuilder.newInstance(ant, uri) // Collect all output files for debugging. String inputFileList = inputFileTrees.get().collectMany { fileTree -> fileTree.asList() }.sort().join("\n") project.file(reportFile.path.replaceAll('.xml$', '-filelist.txt')).setText(inputFileList, "UTF-8") // Run rat via ant. rat.report(format: 'xml', reportFile: reportFile, addDefaultLicenseMatchers: true) { // Pass all gradle file trees to the ant task (Gradle's internal adapters are used). inputFileTrees.get().each { fileTree -> fileTree.addToAntBuilder(ant, 'resources', FileCollection.AntType.ResourceCollection) } // BSD 4-clause stuff (is disallowed below) substringMatcher(licenseFamilyCategory: "BSD4 ", licenseFamilyName: "Original BSD License (with advertising clause)") { pattern(substring: "All advertising materials") } // BSD-like stuff substringMatcher(licenseFamilyCategory: "BSD ", licenseFamilyName: "Modified BSD License") { // brics automaton pattern(substring: "Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Anders Moeller") // snowball pattern(substring: "Copyright (c) 2001, Dr Martin Porter") // UMASS kstem pattern(substring: "THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS") // Egothor pattern(substring: "Egothor Software License version 1.00") // JaSpell pattern(substring: "Copyright (c) 2005 Bruno Martins") // d3.js pattern(substring: "THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS") // highlight.js pattern(substring: "THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS") } // MIT-like substringMatcher(licenseFamilyCategory: "MIT ", licenseFamilyName:"Modified BSD License") { // ICU license pattern(substring: "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy") // ui-grid pattern(substring: " ; License: MIT") } // Apache substringMatcher(licenseFamilyCategory: "AL ", licenseFamilyName: "Apache") { pattern(substring: "Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under") // this is the old - school one under some files pattern(substring: 'Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")') } substringMatcher(licenseFamilyCategory: "GEN ", licenseFamilyName: "Generated") { // svg files generated by gnuplot pattern(substring: "Produced by GNUPLOT") // snowball stemmers generated by snowball compiler pattern(substring: "Generated by Snowball") // parsers generated by antlr pattern(substring: "ANTLR GENERATED CODE") } approvedLicense(familyName: "Apache") approvedLicense(familyName: "The MIT License") approvedLicense(familyName: "Modified BSD License") approvedLicense(familyName: "Generated") } } def printUnknownFiles(File reportFile) { def ratXml = new XmlParser().parse(reportFile) def errors = [] ratXml.resource.each { resource -> if (resource.'license-approval'.@name[0] == "false") { errors << "Unknown license: ${resource.@name}" } } if (errors) { throw new GradleException("Found " + errors.size() + " file(s) with errors:\n" + errors.collect{ msg -> " - ${msg}" }.join("\n")) } } @TaskAction def execute() { def origEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding") try { File reportFile = xmlReport.get().asFile generateReport(reportFile) printUnknownFiles(reportFile) } finally { if (System.getProperty("file.encoding") != origEncoding) { throw new GradleException("Something is wrong: Apache RAT changed file.encoding to ${System.getProperty('file.encoding')}?") } } } }