// If we run the test task with a filter we want to fail if no test actually ran (everything was excluded). configure(allprojects) { plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) { test { filter { failOnNoMatchingTests = false } } } } gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph -> def args = gradle.startParameter.taskNames def filters = args.findAll({ arg -> return arg == /--tests/ }) // Only apply the check if we are actually filtering. if (!filters.isEmpty()) { def testTasks = graph.allTasks.findAll { task -> task instanceof Test } // ... and there are some test tasks in the execution graph. if (!testTasks.isEmpty()) { def executedTests = 0 def executedTasks = 0 testTasks.each { task -> task.doFirst { executedTasks++ } task.afterSuite { desc, result -> executedTests += result.testCount } } // After the build is finished, check the test count. gradle.buildFinished { if (executedTests == 0 && executedTasks > 0) { throw new GradleException("No tests found for the given filters?") } } } } }