One or more of the JavaCC .jj files is newer than its corresponding
.java file. Run the "javacc" target to regenerate the artifacts.
JavaCC not found.
JavaCC Home: ${javacc.home}
JavaCC JAR: ${javacc.jar}
Please download and install JavaCC from:
Then, create a build.properties file either in your home
directory, or within the Lucene directory and set the javacc.home
property to the path where JavaCC is installed. For example,
if you installed JavaCC in /usr/local/java/javacc-3.2, then set the
javacc.home property to:
If you get an error like the one below, then you have not installed
things correctly. Please check all your paths and try again.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.javacc.parser.Main
JUnit not found.
Please make sure junit.jar is in ANT_HOME/lib, or made available
to Ant using other mechanisms like -lib or CLASSPATH.
Tests failed!
JUnit not found.
Please make sure junit.jar is in ANT_HOME/lib, or made available
to Ant using other mechanisms like -lib or CLASSPATH.
Tests failed!
AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that
you have jakarta.site2.home set correctly.