@echo off REM You can override pass the following parameters to this script: REM set JVM=java REM Find location of this script set SDIR=%~dp0 if "%SDIR:~-1%"=="\" set SDIR=%SDIR:~0,-1% IF exist %SDIR%\..\..\solr-webapp\webapp\nul ( echo %SDIR%\....\..\solr-webapp\webapp exists ) ELSE ( echo ------------------- echo Unzip example\webapps\solr.war to example\solr-webapp\. to use this script. echo Starting the Solr example via start.jar will also do this extraction. echo ------------------- ) "%JVM%" -Dlog4j.configuration="file:%SDIR%\log4j.properties" -classpath "%SDIR%\..\..\solr-webapp\webapp\WEB-INF\lib\*;%SDIR%\..\..\lib\ext\*" org.apache.solr.cloud.ZkCLI %*