@REM @REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more @REM contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with @REM this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. @REM The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 @REM (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with @REM the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at @REM @REM http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @REM @REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software @REM distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, @REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. @REM See the License for the specific language governing permissions and @REM limitations under the License. @echo off REM Settings here will override settings in existing env vars or in bin/solr. The default shipped state REM of this file is completely commented. REM By default the script will use JAVA_HOME to determine which java REM to use, but you can set a specific path for Solr to use without REM affecting other Java applications on your server/workstation. REM set SOLR_JAVA_HOME= REM Increase Java Min/Max Heap as needed to support your indexing / query needs REM set SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx512m REM Configure verbose GC logging: REM For Java 8: if this is set, additional params will be added to specify the log file & rotation REM For Java 9 or higher: GC_LOG_OPTS is currently not supported. If you set it, the startup script will exit with failure. REM set GC_LOG_OPTS=-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime REM Various GC settings have shown to work well for a number of common Solr workloads. REM See solr.cmd GC_TUNE for the default list. REM set GC_TUNE=-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:ConcGCThreads=4 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=64m REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime=6000 REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled REM set GC_TUNE=%GC_TUNE% -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow etc. REM Set the ZooKeeper connection string if using an external ZooKeeper ensemble REM e.g. host1:2181,host2:2181/chroot REM Leave empty if not using SolrCloud REM set ZK_HOST= REM Set the ZooKeeper client timeout (for SolrCloud mode) REM set ZK_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=15000 REM By default the start script uses "localhost"; override the hostname here REM for production SolrCloud environments to control the hostname exposed to cluster state REM set SOLR_HOST= REM By default Solr will try to connect to Zookeeper with 30 seconds in timeout; override the timeout if needed REM set SOLR_WAIT_FOR_ZK=30 REM By default the start script uses UTC; override the timezone if needed REM set SOLR_TIMEZONE=UTC REM Set to true to activate the JMX RMI connector to allow remote JMX client applications REM to monitor the JVM hosting Solr; set to "false" to disable that behavior REM (false is recommended in production environments) REM set ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS=false REM The script will use SOLR_PORT+10000 for the RMI_PORT or you can set it here REM set RMI_PORT=18983 REM Anything you add to the SOLR_OPTS variable will be included in the java REM start command line as-is, in ADDITION to other options. If you specify the REM -a option on start script, those options will be appended as well. Examples: REM set SOLR_OPTS=%SOLR_OPTS% -Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=3000 REM set SOLR_OPTS=%SOLR_OPTS% -Dsolr.autoCommit.maxTime=60000 REM set SOLR_OPTS=%SOLR_OPTS% -Dsolr.clustering.enabled=true REM Path to a directory for Solr to store cores and their data. By default, Solr will use server\solr REM If solr.xml is not stored in ZooKeeper, this directory needs to contain solr.xml REM set SOLR_HOME= REM Path to a directory that Solr will use as root for data folders for each core. REM If not set, defaults to /data. Overridable per core through 'dataDir' core property REM set SOLR_DATA_HOME= REM Changes the logging level. Valid values: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF. Default is INFO REM This is an alternative to changing the rootLogger in log4j2.xml REM set SOLR_LOG_LEVEL=INFO REM Location where Solr should write logs to. Absolute or relative to solr start dir REM set SOLR_LOGS_DIR=logs REM Enables log rotation before starting Solr. Setting SOLR_LOG_PRESTART_ROTATION=true will let Solr take care of pre REM start rotation of logs. This is false by default as log4j2 handles this for us. If you choose to use another log REM framework that cannot do startup rotation, you may want to enable this to let Solr rotate logs on startup. REM set SOLR_LOG_PRESTART_ROTATION=false REM Set the host interface to listen on. Jetty will listen on all interfaces ( by default. REM This must be an IPv4 ("a.b.c.d") or bracketed IPv6 ("[x::y]") address, not a hostname! REM set SOLR_JETTY_HOST= REM Sets the port Solr binds to, default is 8983 REM set SOLR_PORT=8983 REM Enables HTTPS. It is implictly true if you set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE. Use this config REM to enable https module with custom jetty configuration. REM set SOLR_SSL_ENABLED=true REM Uncomment to set SSL-related system properties REM Be sure to update the paths to the correct keystore for your environment REM set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks REM set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=secret REM set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks REM set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=secret REM Require clients to authenticate REM set SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=false REM Enable clients to authenticate (but not require) REM set SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false REM SSL Certificates contain host/ip "peer name" information that is validated by default. Setting REM this to false can be useful to disable these checks when re-using a certificate on many hosts REM set SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME=true REM Override Key/Trust Store types if necessary REM set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE=JKS REM set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE=JKS REM Uncomment if you want to override previously defined SSL values for HTTP client REM otherwise keep them commented and the above values will automatically be set for HTTP clients REM set SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE= REM set SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD= REM set SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE= REM set SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD= REM set SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_TYPE= REM set SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_TYPE= REM Sets path of Hadoop credential provider (hadoop.security.credential.provider.path property) and REM enables usage of credential store. REM Credential provider should store the following keys: REM * solr.jetty.keystore.password REM * solr.jetty.truststore.password REM Set the two below if you want to set specific store passwords for HTTP client REM * javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword REM * javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword REM More info: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/CredentialProviderAPI.html REM set SOLR_HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PATH=localjceks://file/home/solr/hadoop-credential-provider.jceks REM set SOLR_OPTS=" -Dsolr.ssl.credential.provider.chain=hadoop" REM Settings for authentication REM Please configure only one of SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_BUILDER or SOLR_AUTH_TYPE parameters REM set SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_BUILDER=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory REM set SOLR_AUTH_TYPE=basic REM set SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_OPTS="-Dbasicauth=solr:SolrRocks" REM Settings for ZK ACL REM set SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS=-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider ^ REM -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsSingleSetCredentialsDigestZkCredentialsProvider ^ REM -DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD ^ REM -DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD REM set SOLR_OPTS=%SOLR_OPTS% %SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS% REM When running Solr in non-cloud mode and if planning to do distributed search (using the "shards" parameter), the REM list of hosts needs to be whitelisted or Solr will forbid the request. The whitelist can be configured in solr.xml, REM or if you are using the OOTB solr.xml, can be specified using the system property "solr.shardsWhitelist". Alternatively REM host checking can be disabled by using the system property "solr.disable.shardsWhitelist" REM set SOLR_OPTS="%SOLR_OPTS% -Dsolr.shardsWhitelist=http://localhost:8983,http://localhost:8984"