<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --%> <%@ page import="org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token, org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream, org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenFilterFactory, org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerChain, org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerFactory, org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType, org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField, org.apache.solr.util.XML, javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter,java.io.IOException "%> <%@ page import="java.io.Reader"%> <%@ page import="java.io.StringReader"%> <%@ page import="java.util.*"%> <%-- $Id$ --%> <%-- $Source: /cvs/main/searching/org.apache.solrolarServer/resources/admin/analysis.jsp,v $ --%> <%-- $Name: $ --%> <%@include file="header.jsp" %> <% // is name a field name or a type name? String nt = request.getParameter("nt"); if (nt==null || nt.length()==0) nt="name"; // assume field name nt = nt.toLowerCase().trim(); String name = request.getParameter("name"); if (name==null || name.length()==0) name=""; String val = request.getParameter("val"); if (val==null || val.length()==0) val=""; String qval = request.getParameter("qval"); if (qval==null || qval.length()==0) qval=""; String verboseS = request.getParameter("verbose"); boolean verbose = verboseS!=null && verboseS.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); String qverboseS = request.getParameter("qverbose"); boolean qverbose = qverboseS!=null && qverboseS.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); String highlightS = request.getParameter("highlight"); boolean highlight = highlightS!=null && highlightS.equalsIgnoreCase("on"); %>

Field Analysis

Field value (Index)
verbose output >
highlight matches >
Field value (Query)
verbose output >
<% SchemaField field=null; if (name!="") { if (nt.equals("name")) { try { field = schema.getField(name); } catch (Exception e) { out.print("Unknown Field: "); XML.escapeCharData(name, out); out.println(""); } } else { FieldType t = schema.getFieldTypes().get(name); if (null == t) { out.print("Unknown Field Type: "); XML.escapeCharData(name, out); out.println(""); } else { field = new SchemaField("fakefieldoftype:"+name, t); } } } if (field!=null) { HashSet matches = null; if (qval!="" && highlight) { Reader reader = new StringReader(qval); Analyzer analyzer = field.getType().getQueryAnalyzer(); TokenStream tstream = analyzer.tokenStream(field.getName(),reader); List tokens = getTokens(tstream); matches = new HashSet(); for (Token t : tokens) { matches.add( new Tok(t,0)); } } if (val!="") { out.println("

Index Analyzer

"); doAnalyzer(out, field, val, false, verbose,matches); } if (qval!="") { out.println("

Query Analyzer

"); doAnalyzer(out, field, qval, true, qverbose,null); } } %> <%! private static void doAnalyzer(JspWriter out, SchemaField field, String val, boolean queryAnalyser, boolean verbose, Set match) throws Exception { Reader reader = new StringReader(val); FieldType ft = field.getType(); Analyzer analyzer = queryAnalyser ? ft.getQueryAnalyzer() : ft.getAnalyzer(); if (analyzer instanceof TokenizerChain) { TokenizerChain tchain = (TokenizerChain)analyzer; TokenizerFactory tfac = tchain.getTokenizerFactory(); TokenFilterFactory[] filtfacs = tchain.getTokenFilterFactories(); TokenStream tstream = tfac.create(reader); List tokens = getTokens(tstream); tstream = tfac.create(reader); if (verbose) { writeHeader(out, tfac.getClass(), tfac.getArgs()); } writeTokens(out, tokens, ft, verbose, match); for (TokenFilterFactory filtfac : filtfacs) { if (verbose) { writeHeader(out, filtfac.getClass(), filtfac.getArgs()); } final Iterator iter = tokens.iterator(); tstream = filtfac.create( new TokenStream() { public Token next() throws IOException { return iter.hasNext() ? iter.next() : null; } } ); tokens = getTokens(tstream); writeTokens(out, tokens, ft, verbose, match); } } else { TokenStream tstream = analyzer.tokenStream(field.getName(),reader); List tokens = getTokens(tstream); if (verbose) { writeHeader(out, analyzer.getClass(), new HashMap()); } writeTokens(out, tokens, ft, verbose, match); } } static List getTokens(TokenStream tstream) throws IOException { List tokens = new ArrayList(); while (true) { Token t = tstream.next(); if (t==null) break; tokens.add(t); } return tokens; } private static class Tok { Token token; int pos; Tok(Token token, int pos) { this.token=token; this.pos=pos; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return ((Tok)o).token.termText().equals(token.termText()); } public int hashCode() { return token.termText().hashCode(); } public String toString() { return token.termText(); } } private static interface ToStr { public String toStr(Object o); } private static void printRow(JspWriter out, String header, List[] arrLst, ToStr converter, boolean multival, boolean verbose, Set match) throws IOException { // find the maximum number of terms for any position int maxSz=1; if (multival) { for (List lst : arrLst) { maxSz = Math.max(lst.size(), maxSz); } } for (int idx=0; idx"); if (idx==0 && verbose) { if (header != null) { out.print(""); XML.escapeCharData(header,out); out.println(""); } } for (int posIndex=0; posIndex lst = arrLst[posIndex]; if (lst.size() <= idx) continue; if (match!=null && match.contains(lst.get(idx))) { out.print("'); XML.escapeCharData(converter.toStr(lst.get(idx)), out); out.print(""); } out.println(""); } } static void writeHeader(JspWriter out, Class clazz, Map args) throws IOException { out.print("

"); out.print(clazz.getName()); XML.escapeCharData(" "+args,out); out.println("

"); } // readable, raw, pos, type, start/end static void writeTokens(JspWriter out, List tokens, final FieldType ft, boolean verbose, Set match) throws IOException { // Use a map to tell what tokens are in what positions // because some tokenizers/filters may do funky stuff with // very large increments, or negative increments. HashMap> map = new HashMap>(); boolean needRaw=false; int pos=0; for (Token t : tokens) { if (!t.termText().equals(ft.indexedToReadable(t.termText()))) { needRaw=true; } pos += t.getPositionIncrement(); List lst = map.get(pos); if (lst==null) { lst = new ArrayList(1); map.put(pos,lst); } Tok tok = new Tok(t,pos); lst.add(tok); } List[] arr = (List[])map.values().toArray(new ArrayList[map.size()]); /* Jetty 6.1.3 miscompiles this generics version... Arrays.sort(arr, new Comparator>() { public int compare(List toks, List toks1) { return toks.get(0).pos - toks1.get(0).pos; } } */ Arrays.sort(arr, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object toks, Object toks1) { return ((List)toks).get(0).pos - ((List)toks1).get(0).pos; } } ); out.println(""); if (verbose) { printRow(out,"term position", arr, new ToStr() { public String toStr(Object o) { return Integer.toString(((Tok)o).pos); } } ,false ,verbose ,null); } printRow(out,"term text", arr, new ToStr() { public String toStr(Object o) { return ft.indexedToReadable( ((Tok)o).token.termText() ); } } ,true ,verbose ,match ); if (needRaw) { printRow(out,"raw text", arr, new ToStr() { public String toStr(Object o) { // page is UTF-8, so anything goes. return ((Tok)o).token.termText(); } } ,true ,verbose ,match ); } if (verbose) { printRow(out,"term type", arr, new ToStr() { public String toStr(Object o) { String tt = ((Tok)o).token.type(); if (tt == null) { return "null"; } else { return tt; } } } ,true ,verbose, null ); } if (verbose) { printRow(out,"source start,end", arr, new ToStr() { public String toStr(Object o) { Token t = ((Tok)o).token; return Integer.toString(t.startOffset()) + ',' + t.endOffset() ; } } ,true ,verbose ,null ); } out.println("
"); } %>